4470 items found
Kaiserreich Erinnerungsmedaille Friedrich Deutscher Kaiser König v. Preussen

Kaiserreich Erinnerungsmedaille Friedrich Deutscher Kaiser König v. Preussen

In a very good condition a Emperor and Prussian king Friedrich remembrance medal 1888

Frontside: Friedrich Deutscher Kaiser König von Preussen. Maker marked under the bust of Friedrich M . Bronze silverplated.

Backside: Born 18. Oktober 1831 Died 15. Juni 1888. His motto: Lerne Leiden ohne zu Klagen and his autograph. Learn to suffer without complaining  read more

Code: 51303

18.50 EUR

3rd Reich Nationalsozialistischer Großflugtag Dresden- Heller 1935

3rd Reich Nationalsozialistischer Großflugtag Dresden- Heller 1935

In an excellent condition a airsport association promotion token

Frontside: Porcelain badge. Werdert mitglied im Deutschen Luftsportverband (become a member of the German Air Sports Association). Luftfahrt hilft Deutschland Luftsportverband Emblem. Maker marked Meissen.

Backside: Nationalsozialistischer Großflugtag Dresden- Heller 1935. City view of Dresden  read more

Code: 51302


3rd Reich Ordensspange 3 medaillen

3rd Reich Ordensspange 3 medaillen

In an excellent condition a medal bar with 3 medals.

1. Eisernes Kreuz 1914 2. Klasse
2. Ehrenkreuz für Nichtkämpfer 1. Weltkrieg
3. Reichsarbeitsdienst Dienstauszeichnung für Männer 4. Stufe  read more

Code: 51300


UK British war medal 1939-1945

UK British war medal 1939-1945

In an excellent condition a UK war medal 1939 - 1945

The War Medal 1939-1945 is a British award for people who served a minimum of 28 days in the period between 3 September 1939 and 2 September 1945 in the British Army or Merchant Navy.

The medal has a diameter of 36mm and is made of a copper-nickel alloy. This medal is also awarded in Canada, but it is made of sil...  read more

Code: 51299

50.00 EUR

BRD Bundeswehr Edelweiß Mützenabzeichen

BRD Bundeswehr Edelweiß Mützenabzeichen

In an excellent condition a German Bundesrepublik army edelweiss cap insignia  read more

Code: 51298

6.75 EUR

Kaiserreich Erinnerungsmedaille Friedrich Deutscher Kaiser König v. Preussen

Kaiserreich Erinnerungsmedaille Friedrich Deutscher Kaiser König v. Preussen

In a very good condition a Emperor and Prussian king Friedrich remembrance medal 1888

Frontside: Friedrich Deutscher Kaiser König von Preussen. Maker marked under the bust of Friedrich M . Copper silverplated.

Backside: Born 18. Oktober 1831 Died 15. Juni 1888. His motto: Lerne Leiden ohne zu Klagen and his autograph. Learn to suffer without complaining  read more

Code: 50037

18.00 EUR

Prussian Dienstauszeichnung für Offiziere 1825 (6. Form 1895 – 1920)

Prussian Dienstauszeichnung für Offiziere 1825 (6. Form 1895 – 1920)

In an excellent condition a 25 years Service award for officers 1825 (6th form 1895 - 1920)

The cross shown here is the final form of the service award after 25 years and was issued from 1895 until the award was discontinued. According to Lothar Tewes, this is the 6th form. The Prussian service awards were on June 18, 1825 by King Friedrich Wilhelm III. donated. (10th anniversary...  read more

Code: 51297

125.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse (1914) KAG

Kaiserreich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse (1914) KAG

In an very good condition a Iron Cross 2nd class marked KO

The ring is marked KAG which stands for the maker Firma Franz Kühmayer A.G from Pozsony Ös-Ung.

Three piece construction with an Iron magnetic core  read more

Code: 51296

85.00 EUR

Preussen Erinnerungskreuz 1866 Treuen Kriegern

Preussen Erinnerungskreuz 1866 Treuen Kriegern

In a very good condition a commemorative cross for loyal combatants in the Austro-Prussian war of 1866

The commemorative crosses for 1866 were donated by King Wilhelm I on September 20, 1866. It should be an outward proof of recognition for the glorious campaign. The crosses were awarded to officers, NCOs, soldiers and civil servants who took part in the campaign or who had cross...  read more

Code: 51295

80.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Ehrenkreuz 2.Klasse des Preußischen Landes-Kriegerverbandes

Deutsche Reich Ehrenkreuz 2.Klasse des Preußischen Landes-Kriegerverbandes

In a excellent condition a Cross of Honor 2nd Class of the Prussian State Warrior Association.

