333 items found
3rd Reich WhW Türplakette

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette "Opferwille Entscheidet"

In a mint condition a Winterhilfswerk door poster "Willingness to sacrifice decides"

Frontside: Soldier and NSDAP men side by side. WhWH 1935/1936. Maker marked ... Albrecht 1935

Backside: marked Papier patentgummiert, nur anfeuchten (Patent gummed paper, just moisten)  read more

Code: 53456


3rd Reich Luftwaffe RKT Hannes Trautloft (Nachkrieg) Unterschrift und Fotos

3rd Reich Luftwaffe RKT Hannes Trautloft (Nachkrieg) Unterschrift und Fotos

In an excellent condition a Ritterkreuz Träger Hannes Trautloft (Postwar) signatures and Photos

On the Photo is written in French to the collector Monsieur Faillat, the backside is stickered by the French army Siripa and the ministry of defense. This sticker allowes this specific foto to have been reproduced from the original negative.

The other photo is addressed...  read more

Code: 53451

80.00 EUR

3rd Reich Urkunde Metallspende des deutschen Volkes

3rd Reich Urkunde Metallspende des deutschen Volkes

In an excellent condition a ‎Certificate metal donation of the German people‎

On March 27, 1940, Field Marshal Hermann Goering called for the German people to make a donation for the Führer's birthday, the new metal donation, based on the impending birthday of the Führer. corresponding decree had already been issued to the Reich Ministers on February 23, 1940. As in the First Wor...  read more

Code: 53447

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Deutsche Arbeitsfront Mitgliedsbuch (DAF)

3rd Reich Deutsche Arbeitsfront Mitgliedsbuch (DAF)

In an excellent condition a German Work front membership book (DAF)  read more

Code: 53395

25.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs

Deutsche Reich Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs

In an excellent condition a book with the constitution of the German Reich

This book states the constitution after the Weimar agreement and was handed out to all students who were completing their study.  read more

Code: 53389

20.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Ehren-Urkunde Reichsjägerwettkämpfen 1926

Deutsche Reich Ehren-Urkunde Reichsjägerwettkämpfen 1926

In an excellent condition an honor award document for the Reichs Infantry competitions 1926

Signed by Reichspresident Hindenburg  read more

Code: 53384

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Broschüre

3rd Reich Broschüre "Werbewoche der Preußischen Staatstheaters"

In an excellent condition a brochure “Advertising Week of the Prussian State Theater”

The brochure tells what the costs are for a (Dauerkart) season ticket to see multiple shows or just one or day ticket and per seat ranking.  read more

Code: 53385

15.00 EUR

Russian zone Konvolut Dokumenten einen Pionier der Wehrmacht

Russian zone Konvolut Dokumenten einen Pionier der Wehrmacht

In an excellent condition a bundle of documents of a Wehrmacht pioneer

The pioneer was lended out from the 4. Kompanie/ Baupionier-Bataillon 788 between July 16th and July 31st 1944 to the Pionier-Regiment-Stabes (mot.) 413. Most likely in Italy. Only his Ausweis A is present his Soldbuch is missing.

Most likely the husband of Mrs. Koch Artikel 53314 or at least re...  read more

Code: 53315

45.00 EUR

Russian zone Behelfsmässiger Personalausweis - паспорт

Russian zone Behelfsmässiger Personalausweis - паспорт

In an excellent condition a Russian zone temporary ID card - passport

After WWII the eastern part of Germany became the Soviet occupation zone under which Thüringen where this document was made in 1946 (Gera). From 1947 the "Volksrat" was created as Communist advice council. From 1949 the DDR was created.

The document is made out to Marianne Koch who was a housewif...  read more

Code: 53314

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Erinnerungsbuch an den Bau des Westwalles

3rd Reich Erinnerungsbuch an den Bau des Westwalles

In an excellent condition a remembrance book for the building of the Westwall

The book starts with Arbeitete 1938, im Jahre des Anschlusses der Ostmark und der Befreiung der Sudetendeutschen, für die Sicherung der Deutschen Grenzen. The name of the owner has been striked-through. The book is written by the Generalinspektor für das deutsche Straßenwesen.

