Kaiser Reich Feldspange 3. Medaillen
In a very good condition a ribbon bar with 3 ribbons.
Rare variation. With an old (medical) safety pin, instead of the normal mechanism you would expect on a ribbon bar
- Rote Kreuz Medaille
- Verdienstkreuz für freiwillige Krankenpflege
- Ehrenkreuz für Kriegsteilnehmer – ohne Schwerter read more
30.00 EUR
Danish army gilded buttons pre-wwII (7 pcs.)
In a very good condition a lot of 7 Danish army buttons
1. 3 x 25mm with Danish coat of arms
2. 3 x 17 mm with Danish coat of arms
3. 1 x 17 mm with Danish coat of arms, but marked on the back. C.C. Sporrong & Co. Stockholm (Swedish company)
In Danish these would be called "Army Klapper" which translates in Army Buttons read more
12.50 EUR
Deutsche Reich Feldspange 2. Medaillen
In a very good condition a Ribbon bar 2 medals
The ribbon bar is made in South German style
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
2. Frontkämpferkreuz mit Schwertern read more
25.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Knopfloch orden mit auflage
In an excellent condition a buttonhole decoration 3 ribbons with swords
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Bayern Militärverdienstkreuz
3. Frontkämpferkreuz mit Schwertern
Button marked Solide Elegant. Robe around the button is strong and well attached read more
20.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Knopfloch Orden Eiserne Kreuz
In an excellent condition an Iron Cross button hole decoration read more
5.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRKB Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form
In an excellent condition a DRKB membership pin 1st form.
DRKB stands for Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser
Marked with Ges. Gesch. read more
10.00 EUR
Kaiser Reich Knopfloch Orden Hausorden von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
In an almost mint condition a very rare button decoration Hausorden von Hohenzollern
The button decoration has 2 ribbons
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Hausorden von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern and crown
The gold plated (Feuer vergoldet) button is maker marked Godet from Berlin. The button is one piece made with crown and swords and on th... read more
150.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ mitgliedsabzeichen rzm 1/34
In a very good but used condition a HJ stickpin rzm 1/34
Maker marked RZM 1/34 Karl Wurster from Markneukirchen. The stickpin variant is rarer then the one with safety pin. read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich 40 jahre Treue Dienste im Gold
In a very good condition a 40 years service medal gold plated
Frontside: Large black swastika on a cross which is on top of a wreath.
Backside: Fur Treue Dienste. No maker markings read more
52.50 EUR
3rd Reich 25 jahre Treue Dienste im Silver
3rd Reich 25 years service medal silver plated, with original blue ribbon.
Frontside: Large black swastika
Backside: Fur Treue Dienste read more
3rd Reich knopflochspange mit auflage
In an mint condition a button hole decoration with swords - 6 medals
Bakelite button
1. Eisernes Kreuz 1939 2. Klasse
2. Kriegverdienstkreuz 1939 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
3. Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42
4. Dienstauszeichnung
5. Italienisch-deutschen Feldzug in Afrika
6. Anschluss Sudetenland read more
3rd Reich SA/ NSKK leder Zweidorn Gürtel (Assmann)
In a very good condition a SA/ NSKK a big zweidorn belt
The belt is supple and complete. The belt is marked Croupon /ZUL. 134 which stands for 1st quality leather. ZUL. is a abbreviation for the company that made the leather belt. 134 is the size. The innerside of the belt has a green filt.
The buckle is marked RZM 17 and on the otherside with the Assmann & Söhne... read more
150.00 EUR
3rd Reich Sterbebild ein Uffizier in einem MG. Sicherungs-Regiment
In an excellent condition a death notice from an officer from an MG. Sicherungs Regiment
On the photo on his shoulder tab the number 65 is visible, which would be likely an older photo. It is unclear which MG. (Maschinengewehrkompanie) Sicherungs Regiment this officer was a member of. But he died in Russia (Osten) at October 19th 1943 in a Bandenbekämpfung, which litteraly transl... read more
25.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Knopflochspange mit auflage
In an excellent condition a buttonhole clasp with layer of swords and wound badge
Button is made from wood
1. Ribbon Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse
2. Frontkämpfer Ehrenkreuz mit Schwertern
3. Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz auflage read more
25.00 EUR
Bayerischer Verdienstmedaille des Industriellen Verbandes
In a very good condition a silver buttonhole ribbon with miniature medal
The Knopflochspange mit Verdienstmedaille des Bayerischen Industriellen Verbandes was made by Carl Poellath Münz- und Prägewerk Schrobenhausen from Augsburg Oberhausen.
The medal has a Silver hallmark 990 (which is almost pure silver)
The medal is made most likely made between... read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsbucherei Der Deutschen Jugend (6 pcs.)
