351 items found
3rd Reich Tiroler Standschützenverband Jahresschiessbuch (1939)

3rd Reich Tiroler Standschützenverband Jahresschiessbuch (1939)

In an excellent condition a Tiroler Standschützenverband Annual Shooting Book (1939)

The Schiessbuch has nr. 37202 and is from Franz Riess. It is for the year 1939/40  read more

Code: 54490

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich DR Sieger-Urkunde Brüssel

3rd Reich DR Sieger-Urkunde Brüssel

In an excellent condition a Deutsche Reihsbahn military sports championship award document

Sieger-Urkunde for 4 x 100 meter running by 4 Reichsbahn Inspectors. The championship was held nu the Hauptverkersdirektion Brüssel. Ortsunterkunft den 14 November 1942.  read more

Code: 54400


3rd Reich DR Berzeichnis der zugelassenen Winter- und Regenschutzkleidung

3rd Reich DR Berzeichnis der zugelassenen Winter- und Regenschutzkleidung

In a very good condition a Deutsche Reichsbahn List of Approved Winter and Rainwear

Dated February 1939. Stamped, Stendal - Reichsbahn-Ausbesserungswerk Betriebsarchiv

The book has easy lookup rules about which employee of the Reichsbahn gets which kind of rain or winterprotection. Like boots or winter coat etcetera.  read more

Code: 54401

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette "Die Grösste Friedenstat der Welt"

In a mint condition a Winterhilfswerk door poster "The Greatest Act of Peace in the World"

Frontside: WhW 1936/1937. Large national eagle between the world and the moon. Die Grösste Friedenstat der Welt

Backside: marked Papier patentgummiert, nur anfeuchten (Patent gummed paper, just moisten)  read more

Code: 54432

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette "Der Kampf beginnt"

In a mint condition a Winterhilfswerk door poster "The battle begins"

Frontside: WhW 1936/1937. Angry looking man looking forward to the battle ahead. Der Kampf beginnt

Backside: Unmoistned paper, when made wet it still can be attached to a window.  read more

Code: 54433

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Bad Kissingen, Manteuffel-Kaserne

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Bad Kissingen, Manteuffel-Kaserne

In a very good condition a post card Bad Kissingen, Manteuffel-Kaserne

Dated by someone April 12th 1942.

In 1936-37 Manteuffel Kaserne, named in honor of Freiherr von Manteuffel of old dragoons fame, was built to house these troops. Later, units of the 2nd Panzer Division occupied the barracks. Following the end of World War II, the area was briefly occupied by th...  read more

Code: 54448

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Luftwaffe Übungsplatz Wustrow

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Luftwaffe Übungsplatz Wustrow

In a very good condition a post card Luftwaffe practice area Wustrow

Five luftwaffe personel preparing a mobile search light

Backside: Aufname Eschenburg. Verlag: Alt-Gaarzer Buchhandlung No 9  read more

Code: 54447

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Foto SA-Sanitätswache mit einer SA-Sanitäter

3rd Reich Foto SA-Sanitätswache mit einer SA-Sanitäter

In a very good condition a photo with SA medical station with an SA paramedic

A nice historical picture of a SA-Sanitätswache.

Marked on the back Leonar, which was a photographical company in Berlin at the time  read more

Code: 54449

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Leichter Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz.222

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Leichter Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz.222

In a very good condition a post card with the Light armored reconnaissance vehicle Sd.Kfz.222  read more

Code: 54450

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Feldgesangbuchfur die Katholischen Mannschaften des Heeres

3rd Reich Feldgesangbuchfur die Katholischen Mannschaften des Heeres

In a very good condition a Field Hymn Book for the Catholic Troops of the Army

Together with the booklet samaritergrüße ins lazarett seelsorgerbrief an unsere verwundeten (Samaritan greetings to the hospital pastoral letter to our wounded)  read more

Code: 54462

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht meine Dienstzeit (Hitler fotografiert)

3rd Reich Wehrmacht meine Dienstzeit (Hitler fotografiert)

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht my service time. album (Photographs with Hitler)

106 photo's in total.

The first image has Hitler photographed during a visit of him. You can see him walk by the soldiers and at a balcony. They are from a far but he is very recognizable.

