3rd Reich RAD Erinnerungen an der Arbeitsdienst Abteilung 3/87
In an excellent condition a RAD Memories of the Labor Service Department 3/87
Complete album with casing and 49 photo's. Radabteilung 3/87 is in Weissig am Bober see photo 5. read more
3rd Reich 15. DT Stuttgart Zur Erinnerung spiegel für den Sportler
In an excellent condition a 15th Deutsches Turnfest Stuttgart "as a reminder" a mirror for the athlete
Given to the athletes during the 1933 gymnastics games.
Frontside: A mirror.
Backside: 15. Deutsches Turnfest 22-30 Juli 1933 Stuttgart Zur Erinnerung . Gymnastics building in Stuttgart. Swastika below and DT emblem above.
Accompany... read more
3rd Reich Feuerwehr Ärmeladler "Rheine"
In a very good but used condition a firemen sleeve patch Rheine read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz (chaotic-dot pattern)
In a very good condition a rare wound badge in black (chaotic-dot pattern
Unmarked black wound badge, smooth back.
Stock code 53105 is the rough back type read more
80.00 EUR
3rd Reich K98 bajonett WaA253 (Portugal export)
In an excellent condition a K98 bayonet WaA253 (Portugal export)
This bayonet is German made and WaffenAmt WaA253 checked bayonet, which was exported to Portugal somewhere between 1937-1940. It has been numbered E12484 on the pommel and on the Scabbard frog stud marked F75, with WaA88 marked on the Ball.
Excellent blued bayonet with wooden grips
Blad... read more
3rd Reich Anschluss Sudetenland Medaille Einzelspange mit Tüte
In an almost mint condition an Anschluss Sudetenland single clasp medal with award bag
Zur Erinnering an den 1. Oktober 1938, Anschluss Sudetenland.
Frontside: Two men of which one has broken his chains and the other is holding the NSDAP flag standing upon a podium with eagle and Swastika in front
Backside: Safety pin. Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Führer 1... read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich RDK Abzeichen für Kreisamtsleiter
In an excellent condition a Reichsbund der Kinderreichen Deutschlands zum Schutze der Familie - Abzeichen für Kreisamtsleiter
Frontside: RDK an Eagle protecting the little eagles under its wings. Swastika underneath with oakleaves. Blue backside for the district chief
Backside: Safety pin. Marked Ges. Gesch. and Maker logo for Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid read more
185.00 EUR
3rd Reich U-boot Kriegsabzeichen miniatur
In an excellent condition an U-boot war badge miniatur stickpin
No maker markings present read more
150.00 EUR
3rd Reich NS Flugtag Stuttgart Böblingen 1932 Schwabenflug
In an excellent condition a rare NS fly day Stuttgart Böblingen 1932 Schwaben flight
Frontside: Nationalsozialistischer Flugtag Stuttgart Böblingen 28 August 1932. Large Swastika above a plain. Schwabenflug
Backside: Safety pin. read more
3rd Reich VI. Reichstagung der Auslandsdeutschen 1938
In a very good condition a 6th Reich Conference of Germans Abroad in 1938
Frontside: AO (Auslands-Organisation der NSDAP) Large eagle flying with the NSDAP flag above the sea. Stuttgart 1938. VI. Reichstagung der Auslandsdeutschen
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Franz Zimmermann from Stuttgart, RZM M9/42 read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 1939 (L59)
In an excellent condition an iron cross 1st class 1939 (L59)
L59 stands for Alois Rettenmaier, an extra hallmark has been made in the form of a circle.
This is a 3-part construction with magnetic core. read more
450.00 EUR
3rd Reich Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze (Type B Zimmermann)
In a very good condition a Panzer assault badge in Bronze (type B Zimmermann)
Zinc bronzed badge, some zinc oxidation spots, some traces of Bronzing. read more
375.00 EUR
3rd Reich RKB Mitgliedsabzeichen
In a very good condition a Reichskolonialbund membership badge
The Reichskolonialbund was an organisation which existed between 1936 and 1943 and had the goal to re-acquire the lost German kolonies. It was led by Franz Ritter von Epp
Frontside: The Flag from the Reichskolonialbundes.
