3rd Reich DAF kreisarbeits Tagung Grossenhain 1936
In a good condition a very rare Deutsche Arbeitsfront district work conference Grossenhain 1936 badge
Frontside: Large eagle next to the DAF emblem. kreisarbeits Tagung Grossenhain 1936
Backside: Safety pin read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Sängerbundesfest 75. Jähr Breslau
In an excellent condition a Singers' Association 75th anniversary in Breslau 1937
Frontside: 12. Deutsches Sängerbundesfest und feier des 75 jähr. Bestehens des Deutschen Sängerbundes 1863-1937 Breslau 28.7.-1.8.1937 (Breslau is present day Polish city Wroclaw)
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Paulmann & Crone from Lüdenscheid read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRK Schiessauszeichnung in Silber 1.Form
In an excellent condition a Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser shooting pin in silver 1st form.
Unmakerd read more
55.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in schwarz
In a very good but used condition a wound badge in black
No maker marking present. read more
3rd Reich Abzeichen für Gefolgschaftsmitglieder der Waffen SS – Angestellte und Arbeiter
In an excellent condition a Badge for civil members of the Waffen SS - employees and workers
No maker markings present. read more
85.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Orginal Ordensband für die Erinnerungsmedaille der Eisernen Division
In an excellent condition an original ribbon for the remembrance medal of the Iron Division
Ribbon size +/- 15 cm read more
30.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Orginal Ordensband für die Medaille für Heimkehrer 1914-1918
In an excellent condition an Original ribbon for the medal for returned prisoners of war 1914-1918
Size +/- 10.5 cm read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Koppelschloss Jugendbund der NSDAP mit Gürtel
In an excellent condition a Jugendbund der NSDAP buckle with belt
Marked Heinz Schönfeld. Size belt width 35mm and length 81cm, buckle size +/- 37 x 53 mm
This buckle has still some silver wash. These were used by youth of the NSDAP. The Jugendbund der NSDAP formed in the 1922 was renamed in the Hitler Jugend in 1933. The Deutsches Jungvolk and Bund Deutscher Mädel... read more
225.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Orginal Ordensband für die Medaille für Tapferkeit im Weltkriege 1914-1918
In an excellent condition an Original ribbon for the medal for bravery in World War 1914-1918
Size +/- 12 cm
The medal was instituted by the Bund Deutscher Marine-Vereine read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Tag der Deutschen Seefahrt 1935
In an excellent condition a Deutsche Seefahrt 1935 badge
Frontside: Tag er Deutschen Seefahrt 25-26 May 1935
Seefahrt ist Not. Sailship in the middle. Swastika inside a wreath and eagle on top
Backside: Safety pin and maker marked Paul Schulze & Co from Lübeck read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich KDF Gau Franken abzeichen
In an excellent condition a rare power through joy association badge Gau Franken
Frontside: K.d.F. Gau Franken.
Backside: No maker marks. read more
25.00 EUR
BRD Poster Deutsche Postleitgebiete, besetzte Nachkriegsgebiete 2. Weltkrieg
In a very good condition a poster with German postal areas, and occupied zones after the 2nd World War
The poster shows the borders of the former Gemran Empire on 1937.
Maker marked: Gustav Harter from Mainz an die Rhein read more
17.50 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkart NSG Kraft durch Freude 1937
In an excellent condition a postcard of the nationalsozialistische gemeinschaft Kraft Durch Freude 1937
Frontside: Deutsche Sammlergemeinschaft der NSG "Kraft durch Freude". Sammeln am Feierabend, ausstellung Berlin 3.-5. September 1937 Schirmherr Reichsleiter Dr. Robert Ley. NSG emblem
Backside: Blanco but this was on purpose so the sender could use this space fo... read more
10.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Führerschnur fur der Scharführer oder DJ Jungzugführer
In an excellen condition a Hilterjugend Lanyard for Scharführer or Deutsches Jungvolk Jungzugführer read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Katholischen Feldgesangbuch für die Geistlicher der Wehrmacht
In an excellent condition a Catholic field hymn book for the clergy of the Wehrmacht
With permission from the Catholic Field bishop der Wehrmacht from August 24th 1939.
