4368 items found
3rd Reich DRK Helferin Brosche

3rd Reich DRK Helferin Brosche

In an excellent condition a Deutsche Rotes Kreuz Helferin Brooch

Safety pin and maker marked E.L.M. Ges. Gesch.. Which is Ernst L. Müller' from Pforzheim  read more

Code: 54196


3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Ritterkreuzträger Generalfeldmarschall Von Rundstedt

3rd Reich Ansichtkarte Ritterkreuzträger Generalfeldmarschall Von Rundstedt

In a very good condition a postcard from Knight Cross carrier Generalfeldmarschall from Rundstedt

Part of the serie Männer der Westfront. Emblem of VDA Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland.  read more

Code: 54195

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich Verleihungsurkunde Medaille für Deutsche Volkspflege

3rd Reich Verleihungsurkunde Medaille für Deutsche Volkspflege

In an almost mint condition an award document for the medal of German healthcare.

Made out to the Deutsche Rotes Kreuz Hilfsschwester Martha Rau from Meiningen  read more

Code: 54194


3rd Reich Völkischer Beobachter Beginn der U-Boot-Krieg (1941)

3rd Reich Völkischer Beobachter Beginn der U-Boot-Krieg (1941)

In a very good condition a People's Observer newspaper Start of the submarine war (1941)

This was a sonderausgabe (special edition) on January 31st 1941. The headline "Führer und volk unlöslich verschworen. Im frühjahr beginnt der U-Boot-Krieg. Other pieces in the newspaper are about Hitlers speach in the sport palace. This speach has been put in the newspaper. On the last page a...  read more

Code: 54193

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Gehänge zumLuftwaffe offiziersdolch

3rd Reich Gehänge zumLuftwaffe offiziersdolch

In an a very good condition a hanger for the luftwaffe officer's dagger

Marked DRGM, most likely made by Assmann & Söhne but the trademark has been rubbed off.  read more

Code: 54192

195.00 EUR

3rd Reich Gehänge zum Heeresoffiziersdolch

3rd Reich Gehänge zum Heeresoffiziersdolch

In an a very good but used condition a hanger for the army officer's dagger  read more

Code: 54191

150.00 EUR

BRD Bandschnalle der Bundeswehr für 5 Auszeichnungen

BRD Bandschnalle der Bundeswehr für 5 Auszeichnungen

In an excellent condition a Bundesrepublik Deutschland Bundeswehr field clasp for 5 awards

4 awards are military related. Maker marked Albrecht Bender.

1. Großes Bundesverdienstkreuz (am Halsband)
2. Ehrenkreuz der Bundeswehr in Gold
3. Ehrenkreuz der Bundeswehr in Silber
4. Ehrenkreuz der Bundeswehr in Bronze
5. Deutscher Sport Bund 10 ...  read more

Code: 54190

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich miniatur Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen

3rd Reich miniatur Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen

In an excellent condition an General Assault badge miniature stickpin

Frontside: Eagle over swastika an above a grenade and bayonet. Inside a wreath

Backside: stick pin attachment. No maker marks.  read more

Code: 54189

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen (Rudolf Karneth Type A)

3rd Reich Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen (Rudolf Karneth Type A)

In a very good condition a general assault badge (Rudolf Karneth Type A)

This is an unmarked zinc semi-hollow badge which can be attributed to Rudolf Karneth. The so called "Ball hinge" type 1.9.3 / type A variant. About 20% of the silver finish can be found.  read more

Code: 54188

165.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Gold Miniatur

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Gold Miniatur

In an excellent condition a gold miniatur wound badge 1939

No maker markings present  read more

Code: 54187

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Knopflochorden 4 Medaillen (Oldenburg)

3rd Reich Knopflochorden 4 Medaillen (Oldenburg)

In an excellent condition a button hole decoration 4 medals (Oldenburg)

1. Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Frontkampferkreuz mit Schwertern 1914-1918
3. Friedrich-August-Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914 Oldenburg für Kampfer
4. Dienstauszeichnung most likely RAD  read more

Code: 54186

20.00 EUR

USA WWII soldiers money

USA WWII soldiers money

In a good but used condition 4 USA WWI Soldiers money

2 quarter dollars from 1941 (one marked d - Denver)
2 five cents (one from 1941), one of them from 1938 or earlier but unreadable.