In a very good condition a lot of 6 youth books
Heft 17 Schüsse auf den Grenz-Express
Heft 22 Fesselballon im Feuer
Heft 40 Pionier Hartmann schlägt eine Bresche
Heft 65 Fallschirmjäger über Holland
Heft 85 Prien versenkt acht Schiffe aus einum Geleitzug
Heft 86 Das Geheimnis der Ruinenstadt
Heft 117 Kolonnenfahrer in Afrika
Heft 1... read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich postcards lot
In an almost mint condition a lot of 2 postcards.
1. Generaloberst Eduard Dietl, before his promotion in 1942 he was General der Gebirgstruppe. Card is from the VDA
2. Christmas greetingscard. Would be sent through the feldpost to a soldier in the field. A very late and rare card from 1944 read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich postcards lot
In an excellent condition a lot of 3 postcards
1. Adolf Hitler postcard from Stengel & Co. from Dresden
2. Anschluss Sudetenland 13 Marz 1938 Ein Führer. From Verlag Brend'amour, Simhart & Co' from München
3. Anschluss Sudetenland Wir danken unserm Führer. From Verlag Brend'amour, Simhart & Co' from München
The 3rd card has been bent in the bottom. Bu... read more
60.00 EUR
DDR 25. Jahre Mitarbeit VEB Kraftwerk Thierbach
In an excellent condition a 25 years appreciation medal from the VEB Thierbach
The VEB (Volkseigener Betrieb) were state owned (or workers owned) factories.
The medal is provided with the original box. Inside of the box says thanks and appreciation 1965-1990 25 years
Frontside: VEB Kraftwerk 1965-1990 25 between leaves and underneath Thierbach.
... read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich WhW sichert den sieg über hunger und kälte
In an excellent condition a WhW donation badge
Frontside: sichert den sieg über hunger und kälte Wir Opfern! In the middle is Sint Joris and the dragon.
Backside: Safety pin read more
10.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRL Sportabzeichen im Gold (1. Klasse)
In an almost mint condition a DRL sport badge in gold
Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (DRL).
Frontside: An oval wreath of overlapping oak leaves surrounding the pierced and intertwined letters "DRL". Let top side some small flash rust
Backside: Makers mark Wernstein Jena DRGM 35269 read more
3rd Reich WhW Mutter und Kind abzeichen
In an excellent condition a lot of mother and child donation badges.
1. Stickpin consisting of a piece of cloth with a picture of a woman and two children and the words Für Mutter und Kind 1934
2. cloth badge Mutter und Kind from the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt (NSV)
3. A porecelain badge Muttertag 1935 - Reichsmütterdienst im Deutschen Fra... read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Alter Kulturvölker
In an excellent condition a WhW donation badge
With safety pin and maker marked on the back:
Sophienhof/Po Bronzene Hangedos um 1000 v.d. ZTR. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Bronze DRL Sportabzeichen (entnazifiziert)
In a denazified condition a DRL sports badge
The medal is denazified. All medals from before 1945 were forbidden to be worn by the allies. All medals from forbidden organizations like the DRL were forbidden to be worn after 1957. All other medals were denazified and allowed to be worn. It is therfore strange that this medal was denazified because it was not allowed to be worn at ... read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Für Kriegsverdienst 1939 ohne Schwertern
Very nice war merit 1939 medal without swords
Missing ring for the ribbon! Some mild flash rust (this can be easily cleaned)
The War Merit Medal (Kriegsverdienstmedaille) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to recognize outstanding service by civilians in relation to the war effort. It was instituted on 19 August 1940 and usually awarded to those ... read more
22.50 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1934 abzeichen
In a very good condition a 1934 DAF tinnie.
Frontside: Tag der Arbeit with bust eagle, holding a hammer and scythe. under the eagle the year 1934 and in a circle the swastika.
Backside: Maker marked Reichsverband Pforzheim No 4 read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1935 abzeichen
In a very good condition a Deutsche Arbeits Front tinnie 1935.
Frontside: Tag der Arbeit with bust eagle. under the wings the year 1935 and in a wreath the swastika. Three men above, with hammer, law and wheat. Above Tag der Arbeit. in the left initials RK
Backside: Safety pin, maker marked Jörgum & Trefz from Frankfurt am Main read more
3rd Reich Deutsches Jugendfest 1935
In a very good condition Hitlerjugend commemorative tinnie Youth Feast 1935.
Frontside: Runed letters Deutsches Jugendfest 1935. Eagle with swastika above a campfire.
Backside: Safety pin. There is some flash rust present on the back and pin. No makers marks present. read more
22.50 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1938 abzeichen
In an almost mint condition a DAF laybourday 1938 Tinnie
Frontside: celebrating man and woman. Eagle with swastika inside a wreath. 1 Mai 1938
Backside: Maker marked Bruno Klett from Schney read more
3rd Reich WhW Wolfsangel Spendenabzeichen 1936
IN a very good condition a Leather donation badge Wolfsangel
Frontside: Wolfsangel Rune symbol inside a circle
Backside: Safety pin attached. Unreadable text
Wolfsangel, 5th Reichsstrasse Collection from February 1936, carried out by SA, SS and other formations read more