Deutsche Reich Bayerische Waldverein Mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition a Bavarian forest association membership pin
Frontside: The emblem of the Bayerische Waldverein. on the Ribbon, B. Waldverein. Three-part construction
No maker markings. Pin is from the 1920's read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutscher NS-Marinebund mitgliedsabzeichen
In a very good condition a German national socialist navy association membership pin
Marked on the back Ges. Gesch.
There are 3 variants of this pin:
1. Silver colored eagle with short swords for the veterans (NSRKB)
2. Silver colored eagle with long swords for the Deutscher Soldatenbund
3, Golden colored eagle with long sword for the N... read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz ohne Schwerter 1. Klasse 1939 (50)
In an excellent condition a KVK 1st class without swords (50)
KVK marked with number 50 on the pin. which stand for Karl Gschiermeister from Wien XV/101. read more
250.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSRL Leistungsabzeichen 1943 Bronze für Herren
In an excellent condition a NSRL Achievement Badge 1942 bronze for men read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich Dienstauszeichnung Reichsarbeitsdienst 4.Stufe für Männer
In an excellent condition a Service award Reich Labor Service 4th level for men
On January 30, 1938, on the 5th anniversary of the seizure of power by the National Socialists, Reich Chancellor Adolf Hitler donated the service awards for the Reich Labor Service. The award consisted of 4 separate levels for men and women. The 1st level was awarded after 25 years of loyal service. T... read more
150.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Ärmelabzeichen für Gebirgsjäger
In an excellent condition a Gebirgsjäger sleeve insignia Edelweiss read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen 2. klasse (Katz & Deyhle)
In an excellent condition a zinc Air Protection Badge of Honor 2nd level (Katz & Deyhle)
Maker marked on the ring "60" which stands for Katz & Deyhle from Pforzheim.
The medal was given from 1938 by A, Hitler and was designed by Egon Jantke from Berlin. The 2nd level was awarded to people who did a great job in air raid protection in Germany after January 30, 1938... read more
3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939 (67)
In an excellent condition a KVK 1939 with swords 2nd class (67)
Maker marked 67 which stands for Robert H. Kreisel from Gablonz. Buntmetall version. read more
3rd Reich HJ Koppelschloss RZM M4/22 mit RZM Etiket
In a mint condition a Hitlerjugend buckle RZM M4/22 with RZM label
RZM M4/22 stands for Christian Theodor Dicke from Lüdenscheid read more
250.00 EUR
3rd Reich Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht 1.Klasse für 25 Jahre
In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht 1st class 25 years service award
Service awards for the Wehrmacht were introduced by Chancellor Adolf Hitler on March 16, 1936, on the occasion of the first anniversary of the reintroduction of general conscription. It initially consisted of 4 classes. 1st and 2nd class were crosses, 3rd and 4th class were medals. On March 10, 1939, the oak l... read more
360.00 EUR
3rd Reich Winterschlacht im Osten - Ostmedaille (39) mit Tüte
In an excellent condition an eastern front medal (88) wit award bag.
The zink medal is maker marked 39 on the ring which stands for Rudolf Berge from Gablonz. Award bag marked Metall-Kunststoff from Gablonz. Which was used by this maker as an award bag. read more
3rd Reich HJ Bakelit Trillerpfeife an HJ Führerschnur
In an excellen condition a Hilterjugend Lanyard for Scharführer or Deutsches Jungvolk Jungzugführer with bakelite whistle
Whistle is broken on the mouth piece but works perfectly. read more
65.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstmedaille 1939
In an excellent condition a war merit 1939 medal
The War Merit Medal (Kriegsverdienstmedaille) was a World War II German military decoration awarded to recognize outstanding service by civilians in relation to the war effort. It was instituted on 19 August 1940 and usually awarded to those workers in factories who significantly exceeded work quotas. The War Merit Medal was awarde... read more
35.00 EUR
France Insigne du 1er régiment d'infanterie Coloniale 1822-1936
In an excellent condition a 1st colony infantry regiment 1822-1936
The 1st Marine Infantry Regiment was created by royal decree in 1822 within the Ministry of the Navy. This regiment is thus part of the "Big Four" of the marine infantry which garrisoned the four French military ports, ready to embark: the "Grand Un" in Cherbourg, the "Grand Deux" in Brest, the "Grand Trois in Roc... read more
110.00 EUR
3rd Reich Gautag der Technik Stuttgart 1937
In an excellent condition a rare technical district day 1937
Frontside: Gautag der Technik Stuttgart 16.-18. April 1937. View of a bridge, factory, Zeppeling and ship. Eagle with Swastika above.