.  read more

Code: 54468

350.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ein Briefumschlag Der landesversicherungsanhalt (1945)

3rd Reich Ein Briefumschlag Der landesversicherungsanhalt (1945)

In a very good condition An envelope from the state insurance fund (1945)

The 7000 Reichsmark were sent when the Russians were on the brink to conquer Stettin. So money was sent away to be kept safe in parts of Germany that were no occupied, like Halle. The envelop is dated February 14 1945 and the city was taken by the Russians on April 26th 1945. After the war Stettin became P...  read more

Code: 54475

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Fotoalbum Reichsbahn in Belgien (Wallonien)

3rd Reich Fotoalbum Reichsbahn in Belgien (Wallonien)

In an excellent condition a photo album Reichsbahn in Beglum (Wallonia)

More then 132 photo's of a Reichsbahn employee, scenery photo's. war dama photo's, visits to battle areas of WWI and personal photo''s of a fire drill, fun with colleagues and of his dog.

More photo's on request!  read more

Code: 54469

250.00 EUR

3rd Reich Fotoalbum Wehrmacht in Norwegen

3rd Reich Fotoalbum Wehrmacht in Norwegen

In a very good condition a Photo album Wehrmacht in Norwegia

Over 136 photo's are in the album.

The photo's are from a Wehrmacht soldier who was part of the occupational forces in Norwegia (LXXI Army Corps). Photos of the move to Norwegia by train, ship and finaly in Norwegia and a trainstation in Lillehammer. Last photo page there is a photo of WIli Moser General ...  read more

Code: 54473

300.00 EUR

3rd Reich Die Geburt Christi von Robert Schäfer (1933)

3rd Reich Die Geburt Christi von Robert Schäfer (1933)

In a very good condition a The Birth of Christ by Robert Schäfer (1933)

Play for amateurs written by the Christliche Kaiser Verlag in München (dated 1933)

49 pages  read more

Code: 54472

7.50 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette "Seid Sozialisten der Tat"

In a mint condition a Winterhilfswerk door poster "Be Socialists of Action"

Frontside: Friedrich der Große. Seid Sozialisten der Tat. 1786 - 1936

Backside: marked Papier patentgummiert, nur anfeuchten (Patent gummed paper, just moisten)  read more

Code: 54481

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Fotoalbum Wehrmacht in Romenia

3rd Reich Fotoalbum Wehrmacht in Romenia

In a very good condition a Photo album Wehrmacht in Romenia

90 Foto's in total

Most likely made by a Wehmacht soldier or officer.
Many foto's made of various sceneries. But also of the Romenian soldiers but also gypsies and people who were met. Also gatherings by the Wehrmacht with Romenian soldiers and columns of Wehrmacht soldiers on the move.

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Code: 54467

300.00 EUR

3rd Reich DR Lehrfachbuch Lokomotivkund Heft 1 (1943)

3rd Reich DR Lehrfachbuch Lokomotivkund Heft 1 (1943)

In a good but used condition a Deutsche Reichsbahn Textbook Locomotive Science Volume 1 (1943)

These books were even used long after the war and all were denazified. This one the sticker was removed again. The book has been repaired in the past. A section of the book is loose. It is however still complete. Pirces accordingly!

Dated 1943 2nd print - 87 pages  read more

Code: 54402

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Sozial-Merkblätter für die Arbeiter der Deutschen Reichsbahn (Heft 1)

3rd Reich Sozial-Merkblätter für die Arbeiter der Deutschen Reichsbahn (Heft 1)

In an excellent condition a Social information sheets for the workers of the Deutsche Reichsbahn (Volume 1)

Old age and survivors benefits for Reichsbahn workers. Late war example from juli 1944.  read more

Code: 54350


3rd Reich DR Der erste Tag der Deutschen Eisenbahners 1943

3rd Reich DR Der erste Tag der Deutschen Eisenbahners 1943

In an excellent condition a DR the 1st day of the German Railway workers

Deutsche Reichsbahn official newsletter for their employees number 51/52 1943

It shows photo's from the day with speeches from Dr. Dorpmüller and in the audience Dr. Ley, Dr. Goebbels and others. With employees of the DR who received a iron cross 2nd class or a KVK 2nd class with swords and mu...  read more

Code: 54349


3rd Reich Pressefoto Fallschirmjäger Normandie gegenüber Amerikaner

3rd Reich Pressefoto Fallschirmjäger Normandie gegenüber Amerikaner

In an excellent condition a press photo with Paratroopers Normandie versus Americans

On the back written by the Presse Kriegsberichter Dr. Rieder.

