324 items found
3rd Reich Blattmusic

3rd Reich Blattmusic "Matrosenlied" Wir fahren gegen Engelland

In an excellent condition sheet music with the sailor song, we are sailing against England

March und Lied (Marsh and Song)

Lyrics: Hermann Löns
Music: Herms Niel
Published by Musikverlag Sanssouci Wilke, from Berlin-Wilmersdorf, Copyright dated to MCMXXXIX which is the year 1939  read more

Code: 51821

15.00 EUR

Nederland Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten muziek Ned-Indïe

Nederland Binnenlandse Strijdkrachten muziek Ned-Indïe

In an excellent condition sheet music for the Dutch Interior Forces.

There are four songs for the NBS troops who were fighting for the liberation of Dutch Indïe

- Holland cannot die
- Indië must be liberated
- Royal Police attention!
- We are the men of the N.B.S. (Dutch Interior Fighting Force)

After the 2nd WW the Netherlands w...  read more

Code: 51820


3rd Reich Postkarte Schnellverkehrsflugzeug Ju 52/3 m

3rd Reich Postkarte Schnellverkehrsflugzeug Ju 52/3 m

In an excellent condition a post card of a Lufthansa Junkers Ju 52/3 m aircraft

This Specific aircraft was the J5072, Ju52 used by the Lufthanse for airline services like airpost, D-ANEN it was build in 1934 and it was named 'Fritz Puetter'. It was used during the war by the Luftwaffe from 1939 to 1942 when it was destroyed.

The card is addressed to someone in Swed...  read more

Code: 51804

10.00 EUR

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945

In and excellent condition Dutch liberation sheet music.

We zijn weer Holland en we zijn weer vrij! = We are again Holland en we are again free!

The colour orange is used for the Royal Family. Dutch national emblem golden lion with sword and arrows

Marschlied tekst and muziek van Herman Stenz. Marsh song, lyrics and music by Herman Stenz.
<...  read more

Code: 51822

17.50 EUR

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945 "Holland past' op z'n tellen"

In an excellent condition Dutch liberation sheet music. "Holland watch your step"

The sheet music shows a Dutch soldier from 1940 with Dutch flag in the background. The music is about the brave drafted soldiers fighting in vain against the Germans who ignored our countries neutrality in the war and shedding Dutch blood and that in the end our own soldiers are again on Dutch soil....  read more

Code: 51823


3rd Reich Urkunde mit Orginalunterschrift von DFB Präsident und SS-Standartenführer Felix Linneman

3rd Reich Urkunde mit Orginalunterschrift von DFB Präsident und SS-Standartenführer Felix Linneman

In an excellent condition a DRL German Soccer award document signed by SS-Standartenführer Felix Linnemann

The document is made out to Theodor Windhuis in honor of his membership in the soccer team of the Catholic School Vogelheim II who won the championship during the 1935/36 season

From 1933, Felix Linnemann was full-time director of the Criminal Institute in Be...  read more

Code: 51825

150.00 EUR

3rd Reich Reichssportjugendabzeichen und Leistungsbuch

3rd Reich Reichssportjugendabzeichen und Leistungsbuch

In an excellent condition a performance/ award book for the youth sports badge

Leistungsbuch made out to a 15 year old boy who i attending the offiziers schule in Dresden. Signed by the Hauptmann und Kompagnie Führer. All 5 group activities have been met and the award document for the RJA für Jungen has been signed and stamped by the Reichssportführer

Reichsjugends...  read more

Code: 51801

65.00 EUR

Allied Army Safe Conduct Pass (1944)

Allied Army Safe Conduct Pass (1944)

In an excellent condition a Passierschein or Safe Conduct pass

The were flyerd by air planes in the millions but also shot with specially made artilley shells in occupied arreas to explain the German soldiers how they must surrender. Signed by Dwight D. Eisenhower Supreme Commandor of the Allied Expeditionary Force.  read more

Code: 51754

15.00 EUR

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945 "Een ezel die niet werken wou"

In an very good but used condition a very rare sheet music "A donkey who didn't want to work"

The music is about NSB men who were before the war unemployed and got welfare checks. But during the war became member of the NSB and got jobs during the occupation like being a mayor. But when the war progressed they had to enlist in the waffen SS and sent to russia to fight on the fron...  read more

Code: 51750

35.00 EUR

Nederland theather music

Nederland theather music "A cigaret for Pappa"

In an excellent condition a theather play music sheet "A cigaret for Pappa"

The Snip and Snap revue was a radio show and started in 1937 as a radio show. These were two guys dressed up like women Misses Snap and Misses Snip and made funny sketches. These were so succesful they stood in theaters across the country until 1977. A cigaret for pappa was made shortly after the war ende...  read more

Code: 51752

15.00 EUR

Nederland De Vliegen Hollander - Duitschland Capituleert

Nederland De Vliegen Hollander - Duitschland Capituleert

In a very good condition the last edition of the flying dutchmen newspaper "Germany Capitulates"

