Kaiserreich Knopfsloch orden Württemberg
In a mint condition a buttonhole decoration from Württemberg 2. ribbons
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Militärverdienstmedaille Württemberg
Button also marked with text Solide Elegant and very well decorated with the same yellow ribbon fabric. read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Bauscher Weiden Teller
In an very good condition a DAF porcelain canteen plate
Maker marked Bauscher from Weiden in der Obenpfalz. This is a subsidiary from the Lorenz Hutschenreuther AG
+/- 19 cm wide
numbered plate into the porcelain. Modell des Amtes, Schönheit der Arbeit. with in the middel read more
34.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1936 abzeichen
In a very good condition a Tag der Arbeit 1st May tinnie.
Frontside: Sword, hammer and plow. 1.Mai 1936 Eagle with swastika inside a wreath.
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Karl Hensler Pforzheim read more
15.00 EUR
Austria-Hungaria Kaiser Franz Joseph Jubilee Medal
In a good but used condition a Franz Joseph jubilee medal
The Jubilee Medal (Signum Memoriae) was a military award of Austria-Hungary. Established on 21 October 1898 by Emperor Franz Joseph I of Austria, it commemorates 50 years of his reign. The medal was awarded to members of the Austro-Hungarian armed forces.
The Jubilee Medal (Signum Memoriae)... read more
20.00 EUR
Kaisereich Miniatur gedenkmunze anhänger 1881-1906
In an excellent condition a remembrance coin/ hanger 1881-1906
1881-1906 25 years jubilee of Empress Auguste Victoria and Emperor Wilhelm II of the German Empire.
These coins would be changed into hangers and were seen as a sign of patriotism to wear them and to show support for the Kaiser.
Backside: Zum andenken an die feier der Silbernen Hochzeit ... read more
35.00 EUR
Osterreich Heimkehrergedenkstätte Ehrenzeichen
In an excellent condition an Austria Ulrichsberggemeinschaft honor medal
The Ulrichsberg gathering (Ulrichsberggemeinschaft) is an Austrian German nationalist organisation founded in Klagenfurt in 1953 to memorialise Carinthian soldiers in World War I, the Austro-Slovene conflict in Carinthia, and World War II.
Its full name is Ulrichsberggemeinschaft / Heimkehrer- und Eu... read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1935 abzeichen
n a very good condition a Deutsche Arbeits Front tinnie 1935.
Frontside: Tag der Arbeit with bust eagle. under the wings the year 1935 and in a wreath the swastika. Three men above, with hammer, law and wheat. Above Tag der Arbeit. in the left initials RK
Backside: Safety pin, maker marked G. Danner Abzeichen-Fabrik from Mühlhausen Th. (Thüringen) read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schirmmützeneichenlaub
In a good but used condition a visor cap wreath for a Heer
One pin is missing on the backside. read more
22.50 EUR
DDR Interimsspange Grenztruppen 13 orden
In an excellent condition a DDR border troops ribbon bar with 13 medals
- Kampforden für Verdienste um Volk und Vaterland in Silber
- Kampforden für Verdienste um Volk und Vaterland in Bronze
Row 2
- Verdienstmedaille der Grenztruppen der DDR in Gold
- Verdienstmedaille der Grenztruppen der DDR in Silber
- Verdienstmedaille d... read more
65.00 EUR
3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 Grossmann & Co.
In a very good condition an iron cross 1939 2nd class
Maker marked 11, which stands for Grossmann & Co. from Vienna
Three piece construction with magnetic iron core and shake test is ok.
Because an iron cross is made from different part, you can test it by holding it by the ring and shake it. You can feel and hear the different parts moving like a ra... read more
3rd Reich NSRKB Brustadler (Ges. Gesch. 5)
A very good conditioned alumminium NSRKB eagle.
Badge with short swords. Maker marked Ges. Gesch. 5. Safety pin is missing!
There are 3 variants of this badge:
1. Silver colored eagle with short swords for the veterans (NSRKB)
2. Silver colored eagle with long swords for the Soldatenbund
3, Golden colored eagle with long sword f... read more
35.00 EUR
Kaiser Reich Zentenarmedaille Miniatur 16mm
In an excellent condition a miniatur comemorative medal for Emperor Wilhelm I.
Size 16mm
No maker markings present. These miniatur medals were worn on the Miniaturkette (miniatur chain) read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich KS98 Bayonet WKC
In a very good but used condition a WKC dress bayonet
Marked with the knight and the letters WKC underneath for Weyersberg Kirschbaum & Cie. This specific logo was in use during the 3rd Reich era.
The bayonet is also marked on the cross-guard by the owner "Herzer." and has very nice (Spanish Bolo bayonet like) wooden checkerd grips.
The press stud ... read more
225.00 EUR
3rd Reich Patriotische Papier Flagge (Winkefähnchen)
In an mint condition a patriotic paper flag
The term Winkefähnchen is litteraly translated in waving flag, meaning you can wave with the flag for example during a parade.
The flag has been rolled up for years and came from a depot in France which have been used in WWII.
There are multiple flags in stock in similar condition, but still rolled up.
