3rd Reich Luftwaffe Für ausgezeichnete Leistungen im Technischen Dienst der Luftwaffe
In an excellent condition Luftwaffe for outstanding achievements in the Luftwaffe Technical Service
Frontside: Der Oberbefehlhaber der Luftwaffe Reichsmarschall Göring. Buste from Göring
Backside: Für ausgezeichnete leistungen im Technischen dienst der Luftwaffe. Luftwaffe eagle with Swastika.
Background information:
The badge of reco... read more
325.00 EUR
3rd Reich Erinnerungsplakette Jahrtausendfeier Merseburg 1933
In an excellent condition a remembrance plaque millennium celebration Merseburg 1933
Frontside: König Heinrich I with his depiction next to a panorama of Merseburg. Zum Deutsche Reich der Sachsenspross auf enig uns zusammenschloss. Jahrtausendfeier Merseburg 21.-27. Juni 1933. 2 holes for mounting purposes.
Backside: Maker marked Chrom-Becker und Metallwarenfabrik,... read more
90.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Aufmarsch Hamburg einweihung Hein Godenwind 1934
In an excellent condition a Hitlerjugend deployment Hamburg inauguration Hein Godenwind 1934
Frontside: HJ Aufmarsch Hamburg einweihung der Jugendherberge Hein Godenwind 8. April1934. Large viking ship with HJ emblem.
Backside: Safety pin read more
3rd Reich SA/HJ WInterwehrkämpfe Aflenz 1939
In an excellent condition a SA/HJ Winter war games Aflenz 1939
Frontside: Sturmabteilung/ Hitlerjugend WInterwehrkämpfe Aflenz 1939 with the SA Sport emblem.
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Ulbricht from Wien, RZM 9/235. read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Traditionsabzeichen für Angehörige vor Juni 1932
In an excellent condition a Hitlerjugend Traditional badge for members from before June 1932
Frontside: HJ Deutsche Arbeiter Jugend.
Backside: Safety pin. Marker Ges. Gesch. read more
120.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsches Jungvolk Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. form (Steinhauer)
In a very good condition a DJ membership badge 1st form.
This is 1st model membership badge for the DJ, which is marked ges. gesch. and maker marked Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid read more
145.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939 (65)
In an excellent condition a KVK 2nd class with swords 1939 (65)
Maker marked 65 on the ring, which stands for Klein & Quenzer, from Idar-Oberstein read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Winterschlacht im Osten - Ostmedaille (3)
In an excellent condition an eastern front medal (3)
The zink medal is maker marked by Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid (3) on the ring. read more
3rd Reich Kraftfahrtruppe Schulterklappen für ein Major
In a very good condition Motor vehicle troops shoulder board for a major
Some moth damage. read more
70.00 EUR
3rd Reich Adlerschild für die Tropenhelm
In an excellent condition a eagle shield for the tropical helmet
Marked Ges. Gesch. on the back. Both prongs are present. read more
80.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsche Turnerschaft Cobug 75 Jahre
In an excellent condition a German Gymnastics Association Coburg 75 years jubilee.
Frontside: Large Swastika Coburg. 75 Jahre 1860-1935. Deutsche Turnerschaft emblem
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Carl Poelath from Schrobenhausen. read more
75.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich DT 14. Deutsche Turnfest Köln 1928
In a very good condition a DT 14th German Gymnastics Festival Cologne 1928
Frontside: Large eagle with the crest of Cologne and the emblem of the Deutsche Turnerschaft. 14. Deutsche Turnerfest Köln 1928. Turnerkreuz with the four "F" (Frisch, fromm, fröhlich, frei).
Backside: Safety pin. read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich VDA Spendenabzeichen
In a very good but used condition a Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland donation badge.
Frontside: Helft im VDA. Man sowing seeds.
Backside: 3 prongs that should keep the paper in place which in turn secured the safety needle. The safety needle is missing. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Der Hund im Dienstes des WHW Spendenabzeichen
In an excellent condition a rare Winterhilfswerk "the dog in service of the W.H.W." donation badge read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich Italienisch-Deutscher Feldzug in Afrika Medaille in Bronze
In an excellent condition a bronze Italian-German campaign in Africa medal
Frontside: Italienisch-Deutscher Feldzug in Afrika , Campagna Italo-Tedesca in Africa. Building in the middle with the national emblems on either side.