German paratroopers laying in the area of St. Lo with American divisions on the other side. A Batallion of the Green devils hat already destroyed a complete American division. The MG 42 is the weapon of...  read more

Code: 54352

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich DR Im Dienst der Deutschen Reichsbahn

3rd Reich DR Im Dienst der Deutschen Reichsbahn

In an excellent condition a book in the service of the German Reichs railway

Book is written to show young people the possibilities of a carreer in the Deutsche Reichsbahn. About 31 pages  read more

Code: 54353


3rd Reich WhW Türplakette

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette "Der Kostbarste Edelstein das opferbereite Deutsche Herz"

In a mint condition a Winterhilfswerk door poster "The most precious gem is the self-sacrificing German heart""

Frontside: WhW 1935/1936. Large eagle with a WhW broche Der Kostbarste Edelstein das opferbereite Deutsche Herz  read more

Code: 54358

12.50 EUR

In an almost mint condition a Decorative telegram German Reichspost

Size 21 x 29.5 cm. This is written most likely also on 1939 together with article 54375

Frontside: Drawning of a clipper ship in sea with NSDAP Swastika flag and a liner ship in the background. Made by Hans Bohrdt

Center: Telegramm aus Frankfurt am Main,

addressee Mis...  read more

Code: 54376

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Theater zü Litzmannstadt/ Warthegaü

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Theater zü Litzmannstadt/ Warthegaü

In a very good condition a post card Theatre in Litzmannstadt/Warthegaü

Litzmannstadt was the name that was given from 1940 untill the end of the war to Łódź (Poland). The theatre zu Litzmannstadt was closed down in 1944 because of the retreat of the German army. At present it is called the Stefan Jaracz Theatre

The postcard has been run on 1943. Maker marked Foto ...  read more

Code: 54377

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Schmucktelegramm Deutsche Reichspost

3rd Reich Schmucktelegramm Deutsche Reichspost

In an almost mint condition a Decorative telegram German Reichspost

Made by the Reichsdrukerei size DIN4. 21 x 29.7 cm. Read also article 54376 which is addressed to the same addressee at the same day.

Frontside: A panorama of a riverside scenery. Deutsche Reichspost

Center: Telegramm aus Frankfurt am Main, Nr. , 28/27 6-6-1939 am 18:52 uhr
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Code: 54375

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Reichsbahn Urkunden Sportgemeinschaft Neuss

3rd Reich Reichsbahn Urkunden Sportgemeinschaft Neuss

In a very good condition a pair of German railway award documents Sports community Neuss

Both are made out to Lisbeth Hecker as Reichsbahn employee for sports community in Neuss.

The 1st document had been awarded because she received the recognition of the most frequent attendanee of the gymnastics classes in 1937.
The 2nd document had been awared because ...  read more

Code: 54394

80.00 EUR

3rd Reich Pressefoto General Kesselring mit Fallschirmjäger im Berliner Fernsehsender

3rd Reich Pressefoto General Kesselring mit Fallschirmjäger im Berliner Fernsehsender

In an excellent condition a press photo General Kesselring with paratroopers on Berlin TV

Dated March 23 1939, 6 Fallschirmjäger from the Fallschirm school Stendal under the lead of General Kesselring interviewed by the Berlin TV press.

The Atlantic Photo Gesellschaft was a German press photo agency. It existed from 1919 to the end of 1944 in Berlin. Atlantic was o...  read more

Code: 54320

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Pressefoto Kampf in Tunesien (Afrika Korps)

3rd Reich Pressefoto Kampf in Tunesien (Afrika Korps)

In an excellent condition a press photo from the battle in Tunesia (Africa corps)

Made by the Propagandakompanie Pirath from Italy. It shows two Fallschirmjäger next to a Flak gun. Re-issue date March 6 1943. The photos were confiscated after the war and included in the national archive in Bruxelles.  read more

Code: 54319

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ein Broschüre landdienst der hitlerjugend

3rd Reich Ein Broschüre landdienst der hitlerjugend

In a very good condition a brochure on the Hitler Youth's land service

Dated May 1st 1941 "Hast dü schon einen Berüf?" a brochure for to the hitlerjugend to enlist into the service of the country and help out where ever they maybe needed.  read more

Code: 54262

35.00 EUR