3rd Reich DLV Junkers JU 52 am nadel
In an excellent condition a DLV Junkers JU-52 stickpin
Most likely a DLV pin read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Supenteller (Kästner Saxonia)
In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe soup plate (Kästner Saxonia)
Marked with Luftwaffe eagle and dated 1941 fl.u.v. (Flieger Unterkunft Verwaltung). Maker marked Kaestner Saxonia together with logo from Kästner-Porzellanfabrik GmbH from Zwickau
After 1945, the company became part of East Germany and with state participation delivered Porzellan to the Soviet Union... read more
45.00 EUR
Yugoslavia M1948 Mauser double ammo pouch
In an excellent condition a Yugoslavian double leather ammo pouch for the m48 Mauser
No maker markings present read more
15.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Deusche Turnerschaft Mützenabzeichen
In an excellent condition a German Gymnastics Club cap badge
2 part construction
Frontside: Oakleave wreath in the middle a DT within oakleaves wreath
Backside: Marked DRGM. (Deutsches Reichsgebrauchsmuster) and attached stick pin read more
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in schwarz
In an excellent condition a wound badge 1939 in black
No maker markings present. No black paint left read more
55.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber Miniatur
In an excellent condition a silver miniatur wound badge 1939
No maker markings present read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Flakkampfabzeichen (Ohne Hersteller)
In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe anti-aircraft combat badge
Unmarked blackened zinc variant with magnetic needle. Described in the book of Marc E. Carlasc page 242 and 245 read more
450.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Festabzeichen der Gedenkfeier 1933 zur Erinnerung an den 9. November 1923 in München
In a very good condition a NSDAP remembrance badge for 1923 Putsch in München
Frontside: Round oak leaf wreath with a wrapped inscription "Und Ihr habt doch gesiegt", in the middle an open-worked swastika with date 1933
Backside Safety pin missing!! Marked Ges.gesch. and maker marked Deschler & Sohn from München"
Priced accordingly!! read more
195.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Silbern Medaille Tod Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen
In a very good condition a silver medal death Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen
Frontside: Rittmeister Manfred Freiherr von Richthofen. With his bust in the middle
Backside: Der Rote Kampf Flieger. An eagle with his head raised. Number 80 struck by an arrow. A medieval knights helmet with wings and feathers. A grave dated 21 April 1918, Underneath artist ... read more
300.00 EUR
3rd Reich BDM Gebietsdreieck "Ost Sudetenland"
In an excellent condition a Bund Deutscher Mädel district triangle patch "Ost Sudetenland"
Unused condition. Silver colored woven.
Marked with a RZM etiket RZM Hersteller U4/ 213 Reichsjugendmeisterei der NSDAP No. 109290
The district triangle is gold-colored for HJ/DJ and silver-colored for BDM/JM. read more
160.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Flotten-Kriegsabzeichen
In a very good condition a Kriegsmarine High-Sea Fleet Badge
Badge with complete pin and catch construction. Maker marked Fec. Adolf Bock, Ausführer Schwerin & Söhne from Berlin read more
650.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Bad Kissingen, Manteuffel-Kaserne
In a very good condition a post card Bad Kissingen, Manteuffel-Kaserne
Dated by someone April 12th 1942.
In 1936-37 Manteuffel Kaserne, named in honor of Freiherr von Manteuffel of old dragoons fame, was built to house these troops. Later, units of the 2nd Panzer Division occupied the barracks. Following the end of World War II, the area was briefly occupied by th... read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Luftwaffe Übungsplatz Wustrow
In a very good condition a post card Luftwaffe practice area Wustrow
Five luftwaffe personel preparing a mobile search light
Backside: Aufname Eschenburg. Verlag: Alt-Gaarzer Buchhandlung No 9 read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich Foto SA-Sanitätswache mit einer SA-Sanitäter
In a very good condition a photo with SA medical station with an SA paramedic
A nice historical picture of a SA-Sanitätswache.
Marked on the back Leonar, which was a photographical company in Berlin at the time read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Miniaturspange 2 auszeichnungen
In an excellent a miniature clasp with 2 awards.
1. Eisernes kreuz 1. Klasse 1939
2. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Leichter Panzerspähwagen Sd.Kfz.222
In a very good condition a post card with the Light armored reconnaissance vehicle Sd.Kfz.222 read more
12.50 EUR
BRD Oderflut-Medaille des Landes Brandenburg (1997)
In a very good condition a Bundes Republik Deutschland Oder Flood Medal of the State of Brandenburg (1997)
Frontside: Oderflut 1997, In Dankbarkeit und Anerkennung. Land Brandenburg. Crest of Brandenburg in the middle.
