3rd Reich Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen 1. Stufe für 40 Jahre im Etui
In an almost mint condition a gold 40 years faithful service honor badge 1st class
Frontside: Large black swastika on a cross which is on top of a wreath.
Backside: Fur Treue Dienste. No maker markings. Safety pin on the ribbon
Box: Condition is very good, only some small damge to the left underside. Frontside 40 inside a wreath. Maker marked Deschle... read more
150.00 EUR
Österreich-Ungarn k.u.k. Kriegsfürsorgeamts Für Treue Mitarbeit
In an excellent condition a KUK War Welfare Office for loyal cooperation
Frontside: König und Kaiser Kriegsfürsorgeamts Für Treue Mitarbeit 1914-1915. Crest of the double monarchy .
Backside: Marked Silber (Silver), maker marked A in a circle which stands for the Hauptmünzamt from Wien. Member number 684. read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Standschützenverband Tirol-Vorarlberg Gauleistungsabzeichen in Silber 1942 " KK-Gewehr "
In a very good condition a silver Tirol-Voralberg rifle association district badge 1942 Small caliber rifle
Frontside: Tirol emblem Red eagle with wreath. 1942 shooting disc with Swastika. KK-Gewehr
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Carl Poellath from Schrobenhausen read more
3rd Reich HJ/ BDM Lederknoten für das Halstuch
In a very good condition a HJ/ BDM leather woggle for the neckerchief
These were used by the Hilterjugend and the Bund Deutscher Mädel read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldspange 5 medaillen
In an excellent condition a field clasp 5 medals.
1. Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Bayerischer Militärverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern
3. Großherzogtum Mecklenburg-Schwerin Militär-Verdienstkreuz 2.Klasse 1914
4. Frontkampferkreuz mit Schwertern 1914-1918
5. Wehrmachtdienstauszeichnung 4 jahre read more
3rd Reich Erkennungsmarke 6. Batterie/ Artillerie-Regiment 263.
In an excellent condition a dog tag of the 6th Battery/ 263rd artillery regiment
The 6th Artillery Battery, Artillery-Regiment 263. Soldier number 132 and blood typ A.
Background info:
The 263rd Artillery regiment was part of the 263rd infantry division which was set up in Idar-Oberstein in the military district XII in August 1939
Western camp... read more
3rd Reich KdF Gau Schlesien abzeichen
In a very good condition a Kraft durch Freude district Schlesien badge
The badge is maker marked on the back with coffeepot Bunzlau Keramik from Bunzlau, present day Poland, Bolesławiec. read more
Italia Distintivo Partito Nazionale Fascista
In a very good but used condition a membership buttonhole badge Italian PNF
This is the 1925 variant. Maker marked F.M. Lorioli & Castelli from Milano and marked Mod. depositato. Enamel cracks and minor damage. read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich Bund heimattreuer Schlesier "Denkt an Beuthen"
In a very good condition an union homeland loyal Schlesier "think of Beuthen)
Frontside: NSDAP eagle. Treue um Treue. Denkt am Beuthen (Bytom in Oberschlesien). Oakleaves on either side.
Backside: Safety pin and marked DRGM. Marked Ges. Gesch. and maker marked logo (FW?) read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich Begunstigende Leden der Germaansche SS in Nederland
In an excellent condition a very rare Favoring members of the Germanic SS in the Netherlands badge
This brooch is for female members, very low numbered B191, these items are very rarely offered on the market.
Frontside: Brooch surrounded with small circles. Black middle with Swastika and on top SS emblem. Acronym BL which stands for Begunstigde Leden.
... read more
600.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDFBSt Mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition a NSD Stalhlhelm membershipspin.
Frontside: Stahlhelm in front of a Swastika on a circle. n.s.d. F.b.St. (Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontkämpferbund Stahlhelm)
Backside: Marked ges. Gesch. Maker marked E.V. read more
55.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Koppelschloss Stahlhelmbund "Front Heil"
In an excellent condition a belt buckle of the Steel helm association "Front Heil"
No maker markings present. read more
200.00 EUR
3rd Reich Modell 1927 NSDAP/ SA adler für die Schirmmütze (RZM M1/45)
In an excellent condition a pattern 1927 eagle variant for the visor cap. (RZM M1/45)
These eagles were used by the SA/ SS and NSDAP. Unused example, Maker marked RZM M1/45 which stands for Friedrich Linden from Lüdenscheid. Both splints present read more
3rd Reich DLV Jubiläums- Sternflug zum cannstatter Waser
In a very good condition a DLV Anniversary star flight to Cannstatter Wasen
Frontside: Jubiläums- Sternflug zum cannstatter Waser 1911-1936. An airplane from around 1911 and a church on a mountain.
Backside: Der Oberbürgermeister der Stadt Stuttgart. Ortsgruppe Stuttgart des DLV (Deutsches Luftsport Verband). DLV emblem. Crest of the city of Stuttgart above.
