3rd Reich Tiroler Standschützenverband Jahresschiessbuch (1939)
In an excellent condition a Tiroler Standschützenverband Annual Shooting Book (1939)
The Schiessbuch has nr. 37202 and is from Franz Riess. It is for the year 1939/40 read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz ohne Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939 (14)
In an excellent condition a KVK without swords 2nd class (52)
Maker marked on the ring 52 which stands for Christian Lauer from Nürnberg read more
65.00 EUR
3rd Reich Waffen-SS Sanitäts-Tasche (SS 39/38 RZM)
In an excellent condition a rare Waffen-SS medical pouch (SS 39/38 RZM)
Owner marked Johann L... ? Written in Kurrent read more
775.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Gasschutz-Tasche für den Sanitätstrupp
In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht Gas protection bag for the medical troops
Stamped R.E. and R.L.M. (Reichsluftfahrtministerium) dated 1934.
Maker marked Dr. Hermann Rohrbeck Nachflg. Berlin NW7.
The bag has a complete inventory label. read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feuerwehr Schiffchen 3. Modell
In a very good condition a rare fire department overseas cap 3rd model
Maker marked on the inside Robert Lubstein from Berlin No 55. Dated 1941 and size 57
Piping has some minor damage. More photo's available on request! read more
325.00 EUR
3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (Ohne Hersteller)
In a very good condition a Iron Cross 2nd class 1939 (No Maker)
Three part construction with iron magnetic core. read more
3rd Reich DR Sieger-Urkunde Brüssel
In an excellent condition a Deutsche Reihsbahn military sports championship award document
Sieger-Urkunde for 4 x 100 meter running by 4 Reichsbahn Inspectors. The championship was held nu the Hauptverkersdirektion Brüssel. Ortsunterkunft den 14 November 1942. read more
3rd Reich DR Berzeichnis der zugelassenen Winter- und Regenschutzkleidung
In a very good condition a Deutsche Reichsbahn List of Approved Winter and Rainwear
Dated February 1939. Stamped, Stendal - Reichsbahn-Ausbesserungswerk Betriebsarchiv
The book has easy lookup rules about which employee of the Reichsbahn gets which kind of rain or winterprotection. Like boots or winter coat etcetera. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1938 abzeichen
In a very good condition a DAF laybourday 1938 Tinnie
Frontside: celebrating man and woman. Eagle with swastika inside a wreath. 1 Mai 1938
Backside: Maker marked Metallwarenfabrik Stefan Merkl from Nürnberg read more
12.50 EUR
Hungary Pro Deo et Patria WWI medal
In a good condition a Magyar Háborús Emlékérem (War Medal)
It has had a bump on the side, priced accordingly!!
Frontside: PRO DEO ET PATRIA (For god and country), Steel helmet 1914-1918 with wreath beneath.
Backside: St. Stephen's crown and coat of arms of Hungary inside a wreath.
This medal was given to frontsoldiers who had fought in... read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich Karlsruhe Gautag 1937
In good but used condition a NSDAP rally badge Karlsruhe 1937
Frontside: Eagle upon a sword.Karlsruhe Gautag 15-18 April 1937. Swastika inside a Wreath. Some flash rust.
Backside: Safety pin attached. Flashrust! read more
20.00 EUR
USA WWII army Medal of Occupation
In a very good condition a WWII Medal of Occupation
The ring looks to have been replaced at some time.
Frontside: view of the Bridge at Remagen (Ludendorff Brücke) Army of Occupation.
Backside: Safety pin attached to the ribbon. Mount Fuji with a low hanging cloud over two Japanese junks above a wave and the inscribed date "1945" read more
3rd Reich "Ja" Wahlabzeichen 12.11.1933
In an excellent condition a "Yes" election badge November 12th 1933
The badge could be folded over a button hole so every was shown what you would vote and advertise to other voters to do the same. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Hitler's Dank Winterhilfe Gau Süd-Hannover Braunschweig
In a very good condition a Hilter's thanks badge Gau Hannover-South Braunschweig
Frontside: Hitler's Dank Gau Süd-Hannover Braunschweig. Für den Dienst am Volke
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Paulmann & Crone from Lüdenscheid. Ges. Gesch. read more
70.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Der Stahlhelm bund für Jungmannen
In an excellent condition a badge Stahlhelm Association for young men
Maker marked on the bottom W.D. Ges. Gesch. WD stands Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid
Stahlhelm badges with iron cross are for battle experienced men and without the cross are for young men (recruits). read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Knopfloch orden
In a good but used condition a button hole decoration
1. Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 read more
10.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldspange 2 medaillen
In a good but used condition a ribbon bar with 2 ribbons.
