Deutsche Reich Kommunistische Partei Deutschlands Mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condtion a Communist party Germany membership badge
Marked on the back "O"
After the Reichstag fire all communist were interned into concentration camps or killed. All items concerning the KPD were destroyed. So this badge in this condition is rare. read more
85.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich 100 jahr-Feier Volksschule Dresden-Strehlen
In an excellent condition a 100 years jubilee of the people's school Dresden-Strehlen
Frontside: 100 jahr-Feier Volksschule Dresden-Strehlen 1829-1929. School building
Backside: Maker marked Ferdinand Hoffstätter. read more
20.00 EUR
Deuitsche Reich Schwesternbrosche Caritasverband für das Katholische Deutschland
In an excellent condition a rare Sister Brooch of the Caritas Association for Catholic Germany
Made around 1925.
Frontside: Emblem of the Caritasverband (the organisation still exists)
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked J. Preissler from Pforzheim read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRL mitgliedsabzeichen (Aurich)
In an almost mint condition a DRL membership pin
Frontside: Eagle with Swastika, emblem of the Deutsche Reichsbund für Leibesübungen
Backside: Marked DRL, Ges. Gesch. and maker logo Hermann Aurich read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Tätigkeitsabzeichen Waffenunteroffizier
In an excellent but used condition a Luftwaffe Weapons NCO badge.
Backside has paper because it was glued by a collector to paper. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich DSB Mitglied Türschild von Bakelit
In an excellent condition a Bakelite deutscher siedlerbund membership door sign
Frontside: DSB emblem. Deutscher Siedlerbund e.v. (eingetragener Verein) Mitglied. Maker marked Union-Werke A- G. Radebeul 1489/9
The former Union-Werke in the original district of today's Radebeul was one of the most important companies in the Saxon packaging and advertising material i... read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich NS Wohlfahrtsspende für die Mütter-verschickung
In a very good condition a National Socialistic Welfare donation for the mothers dispatch
Frontside: NS Wohlfahrtsspende für die Mütter-verschickung. Large eagle with Swastika. A mother with child.
Backside: Safety pin. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Amtliche Siegerauszeichnung des DRL für Jugend Tüte
In an a very good condition a very rare award bag for the bronze oak leave award for the DRL youth
Very interesting item with maker marking Stuffmann & Co from Haan-Rhld (Rheinland) This award bag held the Bronze oak leaves for the 3rd price of the youth Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen award book
Described in the middle of the bag is the possiblity to combin... read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Postschutz Zivil Mitgliedsbzeichen
In an excellent condition a Mail Protection Civil Member Badge
No maker markings present. read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich 5. Hessen tag in Kassel der NSDAP 1935
In a good but used condition a 5th Hesse Day of the NSDAP in Kassel
Frontside: 5. Hessentag der NSDAP in Kassel 17.-19. Mai 1935. Sun rising behind a statue on a pedestal. Swastika beneath the pedestal.
Backside: Safety pin. read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW leuchte scheine gold'ne sonne über dieses freie Land
In a good condition a Winterhilfswerke badge shine the golden sun over this free country
Frontside: leuchte scheine gold'ne sonne über dieses freie Land 1940/41 K. WHW (Koblenz Winterhilfswerke)
Backside: Safety pin. Gau Koblenz-Trier, Spruch von H. Lersch. Maker marked S & L.o. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSRKB Armbinde
In an almost mint condition a Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund armband
The NSRKB fabric patch is nicely sown upon the black wool armband in this two parts construction.
+/- 10.5 cm wide read more
3rd Reich miniatur NS-Frauenschaft mitgliedsabzeichen 8. form
In a very good condition a miniatur National Socialist womenhood membership badge 8th form.
Frontside: Nat. Soz. Fr.. GHL (in Gothic letters) which stand for "Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe" (Faith, Hope, Love) which was their motto. In the middle a red Swastika upon a white cross. Some small hear fractures in the enemal. but nothing concerning. Priced accordingly
Backsid... read more
3rd Reich HJ 1938 treffen papierabzeichen
In an very good condition a HJ 1938 paper badge
Frontside: Eagle in front off oak leaves with HJ emblem in front and year 1938
Backside: Safety needle read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Reichssportwettkampf 1939
In an excellent condition a HJ paper pressed competition badge 1939
Marker M.Q. which is most likely the artist of the medal. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Frontkämpferkreuz (O&B) mit Tüte
In an excellent condition a honor cross with swords
Original blue award bag (torn open) but still very representible. Very rare bag.
