4470 items found
Deutsche Reich Denkmalsweihe Okt. 1927 Dragoner-Regiment 13.

Deutsche Reich Denkmalsweihe Okt. 1927 Dragoner-Regiment 13.

In an excellent condition a dedication badge from the 13th Dragoon reg. from Schleswig-Holstein

Frontside: Wreath with under the regimental monument at Garnisonfriedhof Schleswig. With some worn ribbons

Denkmalsweihe Regiment Appell-Bundestag Schleswig 8.-10. Oktober 1927 Dragoner 13

Backside: Safety pin. No maker marks present

On Nove...  read more

Code: 50865

45.00 EUR

Swiss Bayonet M1957 SIG Stgw (Wenger)

Swiss Bayonet M1957 SIG Stgw (Wenger)

In an excellent condition a SIG Stgw M1957 bayonet

Maker marked on the Ricasso W which stands for Werner and low number 74825. Otherside a Logo WF for Waffen Fabrik. They have made so far about 700.000 of these bayonets. Very early ones have the full name of the maker marked on the ricasso.
The bayonet was made for the Sturmgewehr 57 (Stgw 57)

On the crossgu...  read more

Code: 50864

65.00 EUR

Swiss Armeemesser Modell 1908 (Dated 1940)

Swiss Armeemesser Modell 1908 (Dated 1940)

In a very good condition a Swiss Victorinix M1908 army knife dated 1940

Maker marked Elsener Schwyz which is a subsidiary of the company Victorinox from Carl Elsener

Other side of the ricasso date marked 40 (1940)
On the side of the handle is very vaguely a swiss cross visible

The knife has the following tools:

Large Blade - Lig...  read more

Code: 50863

100.00 EUR

3rd Reich Feldspange 2 medaillen

3rd Reich Feldspange 2 medaillen

In an excellent condition a 2 position ribbon bar

1. Ehrenkreuz für Kriegsteilnehmer – ohne Schwerter
2. Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen  read more

Code: 50860

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Der Führer in Köln abzeichen

3rd Reich Der Führer in Köln abzeichen

In a very good condition a rare remembrance badge Der Fuhrer in Köln.

Frontside: Der Führer in Köln between oak leaves. dated 28 March 1936. Large Swastika and the Frei ist der Rhein.

Backside: Safety pin

The Rhineland was occupied after WWI and demilitarised. To commemorate the moment Hitler visited Koln this badge was created. The slogan the Rhine ...  read more

Code: 50859

37.50 EUR

Kaiserreich Zentenarmedaille - Kaiser Wilhelm I

Kaiserreich Zentenarmedaille - Kaiser Wilhelm I

n an very good condition a comemorative medal for Emperor Wilhelm I.

Ribbon is new

The "Zentenarmedaille", also known as "Kaiser Wilhelm I. Erinnerungsmedaille 1897", was established by his grandson, Wilhelm II, on March 22, 1897, on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Wilhelm I.

The bronze medal had a diameter of 40 mm and hung from a 36 mm wide r...  read more

Code: 50858

30.00 EUR

DDR Verscheidene jahrestag-abzeichen der DDR

DDR Verscheidene jahrestag-abzeichen der DDR

In an excellent condition various celebration years of the DDR

5 badges from 16 years up until 35 years  read more

Code: 50862


BRD Bundeswehr Marineführungsdienst Schulterklappen

BRD Bundeswehr Marineführungsdienst Schulterklappen

In an excellent condition Bundeswehr Naval command service shoulder boards

Rank Bootsmann or in the Royal Navy this rank is called Boatswain  read more

Code: 50861

15.00 EUR

Swiss Kavallerie Dragoner Tschako Ord.1883 (Bern)

Swiss Kavallerie Dragoner Tschako Ord.1883 (Bern)

In an excellent condition a Swiss army Dragoner model 1883 shako

This federal model (eidgenössische Ordonnanz) 1883 shako has a metal pompon with black horsehair brush (white is for Guide and black for Dragoner) and a eight pointed insiginia with a Swiss cross and number 11, which stands for the Schwadron 11. The cockard which is on the left side has red circle with black. This s...  read more

Code: 50857

350.00 EUR

Swiss Landsturm Füsillier Tschako Ord.1898 (St.Gallen)

Swiss Landsturm Füsillier Tschako Ord.1898 (St.Gallen)

In an excellent condition a Swiss army fusillier model 1898 shako

This model (Ordonnanz) 1898 shako has a green pompon and together with the number 4 stands for the Landsturm 1. Kompagnie, 4. Füsillier Batallion. The cockard colors are from the Kanton St. Gallen. The two crossing silver colored rifles stand for the Füsiliere.

