4470 items found
Deutsche Reich Tannenbergbund Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form

Deutsche Reich Tannenbergbund Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form

In an excellent condition a Tannenberg union membership badge 1st form

Frontside: Shield like enamel badge. Tannenbergbund Prussian eagle with red Swastika in the middle.

Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked on the pin construction Christian Lauer from Nürnberg

Backgroud info:

The Tannenbergbund was a nationalist German political society...  read more

Code: 52952

175.00 EUR

3rd Reich Deutschland-Italien Leichtathletik-Landerkampf Stuttgart 1940

3rd Reich Deutschland-Italien Leichtathletik-Landerkampf Stuttgart 1940

In an excellent condition a Germany-Italy international Athletics competition Stuttgart 1940

Frontside: DRL emblem under the Italian Fascistic emblem. The Italian and German national flags. Deutschland-Italien Leichtathletik-Landerkampf Stuttgart 3.-4. Augustus 1940

Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked on the pin construction Deschler from Munchen 9  read more

Code: 52951


3rd Reich Tag der Deutschen Seefahrt 1935

3rd Reich Tag der Deutschen Seefahrt 1935

In an excellent condition a Deutsche Seefahrt 1935 badge

Frontside: Tag er Deutschen Seefahrt 25-26 May 1935
Seefahrt ist Not. Sailship in the middle. Swastika inside a wreath and eagle on top

Backside: Safety pin and maker marked Fechler from Bernsbach (Saksen)  read more

Code: 52950


3rd Reich NSDAP - Beamten-Gautagung Stuttgart 11.2.1934

3rd Reich NSDAP - Beamten-Gautagung Stuttgart 11.2.1934

In an excellent condition a NSDAP Officials district conferenceStuttgart 1934.

Frontside: City of Stuttgart, Swastika Schwerdt-Stutt.
Beamten-Gautagung N.S.D.A.P. Stuttgart 11.2.34. Maker markerd Schwerdt from Stuttgart

Backside: Safety pin.  read more

Code: 52949

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Südwestdeutsche TextilLeistungsschau 1937 in Stuttgart

3rd Reich Südwestdeutsche TextilLeistungsschau 1937 in Stuttgart

In an excellent condition a very rare Southwest German Textile Exhibition 1937 in Stuttgart

Frontside: Südwestdeutsche TextilLeistungsschau 1937 in Stuttgart. Some writing in fraktur. Spinnen (or spinning) is what spiders do naturally, so the spider is shown on spinning fibers. City view of Stuttgart.

Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Franz Zimmermann from Stuttgart.  read more

Code: 52948

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich SA Brigade 42 Jena 1934

3rd Reich SA Brigade 42 Jena 1934

In an excellent condition a SA brigade 42 Jena 1934

Frontside: Large eagle with Swastika. SA Brigade Jena 8 April 1934

Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Wernstein from Jena  read more

Code: 52947


3rd Reich SA Wehrwettkampftage 1939 Westfalen

3rd Reich SA Wehrwettkampftage 1939 Westfalen

In an excellent condition a SA Military competition days 1939 Westphalia

Frontside: Plastic badge with a Large eagle holding a sword in flight on top of a large wreath. Crest of Westfalen and a shield with the emblem of the SA, SA Gruppe Westfalen. SA Wehrwettkampftage 1939.

Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked RZM M9/67 which stands for the maker Overhoft & Cie.from...  read more

Code: 52946

57.50 EUR

3rd Reich RadwJ Kriegshilfsabzeichen

3rd Reich RadwJ Kriegshilfsabzeichen

In an almost mint condition a RAD Female Youth war help badge

Frontside: RADwJ (Reichsarbeitsdienst weibliche Jugend) on a ribbon, on the sides two wheat stalks and above a Swastika.

Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings.  read more

Code: 52945


3rd Reich HJ Gebietsautmarsch Gebiet Westfalen 9

3rd Reich HJ Gebietsautmarsch Gebiet Westfalen 9

In an excellent condition a Hitlerjugend Territory march area Westphalia 9

Frontside: Large eagle with Hammer and Sword and Swastika on the chest. Ribbon on top, Gebiet Westfalen 9. Gebietsaufmarsch

Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked RZM 9/25 and R. Sieper & Söhne from Lüdenscheid.  read more

Code: 52944


3rd Reich Gauparteitag Württemberg Hohenzollern Stuttgart 1934

3rd Reich Gauparteitag Württemberg Hohenzollern Stuttgart 1934

In an excellent condition a Gau Party Congress Württemberg Hohenzollern Stuttgart 1934

Frontside: A hand swearing allegiance to the NSDAP flags. Gauparteitag Württemberg Hohenzollern Stuttgart 25.II.1934 (Febr. 25th 1934)

Backside: Safety pin. No maker marks  read more

Code: 52943

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich DDAC Ortsgruppe Stuttgart Ballonverfolgung 1935

3rd Reich DDAC Ortsgruppe Stuttgart Ballonverfolgung 1935

In an excellent condition a very rare DDAC Area group Stuttgart balloon pursuit 1935

Mountable plaque with 2 holes for screws.

