3rd Reich HJ Porzellanabzeichen Sonnenwende 1934
In an excellent condition a Hitlerjugend ceramic solstice badge 1934
A Reichssportwettkampf participation pin for the solstice on 21 juni 1934 . Safety pin on the back read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Gautag der NSDAP Gautag Württemberg-Hohenzollern 1937
In an excellent condition a NSDAP District rally day Württemberg-Hohenzollern 1937 badge
Frontside: Large swastika and eagle. Rows of marching men underneath. Gautag der NSDAP Württemberg-Hohenzollern. Stuttgart 4. - 6. Juni 1937
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Fr. Zimmermann from Stuttgart. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Ostseebad Zinnowitz
In an excellent condition a postcard from the baltic sea resort Zinnowitz
Frontside: Ostseebad Zinnowitz - dampfe friggaten der Seebrücke (Steam friggates of the pier)
Backside: Stamped July 20th 1936. Also a stamp to tell people to use the telephone because it is cheaper and safes time. Maker marked Verlag Ernst Anders from Zinnowitz. Card number 70411 cF read more
10.00 EUR
3rd Reich Reichsarbeitsdienst der Weibliche Jugend
In a very good but used condition a RAD brooch of the female youth
Frontside: Reichsarbeitsdienst Weibliche Jugend. Grain stalks with Swastika above.
Backside: Safety pin (Hook is broken), Maker marked with logo and letters. MH which stands for Mauritz Hertwig from Tannenberg. Dated 1937. Ges. Gesch. RLAD stands for Reichsleitung des Reichsarbeitsdienstes. read more
80.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ahnenpass (Mainz-Bischofsheim)
In an excellent condition an ancestral passport from Mainz-Bischofsheim read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Winterschlacht im Osten - Ostmedaille (19)
In an excellent condition an eastern front medal (19)
The zink medal is maker marked by E. Ferdinand Wiedmann from Frankfurt am Main (19) on the ring. read more
80.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ahnenpass (Bad Kreuznach)
In an excellent condition an ancestral passport from Bad Kreuznach read more
3rd Reich Anschluss Sudetenland Medaille mit Pragerburg spange
In an excellent condition an Anschluss Sudetenland medal with Castle of Prague clasp
Zur Erinnering an den 1. Oktober 1938, Anschluss Sudetenland.
Frontside: Two men of which one has broken his chains and the other is holding the NSDAP flag standing upon a podium with eagle and Swastika in front
Backside: Safety pin. Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Führer 1. ... read more
3rd Reich WhW Freiheit und Brot, 29 Märch 1936
In a very good condition a WhW donation badge
Frontside: Freiheit und Brot 29 März 1936 and two oak leaves. read more
10.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Schwäbische Meisterschaft 1930 Baiersbronn
In an excellent condition a Swabian Championship 1930 Baiersbronn
In Baiersbronn is a ski resort and sports like langlaufen and other ski related sports were and still are held there
Frontside: Large snow flake with a snow between pine trees. Schwäbische Meisterschaft 1930 Baiersbronn
Backside: Safety pin and maker marked AD. Schwerdt from Stuttgart read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSKOV Mitgliedsabzeichen
In a very good condition a NSKOV membership badge
Maker marked on the back RZM M1/52 which stands for Deschler & Sohn from Munich read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich 450 Geburtstag Martin Luther 1483-1933
In an excellent condition a 450th birthday jubilee Martin Luther 1483-1933
Frontside: 1483-1933 Buste of Martin Luther. Martin Luther zum 450 Geburtstag 10. November
Backside: Safety pin read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Suppenteller (KPM)
In an excellent condition a Deutsche Arbeitsfront Soup plate
Maker marked KPM (Krister Porzellan Manufaktur) from Berlin, Echt Unterglasur.
Marked with DAF emblem, Modell des Amtes Schönheit der Arbeit
With +/- 23 cm read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkarte WhW 2. Kriegspostkarte
In an excellent condition a postcard winterhilfswerke 2nd war postcard.
Frontside: Soldier and a worker with hoheitsadler in the back. Kämpfen, Arbeiten und Opfern. WhW donation box.
Backside: Empty, because this space was meant to write your letter. read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Krakau Floriantor
In an excellent condition a postcard Kraków Florian Gate
Card number 106/5-42 Maker marked Druck Graphische Anstalt "Akropol", Krakau. Abteilung Bild und Postkartenverlag Nachdruck Verboten.
Interesting Post stamp from General Gouvernement in Poland. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Tätigkeitsabzeichen Kraftfahrer
In an excellent but used condition a Luftwaffe Driver badge.
Backside has paper because it was glued by a collector to paper. read more
30.00 EUR
Österreich Deutscher Schulverein 1880 mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition an Austrian German School association 1880 memberships badge
Deutscher Schulverein (DSchV) was the name of a so-called protection association of Germans in all crown lands of the Austrian half of the empire. After the annexation of Austria in 1938 the organization dissolved and integrated into the VDA of the 3rd Reich.
