351 items found
3rd Reich Postkarte Unfallbekämpfung der Deutschen Reichspost

3rd Reich Postkarte Unfallbekämpfung der Deutschen Reichspost

In an excellent condition a postcard Accident prevention at the German Reichspost

Stamped by the 4. Reichsführer und Führerinnenlager der Hitlerjugend. Braunschweig 14.5.-24.5.1939

The postal service man explain to a small DJ boy that he should be careful around electrical outlets.  read more

Code: 54261

17.50 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe RKT Heinrich Starke Oberst. (Nachkrieg) Unterschrift und Foto

3rd Reich Luftwaffe RKT Heinrich Starke Oberst. (Nachkrieg) Unterschrift und Foto

In an excellent condition a Ritterkreuz Träger Heinrich Starke Oberst. (Postwar) signatures and Photo

A thank you letter from Starke to the collector Monsieur Faillat, where he wishes him much pleasure in his collecting.

Both the letter and photo have been post war signed.

His letter is a sumning of all his actions during WWII and his work afterwards...  read more

Code: 54264

80.00 EUR

3rd Reich Flugblatt zur Bühnenfestspiele Bayreuth (Wagner 1936)

3rd Reich Flugblatt zur Bühnenfestspiele Bayreuth (Wagner 1936)

In an excellent condition a leaflet to the Bayreuth Stage Festival (Wagner 1936)

A Richard Wagner performance between July 19th and August 31st 1936. It is known that for this performance in Bayreuth also a record was made. It was the favorite artist and concert for the Führer. The leaflet names all artist who played in the opera.  read more

Code: 54265


3rd Reich Das Horst Wessel Lied Ansichtkarte mit Ständer

3rd Reich Das Horst Wessel Lied Ansichtkarte mit Ständer

In a very good condition a Horst Wessel song postcard with stand

Written on the back "with permission of the Horst Wessel heirs, re-print is forbidden! Made by LaBi-Verlag from Dresden.  read more

Code: 54240


3rd Reich Ansichtskarte SA Reichswettkämpfe 1938

3rd Reich Ansichtskarte SA Reichswettkämpfe 1938

In an unused condition a SA Reichs competitions 1938  read more

Code: 54217

12.50 EUR

Deutsche Reich der Vermächtnis von Einem Bayerische Kriegspflegerin

Deutsche Reich der Vermächtnis von Einem Bayerische Kriegspflegerin

In an excellent condition a legacy from a Bavarian wartime red cross assistant

The documents of the Bavarian Rotes Kreuz Assistent Grete Bossert show her career during WWI

1. A Freiwillige Krankenpflege Ausweiskarte 1916
2. A 5 days nursing course during 1914 war year
3. An award document for the Kriegserinnerungsabzeichen 1914/18
4. An Auweis...  read more

Code: 54210

100.00 EUR

3rd Reich der Vermächtnis von Einem DRK Vorhelferin

3rd Reich der Vermächtnis von Einem DRK Vorhelferin

In an excellent condition a legacy of a former DRK Assistant

The documents of the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Assistent Gertrüde Prosser show her career from before the war until after the war.

1. A DRK Dienstbuch
2. A DRK Personal-Ausweis
3. A DRK Kreisstelle Gmunden dokument for der beförderung of the Helferin into DRK-Vorhelferin
4. A DRK Prüfungs...  read more

Code: 54208

125.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtkart Ein Wehrmacht Kavallerie Offizier

3rd Reich Ansichtkart Ein Wehrmacht Kavallerie Offizier

In a very good condition a postcard of a Wehrmacht cavalry officer

Marked on the back by the company Agfa  read more

Code: 54206

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Feldpost für die überreichung der Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz

3rd Reich Feldpost für die überreichung der Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz

In an good condition a field post letter for the handover of the wound badge in black

Addressed to the wife of the soldier in the field. Feldpost nummer 14012B dated May 21st 1942  read more

Code: 54141

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Ritterkreuzträger Generalfeldmarschall Von Rundstedt

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Ritterkreuzträger Generalfeldmarschall Von Rundstedt

In a very good condition a postcard from Knight Cross carrier Generalfeldmarschall from Rundstedt

Part of the serie Männer der Westfront. Emblem of VDA Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland.  read more

Code: 54195

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Verleihungsurkunde Medaille für Deutsche Volkspflege

3rd Reich Verleihungsurkunde Medaille für Deutsche Volkspflege

In an almost mint condition an award document for the medal of German healthcare.

