UK British 7th Queen's Own Hussars cap badge
In an excellent condition a Queen Victoria 7th Queen's Own Hussars cap badge
Dated around 1900. read more
25.00 EUR
UK British George VI Royal Military Police Corps cap badge
In a very good but used condition a George VI Royal Military Police Corps cap badge
Used between 1937 - 1952
Frontside: Wreath with royal crown. Initials GR VI. Militar Police
Backside: Clip for cap. No maker markings read more
7.00 EUR
3rd Reich DLV SSegelflieger A-Abzeichen
In an excellent condition a DLV Glider Pilot Badge Level A
This is a 3th Reich stick from the German Airsport Association. read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ mitgliedsabzeichen RZM M1/148
In a good but used condition a HJ membership badge.
Badge marked RZM M1/148 which stands for Heinrich Ulbrichts Witwe from Wien
Safety pin broken priced accordingly! read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Reichsluftschutzbund Amtsträger Abzeichen
In an excellent condition a Reichsluftschutzbund public official badge
Maker marked Hermann Aurich from Dresden. Ges Gesch. read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Parteiabzeichen (Max Kremhelmer)
In an excellent condition a rare membership pin for the NSDAP party.
Maker marked on the back RZM M1/3 which stands for Max Kremhelmer from München read more
3rd Reich Deutsche Turnerschaft Patriotischer fahnen
In an excellent condition a German Gymnastics Association with patriotic flags
Frontside: Emblem Deutsche Turnerschaft. National flag and NSDAP flag
Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings.
Dated 1933-1935 read more
3rd Reich Reichsarbeitsdienst der Männer Erinnerungsnadel
In a very good condition a RAD/M commemorative stickpin.
On the back marked RADj and maker marked with logo and Dr.F. & Co. Which is Dr. Franke & Co from Lüdenscheid read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Sängerbundesfest 75. Jähr Breslau
In an excellent condition a Singers' Association 75th anniversary in Breslau 1937
Frontside: 12. Deutsches Sängerbundesfest und feier des 75 jähr. Bestehens des Deutschen Sängerbundes 1863-1937 Breslau 28.7.-1.8.1937 (Breslau is present day Polish city Wroclaw)
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Paulmann & Crone from Lüdenscheid read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Kreistreffen Auf der Alm 1935
In a very good condition a NSDAP District rally Auf der Alm 1935 badge.
Frontside: Auf der Arlm. Kemnath-Erbendorf. NS-Kreistreffen. Shield like badge. In the middle a pinetree mountain area with sun coming up with Swastika as the sun. 1935
Backside: Missing Safety pin. read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich SA Brigade 41 Greiz Thüringen-Ost Abzeichen
In a very good condition a rare SA Brigade Greiz Thuringen-East badge
Night of the long knives badge. At the night of June 30th 1934 the SA leadership at the SA rally was lifted from their beds, imprisoned and executed.
As the story goes Himmler and Goebels made a story up about the SA wanted to get rid of Hitler which infuriated him and acted immediately to get r... read more
100.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW DLV Spendenabzeichen - drei flugzeugen
A very nice WHW Deutscher Luftsportverband donation badge - 3 planes
In the DLV as sportclub it was the only way to train for flyers and groundpersonell because of the restrictions of the Versailles treaty Germany was not allowed to have a airforce. The DLV was later disbanded and most members went into the Luftwaffe, NSFK or other flying corps. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1937 abzeichen
In an excellent condition a DAF Labour day 1937 tinnie
Frontside: Eagle with swastika inside a wreath. A boy with oakleaves inside his hand standing on the wings of the eagle. 1 Mai 1937
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked C.Th.Dicke which stands for Christian Theodore Dicke from Lüdenscheid read more
3rd Reich NSDAP 14. Jahre Jubiläum abzeichen
In a very good condition a NSDAP party 14 years jubilee badge
The NSDAP was founded on 24.2.1920.
