333 items found
3rd Reich Kyffhäuser Kalender 1940

3rd Reich Kyffhäuser Kalender 1940

In a very good (but used) condition a Kyffhäuser calender 1940

143 pages with many pictures, articles and adverts. Normal wear. Book was nog made to last 83 years so it is in a very good condition..  read more

Code: 53125

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Erinnerungen an meine Dienstzeit

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Erinnerungen an meine Dienstzeit

In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine remembrances of my service time.

Foto of Admiral Erich Raeder on the first page!
Album with a very nice Kriegsmarine eagle mounted.

Various photos of the service time, as a civilian but also in service with the Reichsarbeitsdienst. Also his service with the Kriegsmarine including a postcard/ photo the ship on which ...  read more

Code: 53101

300.00 EUR

3rd Reich RAD Erinnerungen an der Arbeitsdienst Abteilung 3/87

3rd Reich RAD Erinnerungen an der Arbeitsdienst Abteilung 3/87

In an excellent condition a RAD Memories of the Labor Service Department 3/87

Complete album with casing and 49 photo's. Radabteilung 3/87 is in Weissig am Bober see photo 5.  read more

Code: 53102


3rd Reich Türplaketten WHW Des Deutschen Volkes 1938/39

3rd Reich Türplaketten WHW Des Deutschen Volkes 1938/39

In a mint condition door posters Winterhilfswerk the German peoples 1938/39

6 door posters

Backside: 4 posters are marked Papier patentgummiert, nur anfeuchten (Patent gummed paper, just moisten)  read more

Code: 53079

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Deutscher Schützenverband urkundengruppe (Kleinkaliber)

3rd Reich Deutscher Schützenverband urkundengruppe (Kleinkaliber)

In an excellent condition a German Shooting Association award documents group (small caliber)

3 framed award document from the same shooter, for the bronze, silver and gold

Auszeichnung für Schiessleistung in bronze, silber and gold from the Deutscher Schützenverband in the NS-Reichsbund für Leibesübungen. In the award documents you will see the ...  read more

Code: 53055

200.00 EUR

3rd Reich Türplaketten Freude durch das WHW

3rd Reich Türplaketten Freude durch das WHW

In a mint condition door posters peace through the Winterhilfswerk

7 door posters (2 are the same).

Backside: Papier patentgummiert, nur anfeuchten (Patent gummed paper, just moisten)  read more

Code: 52996

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Urkunde Metallspende des deutschen Volkes

3rd Reich Urkunde Metallspende des deutschen Volkes

In an excellent condition a ‎Certificate metal donation of the German people‎

On March 27, 1940, Field Marshal Hermann Goering called for the German people to make a donation for the Führer's birthday, the new metal donation, based on the impending birthday of the Führer. corresponding decree had already been issued to the Reich Ministers on February 23, 1940. As in the First Wor...  read more

Code: 52990

On Hold

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette

3rd Reich WhW Türplakette "Deine Kraft deinem Volk"

In a mint condition a Winterhilfwerk door poster "Your strength for your people"

Frontside: WHW 1936/37. A knigth in the front of the setting sun with shield eagle and swastika. Deine Kraft deinem Volk

Backside: Papier patentgummiert, nur anfeuchten (Patent gummed paper, just moisten)  read more

Code: 52980

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Auftragsbedingungen der Organisation Todt

3rd Reich Auftragsbedingungen der Organisation Todt

In an excellent condition the Terms and Conditions of the Organization Todt.

Auftragsbedingungen der Organisation Todt. Generalinspektor für das deutsche Strassenwesen für die Ausführung von Stundenlohnarbeiten im Baunebengewerbe. (OT.-Studenlohn-Vertrag)

Terms and Conditions of the Organization Todt. General inspector for the German road system for the execution o...  read more

Code: 52968

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Staatsangehörigkeitsausweis Deutsche Reich

3rd Reich Staatsangehörigkeitsausweis Deutsche Reich

In a very good condition a Citizenship certificate German Reich

It has been made by the police president from Ludwigshaven am Rhein. This document could be used only inside the German Empire and is official proof of the German citizenship which could be requested by for example an employer.  read more

Code: 52967

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Drei Briefumschlägen Ergänzungsamt der Waffen-SS Posen

3rd Reich Drei Briefumschlägen Ergänzungsamt der Waffen-SS Posen

In an excellent condition three envelops Supplementary Office of the Waffen-SS Posen

Three very interesting historical envelops. The battle of Posen was raging from January 24th of 1945 and these three letters sent were returned to sender because they couldn't arrive anymore at the address of the Ergänzungsamt der Waffen-SS Posen. Also the allies in the west were already enterin...  read more

