Polska PRL Srebrnej Odznaka „W Służbie Narodu”
In an excellent condition a PRL Silver "In the Service of the Nation" award
Frontside: W SŁUŻBIE NARODU XX, In the service of the nation 20 years. Oakleave wreath. Sword with Polish eagle.
Backside: POLSKA RZECZPOSPOLITA LUDOWA, Polish People's Republic (PRL). MSW which stands for Ministra Spraw Wewnętrznych (Minister of Internal Affairs.).
... read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Gautag Braunschweig 1938
In a good but used condition a NSDAP district Braunschweig 1938 badge
Frontside: zinc painted shield frame (zinc rust) with a woven part in the middle. Gautag 9.-12.6.1938. Large eagle with small swastika underneath. and 6 crests. Süd-Hannoverm Braunschweig.
Backside: Safety pin read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich SA Sport und Wehrwettkämpfe Gruppe Bayerische Ostmark
In a good condition a SA Group Bayern Ostmark sports and military competions zink badge
Frontside: SA Gruppe Bayern Ostmark Sport und Wehrwettkämpfe 1939. SA Emblem and SA Sport emblem. Some zinc rust
Backside: Safety pin (some flash rust). No maker markings read more
45.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Turnverein Marburg Abzeichen
In an excellent condition a Marburg gymnastics club badge
The badge is from around 1900.
Frontside: A gymnast with shield with Turnerkreuz. inside an oakleave wreath. Turnverein Marburg. A red, white and blue robe which are the colors of the crest of Hessen in which Marburg resides.
Backside: Safety pin, it is still functional but rusted. read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich DSV Auszeichnung für Schießleistung in silber 1. Form
In a very good condition a Deutscher Schützenverband shooting award in silver 1st form
Without the brooch with crossed rifles. read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Porzellanabzeichen Sonnenwende 1934
In a good condition a Hitlerjugend ceramic solstice badge 1934
A Reichssportwettkampf participation pin for the solstice on 21 juni 1934 . Safety pin on the back read more
3rd Reich NSDAP Knopfloch Parteiabzeichen (M1/34)
In a used condition a NSDAP party badge (M1/34)
RZM M1/34 marked which is Karl Wurster K.G., from Markneukirchen
Extensive enamel damage priced accordingly! read more
100.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Preisrichten 1. Preis 1935 Maschinengewehr
In a very good condition a Wehrmacht 1st price machine gun shooting 1935
Frontside: A Maschinengewehr Kompanie soldat behind a Maschinengewehr 08 shooting downwards. Maker marked L. Chr. Lauer from München and designer marked EF
Backside: Preisrichten 1935 1. Preiss with laurel stalks on either side. read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich Arbeitsschlacht Gau Bayern Ostmark
In an excellent condition a badge Labor war Gau Bavaria Ostmark
Frontside Swastika which is partialy in the earth. Arbeitsschlacht Gau Bayern Ostmark
Backside: Safety pin. No makers markings
Background information: The labor war was an effort to battle against mass unemployment and setup big infrastructurial works so people could go back to work and ... read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Eichenlaubkranz für die Schirmmütze
In an excellent condition a visor cap wreath for a Heer
All pins are present read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schirmmützenadler (Assmann)
In an excellent condition a Heer visor cap eagle
All prongs are present. Maker marked with logo Assmann & Söhne from Lüdenscheid read more
65.00 EUR
3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (24) Hanauer
In a good condition an iron cross 1939 2nd class (24) Hannauer
A marked Iron cross "24" which stands for Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Hanauer Plakettenhersteller from Hanau. It has also an indentation point on the eyelet as described by Mario Alt. 1.17.2
Three piece construction with magnetic iron core. read more
250.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Deutscher Tag Rodewisch 1932
In an excellent condition a very rare NSDAP German day Rodewisch 1932 badge
Frontside: Large Swastika with oakleaves and buste in the middle. Deutscher Tag Rodewisch 18.-19.6.1932
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Würster from Mark-Neukirchen read more
Kaiserreich Herzogtum Braunschweig Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2.Klasse
In an excellent condition a Duchy of Braunschweig War Merit Cross 2nd Class
A bronze cross, in the shape of the Iron Cross, with a raised smooth edge, the insides very finely grained. A soldered eyelet with a band ring at the top.