Frontside: Olympic athlete with olympic flame and wreath getting on the altar. 24.2.1920 - 24.2.1934
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Carl Poelath from Schrobenhausen. read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW DLV Spendenabzeich Hermann Göring 1934
In a very good condition a Winterhilfswerk DLV Donation badge Hermann Göring
Frontside: Airplane with on the wings a message from Hermann Göring "Das Deutsche Volk muss ein Volk von Fliegern werden"
Backside: Safety pin
Reichsstraßensammlung vom Juni 1934 read more
17.50 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Heimat- und Alarmflakartillerie Zivilabzeichen
In an almost mint condition a Luftwaffe home and alarm anti-aircraft artillery civilian stickpin
Frontside: Luftwaffe eagle holding a Deutsche Arbeitsfront emblem in its claws.
Backside: Pin attachment, no maker markings. read more
140.00 EUR
3rd Reich Patriotische Swastika Papierabzeichen
In an excellent condition a patriotic Swastika paper badge read more
3rd Reich WhW Alles für Deutschland abzeichen
In an excellent condition a Winterhilfswerk Everything for Germany badge
Frontside: Alles für Deutschland - Treue um treue. In the middle oakleaves
Backside: Safety pin read more
Sudetenland SdP abzeichen
In a very good condition a very rare sudetendeutsche partei badge
No maker markings and pin is missing. The badge still has some left blackness. read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich Sängerbundesfest 75. Jähr Breslau
In an excellent condition a Singers' Association 75th anniversary in Breslau 1937
Frontside: 12. Deutsches Sängerbundesfest und feier des 75 jähr. Bestehens des Deutschen Sängerbundes 1863-1937 Breslau 28.7.-1.8.1937 (Breslau is present day Polish city Wroclaw)
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Paulmann & Crone from Lüdenscheid read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kragenspiegel fur Feuerlöschpolizei
In an excellent condition a pair of collar tabs for the fire police
The ranks of these collar tabs is from Anwärter to Obertruppfuhrer read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Polizei Schulterklappen für ein wachtmeister der Justiz
In an excellent condition a rare pair of shoulder boards from a wachtmeister of the justice department
Also known as a strafbeamter = Penal officer read more
80.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Gold Miniatur
In an excellent condition a gold miniatur wound badge 1939
No maker markings present read more
3rd Reich Polizei Schulterklappen für ein Oberwachtmeister der Gendarmerie
In an excellent condition a pair of shoulder boards for a police oberwachtmeister of the (feld)gendarmerie read more
95.00 EUR
3rd Reich RV-DJH Jugendherberge Abzeichen Monschau
In an almost mint condition DJH event paper badge.
Reichsstraßensammlung zum Reichswerbe- und Opfertag des Reichsverband des Deutsches Jugendhergs vom Mai 1938
Frontside: Jugendburg Monschau im Eifel
Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings read more
18.00 EUR
3rd Reich Infanterie-sturmabzeichen Miniatur in Silber
In a very good condition a miniatur silver Infantry Assualt Badge read more
3rd Reich Treue um Treue Saar 1935
In a very good condition a patriotic badge for the Saarabstimmung in January 1935
The Saarbeckengebiet was controlled by the English and French from 1920 -1935 for the League of Nations. When the people were asked to make a choice between incorporation in France or Germany the NSDAP would try to influence the votes amongst initimidation but also with patriotic badges like this ba... read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Deutsches Jugendfest 1936 abzeichen
In a very good but used condition a Hitler Jugend youth feast 1936 badge
Frontside: Deutsches Jugendfest 1936 on a ribbon. Standing inside the circle an eagle with his wings outside the circle. In front of the eagle the Hitler Jugend emblem.
Backside: Safety pin. No maker marks present. read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1939 abzeichen
In an excellent condition a 1939 DAF tinnie.
Photo doesn't show it correctly. But completely gold painted in excellent condition.
Frontside: Woman with flowers and Eagle with Swastika. 1. Mai 1939. Underneath in a ribbon “Ostmark,” “Alt Reich” and “Sudetenland.”
Backside: safety pin, Maker marked M9/28 Ferdinand Hoffstätter from Bonn read more
20.00 EUR
Bayern Königreich Veteranendenkzeichen für die Feldzüge 1790 – 1812
In an excellent condition a Bavarian Kingdom a Veteran memorial medal for the campaigns 1790 - 1812
New ribbon.
The veteran cross was donated by King Maximilian II on June 30, 1848 for the fighters of the campaigns from 1790 to 1812. As well as for the continuation of the fighting against Russia until after the Battle of Leipzig on October 18, 1813. This included a... read more
200.00 EUR