Frontside: Deutscher... read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Kreuzer "Köln"
In an excellent condition a postcard cruiser "Köln"
geschwindigkeit 32 seemeilen, länge 169 M, Breite 15,2 M, Tiefgang 5,4 M, 6000 t
speed 32 nautical miles, length 169 meter, width 15.2 meter, draft 5.4 meter, 6000 tons
Card number K9568 Photo und Verlag Hans Andres, Hamburg 1. With logo from company H over an A, Hamburg - ... read more
10.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Ärmelabzeichen für Gebirgsjäger
In an excellent condition a Gebirgsjäger sleeve insignia Edelweiss read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Ärmelabzeichen Jägertruppe
In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht riflemen sleeve patch
A bit of glue remains on the back read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Kreistreffen Auf der Alm 1935
In a very good condition a NSDAP District rally Auf der Alm 1935 badge.
Frontside: Auf der Arlm. Kemnath-Erbendorf. NS-Kreistreffen. Shield like badge. In the middle a pinetree mountain area with sun coming up with Swastika as the sun. 1935
Backside: Safety pin read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich Tag der Nationalen Solidarität 5. Dez.1936
In an excellent condition a Day of national solidarity December 5th 1936
Frontside: Tag der Nationalen Solidarität 5. Dezember 1936. Neuland-Halle Adolf-Hitler-Koog. Soldiers and worker standing on either side with rifle and shuffle.
Backside: Safety pin. Some paper damage but nothing structural.
It is presently called Dieksanderkoog and was newly fo... read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW DAF Deine Hand Dem Handwerk
In a good condition a Winterhilfswerke DAF badge
Frontside: Deine Hand Dem Handwerk, Your hand this handcraft. Two shaking hands with Swastika in the background.
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked GB Gustaf Brehmer DAF Deutsche Arbeitsfront. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ein Briefumschlag mit Siegelmarke vom Der Deutsche Gesandtschaft Soft zum Generalstab des Heeres
In an excellent condition an Envelope with seal mark from the German Embassy In Sofia (Bulgaria) to the general staff of the army
No letter, only the envelope!
Frontside: Per Avion! (air mail) Bulgarian stamps dated April 22nd 1939. Herrn Oberst Kurt von Tippelskirch. He was at that moment Oberquartiermeister IV in the rank of Generalmajor. Chef der 3. Abteilung im... read more
25.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Landwehr Dienstauszeichnung 2.Klasse 1913 am Einzelspange
In an excellent condition a single mounted 2nd class service medal
The service decorations for non-commissioned officers and soldiers were first presented on June 18, 1825 together with the service decoration cross for officers by King Friedrich Wilhelm III. donated. The first form of the service award was in the form of a buckle. 1st Class was silver gilded and awarded after 21 ... read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW DAF Deine Hand Dem Handwerk 1935
In an excellent condition a Winterhilfswerk Deutsche Arbeitsfront "Your hand this handcraft" badge
Frontside: Wooden badge. DAF emblem in the middle. Deine Hand, Dem Handwerk. 1935
Backside: Pin attachment read more
17.50 EUR
3rd Reich HJ 1. Fest der Jugend Juni 1933
In a very good condition an early HJ badge 1st. youth feast June 1933
Frontside: 1. Fest der Jugend Juni 1933. Young man holding a flag with hundreds behind him. Swastika underneath.
Backside: stickpin. No maker markings read more
27.50 EUR
Nederland Cloisonné tegel "Wederopbouw Nederland" uit de serie Oorlog en Vrede
In an excellent condition a very rare Cloisonné tile "Reconstruction of the Netherlands" from the series War and Peace
Designed by H.J. Tieman. This tile is called "De Metselaar" or the Bricklayer in English.
Frontside: Royal emblem of the Netherlands. Netherlands made or bricks being repaired by hand by a brick layer. Various crests below
Backside: ... read more
250.00 EUR
3rd Reich Zentralverband der Katholischen Müttervereine mitglieds Brosche
In an excellent condition a Central Association of Catholic Mothers' Associations brooch
The Zentralverband der Katholischen Müttervereine was created in 1928. This catholic organization was one of the few organizations that were condoned during the 3rd reich until 1939 when it as dissolved.
Frontside: Emblem of the organisation with Christian cross with M which st... read more
45.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Jungdeutscher Orden für Ordensschwestern 1. Form
In an excellent condition a Young German order for nuns 1st form
After the National Socialists came to power in 1933, the Young German Order was banned nationwide, except in the Prussian provinces, because it could not be brought into line or incorporated into a National Socialist organization. On July 3, 1933, the order avoided a ban in Prussia and the associated expropriation b... read more
25.00 EUR