Deutsche Reich Alldeutscher Verband Mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition a Pan-German Association membership badge
The Association existed from 1891 until 1939 when it was forbidden by the Chef der Sicherheitspolizei SS-Gruppenführer Reinhard Heidrich, because with the integration of Austria (Ostmark) and the Sudetenland the mission of the association was fulfilled and had no purpose of existence anymore.
Prima... read more
120.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Württemberg Dienstauszeichnung 2.Klasse für 9 Jahre
In an excellent condition a Württemberg service medal 3rd class for 9 years
Frontside: Laurel wreath with crown
Backside: Für treue Dienste bei der Fahne. Oakwreath with number 9 (IX) read more
50.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Württemberg Dienstauszeichnung 2.Klasse für 12 Jahre
In an excellent condition a Württemberg service medal 2nd class for 12 years
Frontside: Laurel wreath with crown
Backside: Für treue Dienste bei der Fahne. Oakwreath with number 12 (XII) read more
65.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in schwarz (126)
In an excellent condition a wound badge in black 1939 (126)
Maker marked 126 which stands for Eduard Hahn from Oberstein an der Nahe read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich winterhilfswerk 1934-35 Adler
In a very good condition Winter relieve work 1934-35 Eagle
Safety pin. read more
3rd Reich Panzerkampfabzeichen Halbhohl in Bronze (Frank & Reif)
In a very good condition a Panzer Assault badge Semi-hollow in bronze (Frank & Reif)
Made from zinc with bronze finish. "Central" maker mark Frank & Reif from Stuttgart read more
450.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsche Arbeitsfront Knöpfen (16mm) 7 Stück
In a very good condition DAF buttons (16mm) 7 pieces
Price for all 7 pieces! Resin buttons. Maker marked RZM 2 which stands for Schmüle und Co. from Menden read more
3rd Reich Knopf NSDAP und Staatsbeamte
In a very good condition a silver colored NSDAP or Reichs civil servant button
+/- 20mm. Maker marked with logo and RZM code 82. Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid. Also marked UE read more
Deutsche Reich Ordensspange 1. Weltkrieg Veteran
In a very good condition a World War I veteran medal bar
1. Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Kriegsdenkmünze 1914/18 des Kyffhäuserbundes
3. Goldene Hochzeits-Erinnerungsmünze tragbar versilbert
4. Kriegserinnerungszeichen des Bayerischen Landesvereins vom Roten Kreuz read more
200.00 EUR
Preussen Rote Kreuz Medaille 3.Klasse an Damenschleife
In an excellent condition a Red Cross medal 3rd class on a women's ribbon
Frontside: In the middle is a Geneva cross with 4 Prussian royal crowns at the ends of the cross arms
In the corners of the Geneva Cross the letters:
W,R,A,V which stands for Wilhelm – Rex – Auguste – Victoria.
Backside: A oakleave branch. Fuer verdienste um das Rothe Kreuz
read more
75.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Flotten-Kriegsabzeichen
In a very good condition a Kriegsmarine High-Sea Fleet Badge
Badge with complete pin and catch construction. Maker marked Fec. Adolf Bock, Ausführer Schwerin & Söhne from Berlin read more
650.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Tag der Wehrmacht
In an excellent condition a Winterhilfswerk day of the Wehrmacht
Child's toy of a Wehrmacht artillery piece with two soldiers. Made of plastic read more
5.00 EUR
3rd Reich Bronze DRL Sportabzeichen für Kriegsversehrte
In an excellent condition a DRL sport badge for war injured.
Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (DRL).
Frontside: An oval wreath in gold of overlapping oak leaves surrounding the pierced and intertwined letters "DRL" in silver.
Backside: Makers mark Wernstein from Jena DRGM 35269. read more
285.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Erkennungsmarke Königlich Bayerisches 4. Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment
In a very good condition a dog tag of the Royal Bavarian 4th national Infantry regiment No. 4
The dog tag is made to:
Stephan Berwind from Ermershausen, born May 6th 1881. Soldier No. 435 of the 1st company of the Königlich Bayerisches 4. Landwehr-Infanterie-Regiment.
The dog tag is only still attached to one of the 4 break points, it is very stable. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Brustadler für Mannschaften
In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht breast eagle for soldiers.
