3rd Reich Berechtigungsausweis Verwundetenabzeichen für Heeresangehörige in Schwarz (1937)
In a good condition an authorization pass for wound badgein black for army members (1937)
The paper has been structurally reinforced in the past, because it had been torn in two.
A very early wound badge pass which was before the new wound badge (condor) was created in 1939. So I can only imagine he received the 1914 wound badge in black. read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Stabzahlmeister Dokument gruppe
In an excellent condition a staff paymaster document group
The documents show various promotions from the army and as paymaster for the Wehrmacht.
1. On 1935 Unteroffizier Paul Brüning promotes with the 10. Kompanie Infanterie Regiment 38 from Unteroffizier to Feldwebel.
2. On 1938 he promotes from Zahlmeister into Oberzahlmeister
3. On 1943 he promot... read more
100.00 EUR
3rd Reich Bronze DRL Sportabzeichen
In an excellent condition a DRL sport badge
Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (DRL).
Frontside: An oval wreath of overlapping oak leaves surrounding the pierced and intertwined letters "DRL".
Backside: Makers mark Wernstein from Jena DRGM 35269. read more
Kaiserreich verwundetenabzeichen in schwarz 1918 (DRGM)
In a very good condition an emperial wound badge in black.
Frontside: M16 stahlhelm above two swords inside a wreath.
Backside: safety pin. Marked D.R.G.M. which stands for Deutsches Reichsgebrauchsmuster read more
50.00 EUR
Nederland Klewang M1911 Hembrug (RVW)
In a very good condition a Dutch klewang M1911 Cutlass Hembrug (RVW)
Klewang No. 1 Rijksveldwacht.
The sword is made by the Hembrug factory (marked on the ricasso) in Zaandam (Noord-Holland). Issued to the Korps Rijksveldwacht (Municipal police). Otherside of the ricasso a control stamp with crown over H which means it is checked by J.C. Harnas. On the guard it is ... read more
475.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutscher Soldatenbund mitgliedsabzeichen
In a very good condition a German soldier association membership pin
No maker markings present
There are 3 variants of this pin:
1. Silver colored eagle with short swords for the veterans (NSRKB)
2. Silver colored eagle with long swords for the Deutscher Soldatenbund
3, Golden colored eagle with long sword for the NS-Marinebund read more
35.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Kochgeschirre M1915 (WMF 1916)
In a very good condition a Model 1915 mess kit (WMF 1916)
These mess kits were used up to WWII and also used by the Wehrmacht. It is a high aluminium model and painted grey-green. Maker marked on the lid and canteen bottom. WMF 16 and Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik 1916. This company still exist today in the same location, Geislingen an der Steige. read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich K98 patronentaschen (0/50/0112)
In an excellent condition a K98 Ammopouch
Reichsbetrieb nr marked 0/50/0112
Industrie/Preußisch-Holland/Unknown maker read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Säbelgehänge mit Unterschnallgurt (Assmann & Sohne)
In an excellent condtion a Wehrmacht saber hanger with underbelt strap (Assmann & Sohne)
The saber hanger is marker DRGM and maker marked with the logo for Assmann & Sohne from Lüdenscheid. The underbelt strap has no markings. read more
160.00 EUR
DDR NVA Dolch für Offiziere mit Gehänge und Feldbinde
In an excellent condition an East German National People's Army Officer's dagger with hangers and sash.
Marked with number 62317 on the ricasso. There were about 73000 daggers given in the DDR to NVA officers from 1960 up until 1991.
Blade length 25 cm
Overall length 36 cm read more
290.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Gasmaskenbüchse 1. Modell 1935
In a good but used condition a Wehrmacht gasmask cannister 1st model 1935
The closing hatch is specific for the 1935 model oppose to the 1934 model of the similar cannister. These cannisters were used for the gasmask GM30
The cannister has been repainted in the past, no visible markings present. Some dents and a few small rust holes in the bottom. Priced accordingl... read more
60.00 EUR
BRD Bundeswehr Büchse für die GM-54 Gasmaske
In an excellent condition a cannister for the GM-54 Gasmask
This specific canister could also have been used by the Austrian Bundesheer with a GM-54 gasmask.