More phot...  read more

Code: 53312

55.00 EUR

3rd Reich Foto Ein Wehrmacht Infanterie soldat in Rahmen

3rd Reich Foto Ein Wehrmacht Infanterie soldat in Rahmen

In an excellent condition a photo in frame of a Wehrmacht infantry soldier with medals.

The soldier has the Iron Cross 2nd class, Wound badge in black and the Silver Infantry Assault badge .

Size of the frame is +/- 34.5 x 26.4  read more

Code: 53309

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtskarten Olympiade XI 1936 Gebäude..

3rd Reich Ansichtskarten Olympiade XI 1936 Gebäude..

In an excellent condition postcards Olympic XI 1936 buildings

6 postcards with fully prepared and build olympic buildings which were used during the 1936 Olympics in Berlin.  read more

Code: 53308

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ansichtkarte Kreuzer Köln

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ansichtkarte Kreuzer Köln

In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarien postcard Cruiser Cologne.

Maker marked Hans Andres from Hamburg.  read more

Code: 53302

7.50 EUR

3rd Reich Dokumentgruppe von eine Nicht Reichsdeutscher

3rd Reich Dokumentgruppe von eine Nicht Reichsdeutscher

In a very good condition a document group of a non- Reichs German.

The documents are all made out to a Polish man Franciszek Fortunka who is working as a milker for Konrad Hartmann. The man is described as stateless because Poland did not exist and Germany did not see them as a legal person with a country. Nonetheless this man worked since 1941 in this German company where it ev...  read more

Code: 53235

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Dokumentgruppe von eine Hitlerjugend mitglied.

3rd Reich Dokumentgruppe von eine Hitlerjugend mitglied.

In an excellent condition a Group of documents from a member of the Hitler Youth.

All documents are made out to Gerd Ernst who became a Deutsches Jungvolk mitglied from 1937 and a Hordenführer in 1938, various shooting books of the DJ and HJ. Also a Hitlerjugend Leistungsbuch where he achieved the silver Leistungsabzeichen in 1943. Afterwards at the age of 16 he particpated in an...  read more

Code: 53234

385.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verleihungsurkunde Eiserne Kreuz 2, Klasse

3rd Reich Verleihungsurkunde Eiserne Kreuz 2, Klasse

In an excellent condition an award document iron cross 2nd class

The document has been made out in the field to a Stabsgefreiten Hentschel from the 4. Grenadier Regiment 154 and signed by Curt Siewert Generalmajor and Kommandeur 58. Infanterie-Division of which the 154th regiment was part in 1944.

Background info:

From June 22, 1941, the division to...  read more

Code: 53233

115.00 EUR

3rd Reich Urkunde Medaille für Deutsche Volkspflege

3rd Reich Urkunde Medaille für Deutsche Volkspflege

In an excellent condition an award document for German's people care.

The document has been made out to a Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Schwester Gerda Börner from Breslau (Present day Wrocław in Poland)  read more

Code: 53232

85.00 EUR

3rd Reich RNST Landmachinenkurzus für Landwirte Zeugnis

3rd Reich RNST Landmachinenkurzus für Landwirte Zeugnis

In an excellent condition a RNST Agricultural machinery course for farmers certificate

The certificate document is made out by the company Deula Kraft which still excists to this day. At the end of 1935, the Deula Kraft moves from Zee sen to Berlin-Wartenberg and begins in 1936 with 15 employees two weeks Tractor and agricultural machinery courses. This town doesn't exist anymore...  read more

Code: 53216

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Urkunde für ein Beamter auf Lebenszeit und Kraftwagenführer

3rd Reich Urkunde für ein Beamter auf Lebenszeit und Kraftwagenführer

In an excellent condition a award document grouping for a civil servant and driver

1. Urkunde signed by the der Präsident der Reichsbahndirektion Nürnberg to promote Georg Nuss to civil servant for life.

2. Recognition document to promote Georg Nuss as candidate toward driver (Kraftwagenführer) signed by the der Präsident der Reichsbahndirektion Nürnberg  read more

Code: 53215

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Erinnerungen an meine Dienstzeit

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Erinnerungen an meine Dienstzeit

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht remembrances of my service time album

The service time of the soldier starts in the 5th Prussian infantry regiment 9th company. But continues as a veteran paramedic in the Landwehr batallion 1st company 2nd zug 1937.

