3rd Reich Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen
In an excellent condition a honor medal for build on the West-Wall
Frontside: Inside a wreath Für Arbeit zum Schutze Deutschlands
Backside: Eagle with swastika, sword and shuffle (building and protection) and underneath a bunker read more
Bayerischer Militärverdienstkreuz 3.Klasse mit Schwertern
In a mint condition a Bayern military merit cross 3rd class with swords 3rd form 1913
Original Box. Maker marked Deschler & Sohn
The Military Merit Crosses were donated by King Ludwig II together with the Military Merit Order on July 19, 1866. The Military Merit Order was established in 5 classes: Grand Cross, Commander, Knight 1st and 2nd class and the Military Me... read more
3rd Reich Gau Ost-Hannover 1925-1934
In an almost mint condition a Gau East-Hannover 1925-1934 badge
Frontside: Large gold painted Swastika with Oakleaves. Ost-Hannover 1925-1934
Backside: Safety pin read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRL mitgliedsabzeichen
In an almost mint condition a DRL membership pin
Frontside: Eagle with Swastika, emblem of the Deutsche Reichsbund für Leibesübungen
Backside: Marked DRL. Ges.Gesch. Maker logo of Hermann Aurich from Dresden read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich RAD Der weiblichen Jugend Erinnerungsbrosche
In an almost mint condition a Reich Labour Service for the female youth remembrance broche
Made from aluminium/ zink with silver plating. Maker marked J.B.u.Co. which stands for Julius Bauer & Co from Zella-Mehlis read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich SA Gruppe-Donau Wettkämpfe 1939
In an excellent condition a SA Group Donau sport competition badge 1939
Frontside: Plastic badge. SA Gruppe Donau 1939 SA sport emblem Gruppen Wettkämpfe.
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Richard Siep & Söhne from Lüdenscheid, RZM M9/25 read more
70.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSKK Siegerplakette Wintersportkämpfe 1939
In an excellent condition a NSKK Winner's plaque winter sports competitions 1939
Large zink plaque, about 72 x 83 mm
Frontside: NSKK emblem 1939 Motorgruppe Alpenland - Wintersportkämpfe 3. Sieger Abfahrtslauf. Edelweiss Blume
Backside: Maker marked Klotz und Kienast from München, with their company logo read more
325.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Medaille Amerikafahrt des LZ 126 Oktober 1924
In an excellent condition a bronze commemorative medal of the Zeppelin LZ-126 America Flight
Original box.
Frontside: Relief profile bust of Count von Zeppelin depicted, embossed text "GRAF FERDINAND v. ZEPPELIN * 8.JULI 1838 + 8.MARZ 1917"
Backside: Relief of the God Mercury holding a Zeppelin airship, embossed text "AMERIKAFAHRT DES L.Z. 126 OKT. 1... read more
135.00 EUR
3rd Reich Gauparteitag Württemberg Hohenzollern Stuttgart 1934
In an excellent condition a Gau Party Congress Württemberg Hohenzollern Stuttgart 1934
Frontside: A hand swearing allegiance to the NSDAP flags. Gauparteitag Württemberg Hohenzollern Stuttgart 25.II.1934 (Febr. 25th 1934)
Backside: Safety pin. No maker marks read more
70.00 EUR
BRD Deutsches Fahrerabzeichen in Silber 2. Stufe
In an excellent condition a BRD German driver's badge in silver.
BRD = Bundes Republiek Deutschland
Frontside: Chariot with horses inside a wreath.
Backside: Ges. Gesch. Zentralkom. F. LeistungsSpr. W.U. Kaltbl.-PF. Maker marked Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid read more
25.00 EUR
Österreich-Ungarn Militär-Jubiläumskreuz 1848-1908
In an excellent condition a Franz Joseph I jubilee remembrance cross 1848-1908
The cross was made for the 60 years jubilee of Franz Joseph I emperor of Austra-Hungary
The Jubilee Cross 1908 was donated on August 14, 1908 by Emperor Frans Joseph I on the occasion of his 60th anniversary of the reign on December 2, 1908. It was issued in three variants: <... read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDFBSt Mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition a NSD Stalhlhelm membershipspin.
Frontside: Stahlhelm in front of a Swastika on a circle. n.s.d. F.b.St. (Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontkämpferbund Stahllhelm)
Backside: Maker marked F.V. Ges. Gesch. read more
Deutsche Reich Auszeichnungsmedaille "Ehrenpreis des Reichspräsidenten" in Bronze 1929
In a very good condition a Medal "Honorary Prize of the Reich President" in bronze 1929
Frontside: Verfassungstag 1929. Weimar Eagle holding two wreaths
Backside: Ehrenpreis des Reichspräsidenten. Hand holding a large banner flag.
Maker marked on the side H.Noack from Berlin Friedenau
Size +/- 6.7 cm and 120 gramms heavy
... read more
150.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Beschreibung zur Bereitschaftsbüchse WWI
In an excellent condition a rare manual for the German WWI gasmask box.
The manual is placed at the bottom of the gasmask box read more
45.00 EUR
BRD Nordrhein Westfalen Feuerwehr Ehrenzeichen 3. Stufe in Silber
In an excellent a BRD North Rhine Westphalia fire department badge of honor 3rd degree in silver
Frontside: Crest Nordrhein Westfalen. cross with enemal flames. Circle in the back Für Verdienste im Feuerschutz. Ribbon silver, red and white.
