4470 items found
3rd Reich Dienstauszeichnung der Polizei 1.Stufe für 25 Jahre 1938

3rd Reich Dienstauszeichnung der Polizei 1.Stufe für 25 Jahre 1938

n an excellent condition a police gold 25 years service award

Service award of the police 1st level for 25 years 1938

The service awards for the police were donated on the 5th anniversary of the seizure of power by the National Socialists on January 30, 1938 by the Führer and Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler. The award consisted of 3 levels. The 1st level for 25 years...  read more

Code: 51759

285.00 EUR

Schweizer Spatentasche für die Armee Feldspaten

Schweizer Spatentasche für die Armee Feldspaten

In an excellent condition a Swiss spade bag for the army field spade

Maker marked W. Gallati from Mollis in the canton of Glarus. Dated to 1940  read more

Code: 51756

30.00 EUR

Belgium M1924 Mauser export sword bayonet

Belgium M1924 Mauser export sword bayonet

In an excellent condition an Belgium Model 1924 Mauser export bayonet

Completely blued sword bayonet and scabbard. Only marked on the pommel with a serial number 21309.

Sword bayonet for use with M1924 and M1930 Short Rifles produced by FN for export. The pre-war exampled had a white blade. This bayonet has a blued blade and were exported between 1945 - 1950's
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Code: 51768

150.00 EUR

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945 "Ons Holland is vrij"

In an excellent condition rare Dutch Liberation music "Our Holland is free"

Title: Our Holland is free. A stereotypical picture of a Dutch fisher man with whip and clumps kicking out a German soldier. Het groote Bevrijdings-Succeslied van Fred Fagel. The biggest liberation succes song by Fred Fagel.

Very nice to be framed or used for its original intend as sheet m...  read more

Code: 51751

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Schirmmütze für Offiziere der Feuershutzpolizei

3rd Reich Schirmmütze für Offiziere der Feuershutzpolizei

In an excellent condition an officer or leader visor cap of the volantary firemen police

Visor cap is maker marked by Linnenbrügger und Ellermann from Bielefeld (Company still exists). Marked by owner H. (Hans?) Overdick

More photos available.

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Code: 51755

250.00 EUR

British WW2 Wool winter gloves

British WW2 Wool winter gloves

In a mint condition British wool winter gloves used during WWII

Unused still with attached together as a pair.

Seperate spacing for the index finger so the soldier could pull the trigger of a weapon.  read more

Code: 51762

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Adler für die NSKK Tuchmütze

3rd Reich Adler für die NSKK Tuchmütze

In an excellent condition an eagle for the early (leader) NSKK Kepi

No maker markings present. Unused eagle with both prongs still folded. Silver painted  read more

Code: 51746

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP/ SA / HJ-Führer adler für Schirmmütze (RZM M1/8)

3rd Reich NSDAP/ SA / HJ-Führer adler für Schirmmütze (RZM M1/8)

In an excellent condition a NSDAP/ SA/ HJ visor cap eagle.

Maker marked RZM M1/8 which stands for Ferdinand Wagner from Pforzheim  read more

Code: 51745

80.00 EUR

3rd Reich Besitzzeugnis und Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 im Schwarz

3rd Reich Besitzzeugnis und Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 im Schwarz

In an excellent condition an award document and wound badge in black

The document is made out to Unteroffizier Hermann Kröger from the II. Flak-Brigade Regiment 14 (gem. Mot.) Gemichste Motorisiert (mixed motorised)

He received the award for his 1st battle wound from Oberfeldartz und Chefarzt from the Reserve-Lazarett in Göttingen. Which is the reserve military hos...  read more

Code: 51744

100.00 EUR

3rd Reich Urkunde mit Orginalunterschrift von Ritterkreuzträger Generaloberst Ewald von Kleist

3rd Reich Urkunde mit Orginalunterschrift von Ritterkreuzträger Generaloberst Ewald von Kleist

In an excellent condition a award document signed by Knight's Cross recipient Generaloberst Ewald von Kleist

Charter was given to private Willi Schubert from the 4th kompanie Nachschub-Bataillon (B) 118, this was a supply batallion in Southern Russia at the time, shortly before it was designated as a prisoners of war supply batallion and before that it was a construction batallio...  read more

Code: 50159

150.00 EUR

Yugoslavia Army Officer cap badges (4 pcs)

Yugoslavia Army Officer cap badges (4 pcs)

In an excellent condition 4 star cap badge from Yugoslavian army officers

All marked on the back of the screw with IKOM Zagreb.

Price is for all four badges  read more

Code: 51739

30.00 EUR

USSR Airforce parade insignia for the M1969 visor cap

USSR Airforce parade insignia for the M1969 visor cap

In an excellent condition an insignia for the M1969 Airforce parade visor cap

These caps were worn between 1969-1991 by the soviet air force  read more

Code: 51740

7.50 EUR

Russian Federation Navy Officers Visor Cap M69 Artillery/ Tank forces

Russian Federation Navy Officers Visor Cap M69 Artillery/ Tank forces

In an excellent condition a Navy officers high ranking Ceremonial Visor cap

No maker markings present. It is still in excellent overall condition. Size 58.

