3rd Reich Löwenkopfsäbel für Offiziere der Wehrmacht (Eickhorn)
In an excellent condition a Lion's head saber for Wehrmacht officers (Eickhorn)
A triple etched sword which is etched on both sides of the blade including the spine.
The lion head has two red glass eyes and a national eagle with hanging wings shield on the rain-guard. The quillon has a lion head as well. The guard is complete with decorations. Marked under the ra... read more
1450.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Säbel für Mannschaften und unteroffiziere (Einheitssäbel)
In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht troops sabre and NCO's (standard sabre)
An unmarked dovehead sword which was common for troop sabres. Grip made from bakelite which is in excellent condition. Original portepee which has some minor issues with the wiring on the portepee. These swords were worn by the Reichswehr and the Wehrmacht.
The scabbard has been most like... read more
350.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Säbel für Offiziere (F.W. Höller)
In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht officers sabre (F.W. Höller)
A dovehead sword marked under the rain-guard with the maker Höller from Solingen. Grip made from bakelite with wiring which is in excellent condition. The grip is decorated with oak leaves. Leather washer is in place. The rain-guard has the national eagle emblem with haning wings.
The scabbard has ... read more
950.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Hirschfänger (Erber)
In a very good condition a German short hunting sword
Marker Erber which stands for Vereinigte Fabriken Erber'scher Stahlwaren GmbH from Neustadt. This company operated from 1899-1924. Most likely made during the emperial time before WWI.
The cutlass has a stag grip and fitted with three metal rounds. It has a plain metal cross-guard which is marked... read more
450.00 EUR
3rd Reich Mein Kampf Volksausgabe 1943 (Druckschrift)
In an excellent condition Mein Kampf 1943 (people's edition)
Hard casing for the book is still present which is very rare. The people's edition was written in normal latin letters instead of gothic. The people's edition was also the two books bundled into one large book. read more
400.00 EUR
3rd Reich Sturmabteilung (SA) OST Gruppe Dienstdolch (F. Herder)
In a very good condition a rare early Storm troopers (SA) east group service dagger (F. Herder)
Maker marked F. Herder A.S. from Solingen on the ricasso. Marked "Alles für Deutschland" on the blade. Marked OST on the grossguard which stands for Ostland SA Gruppe. This is a very rare group stamp and not seen often! Because the russians destroyed all confiscated daggers.
1350.00 EUR
3rd Reich Sturmabteilung (SA) Th Gruppe Dienstdolch (Gebr. Heller)
In a good but used condition a Storm troopers (SA) Thüringen group service dagger (Gebr. Heller)
Maker marked Gebr. Heller from Marienthal on the ricasso. Marked "Alles für Deutschland" on the blade. Marked Th on the grossguard which stands for Thüringen SA Gruppe. In my opinion someone put the cross-guard the wrong way around. The correct dagger hanger is attached.
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950.00 EUR
3rd Reich Offiziersdolch der Kriegsmarine (Eickhorn)
In an used condition a officers dagger of the Kriegsmarine (Eickhorn)
This dagger has some good and some bad parts. The eagle, grip, and cross-guard are very good to good. But the blade has seen better days, the maker mark of Eickhorn can be still made out. But a lot of pitting and inert black rust is present. The scabbard however is very good but used. Someone made a drainage ho... read more
650.00 EUR
USA Model 1917 Remington bayonet with Beckwith 1945 scabbard
In an excellent condition a US Model 1917 Remington bayonet with Beckwith 1945 scabbard
Blade marked on the ricasso with maker mark Remington in circle and model 1917 above. Otherside of the ricasso marked with U.S. and proofmarks flaming ball, inspector mark numbered 5.
Bayonet has lost most of its blued finish on the hilt, crosspiece and ricasso. The rest of the ... read more
350.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feuerschutzpolizei Stahlhelm M34
In a very good condition a fire protection police steel helm M34
Both decals are present on one side the national Swastika and otherside the Police emblem. The leather flap is attached to the helmet for neck protection when entering a flaming building. The markings on the helmet are illusive I can't make them out. All in all a really nice helmet for in a show case.
... read more
450.00 EUR
Russian Mosin Nagant M1891/30 bayonet
In an excellent condition a 2nd model/ version of the Mosin Nagant bayonet, otherwise called the M1891/30 bayonet.
These specific type bayonets were used by the Russians during WWII and were crudely made (in haste). In 1930 the old style M1891 bayonet was re-designed by E.K. Kabakow and J.A. Komaricki with a new socket and press stud, hence the addition of the name /30.
35.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Arbeitsbuch (1934-1941)
Arbeitsbuch from Elizabeth Käs from Bad Wimpfen in excellent condition.
She was married on June 13th 1936 and her name changed to Ebel.
Signed by the Arbeitsamt in München April 23th 1936. She worked in various positions with a Rechtanwälte. Afterwards at a factory for Braunkohle and gasoline as a sekretarin and as a typist. As you can see by the dates of her child... read more
25.00 EUR
Portugal M1904 Bayonet
In a good condition a Portuguese M1904 bayonet
This bayonet is for the Mauser Vergueiro M1904 Rifle. Portugal ordered these bayonets at Simson & Co. from Suhl, but they ran out of money at the end and had to cancel the order. These bayonet were also used during WWI and also used in the German colonies.
The bayonet is numbered on the pommel A2244 and on the scabbard... read more
125.00 EUR
WWII British No4 MKII Spike Bayonet (Singer, N67)
In an almost mint condition a No4 MKII Spike Bayonet (Singer, N67)
Marked on the side No4 MKII and the dispersal code N67, also on the Pressing stud N67. N67 stands for the company Singer and places the bayonet in 1943 because of the N67 marking. These bayonets were used for the Lee Enfield No. 4 MK I Rifle.
