3rd Reich Wehmacht Schulterklappen Sanitätstruppe fur ein Oberfeldsarzt
In a very good but used condition a pair of shoulder boards medical troops for a senior field doctor
Top side is in exellent condition a bottom side has various moth damage. Structural the shoulder boards are in very good condition. Priced accordingly! read more
120.00 EUR
3rd Reich Anschlussmedaille Österreich Miniatur
In an excellent condition a rare miniatur Anschluss Austria medal
Unmarked read more
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Eichenlaubkranz mit Kokarde
In an excellent condition a visor cap wreath with cockade for a Heer
Marked on the back 2 Ges. Gesch. All splints present read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldspange 5 medaillen
In an excellent condition a field clasp 5 medals
1. Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
2. Frontkämpferkreuz mit Schwertern
3. Österreich Kriegserinnerungsmedaille mit Schwertern
4. Hungary Pro Deo et Patria WWI medal
5. Bulgarian War Commemorative Medal 1915 - 1918 read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Schützenschnur 2. Stufe 2. form
In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe marksmanship lanyard grade 2. 2nd form read more
250.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Stahlhelmbund Diensteintrittsabzeichen 1927
In an excellent condition a Steel helmet Union Service entry badge 1927
Frontside: A stahlhelm with Iron cross, two oakleaves and the year 1927.
Backside: Ges. Gesch. maker marked STH which is Stahlhof Magdeburg, Marked A which stands for Alpaca silver alloy. This badge has no engraved markings of a member. Most likely unused specimen. read more
180.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldspange 2 medaillen
In a very good condition a ribbon bar with 2 ribbons.
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse 1939
2. Winterschlacht im Osten - Ostmedaille read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Sporen für Reiter
In a very good condition a pair of spurs used by the Wehrmacht cavalry troops
Two identical spurs read more
3rd Reich Allg.SS/ SS/ HJ Kochgeschirre M1910 im Schwarz (RZM Markiert)
In an excellent condition a Model 1910 messkit used by organization like (general) SS and Hilterjugend (RZM Marked)
It has been period overpainted the field grey color by black. The RZM marking used is RZM 19/38 which is the same RZM marking seen on SS dagger hangers. So it could be safely assumed that this canteen was used by the SS. read more
185.00 EUR
3rd Reich Im Dienst der Deutschen Wehrmacht Armbinde
In an excellent condition an In service of the German Wehrmacht armband
This armband was introduced on October 1st 1941 for wear by non-German civilians serving in the Wehrmacht and Russian Auxiliaries when not in their military uniform. read more
110.00 EUR
3rd Reich Mutzenabzeichen Landwacht
In a very good condition a Gendarmerie cap insignia read more
75.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 1. Klasse 1939 mit Etui (Kerbach & Österhelt)
In a very good condition a KVK 1st class with swords 1939 and award case (Kerbach & Österhelt)
Maker marked 62 on the pin and the case is marked with the same maker Kerbach & Österhelt from Dresden A1.
Some of the silvering of the cross has been lost read more
360.00 EUR
Nederland WO2 Landmacht knopen (6 stuks)
In an excellent condition a set of 6 Dutch WWII army button
Frontside: The royal lion crest.
Backside: 4 pieces are maker marked Jan Parree from Utrecht. 2 pieced are unmarked but attached smaller buttons.
Price is for all 6! read more
3rd Reich DRL Silbern Sportabzeichen
In an excellent condition a DRL Silver sports badge
Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (DRL).
Frontside: An oval wreath of overlapping oak leaves surrounding the pierced and intertwined letters "DRL"
Backside: Makers mark Wernstein Jena DRGM 35269 read more
3rd Reich SA sportabzeichen in Silber 1. Modell (Bönner)
In an excellent condition a silver SA sport badge 1st model (Christian Lauer)
Backside: safety pin. Maker markedBonner Kunstabzeichen Bedarf (Bonner Art badge supplies) from Bonn an der Rhein and Eigentum der Chefs der Ausbildungswesens. It also has a very low inventory number 21190.
