3rd Reich Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze (R.S.)
In an excellent condition a Panzer Assault Badge in bronze (R.S.)
A solid zinc Panzer assault badge which is marked R.S. which stands for Robert Souval from Wien read more
425.00 EUR
3rd Reich Medaille Heimkehr des Memellandes (Hauptmünzamt Berlin)
In an excellent condition a return of Memel medal
Frontside: Two men holding the NSDAP flag and broken chain on an elevation under the eagle with swastika.
Backside: Within a wreath of oakleaves. Zur erinnerung an die heimkehr des Memellandes 22. März 1939 Marked below the ribbon at the bottom very small HC which stands for Eduard Hanisch-Concée which is designed o... read more
3rd Reich Hinterbliebenenkreuz (Gebrüder Lange)
In an excellent condition a Honor cross for widows and parents
Maker marked G.&L.L. which stands for Gebrüder Lange from Lüdenscheid read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich Anschluss Sudetenland Medaille
In an excellent condition an Anschluss Sudetenland medal
Zur Erinnering an den 1. Oktober 1938, Anschluss Sudetenland.
Frontside: Two men of which one has broken his chains and the other is holding the NSDAP flag standing upon a podium with eagle and Swastika in front
Backside: Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Führer 1. Oktober 1938 read more
55.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen
In an excellent condition a honor medal for build on the West-Wall
Frontside: Inside a wreath Für Arbeit zum Schutze Deutschlands
Backside: Eagle with swastika, sword and shuffle (building and protection) and underneath a bunker read more
45.00 EUR
Ehrenzeichen 1. Stufe für 40 Jahre im Etui
Ehrenzeichen 1. Stufe für 40 Jahre im Etui
In an almost mint condition a gold 40 years faithful service honor badge 1st class
Frontside: Large black swastika on a cross which is on top of a wreath.
Backside: Fur Treue Dienste. No maker markings. Safety pin on the ribbon
Box: Condition is very good. Frontside 40 inside a wreath. Box is unmarked read more
150.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen
In a good but used condition a honor medal for build on the West-Wall
Frontside: Inside a wreath Für Arbeit zum Schutze Deutschlands
Backside: Eagle with swastika, sword and shuffle (building and protection) and underneath a bunker read more
3rd Reich DAF Kafeetasse (Bauscher Weiden)
In an excellent condition a Deutsche Arbeitsfront coffee cup
Marked Modell des Amtes - Schönheit der Arbeit. Maker marked Bauscher Weiden. The company Bauscher is still operational with a location in Weiden.
Height +/- 6 cm read more
3rd Reich DAF Zuckerdose (Bauscher Weiden 1942)
In an excellent condition a large Deutsche Arbeitsfront sugarpot
Marked Modell des Amtes - Schönheit der Arbeit. Maker. Maker marked PMR (Porzellanfabrik Marktredwitz) Bavaria Jaeger & Co. The company has stopped in 1986.
Width +/- 13 cm
Height +/- 9 cm read more
3rd Reich Erkennungsmarken Kaiserreich & Wehrmacht Wach batallion 571
In an excellent condition three dog tags of the same person during two world wars
The dog tags were from Emil Ulshofer who lived in Württemberg. The first two dog tags were made during WWI and the 3rd during WWII.
Dog Tag nr 1. Emil Ulshöfer from Mergentheim, born 24 augusts 1894. String is in the colors of the kingdom of Wurttemberg
- Ersatz batallion Infa... read more
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Knöpfen Assmann & Söhne (25mm)
In an excellent condition Kriegsmarine gilded buttons 25 mm
Price for the whole lot of 8 buttons
On the backside maker marked with the logo and name of Assmann & Söhne and Feuervergoldung read more
3rd Reich Reichsluftschutzbund Amtsträges-Ausweis
In an excellent condition a Reichsluftschutzbund official ID card
Made out to Erika Holl who was a member of the Gemeinde gruppe 1514 of the RLB Gruppe XIII Nordbayern. She was a member from 1938. and her memberships number is 1184059. Her function was first worker but this changed into Blockhelferin. This means she helpt out in a specifc block of the city Nürnberg for the air pr... read more
3rd Reich Feldspange 3 medaillen
In an excellent condition a field clasp with 3 positions
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939
2. Ostmedaille (Winterschlacht)
3. Dienstauszeichnung RAD read more
35.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Gaumeisterschaften medaille
In a very good condition a brass medal for a winner of the district championships
The predecessor of today's SFV was founded on October 17, 1897 in the inn "Zum Landsknecht" in Karlsruhe by eight football clubs under the name Verband Süddeutscher Fußball-Vereine. In 1898 the first statutes were adopted and Friedrich Wilhelm Nohe was elected the first chairman. The first champions... read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRKB Silberne Ehrennadel für 25 jährige Mitgliedschaft 2. Form
In an excellent condition a DRKB silver honor needle for 25 years membership 2nd form
DRKB = Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Mützenabzeichen für RAD-Führer (G.S.)
