2571 items found
3rd Reich NSKK mitgliedsabzeichen M1/8

3rd Reich NSKK mitgliedsabzeichen M1/8

In a very good condition a National Sozialistisches Kraftfahr Korps membership pin.

Frontside: A ribbon with the letters N.S.K.K. which is holded by the wings of an eagle, Under the eagle a wreath with swastika.

Backside: Stickpin. Maker marked RZM M1/8 which stands for Ferdinand Wagner from Pforzheim  read more

Code: 50936

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich Tag der NSKK Motorgruppe Hessen 1936

3rd Reich Tag der NSKK Motorgruppe Hessen 1936

In an excellent condition a NSKK day badge motor group Hessen 1936

Frontside: City hall Hessen with NSKK eagle and Swastika. Tag der N.S.K.K. MotorGr. Hessen 1936

Backside: Safety pin. Small spot of flash rust.  read more

Code: 50932


3rd Reich Reichsarbeitsdienst der Männer Erinnerungsnadel

3rd Reich Reichsarbeitsdienst der Männer Erinnerungsnadel

In an excellent condition a very early RAD/M commemorative stickpin.

This is an early painted version and marked on the back with ges. gesch. All colors are still vibrant.  read more

Code: 50931


3rd Reich NSRKB Hoheitsabzeichen (Ges. Gesch. 5)

3rd Reich NSRKB Hoheitsabzeichen (Ges. Gesch. 5)

In a very good condition a NSRKB Eagle with short swords stickpin.

NSKRB Stickpin with short swords. Maker marked Ges. Gesch. 5.  read more

Code: 50933


3rd Reich SA Mitgliedsabzeichen Hoffstätter

3rd Reich SA Mitgliedsabzeichen Hoffstätter

In an excellent condition a SA membershipspin from F. Hoffstätter from Bonn

Nicely marked on the back Hoffstätter - Bonn, Ges. Gesch.  read more

Code: 50934

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich RdZ Goldene Ehrennadel

3rd Reich RdZ Goldene Ehrennadel

In an excellent condition a gold honor stickpin from the Reichsbund der Zivildienstberechtigen.

The RdZ (Reich Association of those entitled to civil service) existed from 1933-1945

Frontside: Laurel wreath in the middle in enemal RdZ. Mulitpart construction

Backside: Stickpin. No maker markings

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Code: 50930

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Ortsgruppe Immenstadt 1939

3rd Reich NSDAP Ortsgruppe Immenstadt 1939

In an excellent condition a very rare nsdap territory Immenstadt badge

An ortsgruppe stood below the NSDAP district level. An Ortsgruppe had an Ortsgruppenleiter (Territorial leader) that resided over it.

Frontside: Swastika with sun rayes. 1924 - 15 Jahre -1939. A scenery most likely Immenstadt. NSDAP Ortsgruppe Immenstadt 25. April. 1939

Backside: ...  read more

Code: 50922

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich RNST Landesbaurernschaft Kurmark

3rd Reich RNST Landesbaurernschaft Kurmark

In a good but used condition a Reich Food Society Kurmark service medal.

Eyelet has been broken off and frontside bottom has a little dent. Box is original to the medal. Very rare original medal box. Priced accordingly

Frontside: Reichsnährstand Landesbaurernschaft Kurmark. Eagle with sign Blut und Boden under oak leaves and Swastika with sword and cornstalk in fo...  read more

Code: 50920


3rd Reich S.A. Aufmarsch Gruppe Nordmark

3rd Reich S.A. Aufmarsch Gruppe Nordmark

In a mint condition a rare early SA Deployment Group Nordmark badge

Frontside: sturmabteilung Aufmarsch Gruppe Nordmark. 7. Mai. 1933 Kiel with Swastika below

Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings  read more

Code: 50924

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich HJ 1. Fest der Jugend Juni 1933

3rd Reich HJ 1. Fest der Jugend Juni 1933

In an excellent condition an early HJ badge 1st. youth feast June 1933

Frontside: 1. Fest der Jugend Juni 1933. Young man holding a flag with hundreds behind him. Swastika underneath.