Maler marked on te ring H.Timm from Berlin

The Prussian State Warrior Association donated the Cross of Honor for its members on August 16, 1921 in 2 classes. The award had to be applied for by the individual warrior associations at the regional board. The 2nd class was a...  read more

Code: 51294

35.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Ehrenkreuz für Nichtkämpfer

Deutsche Reich Ehrenkreuz für Nichtkämpfer

In an excellent condition a honor cross without swords for non-fighters

Maker marked AS with sword symbol which stands for the firm Alfed Stübbe from Berlin.  read more

Code: 51293


3rd Reich RAD Der weiblichen Jugend Erinnerungsbrosche

3rd Reich RAD Der weiblichen Jugend Erinnerungsbrosche

In an almost mint condition a Reich Labour Service for the female youth remembrance broche

Made from aluminium/ zink with silver plating. Maker marked ANG which stands for August G. Tam from Gablonz.  read more

Code: 51292

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich RAD Brosche für Arbeitsmaid (Assmann)

3rd Reich RAD Brosche für Arbeitsmaid (Assmann)

In a good but used condition a RAD Brooch for working maid

Various markings on the back. Some to faded like the one for RADwJ = Reichsarbeitsdienst für weiblichen Jugend. Maker marked Assmann & Söhne from Lüdenscheid with his company logo which is a large twice striked through A  read more

Code: 51291

60.00 EUR

BRD Bundeswehr Heer Barettabzeichen

BRD Bundeswehr Heer Barettabzeichen

In an excellent condition a BW Luftwaffe visor cap or beret insignia.

This is a unused insiginia which can be fitted on a Visor Cap or beret. It is still in use by the Bundeswehr Heer, It has no maker marks and is made from metal.  read more

Code: 51290

6.50 EUR

Deutsche Reich Patriotischer Reliefplatte Hindenburg (St.W.)

Deutsche Reich Patriotischer Reliefplatte Hindenburg (St.W.)

In an excellent condition a cast iron patriotic Hindenburg relief plate

The relief plate made to be placed on a desk or on a mantelpiece/ bookshelf.

maker marked Ges. Gesch. St. W. in the middle is the crest of Ilsenburg with a striding deer. It is therefor made by a blacksmith based in Ilsenburg. It is also marked with a patent number 2114.  read more

Code: 51289

275.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Patriotische Krug Einigkeit macht Stark!

Kaiserreich Patriotische Krug Einigkeit macht Stark!

In a very good condition a Patriotic Mug Unity is Strength!

Left the flag of the Deutsche Reich and Imperial crest, above a lion. In the middle within a wreath the both kaisers Wilhelm II and Frans Jozef. On the right the Austro-Hungarian flag with also a lion and underneath the crest of the Hansburger empire, the double eagle. Einigkeit macht Stark!

Marked 1,2 li...  read more

Code: 51288

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Reichskarte Grossblatt 32 (1940)

3rd Reich Reichskarte Grossblatt 32 (1940)

In a very good, but used condition a Reichs map from Bremerhaven, Wesermünde and Bremervörde 1940

Reichskarte Grossblatt 32 ((Bremerhaven-Wesermünde-Bremervörde). Verlag des Reichsamts für Landesaufname. Berlin GW 68, Wilhelmstrasse 9. The was a edition from 14 May 1940. It is stamped Gerhard Lasparg ? Ingenieur Wesermünde Langen, 342  read more

Code: 51287

28.50 EUR

Kaiserreich Miniatur Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz

Kaiserreich Miniatur Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz

A very good but used miniature woundbadge in black

Durchbrochne version - Open version

The badge for the wounded was donated on March 3, 1918 by King and Kaiser Wilhelm II. On July 8, 1918, the group of eligible recipients was expanded to include the colonial troops. This badge was donated in recognition of soldiers who were wounded in combat operations by the enem...  read more

Code: 51286

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen 1. Stufe für 40 Jahre im Etui

3rd Reich Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen 1. Stufe für 40 Jahre im Etui

In an almost mint condition a gold 40 years faithful service honor badge 1st class

Frontside: Large black swastika on a cross which is on top of a wreath.