In the middle the letters EA (Herzog Ernst August), oak leaves on the sides. A crown in the upper cross arm, the year in the ... read more
80.00 EUR
Hungary Pro Deo et Patria WWI medal
In an excellent condition a Magyar Háborús Emlékérem (War Medal)
Frontside: PRO DEO ET PATRIA (For god and country), Steel helmet 1914-1918 with wreath beneath.
Backside: St. Stephen's crown and coat of arms of Hungary inside a wreath.
This medal was given to frontsoldiers who had fought in WWI read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Mützenband "Marineflugabwehrschule"
In a very good condition a Kriegsmarine cap tally "Navy anti-aircraft school"
Never been used still full length 1.14 meters long read more
55.00 EUR
Österreich-Ungarn Verwundetenmedaille (zwei Verwundungen)
In an excellent condition a Austria-Hungary wound medal (2 stripes)
The ribbon shows how many battle wounds have been taken, in this case 2 stripes means 2 wounds.
The medal was established on August 12, 1917, by Emperor Karl and was the last medal to be officially founded in the empire.
The Wound Medal was awarded to service members of the Austro-Hu... read more
55.00 EUR
Serbia Споменица Српско-Турског рата 1912
In a good condition a Serbian-Turkish war medal of 1912
Remnants of the triangle shaped ribbon present
Frontside: Освећено Косово (Sanctified Kosovo) and in the sun 1912, underneath war cannon, on the sides laurel wreath. Signed by the maker.
Backside:Tthe Serbian royal coat of arms, a double-headed eagle with a Serbian shield on the chest, surroun... read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Kaffee Untertasse
In an excellent condition a DAF Coffee Saucer
Markerd with the Deutsche Arbeitsfront emblem, Modell des Amtes, Schönheit der Arbeit. Maker marked Hutschenreuther from Selb
Size +/- 15.2 cm read more
3rd Reich Verleihungsurkunde Ehrenkreuzes des Deutschen Mutter 3. Stufe
In an excellent condition an award document honor cross for the German mothers 3rd level
Document is made to Maria Anna Schmitt read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Urkunde Luftschutz Ehrenzeichen 2. Stufe,
In an excellent condition an award document for the Air Protection Badge of Honor 2nd level
The award document was made out on November 27nd 1941 to Ausbildungsleiter (Training manager) Franz Willenborg read more
80.00 EUR
3rd Reich Pionier verleihung fur die Bulgarian 1. Weltkrieg Medaille
In an excellent condition a Pioneer award dcoument for the Bulgarian WWI medal
The Pionier Karl Benkenstein received the Bulgarian remembrance medal for the 1st WW. It was signed during WWII read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Brustadler für Mannschaften
In a very good but used condition a Wehrmacht breast eagle read more
55.00 EUR
3rd Reich Postkarte Anschluss Österreich
In a very good condition anschluss Österreich postcard
Postcard has been sent
From Verlag Brend'amour, Simhart & Co' from München read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Postkarte Olympische Spiele 1936
In an excellent condition a Olympic games 1936 postcard
Designed by Georg Fritz read more
8.50 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939
In a good condition a KVK 1939 2nd class
One point is bended priced accordingly!
No maker markings. Buntmetall version. Long ribbon
The right bottom point has been bended a bit but nothing concerning read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel für einer Offiziere der Pioniere
In a very good condition a pair of collar tabs for a pioneer officer
Early variant Metallic thread embroidered, black underground. read more
80.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel für einer Offiziere der Panzertruppe
In an excellent condition a pair of Wehrmacht collar tabs for an officer of the panzer troops.
These were also used by Panzerjäger read more
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel für einer Sanitäter/ Arzt
In an excellent condition a pair of Wehrmacht collar tabs for a medic/ doctor read more
60.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Einzelspange Kyffhäuser-Denkmünze für 1914/18 mit Tüte
In an almost mint condition a single clasp with Kyffhäuser Commemorative medal for 1914-1918 with award bag
The rim is bounded by a narrow line formed by a closed laurel wreath. In the middle a diagonal waving flag with ribbons. In the upper part the 3-line writing: Blank die Wehr Rein die Ehr.
From bottom left to diagonally right below the flagpo... read more