This is the Bevo woven version read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Polizei Heft Füssganger im Verkehr
In a good condition a police book "pedestrians in traffic"
Traffice rules for pedestrians to prevent accidents in traffic and make people aware how to follow rules and signals from the traffic police. read more
50.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Königlich Bayerisches 14. Infanterie-Regiment „Hartmann“ abzeichen
In an excellent condition a royal Bavarian 14th infantry regiment "Hartmann" badge
The ribbon is in the form of the Freikorps "Einwohnerwehr für Mannschaften".
Frontside: 14. Infanterie-Regiment „Hartmann“ Nürnberg 1914. Buste of Hartmann in the middle
Backside: 1814-1914, monogram IR14 with royal crown above read more
40.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Verwundetenabzeichen für die Armee und Kolonialtruppen durchbrochen in Silber
In a very good condition a wound badge for the colonial troops and the army cutout version read more
87.50 EUR
3rd Reich Kokarde für die Schirmmütze
In an excellent condition a Cockade for the peaked cap read more
13.50 EUR
BRD Feldspange 1957 form 4 medaillen mit auflagen
In an excellent condition a BRD post-war 1957 form field clasp with 4 medals
1. Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 1939
2. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939
3. Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse 1939
4. Ostmedaille(Winterschlacht) read more
27.50 EUR
Deutsche Reich Kyffhäuserbund Eichenlaub für die Schirmmütze
In a very good condition a oak leaf wreath and cockade for the visor cap
This cockade was used from 1922 - 1934 afterwards the Swastika was introduced. read more
15.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Bundesehrenzeichen 2. Form des Bayerischen Kriegerbundes
In an excellent conidtion a Federal Medal of Honor 2nd form of the Bavarian Warrior League
The Bavarian Veterans and Warriors Association donated the federal decoration which was awarded to members of the Bavarian Warrior Association after 1918 for dedicated service.
Frontside: Cross made of non-ferrous metal. On the front there is an oval central shield with a wid... read more
80.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Der Stahlhelm Bund der Frontsoldaten
In a very good condition a union of front soldiers badge
Maker marked on the bottom G.D. Ges. Gesch. GD stands for Gustav Danner from Mühlhausen read more
40.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Scharnhorst Bund der Deutsche Jungmannen
In an excellent condition a Scharnhost union German young man memberships badge
Frontside: Shieldlike badge with white enamel and black cross. Crown above the center is for young men.
Backside: Safety pin.
Background info:
The Scharnhorst-Bund deutscher Jungmannen, named after the Prussian army reformer Gerhard von Scharnhorst (1755–1813), wa... read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich NS Kyffhäuserbund Armbinde 1. modell
In an excellent condition a armband NS Kyffhäuserbund 1st model
It was used between 1934-1935. It replaced the patch of the Kyffhäuserbund with the National flag colors red-white-black. read more
95.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber (L/11)
In a very good condition a silver wound badge marked L/11
Maker marking L/11 stands for Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid. Parts of the silvering is still in place. read more
Kaiserreich koppelschloss für Mannschaften Gott Mit Uns
In a very good condition a German Empire belt buckle for soldiers.
Gott Mit Uns with Emperial crown. Buckle main part made out of brass. read more
65.00 EUR
Freistaat Bayern Feuerwehr Ehrenzeichen für 25 Jahre Dienst
In an excellent condition a Firefighter 25 years jubilee service medal
This badge of honor was donated by the Bavarian government on July 1, 1920 as a replacement for the fire brigade badge in the form of a buckle, which was no longer awarded from 1918 onwards. It was awarded for 25 years and for 40 years of faithful and zealous service in a volunteer fire department. This award ... read more
30.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Baltenkreuz an Nadel (1. Klasse)
In a very good condition a Baltic Cross on needle (1st class)
In reality there are no 1st or 2nd class Baltic crosses.
The Baltic Cross was donated by the Baltic National Committee in 1919. The National Committee was the political representation of the German population in the area of Courland and Livonia. The Baltenkreuz was a military award for all soldiers, fro... read more
225.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in schwarz (L55)
In an excellent condition a wound badge 1939 in black (L55)
Marked on the back L55 stands for Rudolf Wächtler & Lange from Mittweida. read more
140.00 EUR