Backside: Fur Treue Dienste. No maker markings. Safety pin on the ribbon

Box: Condition is excellent. Frontside 40 inside a wreath. No other markings present inside or out.  read more

Code: 51282

150.00 EUR

3rd Reich RJA für Jungen 2. Modell

3rd Reich RJA für Jungen 2. Modell

In an excellent condition a Reichsjugendsportabzeichen for boys 2nd form.

Frontside: RJA in de middle of a wreath and swastika

backside: maker marked Wernstein from Jena.  read more

Code: 51276


BRD Miniaturespange (1957) 3 auszeichnungen

BRD Miniaturespange (1957) 3 auszeichnungen

In an excellent condition a miniature medal bar stickpin for a WWII veteran (1957 version)

1. Eisernes kreuz 1939
2. Infanterie-Sturmabzeichen
3. Silber Verwundetenabzeichen  read more

Code: 51278

30.00 EUR

Kosovo KFOR MNTF (S) G6 mission patch

Kosovo KFOR MNTF (S) G6 mission patch

In an excellent condition a KFOR MNTF (S) mission patch

Germany, Austria, the Netherlands, Russia and Turkey were peace keepers in the region of Kosovo designated as MNTF (S). At this moment only Germany, Austria and Turkey are still active on mission in this desinated area. The rest have withdrawn. The velcro patch can be easily attached or removed to a military uniform.  read more

Code: 51281

10.00 EUR

BRD Eisernes Kreuz miniaturabzeichen (1957)

BRD Eisernes Kreuz miniaturabzeichen (1957)

In an excellent condition a miniature iron cross for a WWII veteran (1957 version)  read more

Code: 51279

12.50 EUR

BRD Bundesverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse im etui

BRD Bundesverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse im etui

In an excellent condition a ‎Bunderrepublik Deutschland Federal Cross of Merit ‎2nd class

Frontside: Gold colored cross with red enemal, in the middle BRD eagle.

Backside: No maker markings. Ribbon with safety pin.

Original blue presentation box maker marked Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid and original box for the presentation.  read more

Code: 51280

115.00 EUR

BRD Nahkampfspange Miniatur in Bronze (1957)

BRD Nahkampfspange Miniatur in Bronze (1957)

In an excellent condition a miniature bronze melee clasp 1957 version  read more

Code: 51277

15.00 EUR

DDR Kindermedaille Höher Schneller Weiter 1971

DDR Kindermedaille Höher Schneller Weiter 1971

In an excellent condition East German child medal, higher, faster, further.

Frontside: Running games 1971 gold and silver medal with blue ribbons

Backside: Höher Schneller Weiter. Wreath and Olympic emblem.  read more

Code: 51283

15.00 EUR

DDR Kreissportfest der Werktätigen

DDR Kreissportfest der Werktätigen

In an excellent condition a district sports festival of the working people silver and bronze DDR medals

Frontside: Kreissport der Werktätigen

Backside: Sport Treiben Gesund Bleiben. FDGB, FDJ and the DTSB DDR  read more

Code: 51284

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSFK 19. Rhön Segelflug Wettbewerb 1938

3rd Reich NSFK 19. Rhön Segelflug Wettbewerb 1938

In an excellent condition a NSFK ‎19th Rhön Gliding Competition 1938‎

Frontside: Nationalsozialistisches Fliegerkorps 1938. NSFK emblem. 19. Rhön-Segelflug-Wettbewerb  read more

Code: 51275

145.00 EUR

3rd Reich Veranstaltungsabzeichen SA Treffen Stuttgart 1934

3rd Reich Veranstaltungsabzeichen SA Treffen Stuttgart 1934

In an excellent condition a commemorative SA badge from the Wurttemberg division

Frontside: Blackened badge. Stuttgart 1 VII 34 (1. July 1934) SA emblem. Underneath the coat of arms of Württemberg

Backside: No maker marks. Safety pin.  read more

Code: 51274

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kampftage der Fränkischen SA 1937

3rd Reich Kampftage der Fränkischen SA 1937

In an excellent condition a battle day of the Franconian SA 1937

Frontside: 1937 SA emblem. Eagle upon a wreath with Swastika. Kampftage der Fränkischen SA

Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings  read more

Code: 51273

60.00 EUR