Medal maker marked O&B which stands for Ochs & Bonn from Hanau read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich SS-Sanitätsamt 5 Wertmarke
In a very good condition but used a SS Medical office value token 5
Source of this token is from the by Gerd Opalka Katalog der Marken aus der Zeit der
Weimarer Republik (1918–1933) und des
Deutschen Reiches (1933–1945)
Section 17) Schutzstaffel (SS-Dienststellen) nr. 5 page 16.
Frontside: Zinc token with Red Cross and thr... read more
90.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Preussischer Landes-kriegersverband Mitgliedsabzeichen
In a good but used condition a memberships badge of the Prussian State Warrior Association
Frontside: Prussian royal eagle. Prussian black/white ribbon
Backside: Maker marked Heinrich Timm from Berlin C. Wallstrasse 21. read more
15.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich ADAC Jubiläumsfahrt 1928 Die Wartburg
In an excellent condition an Allgemeine Deutsche Automobil-Club jubilee roadtrip 1928 The Wartburg
Frontside: Die Wartburg (Unesco heritage nowadays) is a castle in Eisenach (Thüringen). A.D.A.C. Jubiläumsfahrt 1928. With a sight on the castle.
Backside: Maker marked Hermann Wernstein from Jena-Lobstedt read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich Miniatur SA sportabzeichen in Bronze
In an excellent condition a miniatur bronze SA sportbadge.
No maker markings present read more
3rd Reich WHW Aufwärts aus eigener Kraft 1934
Winterhilfwerken Aufwärts aus eigener Kraft 1934
FrontsideL Bird flying towards the red hot sun. Year 1934. Aufwärts aus eigener Kraft (Upwards with own strength)
Backside: Safety pin read more
10.00 EUR
3rd Reich "Tuet Gutes Allen" Spendenabzeichen der Caritas-Woche
In an excellent condition a "Do good to all" Caritas week donation badge
Badge was made in 1934 by the Deutsche Caritasverband. read more
5.00 EUR
3rd Reich Winterschlacht im Osten - Ostmedaille (100) mit Tüte
In an excellent condition an eastern front medal (88) wit award bag.
The zink medal is maker marked by Rudolf Wächtler & Lange from Mittweida (100) on the ring, the award bag is marked with the same maker. read more
130.00 EUR
3rd Reich Reiterabzeichen 3. Klasse Bronze Miniatur
In an excellent condition a miniatur bronze rider badge 3th class
Maker marked L.Christian Lauerberg from Nürnberg (Berlin) and ges. gesch. read more
3rd Reich "Ja" Wahlabzeichen 12.11.1933
In an excellent condition a "Yes" election badge November 12th 1933
The badge could be folded over a button hole so every was shown what you would vote and advertise to other voters to do the same. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich DJ Siegrune abzeichen für das Schiffchen
In an excellent condition a Deutsches Jungvolk Siegrune for the cap read more
3rd Reich RDB mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition a Reichsbund der Deutschen Beamten memberships pin
Safety pin on the back and maker marked with logo from Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Schulterklappen Oberfeldwebel der Infanterie-regiment 87
In a very good but used condition a rare pair of shoulder boards of a 87th regiment Infanterie NCO
Some minor damages overall in a very good condition.
The division was set up during the mobilization on August 26, 1939 as part of the 2nd wave in Altenburg in military district IV.
In 1939 it was relocated to the Eifel for border security.
read more
145.00 EUR
3rd Reich a Wehrmacht Deutsch - Russisch Bilder-Wörterbuch
In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht German-Russian picture-words book
This book was used by the Wehrmacht so they could say simple phrases or point at pictures to say what they want or need.
On page there are sentences like "We need food and straw for our horses!" or "willingly show everything you have!" but also "thank you" or "goodbye"
The book... read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Das neue Soldaten Liederbuch (Band 1)
In an excellent condition the 1st new soldiers songs book
80 pages of various soldiers songs of the Wehrmacht and the 3rd Reich. read more