Frontside DDAC (Der Deutsche Automobil Club) Ortsgruppe. Fliegerortsgruppe. Stuttgart. Ballonverfolgung 1935.4 hot air balloons with different names. Nomotta, Stragula II, Graf Zeppelin and the Stragula with a DLV (Deutsche Luftsport) emble...  read more

Code: 52942

275.00 EUR

3rd Reich Reichsautobahn Erinnerungsplaketten 1000 Km 1936

3rd Reich Reichsautobahn Erinnerungsplaketten 1000 Km 1936

In an ecellent condition a rare Reichs freeway remembrance plaque 1000 km 1936

Frontside: An eagle with Swastika inside a wreath on a pedestal. 1000 Km next to it.The 'winged wheel' was the symbolic badge of the 'Reichsautobahner'; it established the connection to the Deutsche Reichsbahn-Gesellschaft. Reichsautobahn 1936.

Backside: Maker marked B.H. Mayer from Pfo...  read more

Code: 52941

250.00 EUR

3rd Reich Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen Sonderstufe für 50 Jahre im Etui

3rd Reich Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen Sonderstufe für 50 Jahre im Etui

In an excellent condition a rare gold 50 years faithful special edition service honor medal

Frontside: Large black swastika on a cross which is on top of a golden wreath. Number 50.

Backside: Fur Treue Dienste. No maker markings. Safety pin on the ribbon

Box: Condition is very good, only some small damge to the left underside. Frontside 40 inside a w...  read more

Code: 52940


3rd Reich Reichsforstdienst Kragenspiegel für einen Revierförster

3rd Reich Reichsforstdienst Kragenspiegel für einen Revierförster

In an excellent condition a pair of Reich forest service collar patches for a district forester

This is dress regulation from 1942 onwards  read more

Code: 52922

90.00 EUR

3rd Reich Drei Briefumschlägen Ergänzungsamt der Waffen-SS Posen

3rd Reich Drei Briefumschlägen Ergänzungsamt der Waffen-SS Posen

In an excellent condition three envelops Supplementary Office of the Waffen-SS Posen

Three very interesting historical envelops. The battle of Posen was raging from January 24th of 1945 and these three letters sent were returned to sender because they couldn't arrive anymore at the address of the Ergänzungsamt der Waffen-SS Posen. Also the allies in the west were already enterin...  read more

Code: 52918

120.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Kriegersverein Mitgliedsabzeichen Münster mit Einzelspange

Kaiserreich Kriegersverein Mitgliedsabzeichen Münster mit Einzelspange

In an excellent condition a single mounted warrior club memberships badge Münster

Frontside: Cross. Kriegerverein Münster 1870 with Oakleaves. In the middle the crest of Münster

Backside: Safety pin  read more

Code: 52928

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Winterspenden Urkunde Weihnachten 1941 im Bilderrahmen

3rd Reich WhW Winterspenden Urkunde Weihnachten 1941 im Bilderrahmen

In an excellent condition a WhW winter donations certificate Christmas 1941 in a picture frame

WhW= Winterhilfswerken

Urkunde, Im Namen des Führers danke Ich Mark Leven für die Spende zur Sammlung von Woll- Pelz- und Wintersachen für die Front. Signed Goebels. Reichspropagandaleiter und Reichsminister für Volksaufklärung und Propaganda. Weihnachten 1941. On one sid...  read more

Code: 52924

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich HJ Deutsches Jugendfest 1935

3rd Reich HJ Deutsches Jugendfest 1935

In a very good condition Hitlerjugend commemorative Youth Feast 1935 badge.

Frontside: Runed letters Deutsches Jugendfest 1935. Eagle with swastika above a campfire.