Marked on the inside lid 12-121-8965. PLS 60 29 (the last numbers mean the creation date 1960 week 29)
These gasmasks were made from 1954 until 1960.
Hight about 33 cm read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen für Bootsmann
In a good condition a Kriegsmarine Boatswain sleeve insignia
This is a so called a Laufbahnabzeichen (career badge) read more
12.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen zur Sonderausbildung Waffenleitvormann
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine Sleeve insignia for special training as a weapons leader read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen Marineartilleriemaat
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine sleeve patch for an Marine artillery mate
For the white blouse read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen Verwaltungsobermaat
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine sleeve patch for an administrative first mate
For the white blouse read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Brustadler für Offiziere
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine breast eagle for an officer read more
100.00 EUR
3rd Reich Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze (Rettenmaier - Flat Back)
In an excellent condition a Panzer assault badge in Bronze (Rettenmaier - Flat Back)
Unmarked but well known flat back Panzer assault badge made by Alois Rettenmaier from Schwäbisch-Gmünd read more
385.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Kantinen Teller
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine canteen plate.
Marked with the Kriegsmarine adler and the letter M (Marine)
Width: +/- 19.3 cm read more
55.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Porzellan Kantine Fleischplatte
In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe porcelain canteen meat plate
Marked with Luftwaffe eagle and dated 1941 fl.u.v. (Flieger Unterkunft Verwaltung). Maker marked Porzellanfabrik Plankenhammer from Floss Bavaria. The company went bankrupt in 1974.
Size about +/- 42 cm x +/- 26.5 cm read more
90.00 EUR
3rd Reich WHW Wir Helfen
In an excellent condition a Winterhilfswerke Wir Helfen badge
Backside: No maker markings, safety pin read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 1939 (Juncker, Nicht Magnetisch)
In an excellent condition an iron cross 1st class 1939 (Juncker, non-magnetic)
This is so-called type 1 Juncker brass variant. It has 3 part construction with a non-magnetic core. read more
3rd Reich Generalstabsarzt Schutlerklappen mit der Kraftfahrruppe
In a good but used condition a pair of shoulder boards for General Staff Surgeon with the Kraftfahrruppe
The rank of a Generalstabsarzt is the same as a Lieutenant general in the Wehrmacht.
Backside has been lost but some the coloring is still there. The complete shoulder boards are made of silver wires mounted on a white cloth pad. read more
350.00 EUR
3rd Reich Reichsforstdienst Schulterklappen für einen Oberfoerster
In an excellent condition a pair of Reichs forest service shoulder board for an Oberförster read more
75.00 EUR
BRD Miniaturspange 1957 Version für Ein 2. Weltkriegsveteran 3 Auszeichnungen
In an excellent condition a Miniature clasp 1957 version for a WWII veteran 3 positions
1. BRD Verdienstmedaille des Verdienstordens
2. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939
3. Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz 1939 read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldspange 2 medaillen
In a good condition a field clasp 2 medals
The clasp is maker marked TZ on the back.
1. Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939
2. Ostmedaille read more
20.00 EUR
Österreich Ordensbänder mit auflagen (3 medaillen)
In an excellent condition an Austrian bow tie decoration. (3 medals)
- Frontkämpferkreuz mit Schwertern
- Österreich Militär-Verdienstmedaille mit Schwertern
- Österreich Karl Truppenkreuz. read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Besitz Zeugnis für das Kyffhäuser Ehrenzeichen 2.Klasse
In a good conidtion a Possession certificate for the Kyffhäuser Decoration of Honor 2nd Class
The document has been made out to Martin Loser on February 9th 1939. Signed by Wilhelm Reinhard SS Gruppenführer. read more
3rd Reich Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen 2.Stufe für 25 Jahre & Urkunde
In a very good condition a 25 years silver plated service medal and award document
The award document has been made out to the middle school teacher Helene Siems from Lübeck on February 1st 1939 read more
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schützenschnur der Infanterie Neuer Art 6. Stufe
In a good condition a Wehrmacht Heer Infantry lanyard new style 6th grade
Some wire damage on the top and bottom. The structure is very sound and stable read more
225.00 EUR