These are silver coins  read more

Code: 54185


3rd Reich Dokumentgruppe von eine Wehrmacht Soldat

3rd Reich Dokumentgruppe von eine Wehrmacht Soldat

In an excellent condition a document group from a Wehrmacht soldier

The soldier received three orden certificates. two for wound badge (Verwundetenabzeichen) in black and one for the winter war medal (Ostmedaille).
Other documents received was the right to wear the printed armband "Hilfskrankenträger" and a letter from the allies allowing him to travel one day from Holzb...  read more

Code: 54184

165.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Sympathie-Anhänger (Hakenkreuz)

3rd Reich NSDAP Sympathie-Anhänger (Hakenkreuz)

In an excellent condition a silver NSDAP sympathy hanger (Swastika)

Swastika in enamel black, white and red. no maker markings present  read more

Code: 54183


Kaiserreich Bayerische DRK Schwesternbrosch KP

Kaiserreich Bayerische DRK Schwesternbrosch KP

In a good but used condition a Bavarian DRK sister brooch KP

Some chips and damage to the k and cracks in the whit e surrounding the red cross. Priced accordingly!

Backside: safety pin and numbered 1603  read more

Code: 54182

40.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Königliche Bayerisches 2. Infanterie-Regiment ersatz bataillon konvolut

Kaiserreich Königliche Bayerisches 2. Infanterie-Regiment ersatz bataillon konvolut

In an excellent condition Royal Bavarian 2nd infantry regiment Ersatz bataillon bundle

These documents are all from a soldier called Schneider who was part of the Königlich Bayerisches 2. Infanterie-Regiment konvolut. At the end of the war he was imprisoned in Oswestry in English captivity. Also a card was sent to his wife letting her know he was a POW and he was in Oswestry. Som...  read more

Code: 54181

75.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Knopfloch orden & Feldspange

Kaiserreich Knopfloch orden & Feldspange

In an excellent condition a button hole decoration and field clasp

1. Eiserne Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Württemberg Silberne Militärverdienstmedaille 1892

Button is maker marked C.W. & Co - Solide  read more

Code: 54180

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Freiheit und Brot, 29 Märch 1936

3rd Reich WhW Freiheit und Brot, 29 Märch 1936

In a very good condition a WhW donation badge

Frontside: Freiheit und Brot 29 März 1936 and two oak leaves.

Backside: Stickpin. No maker markings  read more

Code: 54179

10.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Patriotische Swastika Brosche (800)

3rd Reich NSDAP Patriotische Swastika Brosche (800)

n an excellent condition a NSDAP Patriotic Swastka brooch (800)

Silver hallmark 800 which stands for 80% silver purity. No maker marks present. 3 inlays on either side (in the light it is shiny)  read more

Code: 54178

150.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Turnerschaft Erinnerungsmedaille Turnfest Frankfurt am Main 1880

Kaiserreich Turnerschaft Erinnerungsmedaille Turnfest Frankfurt am Main 1880

In a very good condition a Gymnastics remembrance medal gymnastics festival Frankfurt am Main 1880

Frontside: Turnerkreuz inside a shield with 7 different crests around it. The one in the top is Frankfurt am Main. Below dated 1880 with crown on top.