Maker marked Verlag Ernst Siegfried Mittler & Sohn from Berlin SW 68
95 pages with prairs and songs, last rites. read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldspange 8 medaillen mit auflagen
In an excellent condition a Field clasp with 8 positions with attachments
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Kriegsverdienstkreuze 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
3. Ostmedaille (Winterschlacht)
4. Militärdienstzeichen für Unteroffiziere u. Mannschaften für 12 Jahre
5. Hindenburgkreuz mit Schwertern
6. Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen (25 jahre)
7. Ung... read more
3rd Reich RAD Dienststellenabzeichen 5/263 (Hechingen)
In an excellent but used condition a Reichsarbeitsdienst 5/263 sleeve patch für Mannschäften
Frontside: Embroided Shield patch 5/263 which stands for Hechingen.
Arbeitsgau Hechingen Gruppen 263 and abteilung 5
Backside: Marked Ges. Gesch. with RLAD logo and G&W which is the maker mark for Günther & Windrath from Wuppertal-Unterbarmen read more
3rd Reich Wir beginnen das Wunschkonzert für die Wehrmacht
In an excellent condition a book "We start the wish concert for the Wehrmacht"
Written by Heinz Goedeck and Wilhelm Krug
Given to a child on his 12th birthday with all best wishes in the war year 1941. read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRL Ehren-Urkunde
In a very good condition a Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen honor award document
The award document has been made for the 3000 meter in the 10th Oranienkampfspielen in Diez/Lahn on August 15th 1937 as 2nd winner.
Booklet marked on the back, Conrad Müller, the rest is not readable. read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Ärmelabzeichen Oberschützenstern
In a very good condition a sleeve badge for a senior rifle man in the Wehrmacht. read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Fahnen und Standarten der Luftwaffe 1940 Fliegertruppe
In an excellent but used condition a WhW Flags and standard of the Luftwaffe, Air Force
Frontside: Fliegertruppe der Luftwaffe
Backside: Safety pin is missing. Fliegertruppe . Maker marked SU 26 read more
8.50 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Dienstgradenabzeichen "Verwaltungsmaat"
In a very good condition a Kriegsmarine rank insignia "administrative mate" read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich NSRKB Armbinde
In an almost mint condition a Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund armband
The NSRKB fabric patch is nicely sown upon the black wool armband in this two parts construction.
+/- 7.3 cm wide read more
120.00 EUR
3rd Reich Foto Ein Wehrmacht Infanterie Soldat der 62. IR mit Schutzenschnur
In a very good condition a Photo of a Wehrmacht infantry Soldat of the 62nd IR with a Marksman Lanyard.
Wearing a waffenrock costume and Peaked visor cap.
Backside marked Zur erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit 1936-1938 read more
10.00 EUR
BRD Bundeswehr Reserve hat ruh abzeichen
In an excellent condition a Bundeswehr "Reserve at ease" badge read more
7.50 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Supenteller (AltSchönwald)
In an excellent condition a Werhmacht soup plate dated 1938
Marked with Wehrmacht hoheitsadler and dated 1938. Maker marked crown above a shield with Pinetree AltSchönwald
In 1927 the Porzellanfabrik Schönwald AG was acquired by Porzellanfabrik Kahla located in German Thuringia. After the WWII when Germany was divided into two states, the Kahla porcelain factory’s ... read more
3rd Reich Foto Ein Wehrmacht Pionier Unteroffizier mit Stahlhelm und Schutzenschnur
In a very good condition a Photo of a Wehrmacht pioneer NCO with a steel helmet and a marksmanship lanyard grade 1 (neue art)
Wearing a M36 Tunic and a M35 Stahlhelm. Photo marked on the back 1940. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Foto Ein Kriegsmarine Matrose in Uniform.
In an excellent condition a photo of Kriegsmarine seeman in uniform. read more
9.50 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Kinderholungsheim der Luftwaffe "Haus Lindenhof"
In an excellent condition a postcard Luftwaffe children's convalescent home "Haus Lindenhof"
Frontside: A printed card with gesamtansicht of Haus Lindenhof
Backside: Kinderholungsheim der Luftwaffe "Haus Lindenhof", Ostseebad Graal-Müritz (Mecklenburg)
Maker marked by logo and name, Graphisch Kunstaltelier Kettling & Krüger from Schalksmühle im Westfalen. C... read more
10.00 EUR
3rd Reich 10 Jahre Gau Berlin 1926-1936
In an excellent condition a Gua Berlin 10 years jubilee 1926-1936
Frontside: A row of NSDAP flags with the Berlin bear (emblem of the city) holding the eagle with wreath and Swastika. 10 Jahre Gau Berlin 1926-1936. Designer marked Glöckler
Backside: Safety pin with flash rust. Maker marked L. Christian Lauer from Nürnberg (Berlin) read more
45.00 EUR