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse 1939
2. Winterschlacht im Osten - Ostmedaille read more
15.00 EUR
Preussen Rote Kreuz Medaille Damenschleife
In an excellent condition a Prussian Red Cross medal women's ribbon
A ladies ribbon with the safety pin read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1934 abzeichen
In a very good condition a 1934 DAF tinnie.
Frontside: Tag der Arbeit with bust eagle, holding a hammer and scythe. under the eagle the year 1934 and in a circle the swastika.
Backside: safety pin, Maker marked 36 Reichsverband Pforzheim 44 read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich RKB Deutsche Kolonial-Ausstellung Dresden 1939
In a very good condition a RKB German Colonial Exhibition Dresden 1939
The Reichskolonialbund was an organisation which existed between 1936 and 1943 and had the goal to re-acquire the lost German kolonies. It was led by Franz Ritter von Epp
Porcelain medal made by Meissen
Frontside: The emblem of the Reichskolonialbundes. Deutsche Kolonial-Ausstellu... read more
45.00 EUR
Kaiserreich verwundetenabzeichen in schwarz 1918
In an excellent condition an emperial wound badge in black.
Frontside: M16 stahhelm above two swords inside a wreath.
Backside: safety pin. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Dienstauszeichnung für 4. Jahre mit Tüte (Wilhelm Deumer)
In a very good condition a Wehrmacht service award for 4 years with award bag (Wilhelm Deumer)
Rare award bag, written on top 4 Jahre Wehrmacht. Written a name and dated 1939. Maker marked Wilhelm Deumer. read more
100.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Ordensspange 4 medaillen (Württemberg)
In an excellent condition a medal bar with 4 medals (Württemberg)
1. Eisernes Kreuz 1914 2. Klasse
2. Württemberg Silberne Militärverdienstmedaille 1892
3. Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer mit Schwertern (HKM)
4. Württemberg Dienstauszeichnung 2.Klasse für 9 Jahre (1913) read more
140.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich DT Koppelschloss mit Gürtel
In an excellent condition a Deutsche Turnerschaft belt wih buckle
Total length including buckle is about 80 cm. read more
75.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich DAF Kraft Durch Freude 1936 tinnie
In an excellent condition a DAF 1936 tinnie
Die Deutsche Artbeitsfront (DAF) - KDF Urlaub Fahrten 1936 Tinnie. Gau Württemberg-Hohenzollern.
Maker marked, Adolf Besson, Gmünd with safety pin. read more
40.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Österreich 100. Jahrestag der Heiligsprechung von Johannes von Nepomuk
In an excellent condition a rare remembrance medal for the 100th anniversary of canonisation of John of Nepomuk
Frontside: Ecclesia Metropolitana Pragen, depicted also in the middle. Text underneath "festum saeculare pr. b. ioann. nep. r. boh.patr. in sanctos adlecti celebrat" which means "The secular feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary is celebrated in the saints chosen by the Ble... read more
100.00 EUR
BRD Bundeswehr Offiziermesse Cuxhaven
In an excellent condition a Bundeswehr Officers mess Cuxhaven badge
Badge is from the 1960's
Frontside: Offiziermesse Cuxhaven with emblem
Backside: Make marked Sport Böckmann from 2841 Holdorf
Background info:
In 1958, the headquarters building was used by the naval base command, the naval communications section North Sea, the ... read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Türplakette "Die Grösste Friedenstat der Welt"
In a mint condition a Winterhilfswerk door poster "The Greatest Act of Peace in the World"
Frontside: WhW 1936/1937. Large national eagle between the world and the moon. Die Grösste Friedenstat der Welt
Backside: marked Papier patentgummiert, nur anfeuchten (Patent gummed paper, just moisten) read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich Reichsbahn adler für die M43 Schiffchenmütze
In an excellent condition a Deutsche Reichsbahn eagle for the M43 overseas cap read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Türplakette "Der Kampf beginnt"
In a mint condition a Winterhilfswerk door poster "The battle begins"
Frontside: WhW 1936/1937. Angry looking man looking forward to the battle ahead. Der Kampf beginnt
Backside: Unmoistned paper, when made wet it still can be attached to a window. read more
12.50 EUR