The SA Sportabeichen were awarded to those who had successfully passed an educatio... read more
325.00 EUR
3rd Reich Gauleiter Hans Schemm abzeichen
In a very good condition Gauleiter Hans Schemm badge
Hans Schemm was a district leader who died following an airplane crash on March 3rd 1935, He was Gauleiter in the newly formed Gau of Upper Franconia (Oberfranken) from October 1928. Safety pin on the back read more
14.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Parteiabzeichen (M1/34)
In an excellent condition a NSDAP party badge (M1/34)
Maker marked RZM M1/34 which stands for Karl Wurster K.G., from Markneukirchen read more
165.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsche Arbeitsfront Obstschale
In an excellent condition a German Labor force fruit bowl
Marked with the Deutsche Arbeitsfront emblem, Modell des Amtes, Schönheit der Arbeit. Maker marked Hutschenreuther from Selb
Diameter 22.3 cm
Height 6.3 cm read more
47.50 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstmedaille
In a very good condition a war merit medal 1939
The War Merit Medal (Kriegsverdienstmedaille) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to recognize outstanding service by civilians in relation to the war effort. It was instituted on 19 August 1940 and usually awarded to those workers in factories who significantly exceeded work quotas. The War Merit Medal was awarded... read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1935 abzeichen
In an excelent condition a Deutsche Arbeits Front badge 1935.
Frontside: Tag der Arbeit with bust eagle. under the wings the year 1935 and in a wreath the swastika. Three men above, with hammer, law and wheat. Above Tag der Arbeit. in the left initials RK
Backside: Safety pin, maker marked Hermann Aurich from Dresden A.16. Logo from the maker also present A with ab... read more
15.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Feldspange 2 medaillen (Oldenburg)
In an excellent condition a field clasp 2 medals (Oldenburg)
1. Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Friedrich-August-Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914 Oldenburg für Kampfer read more
3rd Reich Erkennungsmarke landesschützen ersatz bataillon 4/ 1. stabskompanie
In an excellent condition a dog tag of the State rifle replacement battalion 4/1st staff company
The staff member had number 6901 and blood type B. He also had attached a catholic coin with Maria with child.
In Italian "Santa monica, protector of Christian wives and mothers" and other side "pious union of Christian mothers" read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich Erkennungsmarke 2. Kompanie Maschinengewehr Ersatz Bataillon 14
In an excellent condition a dog tag of the 2nd company machine gun replacement battalion 14
The soldier number is 866 and his blood type A
The 14th Machine Gun Battalion was formed on November 10, 1938 at the peacetime base in Saarbrücken, in Military District XII, from the II./Infantry Regiment 70. The battalion was setup as an army force under the S... read more
3rd Reich Ordensspange 4 Medaillen (NSDAP & Braunschweig)
In a very good condition a medal bar 4 medals (NSDAP & Braunschweig)
1. Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Herzogtum Braunschweig Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse
3. Frontkämpferkreuz 1914-1918 (Bernhard Haarmann from Lüdenscheid)
4. Dienstauszeichnung der NSDAP 1.Stufe Bronze read more
475.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Tätigkeitsabzeichen für Horchfunker
In an excellent condition an Air Signals Telephone Operators Badge read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Ehrenmedaille der Luftkriegsschule 3
In an excellent condition a rare Luftwaffe honor medal of the air war school 3
This is a late war medal from after May 1944 when Luftkriegschule 3 moved to Oschatz
Frontside: The medal with a diameter of 53 mm shows a luftwaffe emblem in front of a semi-circular granulated background and the inscription created in fractal script: Luftkriegschule-3. The horizontal f... read more
200.00 EUR
3rd Reich RAD Der weiblichen Jugend Erinnerungsbrosche
In an excellent condition a Reich Labour Service for the female youth remembrance broche
Made from aluminium/ zink with silver plating. Maker marked A which stands for Assmann & Söhne from Lüdenscheid. Marked RLAD = RLAD stands for Reichsleitung des Reichsarbeitsdienstes read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1929 Abzeichen
In an almost mint condition a very rare NSDAP Party day 1929 badge
This badge is rounded and was used during the rally to be attached to small wooden pole or stick. Its silvering is still in excellent condition both front and back.
For the rest is this badge of the same size as the normal one with a safety pin, except for the bend and the three fastening holes. read more
200.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Schulterklappen für ein Verwaltungsoffizier
In an excellent condition a pair of shoulder boards for an administrative officer
The administrative officer has the rank of a Staboffizier Korvettenkapitän (senior officer Corvette captain). These specific pair is used for the white summer tunic. Complete with two screw-on Kriegsmarine buttons. One small moth hole on the back but nothing concerning. read more
120.00 EUR