Backside: stickpin. No maker markings  read more

Code: 50925

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich RLB Luftschutz tut not

3rd Reich RLB Luftschutz tut not

In an excellent condition a Reichsluftschutzbund badge

Frontside Luftschutz tut not (Air protection is necessary) Airplane which is going down. Underneath a RLB insignia

Backside: Safety pin. No maker marks  read more

Code: 50927


3rd Reich Trier der Heilige Rock abzeichen 1933

3rd Reich Trier der Heilige Rock abzeichen 1933

In an excellent condition a Holy Tunic relic badge 1933

Background information. The holy tunic is a relic which is in the Trier Cathtedral. It has nothing to do with the 3rd Reich except that it is time period when the 3rd Reich came to be in 1933.

Frontside: Cross like badge within the middle the holy tunic and under Trier 1933

Backside: marked ges....  read more

Code: 50926

17.50 EUR

3rd Reich HJ mitgliedsabzeichen RZM M1/77

3rd Reich HJ mitgliedsabzeichen RZM M1/77

In an excellent condition a HJ membership badge.

Badge marked RZM M1/77 which stands for Foerster & Barth from Pforzheim  read more

Code: 50928


3rd Reich Deutscher Schützenbund Mitgliedsabzeichen 1.Form

3rd Reich Deutscher Schützenbund Mitgliedsabzeichen 1.Form

In a very good condition a DSB membership pin 1st form.

Frontside: Deutscher Schützen-Bund stickpin in enemal. Eagler with shooting disc.

Backside: Maker marked A. Wollram from Dessau  read more

Code: 50921

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Gautag 1935 Hessen-Nassau Darmstadt

3rd Reich Gautag 1935 Hessen-Nassau Darmstadt

In a mint condition a NSDAP rally badge 1935 Hessen-Nassau

Frontside: Leather badge. Eagler upon a Swastika Gua Tag Hessen-Nassua Darmstadt 1935

Backside: Safety pin. No maker marks  read more

Code: 50919


Austria Kriegserinnerungskreuz 1939 - 1945

Austria Kriegserinnerungskreuz 1939 - 1945

In excellent condition a Austrian commemorative medal 1939 - 1945

This was after the 2nd WW the only medal which was allowed to be weared by the Austrian military during parades or otherwise that had a reference to WWII. It was given during the 2nd Austrian republic by the veterens association

Frontside: Cross with sword and laurel wreath "Für Heimat und Volk 1939-...  read more

Code: 50918

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich WHW Für gute Schiess-Leistung 1940-41

3rd Reich WHW Für gute Schiess-Leistung 1940-41

In an excellent condition a silver colored WHW plastic shooting award

Frontside: Oakleave wreath with shooting disc, eagle with swastika. Für gute Schiess-Leistung 1940-41

Backside: No maker markings. Some paint has been lost.  read more

Code: 50915


3rd Reich WHW Wir Helfen

3rd Reich WHW Wir Helfen

In an excellent condition a Winterhilfswerke Wir Helfen badge

Backside: No maker markings, safety pin  read more

Code: 50914

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Reichstreffen Flakwaffe und Luftschutzes 1937

3rd Reich Reichstreffen Flakwaffe und Luftschutzes 1937

In a very good condition a Frankfurt meeting badge of Air Raid and Air Protection services

Frontside: Frankfurt 8.u.9Mai1937 Reichstreffen der Ehem. Flakwaffe U. DesLuftschutzes. Reichs meeting of the former Air Raid and the Air protection. Swastika behind a man aiming an arrow at the sky

Backside: Maker marked E.F. Wiedmann from Frankfurt am Main. Entwurf (design...  read more

Code: 50913

45.00 EUR

Freistaat Bayern Feuerwehr Ehrenzeichen für 25 Jahre Dienst

Freistaat Bayern Feuerwehr Ehrenzeichen für 25 Jahre Dienst

In an excellent condition a Firefighter 25 years jubilee service medal

This badge of honor was donated by the Bavarian government on July 1, 1920 as a replacement for the fire brigade badge in the form of a buckle, which was no longer awarded from 1918 onwards. It was awarded for 25 years and for 40 years of faithful and zealous service in a volunteer fire department. This award ...  read more

Code: 50912

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Frontkämpferkreuz 8 pcs

3rd Reich Frontkämpferkreuz 8 pcs

In an excellent condition 8 Honor crosses with swords

7 crosses maker marked. From top left to bottom right.

