3rd Reich DRJA 2. Form in Bronze Urkundenheft
In an excellent condition a award book for the Deutsches Radsport Jugend Abzeichen in Bronze
The DRJA in Bronze 2n form was awarded on 17 August 1936 read more
50.00 EUR
Regimental anniversary, 100 year anniversary medal 1814-1914, 12th Bavarian Infantry Regiment Prinz Arnulf, portable medal.
With original label on the back Otto Ehinger Kunst-Werkstate Neu-Ulm read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1939 abzeichen
In an excellent condition a 1939 DAF tinnie.
Frontside: Woman with flowers and Eagle with Swastika. 1. Mai 1939. Underneath in a ribbon “Ostmark,” “Alt Reich” and “Sudetenland.”
Backside: safety pin, Maker marked M9/56 Werner Redo from Saarlautern read more
3rd Reich miniatur NS-Frauenschaft mitgliedsabzeichen 8. form
In a good but used condition a miniatur National Socialist womenhood membership badge 8th form.
Frontside: Nat. Soz. Fr.. GHL (in Gothic letters) which stand for "Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe" (Faith, Hope, Love) which was their motto. In the middle a red Swastika upon a white cross. Some small hear fractures in the enemal. but nothing concerning. Priced accordingly
Bac... read more
3rd Reich Frauenschaft Ortsgruppe Leiterin mitgliedsabzeichen M1/63
In a good but used condition a National Socialist womenhood membership badge local group leader.
Frontside: Nat. Soz. Frauenschaft. GHL (in Gothic letters) which stand for "Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe" (Faith, Hope, Love) which was their motto. In the middle a red Swastika upon a white cross. Blue enamel around the sides of the triangle which means the badge was for a Ortsgruppe Leit... read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich Schirmmütze für Mannschaften der Feuershutzpolizei
In an excellent condition a visor cap of the volantary firemen policemen
Visor cap is maker marked by Christian Schweitzer Mützenfabrik from Koblenz Baldinstrasse 6. Logo marked Helvetia and Ges. Gesch.
Marked by the seller Johann Sturm. Auto- Motorrad ... from Kobern an die Mosel. From the internet this man also rebuild the firetruck after the war in 1955.
... read more
250.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1937 abzeichen
In an excellent condition a NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1937 badge.
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked G. Brehmer from Markneukirchen read more
3rd Reich NSDAP Grenzland in Not! 1932 abzeichen
In an excellent condition a rare NSDAP borderland in distress! 1932 badge
Frontside: Grenzland in not! Swastika with sunrays behind borded poles. 17 Juli 1932 NSDAP Hof an Saale, Beieren.
Backside: Safety pin.
Background information. With ther Weimar treaty many German territories were ceided to other countries and still their were living a lot of Ge... read more
3rd Reich TeNo mitgliedsabzeichen
In a very good condition a Technische Nothilfe (Technical Emergency Aid) membershipspin read more
70.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW DLV Spendenabzeich Hermann Göring 1934
In a very good condition a Winterhilfswerk DLV Donation badge Hermann Göring
Frontside: Airplane with on the wings a message from Hermann Göring "Das Deutsche Volk muss ein Volk von Fliegern werden"
Backside: Safety pin
Reichsstraßensammlung vom Juni 1934 read more
17.50 EUR
3rd Reich Postkarte Reichstagung 1938 KdF Hamburg
In an excellent condition a postcard Reich Conference 1938 KdF Hamburg read more
Deutsche Reich Feldspange 3 Medaillen
In an excellent condition a field clasp 3 medals
WWI veteran field clasp
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Württemberg Militär-Verdienstmedaille
3. Kyffhäuser-Denkmünze für 1914/18 read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldspange 5 medaillen
In a very good condition a ribbon bar 5 medals
Ribbons in southern German style
- Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
- Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1939 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
- Württemberg Militärverdienstmedaille
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer mit Schwertern
- Dienstauszeichnung (most likely 3. Reich) bleached by the sun read more
3rd Reich Reichsstand des Deutschen Handwerks Mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition a RDHdw memberships button hole decoration
Frontside: A hammer, oakleave and acorn which is the emblem of the RDHdw
Backside: Maker marked M? read more
20.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse (1914) Ohne Herstler
In an excellent condition an Iron Cross 2nd class (1914) unmarked
Three part construction with magnetic core. No maker markings read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich Liederbuch der NS Frauenschaft
In an excellent condition a songbook of the National Socialist Womanhood