He was stationed in a bunker from the Westwall and entered France during the 1940 campaign after the truce they ...  read more

Code: 53205

250.00 EUR

3rd Reich Deutsche Reichspost Schmuckblatt-Telegramm

3rd Reich Deutsche Reichspost Schmuckblatt-Telegramm

In an excellent condition a Deutsche Reichspost celebration telegram card

The text reads:

Telegramm aus Bremen Flughaven, nr. 0693, 11 W. vom December 11th 1937, 19:21 uhr. To Sophie Hillebrand, Bremen. To congratulate her for her marriage from the Firma Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH.  read more

Code: 53202

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Buch Durch die Weite Welt Band XX

3rd Reich Buch Durch die Weite Welt Band XX

In good but used condition a book Through the whole world part 20.

A boys book of over 300 pages with used covers. A lot of information for the boys of the Hitlerjugend.

A large complete explanation about how to read the time and position based on the stars, moon and the sun. Too lot to mention but the books explains about animals and animal tracking. Medals, cars...  read more

Code: 53201


3rd Reich Pressefoto Haas Propagandakompanie XI Fliegerkorps

3rd Reich Pressefoto Haas Propagandakompanie XI Fliegerkorps

In an excellent condition a press photo from Haas, propaganda company XI Air Corps

Dated June 13th 1943 and maker marked Sipho S.A. on the back.

Propaganda paper for the news attached:

Attack repelled

There is no rest for him either after the attack. The paratrooper searches the horizon for enemy low-flying aircraft. PK Haas A. 119 o...  read more

Code: 53195

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette "Mit vollen Segeln in den Kampf für das WHW"

In a mint condition a Winterhilfwerk door poster "With full sail in the fight for the WHW"

Frontside: WHW 1935/36. A viking ship with viking moving through the sea. Mit vollen Segeln in den Kampf für das WHW  read more

Code: 53190

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSFK Urkunde und Glückwunschschreiben.

3rd Reich NSFK Urkunde und Glückwunschschreiben.

In an excellent condition a NSFK award document and letter of congratulations.

The Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps member Fritz Weber was promoted from NSFK-Oberscharführer to NSFK-Truppführer on November 9th 1940.

The letter of congratulations is very interesting. The NSFK Gruppe 14 was named Bayern Süd and renamed to Hochland, they also changed their addres...  read more

Code: 53185

150.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs

Deutsche Reich Die Verfassung des Deutschen Reichs

In an excellent condition a book with the constitution of the German Reich

This book states the constitution after the Weimar agreement and was handed out to all students who were completing their study.  read more

Code: 53168

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe RKT Wolfgang Späte (Nachkrieg) Unterschrift und Ansichtkarte

3rd Reich Luftwaffe RKT Wolfgang Späte (Nachkrieg) Unterschrift und Ansichtkarte

In an excellent condition a Ritterkreuz Träger Wolfgang Späte (Postwar) signatures and letter

Letter is written in French to the collector Monsieur Faillat. The letter starts also with Mon cher ami Faillat, My dear friend Faillat.

Both the postcard and photo have been post war signed.

He was member of the Jäger Geschwader 54 and test pilot of the M...  read more

Code: 53167

80.00 EUR

3rd Reich HJ Sport-Tagebuch der Deutschen Jugend

3rd Reich HJ Sport-Tagebuch der Deutschen Jugend

In an unused condition a Hitlerjugend Sports registration book for the German youth

In this book one could hold the scores of any exercise one made in sports. In the back there is an explenation of what had to be accomplished by the Jungvolk, Hitlerjugend, Jungmädel and Bund Deutschen Mädel.  read more

Code: 53159

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtskarte Nationaler Feiertag 1934

3rd Reich Ansichtskarte Nationaler Feiertag 1934

In an excellent condition a postcard of the National Holiday 1st May 1934  read more

Code: 53151

9.50 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Leitfäden für den Gebrauch an der Wetterdienstschule

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Leitfäden für den Gebrauch an der Wetterdienstschule

In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe Guide for use in the Weather Service School

26 pages guide with many pictures of various Luftwaffe airplaines which were in use during 1941  read more

Code: 53126

45.00 EUR