35.00 EUR
France Médaille Réduction Commémorative WWII - Indo-China
In an excellent condition a miniatur medal bar with 3 positions
1. La médaille militaire (La Légion d’honneur du sous-officier)
2. Médaille Commémorative de la Guerre de 1939-1945
3. Médaille Commémorative de la Campagne d'Indochine read more
85.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Mitgliedsnadel ATuSB 1. form
In an used condition an ATuSB memberships pin
Needle is broken, priced accordingly.
The ATuSB stands for Arbeiter Turn- und Sportbund. This organisation was part of the Socialist party (SPD).
This member stickpin or Mitgliedsabzeichen 5.Form The organisation ATSB existed between 1893 - 1933. After the take over by the NSDAP the union was forbidden ... read more
7.50 EUR
BRD Baden-Württemberg Feuerwehr-Ehrenzeichen
In an excellent condition a Fire dept. 25 year service medal
Early Bundes Republiek Deutschland, Baden-Württemberg fire dept. 25 years service medal with ribbon bar and karton box.
The decoration was donated on 25 June 1956 by the state government of Baden-Württemberg. It is worn on the left side of the chest. Holders of the Certificate of Honour 30107,which... read more
37.50 EUR
BRD Kyffhäuserbund Schirmmütze
In an almost mint condition a Kyffhäuser Visor Cap
The visor cap is post war (1950-60's) used by a member Franz Wilhelm from Mulfingen Jagstberg which has been written on the name card on the inside of the cap.
The cap is also marked with the insignia of the Kyffhäuserbund which is used after the war. And is similary marked on the inside. Also with gesetzlich gesc... read more
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Kaffeekanne 1938
In an excellent condition a early Luftwaffe coffee pot
Maker marked Bauscher from Weiden in der Obenpfalz. This is a subsidiary from the Lorenz Hutschenreuther AG.
An early Luftwaffe eagle holding a Swastika. Fl. U.V. which stands for Flieger Unterkunft Verwaltung, or the Flight Barracks Administration, the agency responsible for Luftwaffe accommodations.
... read more
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Sauciere 1942
In an almost mint condition a Luftwaffe Gravy boat
Maker marked Bohemia (location Neurolau), which is a subsidiary of Allacher Porzellanmanufaktur in the annexed Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Dated 1942
Late Luftwaffe eagle holding a Swastika. Fl. U.V. which stands for Flieger Unterkunft Verwaltung, or the Flight Barracks Administration, the agency responsib... read more
80.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Terrine 1942
In an almost mint condition a Luftwaffe tureen porcelain
Maker marked Heinrich Winterling porcelain factory from Bavaria, made in 1942. This hallmark was used from about 1934 onwards.
Late Luftwaffe eagle holding a Swastika. Fl. U.V. which stands for Flieger Unterkunft Verwaltung, or the Flight Barracks Administration, the agency responsible for Luftwaffe accommoda... read more
150.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsch ist Die Saar 1934
In a very good condition a patriotic badge for the Saarabstimmung in January 1935
The Saarbeckengebiet was controlled by the English and French from 1920 -1935 for the League of Nations. When the people were asked to make a choice between incorporation in France or Germany the NSDAP would try to influence the votes amongst initimidation but also with patriotic badges like this ba... read more
25.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Deutsche Turnerschaft abzeichen
In an excellent condition a German Gymnastics Unity badge
The Deutscher Turnschaft existed between 1868-1936
Frontside: Acorns and leaves under a sign Eintracht and the logo for the Deutsche Turnerschaft DT
Backside: Safety pin, No maker marks. read more
20.00 EUR
Kaiser Reich landwehr verein rheydt abzeichen
In a very good condition a patriotic cross from army club Rheydt
The ribbon is black, white, red which are the colors for the national flag from the Deutsche Reich during the Kaiser era.
Frontside: Mit Gott für König & Vaterland. In the middle inside a wreath W (Kaiser Wilhelm II) with imperial crown above
Backside: Landwehr Verein Rheydt, in the mid... read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldspange 3 medaillen
In an excellent condition a very rare 3 position ribbon bar
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939
2. Winterschlacht im Osten
3. Rettungsmedaille Für Rettung aus Gefahr read more
British P1907 (SMLE) No1 MK1 Sanderson (shortened)
In an excellent condition a SMLE No1 MK1 bayonet
A Lee Enfield (SMLE) bayonet which has been shortened. Fullered blad and with false edge.
On the ricasso marked MKI** 1907 which is the model. Fagily is the crown crest seen for King George V
Maker marked Sanderson. Dated September 1918.
Otherside of the ricasso marked with Enfield inspection... read more
220.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen in schwarz
In a good but used condition a wound badge in black
No Maker marks present. Material Bronze read more
Austria-Hungary Knopfloch Orden 5 medaillen
In an excellent condition a button hole decoration with 5 ribbons.
1. Frontkämpferkreuz mit Schwertern
2. Österreich Tapferkeitsmedaille
3. Österreich Kriegserinnerungsmedaille 1914-1918
4. Österreich, Militär-Verdienstmedaille 1914-1918
5. Österreich Verwundetenmedaille read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich knopflochspange 4. medaillen
In an excellent condition a button hole decoration with 4 ribbons
1. Ehrenkreuz für Kriegsteilnehmer – ohne Schwerter
2. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
3. Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen (Westwall-Medaille)
4. Dienstauszeichnung read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSRKB mitgliedsabzeichen
In a very Good but used condition a early NS-Reichskriegerbund membership pin
Backside marked Ges.Gesch. read more
25.00 EUR