The scabbard is a standard No4 MKI variant and is also ma... read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht K98 kurzes Ausgeh/Paraden Bajonett
In a good condition a K98 short Parade/ Dress bayonet
Maker marked Alcoso from Solingen which stands for Alexander Coppel GmbH.
The bayonet has some small issues overall the blade has some minor scratches near the maker marking, the grips have on both sided some small damage and the scabbard is in a very good condition but has some minor rust on the frog stud. Ove... read more
150.00 EUR
Spanish CETME model L Bayonet
In a very condition a Spanish CETME-L bayonet with frog and belt hook.
These bayonets are for the CETME model C rifle (1986) and have seen action during the 1990-91 Persian Gulf war. The rifle and bayonet were replaced in 1999.
Very nice phosphorized blade with long false edge. Markings on both sides of the ricasso. Numbered ET81710A. Maker markings are not clear a... read more
65.00 EUR
Swiss bayonet M1918 (Schmidt-Rubin) Neuhausen
In a good but used condition a Swiss bayonet M1918 (Schmidt-Rubin)
Made by the Waffenfabrik Neuhausen
The blade is numbered 969670 and has the makers mark. The cross-guard has on the bottom a Swiss cross marking.
The scabbard has been blued (partially lost) and equiped with the leather belt for attachment to a frog. The ball of the scabard has been broken o... read more
115.00 EUR
USA Model 1905 cut down bayonet (AFH)
In a very good condition a Model 1905 cut down bayonet (AFH)
This specific cut down model got a spear tip instead of the chisel tip.
It still has the original M1905 grip plates. On one side the wooden handle has split and lost a piece of wood. But still a perfect example of a 115 years old bayonet.
The bayonet is marked AFH on the tang which stands f... read more
200.00 EUR
3rd Reich Fotoalbum Wehrmacht Soldat
In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht soldier photo album.
An album with a soldier who was in France and Belgium. You can see photos with a WWI Tank in Belgium and the Notre Dame in Paris. he last photo is in color where he wears his SA Sport badge.
The total album has 70 photos in total read more
250.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Diensthemd
In a very good condition a Wehrmacht/ Heer pullover shirt
This shirt is different then other since it also has had an eagle patch, shoulder boards and most likely a medal one time mounted. As one can see in the photos the discoloration where the eagle once was placed.
There are no markings, except the buttons on the arms are marked extra fein and one also had added the ma... read more
275.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kokarde für die Schirmmütze
In an excellent condition a Cockade for the peaked cap read more
12.00 EUR
3rd Reich Mutterkreuz 2. Stufe Silbern (2. Form)
In an used condition a mother cross 2nd level silver (2nd form)
Emanel damage to the bottom of the cross, for the rest in still representable state.
Priced accordingly! read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Schwinge für die Kragenspiegel
In a very good condition a Luftwaffe wing for the collar tab
Both messing prongs are present read more
5.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsche Arbeitsfront Mitgliedsbuch (DAF)
In an excellent condition a German Work front membership book (DAF)
Document made out to Wilhelm Wüst, occupation "Machine Schlosser", Born March 8 1924 in Königshofen, joined December 1st. 1938. The book continues until July of 1942. He worked at E.G. Henkel in Frankfurt am Main. read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich K98 Patronentaschen 8. JR 76 I (Berlin 1936)
In an excellent condition a K98 Ammopouch (Berlin 1936)
difficult to make out but marked GmbH from Berlin, dated 1936 name from the maker not wel to read.
Marked on the inside of one pocket 8. J.R. 76 I which stand for 8 kompanie Infanterieregiment 76 I Batallion
The 76th had the following history:
Germany (Sep 1939 - May 1940)
... read more
100.00 EUR
3rd Reich Minensucherkriegsabzeichen (Attr, Juncker)
In a very good condition a Minesweeper Badge (Attr, Juncker)
No maker markings but the badge is attributed to C.E. Juncker from Berlin
The zink badge has still a lot of its original gilding. read more
275.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Katholischen Gesellenverein Heidelberg
In an excellent condition a Catholic Journeymen's Association Heidelberg
Katholischen Gesellenverein Heidelberg
60 years anniversary of the association in Heidelberg from 1867 -1927. Rising sun above Heidelberg, Panoramic of Schloss Heidelberg (Castle)
Backside: Safety pin read more
25.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich 64. Katholikentag Stuttgart 1925
In an excellent condition a 64th catholic day badge Stuttgart 1925
Frontside: 64. Katholikentag Stuttgart 1925. Bust of Paul Wilhelm von Keppler with his name on the side. He was a German theologian and bishop (1852–1926)
Backside: Safety pin and maker marked Devotionalien Fabrik Wiedmann & Otto from Gmund in Württemberg (nowadays Schwäbisch Gmünd) read more
25.00 EUR
Polska Medal Warszawski Powstańczy
In an excellent condition a rare warsaw uprising medal
A rare variant.
Frontside: Coat of arms of Warsaw in the middle. 1.VIII-2.X.1944 Warszawa
Backside: Kotwica symbol in the middle of a wreath. The symbol was used by the polish resistance fighters. POWSTAŃCOM WARSZAWY which means to the Warsaw uprising. read more
Swastika good luck pin (Tibetan style)
In a good condition a rare Swastika good luck pin (Tibetan style)
The swastika was used in the end of the 19th and beginning of the 20th century in the Western world as a good luck symbol. After WWI it was used in Germany as a Nationalistic symbol.
These were also often given in France, Great Britain, the USA and of course Germany. I presume this one is from Canad... read more
30.00 EUR