Maker marked Equipements Militaires Uni...  read more

Code: 50856


3rd Reich WhW Muttertage 1935

3rd Reich WhW Muttertage 1935

In an excellent condition a WhW donation badge mothersday Reichsmutterdienst

Frontside: Reichtmutterdienst im Deutschen Frauenwerk - Muttertag 1935" Mother and child

Backside: Safety pin  read more

Code: 50855

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Deutsch ist Die Saar 1934

3rd Reich Deutsch ist Die Saar 1934

In a very good condition a patriotic badge for the Saarabstimmung in January 1935

The Saarbeckengebiet was controlled by the English and French from 1920 -1935 for the League of Nations. When the people were asked to make a choice between incorporation in France or Germany the NSDAP would try to influence the votes amongst initimidation but also with patriotic badges like this ba...  read more

Code: 50854

25.00 EUR

French Tableau de Certificat En Memoire De La Grande Guerre e 3 Medailles

French Tableau de Certificat En Memoire De La Grande Guerre e 3 Medailles

In an excellent condition a French WWI medals frame

In a very nice wooden frame with glass. Three medals in a "En Memoire de La Grande Guerre"

Wilpemin or Willemin a quarter master who fought in the big war. At the left is 1914 with a nice field and sun is shining and on the left 1918 destroyed buildings and darkness and in the middle a lone soldier on the battlefi...  read more

Code: 50853

135.00 EUR

DDR DFD medaillen in Silber & Bronze

DDR DFD medaillen in Silber & Bronze

In an excellent condition two Demokratischer Frauenbund Deutschlands medals

Frontside: DFD

Backside: Für besondere Leistungen (for special achievements) and safety pin  read more

Code: 50852

25.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Feldspange 2. Medaillen

Deutsche Reich Feldspange 2. Medaillen

In an excellent condition a 2 medal ribbon bar

1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2, Frontkampferkreuz mit Schwertern 1914-1918  read more

Code: 50851

25.00 EUR

Switzerland Cavalerie feldflasche 1888-1898

Switzerland Cavalerie feldflasche 1888-1898

In an excellent condition a Swiss army Cavalry canteen 1888-1898

These canteens were made out of thick glass and surrounded by a leather sown jacket. A long leather belt was used because this was necessary for the cavalry men, Under the metal cap was a cork to close the bottle.

As can be seen on the photo's, the leather is in excellent condition and flexible. There...  read more

Code: 50850

60.00 EUR

Switzerland M1943 Offizier Dolch Elsener Schwyz (1948)

Switzerland M1943 Offizier Dolch Elsener Schwyz (1948)

In a very good condition a M1943 Elsner Schwyz Officers dagger

Maker marked Elsener Schwyz and very low numbered 48701, which dates it to May 8th 1948 and was numbered by Mart. Camenzind.

With original scabbard and portepee. Both have usage damage. The blade is still excellent and very sharp. Complete with befestigungsschnalle des Offiziersgurts (Fastening buckle ...  read more

Code: 50849

200.00 EUR

3rd Reich M34 Gladiator Luftschutzhelmet

3rd Reich M34 Gladiator Luftschutzhelmet

In a very good but used condition a 3 pieces gladiator helmet from Paul Diener

The helmet has been refitted with a new liner in later war with ersatz materials. In this case cloth with flower design. The decal is readable "Luftschutz"the Swastika is nearly gone.