Backside: Two knights fighing a large crocodile. Maker marked Lorioli from Milano and De Marchis read more
150.00 EUR
3rd Reich Bronzene Hindenburg-Hitler Erinnerungsmedaille
In an excellent condition a Bronze Hindenburg-Hitler commemorative medal
Frontside: Hindenburg-Hitler 30.1.1933/ 5.3.1933. On January 30th Hitler became Reichs chancelor and on March 5th new election were held for the Reichstag. Bustes of Hindenburg and Hitler
Backside: Für ein Freies Geeintes und Stolzes Deutschland Hitler. Two shaking hands (representing the cola... read more
3rd Reich NSDMB Goldene Ehrennadel für 25-jährige
In a very good condition a Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Marinebund 25 year golden honor badge
Backside marked with ges .gesch. read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Sieger abzeichen 1943
In an excellent condition a rare Hitler Jugend Siegernadel 1943
With splint. No maker markings read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber im Etui (Steinhauer & Lück)
In an excellent condition a silver wound badge 1939 in award box (Steinhauer & Lück)
A unmarked silver wound badge which can be attributed to the company Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid read more
3rd Reich Erinnerungsplakette Deutsche Kampfspiele Nürnberg 1934
In an excellent condition a remembrance plaque German war games Nuremberg 1934
Frontside: A ceramic plaque Deutsche Kampfspiele 1934 Nürnberg. The middle in gold color a large eagle with Swastika and a city view of Nuremberg.
Backside: Maker marked Hutschenreuther from Selb (LHS Bavaria Germany) LHS = Lorenz Hutschenreuther from Selb.
Original box wh... read more
340.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Deutsche Turnerschaft Hermannslauf 1925
In a very good condition a German Gymnastics Association Hermann's run 1925
Frontside: Statue on a pedestal in a forest. Hermannslauf 1925 with the Deutsche Turnerschaft emblem. read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsche Kampfspiele Nürnberg 1934
In an excellent condition a German war games Nuremberg 1934
Frontside: Large Swastika dated 1934. Deutsche Kampfspiele Nürnberg read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse 1939 an Einzelspange
In an excellent condition a single mounted KVK 2nd class 1939 read more
Deutsche Reich BDR Mitgliedsabzeichen 2. Form
In an excellent condition an Association of German Cyclists 2nd form
BDR = Bund Deutscher Radfahrer read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Reichseinheitsverband des deutschen Gaststättengewerbes Mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition a Reich Unity Association of the German Restaurant Industry Member Badge
Frontside: House in red enemal and a sign on the wall with letters REV
Backside: Maker marked Walgo Abzeichenfabrik from Kirspe-Bahnhof.
During the 3rd Reich by order of the Reich leadership of the Reich Unification Association of the German Restaurant ... read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich SA Gruppe Hochland Edelweiss Mützenabzeichen
In a very good condition a Sturmabteilung group highland Edelweiss cap badge
No maker markings present. Both prongs are present! read more
150.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutscher Luftsportverband Werbezeichen
In an excellent condition a German Air Sports Association advertising badge
According the Hüsken guide (8702c) this should be a Deutscher Luftfahrt-Verband Mitgliedsabzeichen 3, Form. but most concenses it is an advertising badge to promote the DLV sport. read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Polizei mützenadler 1. modell
In an excellent condition a police visor cap eagle 1st form
Both prongs present read more
3rd Reich Hitlerjugend-Tatjugend abzeichen
In good but used condition a rare HJ act-youth
Frontside: Some (inert) flashrust on the words, Hitlerjugend-Tatjugend and a large arrow up. It means that the HJ were youth that acted and did things that needed to be done.
Backside: Clip so it could be mounted in a buttonhole read more
3rd Reich Wehrmacht 1. Gebirgsdivision Silbern Edelweissring
In a very good condition a Wehrmacht 1st mountain division silver Edelweissring
Division emblem the Edelweiss mountain flower. Silver German hallmark 800 and an edelweiss marking next to it. 800 was the minimum silver content (80%) which was allowed in Germany since 1884.
The flower has remained it's details. read more