Backside: Maker marked NR in a circle and Ges. Gesch read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Miniaturspange mit 2 auszeichnungen
In an excellent condition a miniature clasp with 2 awards.
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939
2. Verwundetenabzeichen im Schwarz 1939 read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Spanien Medaille der Blauen Division
In a very good condition a medal for the Spanish Blue division
Official name: Erinnerungsmedaille für die spanischen Freiwilligen im Kampf gegen den Bolschewismus or in Spanish Medalla de los Voluntarios Españoles / Medalla de la División Azul
Frontside: a German steel helmet above two shields with the Wehrmacht eagle and the Falange symbol, with the two shields de... read more
175.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen Sanitäter
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine paramedic Sleeve insignia
For the white blouse read more
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen für Matrosenhauptgefreiter Sanitäterlaufbahn
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine Sleeve insignia for a navy corporal with paramedic career read more
75.00 EUR
BRD Landessportabzeichen miniatur in Bronze
In an excellent condition a Bundesrepublik Deutschland LSA sport badge miniatur
The LSA was awarded since 1949 in the former federal states of Baden, Württemberg-Baden and Württemberg-Hohenzollern. It was the forerunner of the later created DSB for West Germany. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich "Tuet Gutes Allen" Spendenabzeichen der Caritas-Woche
In an excellent condition a "Do good to all" Caritas week donation badge
Badge was made in 1934 by the Deutsche Caritasverband. read more
5.00 EUR
3rd Reich SA Reserve II Silber mitgliedsnadel
In an excellent condition a silver SA Reserve II Stickpin
Maker mark CT (silver smith) and marked Ges. Gesch.
Awarded to members of the Kyffhauserbund who joined the SA in 1933. read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich DJ Ärmelabzeichen Oberjungzugführer
In a very good condition a Deutsches Jungvolk senior platoon leader sleeve patch
RZM etiket attached. read more
Deutsch Reich Feuerwehrarmbinde mit ärmelabzeichen
In an excellent condition a fire department sleeve badge with armband
These armbands were used from between +/- 1920-1940.
Also presented in Assmann & Söhne salesbook under the number 12305. Aermelabzeichen mit Unterlegscheibe versilbert poliert / unpoliert. read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Internationale Wintersportwoche 1938
In an excellent condition an international wintersport week 1938 badge
Frontside: Frontside mountainside panorama with two skies attached to each ski a series of flags from the countries who participated. Internationale Wintersportwoche Garmisch-Partenkirchen 1938
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Carl Poelath from Schrobenhausen on pin construction and badge. read more
120.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Deutsche Turnerschaft Mitgliedsabzeichen 4.Form
In a very good condition a German gymnastics association memberships pin 4th form
Awarded around 1925
Frontside: Oakleaves with Turnerkreuz in white. National flag as a a shield with DT in the center.
Backside: Safety pin read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Türplaketten WHW Des Deutschen Volkes 1938/39
In a mint condition door posters Winterhilfswerk the German peoples 1938/39
6 door posters
Backside: 4 posters are marked Papier patentgummiert, nur anfeuchten (Patent gummed paper, just moisten) read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Miniatur Leistungsabzeichen M1/34
In a very good condition a miniature Leistungsabzeichen RZM M1/34
Made by Karl Wurster, from Markneukirchen read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Alter Kulturvölker Griechenland
In an excellent condition a Winterhilfswerk donation badge
Mykene / Griechenland, 1600 v. d. Ztr. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ mitgliedsabzeichen RZM M1/92
In a very good condition a Hitlerjugend memberships pin RZM M1/92
Safety pin present. Maker marked RZM M1/92 which stands for Carl Wild from Hamburg read more
135.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber (127)
In an excellent condition a silver wound badge 1939
Maker marked 127 which stands for Moritz Hausch AG from Pforzheim read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich 26. Verbandstag der Glasermeister 1934
In a very good condition a 26th Association day of master glaziers 1934
Frontside: 26. Verbandstag der Glasermeister Württemberg und Hohenzollern 9/.10. Juni 1934 Neckarsulm
Backside: Safety pin read more