3rd Reich SA Reserve II Silver Stickpin Hermann Bauer
In an excellent condition a SA Reserve 2 Silver stickpin
Nicely marked at the back with Ges. Gesch. and the maker mark HB inside a shield with crown on top, which stands for the Silver Smith Hermann Bauer from Gmünd. The company still exists as Hermann Bauer silverware GmbH & Co. KG read more
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1934 abzeichen
In a very good condition a 1934 DAF tinnie.
Frontside: Tag der Arbeit with bust eagle, holding a hammer and scythe. under the eagle the year 1934 and in a circle the swastika.
Backside: Maker marked Reichsverband Pforzheim No 04 read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1934 abzeichen
In a very good condition a 1934 DAF tinnie.
Frontside: Tag der Arbeit with bust eagle, holding a hammer and scythe. under the eagle the year 1934 and in a circle the swastika.
Backside: Still readable with maker marking C. Poellath Schrobenhausen read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Tag der Kolonial Soldaten 1936 (RKB)
In an excellent condition a very rare RKB embroided badge/ banner Tag der Kolonial Soldaten
Frontside: Westdeutscher Tag der Kolonial Soldaten. The RKB emblem. 26-27 September 1936 Hansestadt Köln
Backside: Safety pin attached
The Reichskolonialbund was an organisation which existed between 1936 and 1943 and had the goal to re-acquire the los... read more
3rd Reich Für Mutter und Kind 1934
In an excellent condition a WhW donation badge
Stickpin consisting of a piece of cloth with a picture of a woman and two children and the words Für Mutter und Kind 1934
In the year 1934 also a movie came out with the name Mutter und Kind from the director Hans Steinhoff (NSDAP member) which one came first is unclear but the theme Mother and Child was an important t... read more
15.00 EUR
Swiss Landsturm Füsillier Tschako Ord.1898 (Thurgau)
In an excellent condition a Swiss army fusillier model 1898 shako
This model (Ordonnanz) 1898 shako has a green and white pompon and together with the two stars and number 68 stands for the Landsturm 2. Kompagnie, 68. Füsillier Batallion. The cockard colors are from the Kanton Thurgau. The two crossing silver colored rifles stand for the Füsiliere.
Maker marked H.... read more
3rd Reich WhW Archäologie Spendenabzeichen
In a good condition a WhW Archeology donation badge
Frontside: Christian crosses connected by their base and in between 4 Swastika's. Gold painted. Some paint is missing
Backside: Safety pin and its attachment are missing. Marked with Goldbrakteat um 600 – Obermöllern, Kr. Weissenfels read more
10.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW DLV spendenabzeichen
A nice WHW Deutscher Luftsportverband tinnie
Safety pin is missing! +/- 3 cm in diameter
The DLV Pilots and crew were incorporated in the Luftwaffe. In the DLV as sportclub it was the only way to train for flyers and groundpersonell because of the restrictions of the Versailles treaty Germany was not allowed to have a airforce. The DLV was later disbanded and most ... read more
5.00 EUR
3rd Reich SA Mitgliedsabzeichen RZM 75
In an almost mint condition a SA membershipspin from Otto Schikle
Nicely marked on the back RZM 75, which stands for Otto Schickle from Pforzheim. read more
Deutsche Reich ADAC Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt 1932
In an excellent condition an apalca silver ADAC 10th price cup
Frontside: ADAC (Allgemeine Deutsche Automobil-Club) inside a wreath with eagle. Gau 7c Kiel-Nordmark.
Backside: 10. Preis 5. Nordmark-Zuverlässigkeitsfahrt 18.Sept.1932
Underside: Cup size 0,30Liter .The cup has a silver smith hallmark DVN Schwerte, which stands for Vereinigte Deutsche ... read more
50.00 EUR
Swiss Posthorn Gotthardpost Flüelen-Camerlata 1831
In an excellent condition a Swiss Gotthardpost post horn 1831
Nicely decorated with Swiss weapon shield and enscriped with Gotthardpost Flüelen-Camerlata 1831.
The horn is completely in working condition and tested!
Size +/- 30x23cm, diameter of the horn +/- 13cm. read more
3rd Reich Versilberte Becher Kriegsreitturnier 1940
In an excellent condition a silver plated cup for a riding tournament
A silver plated cup for a Kriegsreitturnier in Mers Les Bains - France, the tournament took place on 15-17 November 1940.