... read more
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Tätigkeitsabzeichen Kraftfahrer
In an excellent but used condition a Luftwaffe Driver badge. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Fliegerschützenabzeichen Mit Blitzbündel Stoffausführung
In a very good condition a Luftwaffe Air Gunner Badge with Lightning flash, fabric version
On small moth hole above the wings! Grey Luftwaffe fabric read more
Suomen Lotta Svärd Hopeamerkki
In a very good condition a Finnish silver Lotta Svärd memberships badge
Frontside: 4 rosed surrounding a Swastika. Lotta-Svärd. Some normal wear scratches on the enamel.
Backside: Safety pin. Memberships number 112158. Silver hallmarks, OL=Oskar Lindroos
Background information:
Lotta Svärd was a Finnish voluntary auxiliary paramilitary... read more
3rd Reich Silbern Sporttreffen Arbeitsgau 22 Kassel 1934
In an excellent condition a silver Sports meeting labor district 22 Kassel 1934 badge
Frontside: Silver painter badge. Large Swastika behind a round middle section. Sporttreffen Arbeitsgau 22 Kassel 29.-30.4.1934
Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings. read more
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in schwarz (3)
In an excellent condition a wound badge 1939 in black (3)
Maker marked 3 which stands for Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Lackierte Parteiabzeichen (Wilhelm Deumer)
In a very good condition a late war painted NSDAP party badge (Wilhelm Deumer)
Maker marked RZM M1/120 which stands for Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid read more
100.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Lackierte Parteiabzeichen (Hermann Aurich)
In a very good condition a NSDAP painted party badge (Hermann Aurich)
Maker marked on the back RZM M1/105 which stands for Hermann Aurich from Dresden read more
75.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Erinnerungsabzeichen 1933 Gau München
In an excellent condition a NSDAP remembrance badge 1933 district München
This is an unmarked variant.
Frontside: Large wreath with ribbon. Und Ihr habt doch Gesiegt. With large Swastika in the middle and year 1933 (round 3's).
Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings read more
225.00 EUR
3rd Reich Silbern Infanterie-sturmabzeichen (Assmann Nummer 2)
In an almost mint condition a silver infantry assault badge (Assmann number 2)
The silver is more then 98% present. The hinge and hook system are typical from the embossing tools number 2 Assmann & Söhne from Lüdenscheid.
See number 1.16.4 in "The Infantry Assault Badges" book from Sascha Weber. read more
3rd Reich SA sportabzeichen in Bronze (Redo) Sehr Selten!
In an excellent condition a very rare SA sport badge in Bronze (Redo)
This badge is made from bronze and had an one of kind needle system from Redo. Type 3 version.
A normal SA sport badge in bronze would weigh about 19 grams and is made of iron. This badge is made of bronze, non-magnetic and weighs about 26 grams
Frontside: Wreath on the inside a sw... read more
160.00 EUR
3rd Reich Volksgasmaske VM40 mit filter (WaA104)
In an excellent condition a people's gasmask VM40 with filter (WaA104)
Filter and gasmask are marked with the same maker WaA104 which stands for Auer and is dated 40 (1940) read more
40.00 EUR
Austro-Hungarian 1919 Souvenir M&M Artillerie Patronenhülse
In an excellent condition a 1919 souvenir M&M artillery shell casing
a very ornate engraved shell casing for an Austro-Hungarian Feldkanone M. 5/8. The shell is +/- 7.7 cm wide and about 28.2 cm long.
The bottom of the shell has various markings. V CS 15 with Austro-Hungarian royal crest. CS stands for the Factory of Manfred Weiss in "Csepel". 1915, a stamp, number 591. c... read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Kreistag Bonn 1939 Porzellanabzeichen
In an excellent condition a porcelain NSDAP district Bonn 1939 badge
Frontside: National Eagle with Swastika in front. Bonn Kreistag 1939
Backside: Safety pin. read more
3rd Reich Winterhilfswerk Sammelbüchse "Gau Wien"
In an excellent condition a WhW collection box "District Vienna"
Marked "Gau Wien" a hole for Papiergeld (Paper money), Numbered 837.
Maker marked M. Westermann & Co. GmbH (Wesco) from Nehim-Ruhr. The company still exists.
In 1938 the company moved to the former Beumewerk in the Hüsten district of Arnsberg, where the company headquarters are now located.
200.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSKOV 3. Schwäbische Kriegsopfer-Ehrentag 1935
In a good but used condition a 3rd Swabian War Victims Day of Honor 1935
Frontside: NSKOV emblem, underneath the crest of Tübingen. 3. Schwäbische Frontsoldaten Kriegsopfer-Ehrentag August 1st 1935 in Tübingen.
Backside: Safety pin read more
30.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Deutscher Turnerbund Broche
In an excellent condition a German Gymnastics union brooch
No maker markings present read more
35.00 EUR