De Vliegende Hollander was an illegal newspaper during the war. It was printed illegaly to inform the Dutch people of their situation and that of the world instead of the propaganda of the German occupational force. This last edition was dropped by allies from planes in the still occu...  read more

Code: 51753

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Blattmusic

3rd Reich Blattmusic "Die Fahne Hoch" vom Horst-Wessel

In an excellent condition sheet music with the NSDAP anthem "The flag high"

Horst Ludwig Georg Erich Wessel (9 October 1907 – 23 February 1930) was a Berlin Sturmführer ("Assault Leader", the lowest commissioned officer rank) of the Sturmabteilung (SA), the Nazi Party's stormtroopers. After his killing in 1930, he was made into a martyr for the Nazi cause by Joseph Goebbels.
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Code: 51757

80.00 EUR

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945 "Rood Wit Blauw Marsch"

In an excellent condition Dutch liberation sheet music may 1945

Frontside: Rood Wit Blauw (Red white blue) Dutch national emblem golden lion with sword and arrows "Je Maintiendrai"

Rood wit blauw Marsch (Marching music) stamped by music shop

For light orchestra. Or can also be framed on the wall  read more

Code: 51749

17.50 EUR

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945

Nederland Bevrijdingsmuziek 1945 "Ons Holland is vrij"

In an excellent condition rare Dutch Liberation music "Our Holland is free"

Title: Our Holland is free. A stereotypical picture of a Dutch fisher man with whip and clumps kicking out a German soldier. Het groote Bevrijdings-Succeslied van Fred Fagel. The biggest liberation succes song by Fred Fagel.

Very nice to be framed or used for its original intend as sheet m...  read more

Code: 51751

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Urkunde mit Orginalunterschrift von Ritterkreuzträger Generaloberst Ewald von Kleist

3rd Reich Urkunde mit Orginalunterschrift von Ritterkreuzträger Generaloberst Ewald von Kleist

In an excellent condition a award document signed by Knight's Cross recipient Generaloberst Ewald von Kleist

Charter was given to private Willi Schubert from the 4th kompanie Nachschub-Bataillon (B) 118, this was a supply batallion in Southern Russia at the time, shortly before it was designated as a prisoners of war supply batallion and before that it was a construction batallio...  read more

Code: 50159

150.00 EUR

3rd Reich Zeugnis Urkunde 1936

3rd Reich Zeugnis Urkunde 1936

In an excellent condition a school final rapport

Next to the normal gradings you can also read what the Führer demands of the young graduate who is just 15.

Treue, Gehorsam, Disziplin, Opferwillen, Kameradschaft, Bescheidenheit dat sollen die Prinzipien sein die immer mehr unser lebensgebot ze werden haben.

Loyalty, obedience, discipline, ...  read more

Code: 51736

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Die Olympischen Winterspiele vorschau auf Berlin 1936

3rd Reich Die Olympischen Winterspiele vorschau auf Berlin 1936

In a very good condition Part 1 of the Olympic 1936 album set. Winter games

Only the cover has some damage the rest in excellent condition.

This book is complete with all photo's and pictures that had to be collected. It was from Cigaretten-Bilderdienst Altona-Bahrenfeld.  read more

Code: 51733

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSKK Adolf Hühnlein mit Motor-HJ in Sommerlager

3rd Reich NSKK Adolf Hühnlein mit Motor-HJ in Sommerlager

In an excellent condition a photograph of NSSK Corps leader Adolf Hühnlein

On the back an original paper and stamp. Stating released from international press censorship. Adolf Hühnlein 60 years old. Reichsleiter Adolf Hühnlein

Hühnlein was appointed to the "Supreme SA leadership" and in 1925 quartermaster of the NSDAP. Ernst Röhm appointed Hühnlein SA Obergruppenf...  read more

Code: 51720

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich Deutsche Turnerschaft Ehren Urkunde

3rd Reich Deutsche Turnerschaft Ehren Urkunde

In an excellent condition a DR honor certificate for the penthalon race

This is good example of the transition from the old Deutsche Turnschaft DT emblem and Turnerkreuz emblem and also above the Swastika and the national flag. It is dated august 1934.

On July 27, 1934, the Nationalsozialistische Reichsbund für Leibesübungen was founded as a new umbrella organizat...  read more

Code: 51719

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSRL Anerkennung Kreisschwimmfest 1. Rang

3rd Reich NSRL Anerkennung Kreisschwimmfest 1. Rang

In an excellent condition a NSRL Recognition 1st place at the district swimming contest

Golden leave price for the swimmer named Taubert. August 11 1940 in the free swimmingpool Rositz

The stamp of the gymnastics club is Vater Jahn (father John). Friedrich Ludwig Jahn is the Turnvater Jahn (the father of the turncommunity). The stamp is from Thüringen (Thür.)
...  read more

Code: 51718

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Landjahr ausweiss BDM Mädchen

3rd Reich Landjahr ausweiss BDM Mädchen

In an excellent condition a Landjahr pass from a BDM girl

Landjahr in Württemberg with emblem. She went to the landjahr in Landjahlager Bernloch Kreis Munsingen. BDM stands for Bund Deutscher Mädel  read more

Code: 51698


3rd Reich Adolf Wagner SA-Obergruppenführer.