In a excellent condition a visor cap RAD insignia for a Reichsarbeitsdienst leader
The solid metal insignia is maker marked G.S. 36 RLAD ges. gesch., RLAD stands for Reichsleitung des Reichsarbeitsdienstes. 36 for the year 1936. All prongs are present. read more
3rd Reichsarbeitsdienst Ehrennadel für Männer
In an excellent condition a RAD honor pin for men
Maker marked Hoffstätter from Bonn read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRL 1. Kreisfest Alzey 1937 Papierabzeichen
In a very good condition a Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen 1st district feast in Alzey 1937 paper badge.
Frontside: DRL 1. Kreisfest Kreis 8 Nibelungen in Alzey am 10./11. Juli 1937
Backside: Safety pin read more
35.00 EUR
Kaiserreich verwundetenabzeichen in schwarz 1918
In an excellent condition an emperial wound badge in black.
Frontside: M16 stahhelm above two swords inside a wreath.
Backside: safety pin. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Reichsbund Deutsche Jägerschaft Mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition a DJ membership stickpin
Marked on the back Ges. Gesch. read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (27)
In an excellent condition a Iron Cross 2nd class 1939 (27)
Maker marked 27 which stands for Anton Schenkl´s Nachfolger from Wien (Vienna)
Three-part construction with magnetic iron core read more
250.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Feldspange 2 medaillen mit Kyffhäuser-Denkmünze für 1914/18
In an excellent condition a field clasp 2 medals with a Kyffhäuser Commemorative medal for 1914-1918
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Kyffhäuser Commemorative medal for 1914-1918 with the medall sewn on the field clasp it self. read more
27.50 EUR
Württemberg Freistaat Feuerwehr-Ehrenzeichen 25 Jahre
In an excellent condition Firebrigade honor medal 25 years jubilee
The fire brigade awards of the kingdom that had been valid until then were replaced in 1920 by the newly donated medal of the Free State.
As before, the award was given to members of the voluntary fire brigades in recognition of 25 years of uninterrupted and blameless service in the fire brigade. This was ... read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Divisionsabzeichen der 4. Gebirgs-Division der Wehrmacht (B.H.Mayer)
In an excellent condition a Division Badge of the 4th Mountain Division of the Wehrmacht (B.H.Mayer)
Maker marked B.H.Mayer from Pforzheim
These division badges were also called Traditionsabzeichen or Truppenkennzeichen.
The division was set up from October 23, 1940 to mid-March 1941, mainly through donations from the 25th and 27th Infantry Divisions... read more
Kaiserreich Mitgliedsabzeichen Württembergischer Kriegerbund für 25 Jahre
In an excellent condition a Württemberg warrior 25 years jubilee veteran association badge.
The top side of the the Württembergischer Kriegerbund badges were the same. The ribbon distinguished the different associations. This specific ribbon is for the Offenau Militär Verein.
Backside is marked by the makers A. Schwerdt from Stuttgart. The 25 badge is marked ges. g... read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Divisionsabzeichen der 29. Infanterie Division
In an excellent condition a divisions badge of the 29th Infanterie Division
Maker marked with a hexagon on the back.
The division was mobilized in August 1939 and joined the XIV Corps of the German 10th Army for the invasion of Poland.
In December 1939 it was transferred to the west. During the invasion of France it joined the 16th Army. As a strateg... read more
120.00 EUR
BRD Bundeswehr Inspekteur des Heeres Generalleutnan Gert Gudera "Gut Gemacht" medaille
In an excellent condition a Bundeswehr Inspector of the Army Lieutenant General Gert Gudera "Well Done" medal
Medal must be from between 2001 and 2004. It was handed out to parts of the Bundeswehr who had their operational readiness in order.
On July 1, 2000, Gudera handed over the 7th Panzer Division to Major General Jürgen Ruwe and took up the post of Deputy Insp... read more
20.00 EUR
BRD Eichenlaubkranz für die Schirmmütze der Kriegerkameradschaft
In a mint condition a Bundes Republiek Deutschland visor cap wreath for the Warrior's Fellowship Peaked Cap read more
12.50 EUR
BRD Bundeswehr Zur Erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit
In an excellent condition a Bundeswehr remembrance coin for service time
Frontside: Zur erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit. In the middle the Republic of Germany Bundeswehr eagle
Backside: Wreath with in the middles the emblems of the Bundeswehr Marine, Luftwaffe and Bundesheer. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Divisionsabzeichen der 5. Gebirgs-Division der Wehrmacht (Deschler)
In an excellent condition a Division Badge of the 5th Mountain Division of the Wehrmacht (Deschler)
Maker marked Deschler from München 90.
These division badges were also called Traditionsabzeichen or Truppenkennzeichen.
The 5. Gebirgs-Division was formed in October 1940 in the Tirol region of Austria from 100. Gebirgs-Regiment from 1. Gebirgs-Divisi... read more