3rd Reich Schmucktelegramm Deutsche Reichspost
In an almost mint condition a Decorative telegram German Reichspost
Made by the Reichsdrukerei size DIN4. 21 x 29.7 cm. Read also article 54376 which is addressed to the same addressee at the same day.
Frontside: A panorama of a riverside scenery. Deutsche Reichspost
Center: Telegramm aus Frankfurt am Main, Nr. , 28/27 6-6-1939 am 18:52 uhr
addressee Major Hart and wife Oberweg 30,
Returned from travel find out about your special day today and send together with my family the warmest congratulations
Emil A. Fester
Backside: Large national eagle with Swastika. Maker marked Reichdruckerei.
Background info:
The standardized values for paper sizes that are now called DIN sizes were first defined by the German Institute for Standardization (DIN) on August 18, 1922 in the DIN standard DIN 476. They classify the ratio between the width and the height of a sheet of paper, which is the same for all sheet sizes
Code: 54375
20.00 EUR