Backside: Maker marked in Fraktur Mayer & Wilhelm from Stuttgart W (Württemberg) read more
3rd Reich 100. Jahr feier Gottlieb Daimler NSKK/DDAC
In an excellent condition a 100 years jubilee Gottlieb Daimler NSKK/DDAC
Frontside: Maker marked M&W stuttgart, which stands for Mayer & Wilhelm from Stuttgart. A buste of Gottlieb Daimler in the middle. He was born on 1834 and died in 1900. Above his surname Daimler. He was born in Schorndorf and died in Cannstatt (Stuttgart). The three crests are from these cities. the outer tw... read more
260.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpferkreuz (O.7) mit urkunde
In an excellent condition a honor cross for frontline fighters (O.7) with award document
Award document made out to Jakob Lehmann in Bingerbrück read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Türplaketten Freude durch das WHW
In a mint condition door posters peace through the Winterhilfswerk
7 door posters (2 are the same).
Backside: Papier patentgummiert, nur anfeuchten (Patent gummed paper, just moisten) read more
65.00 EUR
3rd Reich Zollbeamte Schulterklappen für ein Oberzollsekretar
In an excellent condition a pair of customs officer shoulder boards for a General Customs Secretary
With the attachment RFV which stands for the Reichsfinanzverwaltung read more
70.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen zur Sonderausbildung Entfernungsmesser mit Spezial- und Fla-E- Messausbildung
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine Sleeve insignia for special training Rangefinders with special and Fla-E measuring training read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Geschutzführer der leichten Flakartillerie GF Flak II
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine Gun leader of the light anti-aircraft artillery GF Flak II
For the white Kriegsmarine blouse read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich DJ Ärmelabzeichen hordenführer
In an excellent condition a Deutsches Jungvolk Horde Leader sleeve patch
RZM paper on the back read more
3rd Reich DJ Ärmelabzeichen Oberhordenführer
In an excellent condition a Deutsches Jungvolk Supreme Horde Leader sleeve patch
RZM paper on the back read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Urkunde Metallspende des deutschen Volkes
In an excellent condition a Certificate metal donation of the German people
On March 27, 1940, Field Marshal Hermann Goering called for the German people to make a donation for the Führer's birthday, the new metal donation, based on the impending birthday of the Führer. corresponding decree had already been issued to the Reich Ministers on February 23, 1940. As in the First Wor... read more
3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939
In an excellent condition a KVK 1939 2nd class
No maker markings. Buntmetall version. Long ribbon read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDFBSt Mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition a NSD Stalhlhelm membershipspin.
Frontside: Stahlhelm in front of a Swastika on a circle. n.s.d. F.b.St. (Nationalsozialistischer Deutscher Frontkämpferbund Stahlhelm)
Backside: Marked ges. Gesch. Maker marked M.H. which stands for Heinrich Muth from Hanau. read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Besucherabzeichen der Olympischen Spiele 1936
In a very good condition a 1936 olympic visitor badge
This badge was available for purchase for those attending the Games. It was designed by Professor Raemisch from Berlin, who also designed the official badges. It is made of iron covered with tombac and ivory enamel. 675,000 of them were produced.
Frontside: olympic medal 1936. 11th Olympiade Berlin
read more
65.00 EUR
3rd Reich Bitburger Siemens Bauunion Abzeichen
In an excellent condition a very rare Bitburger Siemens Building Union badge
Frontside: Large Swastika flag on top of a brick wall under construction. Bitburger Siemens Bauunion, with the logo of the company BS.
Backside: Safety pin. read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRK Zivil Mützenabzeichen
In a very good condition a DRK civil cap badge
The emblem of the civil DRK organization. Marked on the back Ges. Gesch. with two splints. read more
3rd Reich Türplakette der Volkssozialistische Selbsthilfe (VS)
In an excellent condition a door plaque of the People's Socialist Self-Help organization.
The plaque is the VS emblem in large scale with two holes on the side for mounting.
Maker marked on the back F.Mannheim from Kaiserslautern (K'Lautern)
Background information:
People's Socialist Self-Help Rheinpfalz, 1933/34
The mos... read more
160.00 EUR