Code: 52918

120.00 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Winterspenden Urkunde Weihnachten 1941 im Bilderrahmen

3rd Reich WhW Winterspenden Urkunde Weihnachten 1941 im Bilderrahmen

In an excellent condition a WhW winter donations certificate Christmas 1941 in a picture frame

WhW= Winterhilfswerken

Urkunde, Im Namen des Führers danke Ich Mark Leven für die Spende zur Sammlung von Woll- Pelz- und Wintersachen für die Front. Signed Goebels. Reichspropagandaleiter und Reichsminister für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda. Weihnachten 1941. On one sid...  read more

Code: 52924

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Sportfest des 2. Batallion, Infanterie-Regiment 13 Urkunde

3rd Reich Sportfest des 2. Batallion, Infanterie-Regiment 13 Urkunde

In an excellent condition a 2nd batallion/ 13th Infantery Regiment award document

Sportfest des II./I.R. 13 am 15.7.1937 Oberschütze Rienhardt in der Siegermannschaft im Gepäckmarsch

Oberstleutnant und Bataillonskommandeur

Sports festival of the II./I.R. 13 on. July 15, 1937 Oberschütze Rienhardt in the winning team in the baggage march.

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Code: 52917

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich 6 Turplaketten Grossdeutschländs Winterhilfswerk 1939/40

3rd Reich 6 Turplaketten Grossdeutschländs Winterhilfswerk 1939/40

In an excellent condition 6 door plaques Great Germany Winter aid program 1939/40

Months January, February, March, October, November and December.

Price for all 6 pieces.  read more

Code: 52906

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegshilfwerk 1942 5 Pfennig Plasterzoll

3rd Reich Kriegshilfwerk 1942 5 Pfennig Plasterzoll

In a mint condition a Kriegshilfswerk 1942 5 Pfennig Pavement toll

The Pflasterzoll was a way to charge citizens for communal works that would otherwise be payed by a city or town. Like contributing to repair, maintenance of streets or sidewalks among other things.

Size 4 x 5.5 cm  read more

Code: 52905

25.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Reichstagwahl Zettel Württemberg 1930

Deutsche Reich Reichstagwahl Zettel Württemberg 1930

In an excellent condition a Württemberg voting ballot for the Reichstag elections 1930

The NSDAP was the 9th national party in Germany from 1928. When the 1930's election took place the won massively and became the 2nd party in the country. This is a ballot which was used in Württemberg-Hohenzollern for the election of the Reichstag.

Very interesting historical ite...  read more

Code: 52885

25.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Reichstagwahl Zettel Württemberg Mai 1924

Deutsche Reich Reichstagwahl Zettel Württemberg Mai 1924

In an excellent condition a Württemberg voting ballot for the Reichstag elections May 1924

When the NSDAP was banned and Hitler was jailed. The NSDAP could not participate in any election. The right winged parties amongst the NSDAP formed the Volkisch-Sozialer Block to have an unified right block in the Reichstag parliament. So in every in country of the German Reich they were on...  read more

Code: 52884

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich getipptes Programm der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei

3rd Reich getipptes Programm der Nationalsozialistischen Deutschen Arbeiterpartei

In a very good condition a typed program of the NSDAP

Program of the National Socialist workers party in 25 points with one rusted staple. Some unclear writing on the back with initials (ef?)  read more

Code: 52862

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Aufruf der Reichsregierung an das deutsche Volk! 14 Oktober 1933

3rd Reich Aufruf der Reichsregierung an das deutsche Volk! 14 Oktober 1933

In an excellent condition a voting ballot "Appeal of the Reich government to the German people!"

Price is per piece!

This is the ballot that created a single party state where the NSDAP was the only ruling party and the Führer the only leader as a dictator of the German State.

In a very long with very small words the German Government asks the voter...  read more

Code: 52852

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Flugblatt zur Reichspräsidentschaftswahl

3rd Reich NSDAP Flugblatt zur Reichspräsidentschaftswahl

In a very good but used condition a NSDAP leaflet for the presidential election

In 1932 the election for Reichspräsident had only 3 candidates.

Ernst Thälmann from the KPN (German Communist party), with their slogan „Wer Hindenburg wählt, wählt Hitler, wer Hitler wählt, wählt den Krieg.“

Paul Hindenburg (no party), with his slogan „der Erste im Krie...  read more

Code: 52870

80.00 EUR

BRD Poster Deutsche Postleitgebiete, besetzte Nachkriegsgebiete 2. Weltkrieg

BRD Poster Deutsche Postleitgebiete, besetzte Nachkriegsgebiete 2. Weltkrieg

In a very good condition a poster with German postal areas, and occupied zones after the 2nd World War

The poster shows the borders of the former Gemran Empire on 1937.