120 pages. Various songs fatherland/ national songs, but also world folk, dance, children and christmas songs. read more
3rd Reich NSDAP Sympathie-Abzeichen (Hakenkreuz)
In an excellent condition a NSDAP Sympathy stickpin with Swastika
No maker markings read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutscher Handlungsgehilfen Verband Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form
In an excellent condition a German clerk association membership badge 1st form
Pin is from around 1934 read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich RDJ Mitgliedsabzeichen (Silber 800)
In an excellent condition a Reichsbund Deutsche Jägerschaft membershipspin (Silver 800)
Marked ges. Gesch. Silver hallmark 800 meaning 80% silver. read more
70.00 EUR
3rd Reich Golden zivilabzeichen der kriegsmarine
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine gold civil badge
Golden eagle standing on a Swastika. read more
75.00 EUR
3rd Reich RDJ Dienstabzeichen für Berufsjäger und Jagdaufseher
In an excellent condition a rare Service badge for professional hunters and game wardens
Frontside: Aluminium solid badge. Large emblem of the RDJ (Reichsbund Deutsche Jägerschaft). Ribbon underneath Jagdaufseher and membership number 17985
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Ferdinand Hoffstätter from Bonn. Ges. Gesch. read more
285.00 EUR
3rd Reich Abzeichen für Gefolgschaftsmitglieder der Waffen SS – Angestellte und Arbeiter
In an excellent condition a Badge for civil members of the Waffen SS - employees and workers
No maker markings present. read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt Abzeichen
In an excellent condition a National Socialist People's Welfare badge.
Partially nitted and metal with stickpin on the back. read more
40.00 EUR
Hungary Pro Deo et Patria WWI war medal
In an excellent condition a Magyar Háborús Emlékérem (War Medal)
Frontside: PRO DEO ET PATRIA (For god and country), Steel helmet 1914-1918 with wreath beneath.
Backside: St. Stephen's crown and coat of arms of Hungary inside a wreath.
This medal was given to frontsoldiers who had fought in WWI read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSV Zierteller Mutter und kind
In an mint condition a Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt decorative plate mother and child
These plates are designed to be hanged on the wall for decoration and not to be used as a plate. There is hole on the backside where a whire or small rope can go through.
Frontside: NSV logo and dated 1934. Mother sitting on a bench with her child with stars all around, ... read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Kantinen Teller (Johann Haviland)
In a very good but used condition a Luftwaffe canteen plate (Johann Haviland)
Marked with Luftwaffe eagle and dated 1941 fl.u.v. (Flieger Unterkunft Verwaltung) Maker marked Johann Haviland from Bavaria together with the companies logo.
Width +/- 22.5 cm read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSV kleine kantinenteller (Hutschenreuther Selb)
In an excellent condition a small Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt canteen plate
A red line all around the rim and the NSV logo.
Marked Modell des Amtes - Schönheit der Arbeit. Maker marked Hutschenreuther from Selb (LHS Bavaria Germany) LHS = Lorenz Hutschenreuther from Selb. The specific Company logo existed between 1939 and +/- 1965 read more
3rd Reich Bierkrug "Erinnerung an meine Dienstzeit" 1940
In an excellent condition a bier stein "remembrance for my military service" 1940
Bier stein which is maker marked on the bottom RMG which stands for Reinhold Merkelbach from Grenzhausen. Number of the bierkrug 3843 with two quality stamps AA.
Depicting a soldier on the front "erinnerung and meine Dienstzeit" and on the sided soldiers ambushing with Stielhandgrana... read more
Nederland NSB Winterhulp Nederland collectebus
In a very good but used condition a Dutch National Socialist Movement (NSB) collection box for the Winteraid Netherlands
On the frontside the clover three with the letter WHN (Winterhulp Nederland). The hole is for paper money and the other opening for the coins. The rings were made so when you shaked the box it would sound that it is full with money. Numbered 160 and factory num... read more
125.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Hessen-Darmstadt, Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen für Tapferkeit 1894
In a very good condition a Hesse-Darmstadt, General Badge of Honor for Bravery 1894
Silver plated war metal medal with war ribbon.
First donated by Grand Duke Ludwig II on September 25, 1843, this medal was awarded in 3 award periods with the respective portrait of the ruler. The first wore the portrait of Ludwig III. from 1849, then the portrait of Ludwig IV from ... read more
50.00 EUR