The cup has silver hallmarkings on the bottom S*F *** are the silversmiths from Paris named Saglier Freres, which were the brothers Eugène and André Saglier. The number 3 stands for ... read more
3rd Reich Deutscher Kleinempfänger GW110
In an very good but used condition a
TeKaDe (TKD) Broadcast Receiver
Point of attention: Missing left screw on the back, Small damage on the right lower corner, power plug looks to be new (cable is original). Do not power it on!! Let is be checked by a experient radio technician first.
This specific model was made between 1940-1944
Model: Deutscher ... read more
215.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Koppelschloss RZM M4/24
In a very good but used condition a Hitlerjugend buckle
RZM M4/24
RZM M4/24 stands for Friedrich Linden from Lüdenscheid. read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Spendenabzeichen 1934/35
In an excellent condition a very rare WhW donation badge 1934/35
Maker mark is only partial visible, but it is made by H. Rossberg, Lam. Bayer. Ostmark read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Kostüm der Deutschen Kreise 1937
In an excellent condition porcelain german constumes 1937
1. Berchtesgadnerin
2. Winzerin
3. Bückeburgerin
4. Schlesierin
5. Friesenfischer read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Straßensammlung Spendenabzeichen
In a very good condition two WhW leather donation badges
1. Coat of arms shield Darmstadt, with safety pin
2. Coat of arms shield Wiesbaden, missing safety pin read more
9.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Zodiac spendenabzeichen
In a very good condition a lot of 3 Zodiac donation badges
1. Twin sign
2. Scorpio sign
3. Leo sign read more
10.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Augsburg Rotes Tor
In an excellent condition a WhW badge from the series berühmte Tore
The Augburgs Rotes Tor from the serie WhW donation badges which are for the Deutsches Rotes Kreuz read more
6.00 EUR
Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge Spendenabzeichen
In a very good condition a VDK donation badge
The Volksbund Deutsche Kriegsgräberfürsorge is a non-profit organization registered in Germany with a humanitarian purpose.
The organization was founded on December 16, 1919 and maintains graves of German war victims outside Germany. The headquarters is located in Kassel read more
5.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Schützenabzeichen für Mützen
In an very good condition a silver plated Chemnitz Marksman badge for the cap
Frontside: Green wool on the outside, Tesching Schützengesellschaft Chemnitz-Gablenz. Center circle two crossing rifles and a shooting disc in the middle
Backside: Safety pin read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Schützenabzeichen für Mützen 1933
In an very good condition a silver plated Chemnitz Marksman badge for the cap
Target practice became an integral part of the program from the NSDAP, hence the logo for Country shooting clubs to "Practice eye and hand for the fatherland"
Frontside: Large eagle on top of large wreath of oakleaves. Outer circle Ub Aug und Hand fürs Vaterland. Middle circle Tesching S... read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsche WhW Jungvolk Spendenabzeichen
In a very good condition a lot of WhW Jungvolk donation badges
The Deutsches-Jungvolk was part of the Hitlerjugend for young boys between the age of 10-14 years. The Hitlerjugend was for boys between the age 14-18 years. read more
3rd Reich Kreistag der NSDAP Köln 1935
In a very good condition a NSDAP party rally day in Köln 1935
Frontside: A duroplastic made badge. Three oakleaves with in the middle a Swastika inside a circle. Underneath on a ribbon Kreistag der N.S.D.A.P. Köln 1935
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked by the company Pollopas from Troisdorf. Most likely the desigin comes from Ludwig König
Pollopas (... read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRL miniatur abzeichen
In an excellent condition a DRL miniatur stickpin
There is no swastika on the stickpin or maker markings. When the DRA was replaced by the DRL in 1934 there were no Swastika on DRLbadges, the Swastika was obligated on these badges from 1935 onwards until the end of the war. Also is this badge sometimes seen as the 1957 form, this in incorrect all badges with the initials DRL were... read more
25.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Miniaturspange Fröntkampfer
In a very good condition a miniatur medal bar stick pin
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Hindenburgkreuz or fröntkampferkreuz mit Schwertern read more
30.00 EUR
Prussian Ordensspange
In a very good condition a Prussian ribbon bar with 2 medals
1. Kriegsdenkmünze für Nichtkämpfer 1870-1871
2. Zentenarmedaille", also known as "Kaiser Wilhelm I. Erinnerungsmedaille 1897" read more
95.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Weihnachtsbaum 1934
In a very good condition a WhW Christmas tree
This specific item could be used for making Christmas stamps on paper when it was dipped into ink. read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland
In an excellent condition a small porecelan WhW VDA hanger
Frontside: World map with text Deutshe in übersee Underneath in a circle VDA
Backside: No maker marks read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland
In an excellent condition a lot of 6 badges with German Cities
This is from Winterhilfswerk VDA series from 1941 read more
25.00 EUR