Maker marked: Gustav Harter from Mainz an die Rhein  read more

Code: 52820

17.50 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtkart NSG Kraft durch Freude 1937

3rd Reich Ansichtkart NSG Kraft durch Freude 1937

In an excellent condition a postcard of the nationalsozialistische gemeinschaft Kraft Durch Freude 1937

Frontside: Deutsche Sammlergemeinschaft der NSG "Kraft durch Freude". Sammeln am Feierabend, ausstellung Berlin 3.-5. September 1937 Schirmherr Reichsleiter Dr. Robert Ley. NSG emblem

Backside: Blanco but this was on purpose so the sender could use this space fo...  read more

Code: 52818

10.00 EUR

3rd Reich Katholischen Feldgesangbuch für die Geistlicher der Wehrmacht

3rd Reich Katholischen Feldgesangbuch für die Geistlicher der Wehrmacht

In an excellent condition a Catholic field hymn book for the clergy of the Wehrmacht

With permission from the Catholic Field bishop der Wehrmacht from August 24th 1939.

Maker marked Verlag Ernst Siegfried Mittler & Sohn from Berlin SW 68

95 pages with prairs and songs, last rites.  read more

Code: 52816

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wir beginnen das Wunschkonzert für die Wehrmacht

3rd Reich Wir beginnen das Wunschkonzert für die Wehrmacht

In an excellent condition a book "We start the wish concert for the Wehrmacht"

Written by Heinz Goedeck and Wilhelm Krug

Given to a child on his 12th birthday with all best wishes in the war year 1941.  read more

Code: 52815

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich DRL Ehren-Urkunde

3rd Reich DRL Ehren-Urkunde

In a very good condition a Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen honor award document

The award document has been made for the 3000 meter in the 10th Oranienkampfspielen in Diez/Lahn on August 15th 1937 as 2nd winner.

Booklet marked on the back, Conrad Müller, the rest is not readable.  read more

Code: 52819

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Foto Ein Wehrmacht Infanterie Soldat der 62. IR mit Schutzenschnur

3rd Reich Foto Ein Wehrmacht Infanterie Soldat der 62. IR mit Schutzenschnur

In a very good condition a Photo of a Wehrmacht infantry Soldat of the 62nd IR with a Marksman Lanyard.

Wearing a waffenrock costume and Peaked visor cap.

Backside marked Zur erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit 1936-1938  read more

Code: 52808

10.00 EUR

3rd Reich Foto Ein Wehrmacht Pionier Unteroffizier mit Stahlhelm und Schutzenschnur

3rd Reich Foto Ein Wehrmacht Pionier Unteroffizier mit Stahlhelm und Schutzenschnur

In a very good condition a Photo of a Wehrmacht pioneer NCO with a steel helmet and a marksmanship lanyard grade 1 (neue art)

Wearing a M36 Tunic and a M35 Stahlhelm. Photo marked on the back 1940.  read more

Code: 52806

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Foto Ein Kriegsmarine Matrose in Uniform.

3rd Reich Foto Ein Kriegsmarine Matrose in Uniform.

In an excellent condition a photo of Kriegsmarine seeman in uniform.  read more

Code: 52807

9.50 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Kinderholungsheim der Luftwaffe

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Kinderholungsheim der Luftwaffe "Haus Lindenhof"

In an excellent condition a postcard Luftwaffe children's convalescent home "Haus Lindenhof"

Frontside: A printed card with gesamtansicht of Haus Lindenhof

Backside: Kinderholungsheim der Luftwaffe "Haus Lindenhof", Ostseebad Graal-Müritz (Mecklenburg)
Maker marked by logo and name, Graphisch Kunstaltelier Kettling & Krüger from Schalksmühle im Westfalen. C...  read more

Code: 52805

10.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Ostseebad Zinnowitz

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Ostseebad Zinnowitz

In an excellent condition a postcard from the baltic sea resort Zinnowitz

Frontside: Ostseebad Zinnowitz - dampfe friggaten der Seebrücke (Steam friggates of the pier)

Backside: Stamped July 20th 1936. Also a stamp to tell people to use the telephone because it is cheaper and safes time. Maker marked Verlag Ernst Anders from Zinnowitz. Card number 70411 cF  read more

Code: 52804

10.00 EUR