Made out to the Deutsche Rotes Kreuz Hilfsschwester Martha Rau from Meiningen  read more

Code: 54194


3rd Reich Völkischer Beobachter Beginn der U-Boot-Krieg (1941)

3rd Reich Völkischer Beobachter Beginn der U-Boot-Krieg (1941)

In a very good condition a People's Observer newspaper Start of the submarine war (1941)

This was a sonderausgabe (special edition) on January 31st 1941. The headline "Führer und volk unlöslich verschworen. Im frühjahr beginnt der U-Boot-Krieg. Other pieces in the newspaper are about Hitlers speach in the sport palace. This speach has been put in the newspaper. On the last page a...  read more

Code: 54193

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Dokumentgruppe von eine Wehrmacht Soldat

3rd Reich Dokumentgruppe von eine Wehrmacht Soldat

In an excellent condition a document group from a Wehrmacht soldier

The soldier received three orden certificates. two for wound badge (Verwundetenabzeichen) in black and one for the winter war medal (Ostmedaille).
Other documents received was the right to wear the printed armband "Hilfskrankenträger" and a letter from the allies allowing him to travel one day from Holzb...  read more

Code: 54184

165.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Königliche Bayerisches 2. Infanterie-Regiment ersatz bataillon konvolut

Kaiserreich Königliche Bayerisches 2. Infanterie-Regiment ersatz bataillon konvolut

In an excellent condition Royal Bavarian 2nd infantry regiment Ersatz bataillon bundle

These documents are all from a soldier called Schneider who was part of the Königlich Bayerisches 2. Infanterie-Regiment konvolut. At the end of the war he was imprisoned in Oswestry in English captivity. Also a card was sent to his wife letting her know he was a POW and he was in Oswestry. Som...  read more

Code: 54181

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftangriffe auf München Luftschutz Brief

3rd Reich Luftangriffe auf München Luftschutz Brief

In an excellent condition a bombing attack on Munich air protection letter

The letter starts "Was lehrt uns der Terrorangriff auf München". The letter has been sent to all people in München and sums up various measures to do during an air raid should it happen again. 1st rule s that all leader of the air protection are not allowed to leave their posts, only if they have authoriz...  read more

Code: 54175

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich Hindenburg Flugblatt zur Reichspräsidentschaftswahl

3rd Reich Hindenburg Flugblatt zur Reichspräsidentschaftswahl

In a very good but used condition a Hindenburg leaflet for the presidential election

In 1932 the election for Reichspräsident had only 3 candidates.

Ernst Thälmann from the KPN (German Communist party), with their slogan „Wer Hindenburg wählt, wählt Hitler, wer Hitler wählt, wählt den Krieg.“

Paul Hindenburg (no party), with his slogan „der Erste im ...  read more

Code: 54174

50.00 EUR

Nachkriegzeit Lebensmittelmarke

Nachkriegzeit Lebensmittelmarke

In an excellent condition a post-war ration tickets

Most likely this card is from 1945 just after the war to provide the people of the city of Bingen. This city was already occupied by the allies when this card was provided for the period 12 until 25th of April.  read more

Code: 54173

15.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Reise Brotmarke 50 Gramm Gebäck (1918)

Kaiserreich Reise Brotmarke 50 Gramm Gebäck (1918)

In an excellent condition a rice bread marks for 50 gramm of pastries (1918)

These were use in the last year of war because the shortage of food were so large that some could only be bought when you had a food stamp.

price for set of 6 stamps  read more

Code: 54170

4.00 EUR

3rd Reich Hitlerjugend Abnahmeberechtigungsausweis

3rd Reich Hitlerjugend Abnahmeberechtigungsausweis

In an excellent condition a HJ entitlement ID card

The entitlement ID card was for the Leistungsabzeichen. Made out to Arthur Benz from Stuttgart, Württemberg. Bann 119  read more

Code: 54168


3rd Reich Heimkehr der deutschen Legion (Condor) Postkarte

3rd Reich Heimkehr der deutschen Legion (Condor) Postkarte

In an excellent condition a return of the German Legion Condor postcard  read more