Backside: No maker marks present read more
30.00 EUR
BRD Nordrhein Westfalen Feuerwehr Ehrenzeichen 2. Stufe in Gold
In an excellent a BRD North Rhine Westphalia fire department badge of honor 2nd degree in gold
Frontside: Crest Nordrhein Westfalen. cross with enemal flames. Circle in the back Für Verdienste im Feuerschutz. Ribbon gold, red and white.
Backside: No maker marks present read more
40.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Bund Ehemals 2. Nassauisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 88
In an excellent condition a rare veteran meeting badge of the 2nd Nassau Infantry Regiment No. 88
Frontside: Denkmalsweihe und Wiedersehensfeier. Bund Ehemals 88er Mainz-Wiesbaden 22.-24. Augustus 1931. Leftbottom crest of Mainz and rightbottom crest of Wiesbaden. In the top K with crown stand for King with royal crown.
Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings. read more
35.00 EUR
BRD Deutscher Sport Bund Gold Stoff- und Miniaturabzeichen
In an excellent condition a BRD German Sport miniatur and patch gold graded
BRD = Bundes Republiek Deutschland. Miniatur stickpin maker marked Ges. Gesch. Steinhauer & Luck from Lüdenschein read more
12.50 EUR
Kaiserreich Miniatur Eisernes Kreuz 1914
In a excellent condition a miniatur iron cross 1914
No maker markings present. These miniatur medals were worn on the Miniaturkette (miniatur chain) these were mostly worn by officers. read more
Kaiserreich Turnverein Schmölln Silbern 25. Jährige mitgliedschaft
In an excellent condition a silver turner association Schmölln 25 years membership broche
Badge can be dated around the beginning of the 20th century (before the great war)
Frontside: The turnerkreuz with the four F's (Die Turnerwahlspruch „frisch, fromm, fröhlich, frei“ ) The Turner motto "fresh, pious, happy, free" within oakleave wreath. T.V. Schmölln on a ribbo... read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutscher Luthertag 1933
In a very good condition a German Luther day badge 1933
Frontside: Deutscher Luthertag 10. November 1933.
Backside: Maker marked Alfred Stübbe from Berlin S.W. 19. read more
12.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Mitgliedsabzeichen Württembergischer Kriegerbund
In an excellent condition a Württemberg warrior veteran association badge.
The top side of the the Württembergischer Kriegerbund badges were the same. The ribbon distinguished the different associations. This specific ribbon is for the Mossingen Militär Verein.
Backside is marked by the makers W. Mayer & F. Wilhelm from Stuttgart. read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich kreisverbandtag Freiwillige Feuerwehr Dülmen 1936
In an excellent condition a district association day volunteer firemen Dülmen badge
Frontside: City sight of Dülmen with Firemen emblem above. 18. technischer Feuerwehrt und Kreisverbandstag der Freiwillige Feuerwehr des Kreises Coesfeld Dülmen. 5.7.36
Translated: 18th technical fire brigade and district association day of the volunteer fire brigade of the Coesfel... read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich RDKL Goldene Ehrennadel für 25 jährige Mitgliedschaft
In an excellent condition a rare "golden" honor pin Reichsverband Deutscher Kleintierzüchter 25 years membership
Maker marked Ges. Gesch. C.P. on the medal which stands for Carl Poelath from Schrobenhausen. and also marked on the pin.
The Reichsverband Deutscher Kleintierzüchter were the caretaker of small animals like (hunting)dogs, but also rabbits, pigeons and o... read more
200.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRKB 25-Jährige Mitgliedschaft 1. Form
In an excellent condition a DRKB 25 years memberships pin in silver
DRKB = Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser. This specific stickpin is also called Ein Silberne Ehrennadel für 25-jährige Mitgliedschaft. Marked Ges. Gesch. on the back. read more
40.00 EUR
USA WWII army Medal of Good Conduct (Slot brooch)
In an excellent condition a US Army Good Conduct Medal
The Army Good Conduct Medal was established for the Army & Army Air Forces by Executive Order 8809, 28 June 1941* – less than six months before the United States entered into World War II. It was to be selectively awarded to enlisted soldiers who distinguished themselves among their fellow soldiers through exemplary conduct, ... read more
10.00 EUR
USSR За доблестный труд в Великой Отечественной войне 1941–1945 гг
In an excellent condition a USSR Medal "For Valiant Labour in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945"
The Medal "For Valiant Labour in the Great Patriotic War 1941–1945" was a 32mm in diameter circular copper medal with a raised rim on both sides. On the obverse, the left profile bust of Joseph Stalin wearing the uniform of a Marshal of the Soviet Union, along the upper circumference ... read more
10.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Miniaturspange Fröntkampfer
In an excellent condition a miniatur medal bar stick pin
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Hindenburgkreuz or fröntkampferkreuz mit Schwertern read more
35.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Miniaturspange Fröntkampfer
In an excellent condition a miniatur medal bar stick pin
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Hindenburgkreuz or fröntkampferkreuz mit Schwertern read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich RKB Reichskolonialtagung Wien 1939
In a very good condition a Empire Colonial League Vienna 1939 badge
Frontside: Reichskolonialtagung Wien 16.-18. Mai 1939. Emblem of the RKB in front of the sun and with a large eagle holding the colonies with its claws in African continent below. The former colonies have been marked with vertical lines.
Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings. read more
35.00 EUR