Backside: Safety pin. No makers marks present.  read more

Code: 52930

20.00 EUR

BRD Koppelschloss Polizei Berlin

BRD Koppelschloss Polizei Berlin

In a very good condition a Bundesrepublik Deutschland police Berlin belt buckle

No maker markings. Front side the city of Berlin crest  read more

Code: 52920

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich Reichsforstdienst Schulterklappen für einen Forstamtmann

3rd Reich Reichsforstdienst Schulterklappen für einen Forstamtmann

In an excellent condition a very rare pair of Reichs forest service shoulder board for a forest officer

This is the dress regulation 1942 and onwards  read more

Code: 52921

150.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kubanschild (typ 5) Unbekannter Hersteller

3rd Reich Kubanschild (typ 5) Unbekannter Hersteller

In a very good condition a Kuban shield (type 5) unknown maker

Magnetic bronzed and with backing. Some small flash rust spots on the front but nothing concerning.  read more

Code: 52915

395.00 EUR

3rd Reich Sportfest des 2. Batallion, Infanterie-Regiment 13 Urkunde

3rd Reich Sportfest des 2. Batallion, Infanterie-Regiment 13 Urkunde

In an excellent condition a 2nd batallion/ 13th Infantery Regiment award document

Sportfest des II./I.R. 13 am 15.7.1937 Oberschütze Rienhardt in der Siegermannschaft im Gepäckmarsch

Oberstleutnant und Bataillonskommandeur

Sports festival of the II./I.R. 13 on. July 15, 1937 Oberschütze Rienhardt in the winning team in the baggage march.

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Code: 52917

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Marschkompass Bézard-Kompass

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Marschkompass Bézard-Kompass

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht marching compass Bézard-Kompass

Maker marked with logo and name Bézard-Kompass. Comes in original leather case.  read more

Code: 52914

85.00 EUR

3rd Reich Silbern Infanterie-sturmabzeichen (Aurich)

3rd Reich Silbern Infanterie-sturmabzeichen (Aurich)

In a very good condition a silver Infantry Assualt Badge (Aurich.)

This badge is marked with the logofrom Hermann Aurich from Dresden. Some traces of silver still present.  read more

Code: 52912

175.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz (81)

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz (81)

In an excellent condition a rare wound badge in black

Maker marked 81 which stands for Overhoff & Cie from Lüdenscheid  read more

Code: 52909

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSKK Plakette 25 jar. NNMC Harzrit-Harzfahrt 1939

3rd Reich NSKK Plakette 25 jar. NNMC Harzrit-Harzfahrt 1939

In an almost mint condition a rare NSKK plaque 25 years NNMC Harzrit-Harzfahrt

This remembrance plaque is about the Dutch Noord-Nederlandsche Motorclub and its 25 years jubilee. They drove together the Harzfarht (or Harzrit in Dutch) with the German Motorgruppe Niedersachsen Nationalsozialistisches Kraftfahrkorps.

These were driven with cars but also motorcycles. ...  read more

Code: 52907

350.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Schiff Modell Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer / Graf Spee

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Schiff Modell Panzerschiff Admiral Scheer / Graf Spee

In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine ship model battleship Admiral Scheer / Graf Spee

This model has been made in 1941, Length 154 mm, Width 16 mm, Weight 92 Gramm. Marked at the bottom Germany Made, Admiral Graf Spee, Admiral Scheer 1001. Maker marked WM  read more

Code: 52919


3rd Reich Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen 1. Stufe für 40 Jahre im Etui

3rd Reich Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen 1. Stufe für 40 Jahre im Etui

In an almost mint condition a gold 40 years faithful service honor badge 1st class

Frontside: Large black swastika on a cross which is on top of a wreath.

Backside: Fur Treue Dienste. No maker markings. Safety pin on the ribbon

Box: Condition is very good, only some small damge to the left underside. Frontside 40 inside a wreath. Maker marked Deschle...  read more

Code: 52916

150.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Preussischer Landes-kriegersverband Kriegerverein Manderscheid

Kaiserreich Preussischer Landes-kriegersverband Kriegerverein Manderscheid

In a very good condition a Prussian State Warrior Association, warrior club Manderscheid

Frontside: Prussian royal eagle. Prussian black/white ribbon

Backside: Safety pin. Marked Ges. Gesch. Preussischer Landeskriegerverband  read more

Code: 52911

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich 6 Turplaketten Grossdeutschländs Winterhilfswerk 1939/40

3rd Reich 6 Turplaketten Grossdeutschländs Winterhilfswerk 1939/40

In an excellent condition 6 door plaques Great Germany Winter aid program 1939/40

Months January, February, March, October, November and December.

Price for all 6 pieces.  read more

Code: 52906

60.00 EUR