3rd Reich WhW Grenzlandwappen Okt. 1936
In a very good condition 2 winterhilfswerke border crests badges
Metal frame badge with paper backside
1. Schleswig-Holstein
2. Saargebiet read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich HJ/ BDM Lederknoten für das Halstuch
In a very good condition a HJ/ BDM leather woggle for the neckerchief
These were used by the Hilterjugend and the Bund Deutscher Mädel read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldspange 4 medaillen
In an excellent condition a field claps 4 positions.
1. Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen
2. Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1939 Ohne Schwerter
3. Frontkämpferkreuz mit Schwerten
4. Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen (25 jahre) read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkart ein Wehrmacht Funker Infanterie 10. Division
In an excellent condition a post card from a Wehrmacht Funker Infantry 10th division soldier. read more
15.00 EUR
Italia Canto dei Fascisti inno ufficiale
In a very good condition an Italian "Song of the fascists" official anthem
An official anthem of the Italian Fascist party. on the 2nd page some writing in Dutch, italian and english. Mr Brenau from Genua June 4th 1921. And some text about Amsterdam in December 1924.
The stamp on the front suggest it was sold in a music store from Genua. read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Mädchen Mittelschule Anerkennungsurkunde
In an excellent condition a girls secondary school certificate of recognition
The Certificate of recognition was given out to Lotte Ellig on March 27 1936. Is says that Lotte receives in recognition of your diligence and well -behaved a commendation from teacher and the school board. read more
30.00 EUR
Brasil Espada Marinha de Guerra Modello 1889
In an almost mint condition a 1889 pattern Brasilian navy sword
The sword has an excellent blackened sword guard and scabbard. Marked AEC inside a triangle Marca Registrada on the ricasso and marked with an anchor on the grip. Grips made of brass. One screw missing on the scabbard mouth, but nothing concerning to the sword. The blade is excellent condition. Marked on the guard ... read more
550.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen Vermessungsteuermannsmaat
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine sleeve badge surveying helmsman's mate read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich VDA Fest der Detuschen Schule
In a very good condition a Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland "Feast of German schools" badge
Frontside: Fest der Detuschen Schule VDA. Swastika in the background with wreath all around the rim
Backside: Safety pin is missing! Priced accordingly read more
18.50 EUR
Kaiserreich Patriotische Kriegserinnerungen Döse (L. Ostermayr)
In an exellent condition a patriotic war memories box (L. Ostermayr)
L. Ostermay from Nürnberg was a
Kaiserlich und Königlich Österreichisch-Ungarischer Hoflieferant, Königlich Bayerischer and Rumänischer Hoflieferant and Grossherzoglich Badischer Hoflieferant. They made glass, porcelain, household goods, steel, jewellery and leather products.
Where the box... read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW DRK spendenabzeichen Helft uns Helfen!
In a very good condition a Red Cross donation badge, Help us Help! WhW 1936
Frontside: Helft uns Helfen! Red Cross
Backside: Safety pin
and a 2nd DRK WhW porcelain badge without safety pin. read more
16.00 EUR
3rd Reich Deutsches Reich Kennkarte (entnazifiziert)
In a very good condition a German Empire drivers license (denazified)
It is normal that these driver licenses were denazified, many were valid after WWII but the Swastika was forbidden by the alies. So only choice was to overwrite the Swastika.
Driver licenses were valid for 5 years so it was received when this young man was only 17 years of age on July 17th 1942 ... read more
20.00 EUR
BRD Ankermesser (Peter Klein Solingen) für Matrosen
In a good but used condition a sailors anchor knife (Peter Klein Solingen)
Maker marking Peter Klein Solingen. Recognizable anchor inlay. These knives were made by several makers over a 100 year period. This specific knife is most likely from the 1970-80's read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Krawattenadler
In an excellent condition a very early NSDAP tie pin
No maker markings present read more
3rd Reich HJ-Treffen 1938 Papierabzeichen
In a very good condition a Hitlerjugend 1938 rally paper badge.