1. G14 = Maker unknown
2. No maker markings
3. O.3. = Maker unknown
4. G10 = Maker unknown
5. G7 = Maker unknown
6. C.Th.D.= Carl Theodor Dicke from Lüdenscheid
7. D & Co = Dransfeld & Co from Menden
8. G11 = ...  read more

Code: 50911


3rd Reich Hinterbliebenenkreuz 2 R.V. Pforzheim

3rd Reich Hinterbliebenenkreuz 2 R.V. Pforzheim

In an excellent condition a Honor cross for widows and parents

Maker marked 2 R.V. Pforzheim (Unknown maker)  read more

Code: 50909


3rd Reich DRKB Mitgliedsabzeichen 25. Jahre

3rd Reich DRKB Mitgliedsabzeichen 25. Jahre

In a used condition a DRKB 25th jubilee member stickpin

Needle has broken. Priced accordingly!

Marked with Ges. Gesch.  read more

Code: 50910

15.00 EUR

Austria tag Den Helden der Heimat Osttirol

Austria tag Den Helden der Heimat Osttirol

In a very good condition a plate/tag the heroes of the home east tyrol

This was most likely fastened with three nails to a (flag)pole. This is from the 1st Austrian Republic between 1918 and 1938.  read more

Code: 50908

30.00 EUR

Sachsen Friedrich-August Medaille in Bronze

Sachsen Friedrich-August Medaille in Bronze

In an excellent condition a Saxon Friedrich-August medal in bronze (1905)

Friedrich August medal in bronze 1905

This award was presented on April 23, 1905 by King Friedrich August III. donated for meritorious service. The honorees had a rank from sergeant down to soldier or, as civilians, were equal to these ranks. From April 8, 1910, women could also be awarded. F...  read more

Code: 50907

40.00 EUR

BRD Deutscher Marine Bund mitgliedsabzeichen 25. Jahre

BRD Deutscher Marine Bund mitgliedsabzeichen 25. Jahre

In a good but used condition a German Navy Association 25th jubilee membership pin

BRD = Bundes Republiek Deutschland

Maker marked Bonner Fahnenfabrik from Bonn  read more

Code: 50906

10.00 EUR

Romanian General Averescu Medalie

Romanian General Averescu Medalie

In a good but used condition a Romanian Medal General Averescu

Frontside: Star shaped medal with bust of General Alexandru Averescu, Muncă, Cinste, Egalitate (Work, Honor, Equality‎). Worn original ribbon.

This medal is from the 1930's. He was a marshall and politician and president of the People's Party from 1918-1938 and 3 times prime minister. He was a populist ...  read more

Code: 50905

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1934 badge

3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1934 badge

In an excellent condition a NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1934 badge

Backside: Safetypin attached and maker marked L. Christian Lauer from Nürnberg, Berlin  read more

Code: 50904


3rd Reich Gautag der NSDAP Württemberg-Hohenzollern Stuttgart 4.-6. Juni 1937

3rd Reich Gautag der NSDAP Württemberg-Hohenzollern Stuttgart 4.-6. Juni 1937

Excellent condition NSDAP Party rally Stuttgart badge.

Frontside: Large swastika and eagle. Rows of marching men underneath. Gautag der NSDAP Württemberg-Hohenzollern. Stuttgart 4. - 6. Juni 1937

Backside: Maker marked Fr. Zimmermann Stuttgart.  read more

Code: 50903


3rd Reich NSBO Weihestunde der Arbeit

3rd Reich NSBO Weihestunde der Arbeit

In an excellent condition a NSBO/ DAF consecration hour of work badge

The NSBO transitioned into the DAF (Deutsche Arbeits Front) end of 1934. This badge is from this period as can be seen below where both organisations are mentioned.

Frontside: Weihestunde der Arbeit Gau: Koblenz-Trier-Birkenfeld NSBO DAF

Backside: Safety pin. Safety pin has some fl...  read more

Code: 50902

35.00 EUR