Backside: Prussian eagle with crown inside a large wreath. Zur erinnerung an der 5. Deutsche Turnfest zum Frankfurt ...  read more

Code: 54177

25.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Turnerschaft Erinnerungsmedaille Turnfest Hersfeld 1881

Kaiserreich Turnerschaft Erinnerungsmedaille Turnfest Hersfeld 1881

In a very good condition a Turnerschaft rememberance coin gymnastics tournement Hersfeld 1881

Frontside: Friedrich Ludwig Jahn and a bust of him. His gymnastics phrase Frisch, Fromm Fröhlich und Frei. which in turn make the turnerkreuz with 4 "F"

Backside: Turnerkreuz with large wreath. Zur Erinnerung an der Vereinigung Turnfest der VII Deutsche Kreises zur Hersfel...  read more

Code: 54176

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftangriffe auf München Luftschutz Brief

3rd Reich Luftangriffe auf München Luftschutz Brief

In an excellent condition a bombing attack on Munich air protection letter

The letter starts "Was lehrt uns der Terrorangriff auf München". The letter has been sent to all people in München and sums up various measures to do during an air raid should it happen again. 1st rule s that all leader of the air protection are not allowed to leave their posts, only if they have authoriz...  read more

Code: 54175

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich Hindenburg Flugblatt zur Reichspräsidentschaftswahl

3rd Reich Hindenburg Flugblatt zur Reichspräsidentschaftswahl

In a very good but used condition a Hindenburg leaflet for the presidential election

In 1932 the election for Reichspräsident had only 3 candidates.

Ernst Thälmann from the KPN (German Communist party), with their slogan „Wer Hindenburg wählt, wählt Hitler, wer Hitler wählt, wählt den Krieg.“

Paul Hindenburg (no party), with his slogan „der Erste im ...  read more

Code: 54174

50.00 EUR

Nachkriegzeit Lebensmittelmarke

Nachkriegzeit Lebensmittelmarke

In an excellent condition a post-war ration tickets

Most likely this card is from 1945 just after the war to provide the people of the city of Bingen. This city was already occupied by the allies when this card was provided for the period 12 until 25th of April.  read more

Code: 54173

15.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Ordensspange 1. Weltkrieg Veteran

Deutsche Reich Ordensspange 1. Weltkrieg Veteran

In a very good condition a World War I veteran medal bar

1. Hungary Pro Deo et Patria WWI medal
2. Jubiläumsmedaille für die Armee 1905
3. Dienstauszeichnung für Offiziere 1825 (6. Form 1895 – 1920)  read more

Code: 54172

225.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Francofortum Sigellum Burgensium Stadtsiegel Frankfurt Stadtsiegel Frankfurt

Deutsche Reich Francofortum Sigellum Burgensium Stadtsiegel Frankfurt Stadtsiegel Frankfurt

In an excellent condition a Francofortum Sigellum Burgensium city seal Frankfurt

Frontside the crest of Frank am Main, Francofortum Sigellum Burgensium.

Backside: Maker marked Messer.

Diameter +/- 7.5 cm Weight 240 grams  read more

Code: 54171

35.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Reise Brotmarke 50 Gramm Gebäck (1918)

Kaiserreich Reise Brotmarke 50 Gramm Gebäck (1918)

In an excellent condition a rice bread marks for 50 gramm of pastries (1918)

These were use in the last year of war because the shortage of food were so large that some could only be bought when you had a food stamp.

price for set of 6 stamps  read more

Code: 54170

4.00 EUR

3rd Reich DRK Schwesternhelferin Brosche

3rd Reich DRK Schwesternhelferin Brosche

In an excellent condition a DRK nurse assistant brooch

Frontside: Deutsches Rotes Kreuz Schwesternhelferin In the middle a red cross and on both sides Swastikas

Backside: Safety pin. Marked Ges. Gesch.  read more

Code: 54169


3rd Reich Hitlerjugend Abnahmeberechtigungsausweis

3rd Reich Hitlerjugend Abnahmeberechtigungsausweis

In an excellent condition a HJ entitlement ID card

The entitlement ID card was for the Leistungsabzeichen. Made out to Arthur Benz from Stuttgart, Württemberg. Bann 119  read more

Code: 54168


3rd Reich Heimkehr der deutschen Legion (Condor) Postkarte

3rd Reich Heimkehr der deutschen Legion (Condor) Postkarte

In an excellent condition a return of the German Legion Condor postcard  read more

Code: 54167

60.00 EUR