Very heavy visor cap.  read more

Code: 51743

75.00 EUR

Kosovo UCK Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës sleeve patch

Kosovo UCK Ushtria Çlirimtare e Kosovës sleeve patch

In an excellent condition an original sleeve patch of the KLA Kosovo liberation Army  read more

Code: 51742

15.00 EUR

DDR Eichenlaubkranz für die NVA Schirmmütze

DDR Eichenlaubkranz für die NVA Schirmmütze

In an excellent condition a East-German NVA visor cap wreath with cockade  read more

Code: 51741

5.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber Miniatur 9mm

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen in Silber Miniatur 9mm

In an excellent condition a miniatur silver 9mm wound badge stickpin

No maker markings present  read more

Code: 51738

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Brustadler für Offiziere

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Brustadler für Offiziere

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht officer brest insignia

The insignia is made with silver wire. The backwrapping is present for the largest part  read more

Code: 51737

80.00 EUR

3rd Reich Zeugnis Urkunde 1936

3rd Reich Zeugnis Urkunde 1936

In an excellent condition a school final rapport

Next to the normal gradings you can also read what the Führer demands of the young graduate who is just 15.

Treue, Gehorsam, Disziplin, Opferwillen, Kameradschaft, Bescheidenheit dat sollen die Prinzipien sein die immer mehr unser lebensgebot ze werden haben.

Loyalty, obedience, discipline, ...  read more

Code: 51736

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Schuma-Armelabzeichen für die Sicherheitspolizei

3rd Reich Schuma-Armelabzeichen für die Sicherheitspolizei

In an excellent condition a rare Schuma arm badge from the Sicherheitspolizei

The badge is in an unissued condition. White Swastika True - Tapfer - Gehorsam  read more

Code: 51735

175.00 EUR

3rd Reich Schuma-Armelabzeichen für die Schutzpolizei

3rd Reich Schuma-Armelabzeichen für die Schutzpolizei

In an excellent condition a very rare Schuma arm badge from the Schutzpolizei

The badge still has the sleeve fabric to which it was attached to. Green Swastika True - Tapfer - Gehorsam  read more

Code: 51734


3rd Reich Die Olympischen Winterspiele vorschau auf Berlin 1936

3rd Reich Die Olympischen Winterspiele vorschau auf Berlin 1936

In a very good condition Part 1 of the Olympic 1936 album set. Winter games

Only the cover has some damage the rest in excellent condition.

This book is complete with all photo's and pictures that had to be collected. It was from Cigaretten-Bilderdienst Altona-Bahrenfeld.  read more

Code: 51733

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Mutterkreuz 3rd class

3rd Reich Mutterkreuz 3rd class

In an excellent condition a bronze mother cross  read more

Code: 51732


3rd Reich Sportauszeichnung Jugendrennen Hannover 1934

3rd Reich Sportauszeichnung Jugendrennen Hannover 1934

In an excellent condition a Hannover youth running price 1934

Frontside: Hannover was part of Prussia, the frontside has therefor the Prussian eagle emblem (eagle) without crown.

Backside: Wreath of oakleaves. Jugend-Eröffnen Rennen 6. Preis 15.4.1934 Bezirk 2, Gau 8 Hannover.

This was just before the NSRL was taking over all sport games. It is most ...  read more

Code: 51731

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Heer Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel Nebelwerfer

3rd Reich Heer Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel Nebelwerfer

In an excellent condition 1 collar tab for an Nebelwerfer officer  read more

Code: 51730

60.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Feldspange 2. Medaillen

Kaiserreich Feldspange 2. Medaillen

In an excellent condition a 2 position medal ribbon bar

Field clasp made in South German Style

1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Dienstauszeichnung Armee Bayern (various medals possible)  read more

Code: 51729

25.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Sachsen einzelspange für Kriegervereinsabzeichen

Kaiserreich Sachsen einzelspange für Kriegervereinsabzeichen

In an excellen condition a a medal bar for the Saxon warrior union badge  read more

Code: 51728


Kaiserreich Silbermedaille Bismarck 1. April 1895 Geburtstag

Kaiserreich Silbermedaille Bismarck 1. April 1895 Geburtstag

In an excellent condition a silver patriotic medal birthday of Bismarck April 1st 1895

Medal 1895 on the 80th birthday of Bismarck. His helmeted buste on the Back: an oak tree Bismarck 1. april MDCCCXV (1895). Maker who created this medal was A. Hildebrandt  read more

Code: 50034

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber (65)

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber (65)

In an excellent condition a silver wound badge marked 65

Maker marking 65 stands for Klein & Qeenzer A.G. from Idar-Oberstein  read more

Code: 51727


Deutsche Reich Orginal Ordensband Schlesisches Bewährungsabzeichen 2.Klasse (19,5 cm)

Deutsche Reich Orginal Ordensband Schlesisches Bewährungsabzeichen 2.Klasse (19,5 cm)

In an excellent condition an original ribbon for the Silesian Bewährungsabzeichen 2nd class

Length of the ribbon +/- 19,5 cm, 25 mm width

Price per ribbon! Only 2 available  read more

Code: 51726

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Orginal Ordensband Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse (29cm)

3rd Reich Orginal Ordensband Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse (29cm)

In an excellent condition unissued iron cross 2nd class ribbon

Multiple full length ribbons available. All around 29.1 cm of length and original width of 30 mm.  read more

Code: 51725

19.00 EUR