Backside: Land map of all the cities in Poland and East-Germany who were affected by the floods of the Oder.
Ribbon: White red which... read more
20.00 EUR
BRD Medaille „Sturmflut 1962“, Schleswig-Holstein
In a very good condition a Medal "Storm Surge 1962", Schleswig-Holstein
Frontside: Water surge which engulfes a house
Backside: Sturmflut 16/17 Februar 1962 and the crest of Schleswig-Holstein in the middle.
Ribbon: Safety needle attached, Colors of the Schleswig-Holstein flag. read more
20.00 EUR
Bulgarian War Commemorative Medal 1915 - 1918
In an excellent condition a bulgarian medal for participation in the European War 1915 - 1918
Медаль за участие в Европейской войне (1915—1918)
Frontside: Fire-gilded medal with the arms of the Bulgarian state. underlaid by two diagonally crossed swords pointing upwards. The symbol is surrounded by two branches of laurel or oak leaves that are crossed at the bottom... read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Bronze DRL Sportabzeichen (Ferdinand Wagner)
In a very good condition a DRL sport badge (Ferdinand Wagner)
Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (DRL).
Frontside: An oval wreath of overlapping oak leaves surrounding the pierced and intertwined letters "DRL".
Backside: Maker marked Ferdinand Wagner from Pforzheim DRGM 35269. Minor flash rust nothing concerning read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRL Sportabzeichen Miniatur
In a very good condition a miniature DRL Sports Badge Miniatur
No maker markings present read more
20.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Kurhessisches Sängerbundfest Cassel 1914
In a very good but used condition a Kurhessisches Sängerbundfest Cassel 1914
Kassel was writen as Cassel until 1926.
Frontside: Large wreath with ribbon above. 75 for the 75th jubilee. Underneaths a harp. Crest on the left of Hessen and on the right of Kassel. Kurhessisches Sängerbundfest Cassel 27-29-Juni-1914
Ribbon colors of Kurfürstentum Hessen ... read more
15.00 EUR
Österreich-Ungarn Karl-Truppenkreuz
In an used condition a Karl Troop Cross
Order of World War 1 1916 Award for bravery Emperor Karl war award. Zinc medal, all paint has been lost.
Frontside: "GRATI PRINCEPS ET PATRIA - CAROLUS IMP ET REX" which means A grateful prince and country, Karl, Emperor and King.
Backside: "VITAM ET SANGUINEM (With life and blood) MDCCCCXVI (1916)". read more
10.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldgesangbuchfur die Katholischen Mannschaften des Heeres
In a very good condition a Field Hymn Book for the Catholic Troops of the Army
Together with the booklet samaritergrüße ins lazarett seelsorgerbrief an unsere verwundeten (Samaritan greetings to the hospital pastoral letter to our wounded) read more
25.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Reichsmarine Schleiße für den Hosenriemen
In an excellent condition a Reichsmarine buckle for the trouser strap
Size 33x46mm read more
Kaiserreich verwundetenabzeichen in schwarz 1918
In a very good condition an emperial wound badge in black.
Frontside: M16 stahlhelm above two swords inside a wreath.
Backside: safety pin read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Kaffee Untertasse
In an excellent condition a DAF Coffee Saucer
Marked with the Deutsche Arbeitsfront emblem, Modell des Amtes, Schönheit der Arbeit. Maker marked Hutschenreuther from Selb
Size +/- 15.2 cm read more
22.50 EUR
3rd Reich RLB Luftschutz tut not
In a good condition a Reichsluftschutzbund badge
Frontside Luftschutz tut not (Air protection is necessary) Airplane which is going down. Underneath a RLB insignia
Backside: Safety pin. No maker marks read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht meine Dienstzeit (Hitler fotografiert)
In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht my service time. album (Photographs with Hitler)
106 photo's in total.
The first image has Hitler photographed during a visit of him. You can see him walk by the soldiers and at a balcony. They are from a far but he is very recognizable.
. read more
350.00 EUR
3rd Reich K98 Patronentaschen (Kroymann & Co 1938)
n an excellent condition a K98 Ammopouch (Kroymann & Co 1938)
Marked Kroymann & Co from Hamburg 26, dated 1938
Some illusive markings on the inside ****S/39. read more
85.00 EUR