Frontside: Eagle before oakleaves. HJ logo in front with year 1938
Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Reichssportwettkampf 1939
In an excellent condition a HJ paper pressed competition badge 1939
Marker M.Q. which is most likely the artist of the medal read more
3rd Reich Ansichtkarten Panzerkampfwagen I
In a very good condition two post cards with the Panzerkampfwagen I
Maker marked Driesen Verlag Berlin C2. both dated 1942 with Wehrmacht stamp of the 5. Kompanie Panzer Ersatz Abteilung 18 read more
Österreich-Ungarn Tapferkeitsmedaille Bronzene 3. Klasse
In an excellent condition a bronze bravery medal 3rd class
Frontside: Carolus D.G. Imperator Avst. Rex Bohemia Etc. Et Rex Apost Hungaria (Karl, by the Grace of God Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia etc. Apostolic King of Hungary) Bust of Emperor Karl. Designer marked Kautsch
Backside: Fortitudini. Large wreath with banners
Ribbon: Tapferkeitsband read more
45.00 EUR
Österreich-Ungarn Tapferkeitsmedaille Silber 2. Klasse
In a very good condition a silver bravery medal 2nd class
Frontside: Carolus D.G. Imperator Avst. Rex Bohemia Etc. Et Rex Apost Hungaria (Karl, by the Grace of God Emperor of Austria, King of Bohemia etc. Apostolic King of Hungary) Bust of Emperor Karl. Designer marked Kautsch
Backside: Fortitudini. Large wreath with banners
Ribbon: Tapferkeitsband read more
75.00 EUR
Preussen Dienstauszeichnung 1.Klasse Schnalle 1825 (H. Zehn)
In an excellent condition a Prussian Service award 1st class for 25 years of service in the Prussian army.
This service award was given to non-commissioned officers and enlisted men who had served 25 years faithfully in the army. If the persons took part in acts of war or wars, this time was counted twice. These clasps were not replaced until 1913 by medals or crosses.
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in schwarz
In an excellent condition a wound badge 1939 in black
No maker markings present read more
65.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Brustadler für Mannschaften Küstenartillerie
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine breast eagle for coast artillery troops read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Pillau (Feldpost 1. Torpedobootsflottille T 3)
In an excellent condition a postcard Pilla (Fieldpost 1st Torpedo boat flotilla T3)
Frontside Panoramo of the sea town Pilla at deep sea. A torpedo boat is also docked.
Backside: Sent as feldpost with number 23563 which is for the 1. Torpedobootsflottille T 3. read more
8.50 EUR
3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Adolf-Hitler-Straße Görlitz
In a very good condition a postcard Adolf-Hitler street Görlitz
Streetview of Görlitz in Schlesien (Silesia). Card is numbered 49, and maker marked E. Günter Reisch Verlag from Görlitz. Schillerstraße 23 read more
7.50 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1934 abzeichen
In an excellent condition a 1934 DAF tinnie.
Frontside: Tag der Arbeit with bust eagle, holding a hammer and scythe. under the eagle the year 1934 and in a circle the swastika.
Backside: safety pin, Maker marked Schwäbisch-Gmünd 17 read more
15.00 EUR
Preussen Kriegs-Denkmünze für Kämpfer 1864
In an excellent condition a war commemorative medal 1864
Ribbon is replacement.
The war commemorative coins for 1864 were donated by King Wilhelm I on November 10, 1864. All officers, non-commissioned officers and soldiers involved in the fighting who had crossed the southern border to Holstein were entitled to receive them. Also included were the Baltic and North ... read more
3rd Reich NSKOV Mitgliedsabzeichen
In an excellent condition a NSKOV membership badge
Marked Ges. Gesch. Maker marked on the back Deschler from München read more
35.00 EUR
British P1821 artillery sword George V (Hawksworth)
In an excellent condition a British P1821 artillery sword George V (Hawksworth)
Beautifully double etched Pattern 1821 artillery sword. Marked George Rex (GR) (King George V), proof mark inside a hexagram. Grip made of fish skinm no damage and only minimal wear, leather washer is present.
Maker marked on the ricasso Hawksworth from Sheffield. Scabbard is encased w... read more
550.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Katholische Arbeitervereine Ochsenhause 1902
In an excellent condition a Catholic workers associations Ochsenhause 1902
Frontside: Emperial crown with two shaking hands underneath. Katholische Arbeitervereine Ochsenhause 1902. Red ribbon with black stripes on either side.
Backside: Safety pin with maker markings. A.D. Schwerdt, Grafier-Präge und Galvanoplastische Anstalt from Stuttgart. read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Panzerkampfabzeichen Miniatur in Silber
In an excellent condition a bronze panzer assault badge miniatur badge
No maker markings present read more