Code: 54167

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich Lohnsteuerkarte 1942 Ludwigshaven

3rd Reich Lohnsteuerkarte 1942 Ludwigshaven

In a very good condition an income tax card 1942 Ludwigshaven

Nice time-period income tax document dated 1942 from Ludwigshaven. He earned 304,35 Reichsmark and had to pay income tax 1 RM and as Bürgersteuer (Citizen tax) 4,50 Reichsmark. He worked at the Knoll AG Chemical factories.  read more

Code: 54152

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Invalidenversicherung Quittungskarte A (1940)

3rd Reich Invalidenversicherung Quittungskarte A (1940)

In an excellent condition an invalid insurance receipt A (1940)

Various stamps and a nice time-period insurance paper which was compulsary for every German. Dated December 1st 1940 by the insurance office Darmstadt.  read more

Code: 54151

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich KdF Deutsche Sammlergemeinschaft Ansichtkart 1937

3rd Reich KdF Deutsche Sammlergemeinschaft Ansichtkart 1937

In an unused condition a KdF German collectors' community Postcard1937

Frontside: Deutsche Sammlergemeinschaft der National-Sozialistische Gemeinschaft. Kraft durch Freude. Sammeln am Feierabend. Ausstellung Berlin 3. - 5. September 1937. Schirmherr Reichsleiter Dr. Robert Ley. Symbol of the power through joy. First day stamp. Card is unused.  read more

Code: 54150

10.00 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette “Die Kameradschaft überwindet die Not

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette “Die Kameradschaft überwindet die Not"

In a mint condition a Winterhilfswerk door poster "The camaraderie overcomes the need"

Frontside: A row of men standing side by side. Die Kameradschaft überwindet die Not. 1936.-1937 with national eagle.

Backside: Unmoistned paper, when made wet it still can be attached to a window.  read more

Code: 54144


Deutsche Reich Arbeitsbuch (1936-1944)

Deutsche Reich Arbeitsbuch (1936-1944)

Arbeitsbuch from Ludwig Stein from Bad Wimpfen in excellent condition.

Signed by the Arbeitsamt in Helbronn April 24th 1936. He worked mostly as a farmworker and in contruction. Later during the war as a hilfsarbeiter (Auxiliary worker). Between 1941 and 1944 it seems he went into active duty since there was no work signed off in his book. He saved a clover 4 for good luck in hi...  read more

Code: 54143

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich DRL Anerkennung Schwerathletischen Bezirksmeisterschaften Kriegsjahr 1944

3rd Reich DRL Anerkennung Schwerathletischen Bezirksmeisterschaften Kriegsjahr 1944

In an excellent condition a DRL recognition of heavy athletics district championships, war year 1944

An unused Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen recognition document.

With silver leaf which would suggest it could have been made to a 2nd place position.  read more

Code: 54142

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Dokumentgruppe von einen Artz

3rd Reich Dokumentgruppe von einen Artz

In an excellent condition a document group from a doctor

1. A letter of congratulations to Doctor Gottlob Vogel with the birth of his son by the Reichsärztekammer.
2. A Reigenehmigung for his wife to drive free with the train between February 6th and 20th 1945.  read more

Code: 54136

22.50 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrpass Landsturm IA

3rd Reich Wehrpass Landsturm IA

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht military Wehrpass Landsturm IA

If I read it correctly the name is Valentin Eschellemann born in the state Baden 1892, his job was Kaufmann (Salesman) and he was re-instated for active duty from October 19th 1943 when he was already 51 years of age in the Landsturm IA Wehrbezirkskommando Mannheim I. Looking at his photo he was a hauptmann  read more

Code: 54135

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Appell des RAD auf der Zeppelinwiese

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Appell des RAD auf der Zeppelinwiese

In a very good condition a post card RAD inspection on the Zeppelinweise

Reichsparteitag Nürnberg. Post card by Hoffmann  read more

Code: 54122


Deutsche Reich Reisepass

Deutsche Reich Reisepass

In an excellent condition a German Empire travel pass.

The pass is for the family with children and was allowed to be used in foreign countries. Dated 1932 and was to be used until 1937.  read more

Code: 54120

30.00 EUR