3rd Reich Adolf Wagner SA-Obergruppenführer.

In an excellent condition a patriotic foto of Adolf Wagner

These posted were re-produced time period. But were only allowed to sold by H. Hoffmann from München. Backside is also stamped "Nachdruck Jeder Art Verboten Alleinhersteller H Hoffmann München Amalienstr 25" meaning reprints are forbidden

Adolf Wagner, was Gauleiter from Gau München-Oberbayern, SA-Obergrupp...  read more

Code: 51003

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrsporttafel (14 pieces)

3rd Reich Wehrsporttafel (14 pieces)

In an excellent condition a lot of 14 cards with to the point explanation about various military matters

1: Winkertafel,
2: Melder-Tafel,
3: Erkundungs- und Aufklärungs-Tafel
4: Befehls- und Kommandotafel,
5: Entfernungsschätzen Zielerkennen und Zielansprache
6: Sicherungstafel,
7: Geländekunde-Tafel
8: Orientierungstafel
9/...  read more

Code: 51588

85.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Sammelbilderalbum Uniformen der Marine und Schutztruppen

Deutsche Reich Sammelbilderalbum Uniformen der Marine und Schutztruppen

In an excellent condition a collectible picture album navy and protective services uniforms

The book is complete with all 96 pictures and in an excellent condition.  read more

Code: 51587

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSKG Flugblatt

3rd Reich NSKG Flugblatt "Männer machen die geschichte"

In an excellent condition a NSKG leaflet "Men make the history"

bildnisse führender persönlichkeiten Aus der Bildermappe von Hilligers Deutsche Jugendbücherei

Leaflet of various 3rd reich important persons, of which the pictures could be orderd. The maker of the framed or carton poster pictures was the company Verlag Herman Hilgers from Berlin W9. The leaflet was d...  read more

Code: 51421


3rd Reich Urkunde Metallspende des deutschen Volkes

3rd Reich Urkunde Metallspende des deutschen Volkes

In a very good condition a ‎Certificate metal donation of the German people‎

On March 27, 1940, Field Marshal Hermann Goering called for the German people to make a donation for the Führer's birthday, the new metal donation, based on the impending birthday of the Führer. corresponding decree had already been issued to the Reich Ministers on February 23, 1940. As in the First Worl...  read more

Code: 51369

25.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Preussen 10. Ersatz-Division Postkarte

Kaiserreich Preussen 10. Ersatz-Division Postkarte

In a very good condition a postcard of the Prussian ‎10th Replacement Division‎

Shown is a group photo from 1915 of the 10th Replacement division.

Kurhessisches Pionier-Bataillon Nr.11
- 3. Mobile Ersatz Kompanie
-- 10. Ersatz-Division  read more

Code: 51364

8.50 EUR

Kaiserreich Garde-Dragoner-Regiment (1. Großherzoglich Hessisches) Nr. 23

Kaiserreich Garde-Dragoner-Regiment (1. Großherzoglich Hessisches) Nr. 23

In a good condition three postcards of the Guard Dragoon Regiment (1st Grand Ducal Hessian) No. 23

Postcards are dated 1908/1909 in 1906 the name of the regiment changed from 1. Grand Ducal Hessian Dragoon Regiment (Guard Dragoon Regiment) No. 23 into Guard Dragoon Regiment (1st Grand Ducal Hessian) No. 23. As you can see the name of the regiment on the cards.  read more

Code: 51363

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Postkarte Benito Mussolini & Adolf Hitler 1940

3rd Reich Postkarte Benito Mussolini & Adolf Hitler 1940

In an excellent condition a postcard of the meeting between Mussolini and Hitler.

Frontside: Die historische Begegnung am 18 Juni 1940 in München.

Backside: Maker marked. Photo-Hoffmann, München, Riedrichstr. 34  read more

Code: 51350

22.50 EUR

3rd Reich Postkarte 700 Jahre Stadt Berlin 1937

3rd Reich Postkarte 700 Jahre Stadt Berlin 1937

In an excellent condition a postcard 700 years jubilee city of Berlin.

Frontside: Various city crests of the City of Berlin through the ages. 700 Jahre Stadt Berlin with Swastika between oakleaves

Backside: Stamped dated 1937. Explanation about the postcard "700 Jahre Berlin".  read more

Code: 51349

17.50 EUR