Maker marked RL2-38/28 (dreiteilig) Paul Diener metalldrückerei und Stanzerei, Bernhardstrasse 103 from ...  read more

Code: 50848

180.00 EUR

3rd Reich HJ Marschkompass

3rd Reich HJ Marschkompass "Jugend"

In an excellent condition a Hitler Jugend marching compass

Marked on the lid Marsch-Kompass "Jugend" and maker marking S inside a hexagon, which stands for the company C. Stockert & Sohne. These compasses were made between 1930-1940 for the Deustsches Jungvolk which was part of the Hitler Jugend, These were boys between the age 10 and 14, also named "Pimfe"  read more

Code: 50842


3rd Reich Frontkämpferkreuz mit einzelspange

3rd Reich Frontkämpferkreuz mit einzelspange

In an excellent condition a honor cross with swords and medal bar

Maker marked O&B which stands for Ochs & Bonn from Hanau  read more

Code: 50847


DDR Schirmmütze für Mannschaften der Volkspolizei

DDR Schirmmütze für Mannschaften der Volkspolizei

In an excellent condition a people's police visor cap

Marked 1856 R TGL 108 - 754 583 MDL
Size 54
Owner marking "Eberle" , Stockcode 50839 is the same owner.  read more

Code: 50840

35.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Freie Volksstaat Württemberg kragenspiegel

Deutsche Reich Freie Volksstaat Württemberg kragenspiegel

In an excellent condition two Württemberger Free People's State shoulder tabs

Black and red with the crest of the Freie Volksstaat Württemberg in pink. This crest was used between 1922 and 1933. Most likely also during the 3rd Reich period.

The Free People's State of Württemberg was a state of the German Empire during the Weimar Republic. At the end of the First Wo...  read more

Code: 50845

75.00 EUR

DDR Schirmmütze für Mannschaften der Grenztruppe

DDR Schirmmütze für Mannschaften der Grenztruppe

In an excellent condition a People's Army visor cap for the border guards

Marked 1855 NVA size 54
Owner marking "Eberle" he also placed old news paper in the visor cap to keep the visor cap in shape. Stockcode 50840 is the same owner.  read more

Code: 50839

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Hinterbliebenenkreuz W.D.

3rd Reich Hinterbliebenenkreuz W.D.

In an excellent condition a Honor cross for widows and parents

Maker marked W.D. which stands for Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid and his company logo which is large D and a Bee going through it.  read more

Code: 50843


USSR Army Officers Visor Cap M69 Artillery/ Tank forces

USSR Army Officers Visor Cap M69 Artillery/ Tank forces

In an excellent condition a Soviet M69 officers Visor cap for the artillery or tank troops

Vaguely can be identified on the leather the size 57 and a maker symbol. Written by the owner 3-38 HAH perhaps the unit?

This a cap that was used on a daily bases and were in use up into the 80's.  read more

Code: 50841

50.00 EUR

DDR Freie Deutsche Jugend abzeichen

DDR Freie Deutsche Jugend abzeichen

In an very good condition three East German FDJ badges

1. DDR FDJ Member badge
2. DDR abzeichen "Für gutes wissen" in Silber 1977
3. DDR abzeichen "Für gutes wissen" in Bronze 1977

After the foundation of the GDR in 1949, the FDJ became the official youth movement there. Many communist and socialist youth joined the FDJ, although the FDJ was officiall...  read more

Code: 50844

6.00 EUR

DDR Rotes Kreuz Leistungsabzeichen in bronze

DDR Rotes Kreuz Leistungsabzeichen in bronze

In an very good condition a East German Red Cross achievement badge

A wreath with the letters DDR and a red cross in the middle. No maker marks present. Safety pin

More then one medal present. Medal could be sligthly different then picture on the webshop, but condition will be similar.  read more

Code: 50846

12.50 EUR

DDR Offizier Schirmmütze der Landstreitkräfte

DDR Offizier Schirmmütze der Landstreitkräfte

In a mint condition an officer visor cap of the Land Forces of the National People's Army (NVA)

Marked inside 1856 R TGL 108 - 754 583
NVA (Nationalen Volksarmee)
Size 58

Time period 1980's.  read more

Code: 50838

60.00 EUR

Preussen Rotes Kreuz zivilabzeichen 2. form

Preussen Rotes Kreuz zivilabzeichen 2. form

In an excellent condition a Prussian Civilian stickpin

No maker markings present  read more

Code: 50835

25.00 EUR

BRD DSB Jugend leistungsabzeichen Bronze

BRD DSB Jugend leistungsabzeichen Bronze

In a very good condition a DSB Youth memberbadge in bronze

DSB stands for Deutscher Sport Bund, which was a new Sportsbund which was created after WWII

Frontside: DSB with J underneath (J= Jugend)  read more

Code: 50833

7.50 EUR