4470 items found
3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber (L/11)

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber (L/11)

In a very good condition a silver wound badge marked L/11

Maker marking L/11 stands for Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid. Parts of the silvering is still in place.  read more

Code: 51960

85.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1937 abzeichen

3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1937 abzeichen

In a very good condition a NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1937 badge.

Backside: Safetypin attached and maker marked Wächtler & Lange from Mittweida S (Saksen)  read more

Code: 51951


3rd Reich WhW Porzellan Adler

3rd Reich WhW Porzellan Adler

In an excellent condition a Winterhilfswerk porcelain adler.

Safety pin attached. No maker markings present  read more

Code: 51953

7.50 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Schiffs 1935

3rd Reich WhW Schiffs 1935

In an excellent condition two Winterhilfswerke ships.  read more

Code: 51955

10.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1939

3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1939

In a very good but used condition a NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1939 badge

Cupal (bronze plated copper with aluminum core)

Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Werner Redo from Saarlautern. RZM M9/56.  read more

Code: 51959

45.00 EUR

Kaiserreich 1. Weltkrieg Fotobrosche von Einem Soldat

Kaiserreich 1. Weltkrieg Fotobrosche von Einem Soldat

In an excellent condition a German Empire WWI photo brooch from a soldier.

The Soldier has a Iron Cross 2nd class ribbon. Not sure but the soldier looks to be from the Rheinisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 160

Maker marked Gothic B  read more

Code: 51965

30.00 EUR

Osterreich-Ungarn K.U.K. Kappenabzeichen Tiroler Adler

Osterreich-Ungarn K.U.K. Kappenabzeichen Tiroler Adler

In an excellent condition a Austria-Hungarian Tyrolean eagle cap badge

These cap badges were worn by Gebirgsjägern, Sturmsoldaten und Kaiserjägern during WWI  read more

Code: 51969

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Das Deutsche Handwerk im Dienste des WhW abzeichen

3rd Reich Das Deutsche Handwerk im Dienste des WhW abzeichen

In an excellent condition a badge The German craft in service of the Winterhilfswerk

Frontside: A woven badge in metal frame. Das Deutsche Handwerk im Dienste des WhW 1936/37. In the middle a smithy working.

Backside: "Kuke Mal" (=Take a look) Ges. Gesch. Maker marked Ruse & Söhne from Barmen  read more

Code: 51970

15.00 EUR

BRD Kyffhäuserbund Schießauszeichnungen

BRD Kyffhäuserbund Schießauszeichnungen

In a mint condition Bundesrepublik Deutschland five Kyffhäuserbund shooting awards

3 x Air pistol in bronze, silver and gold
2 x Air rifle in silver and gold.

Only the bronze and silver air pistol are maker marked Kämmerer from Hannover.  read more

Code: 51971

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Fahnen und Standarten der Wehrmacht 1940 Aufklärungsabteilungen

3rd Reich WhW Fahnen und Standarten der Wehrmacht 1940 Aufklärungsabteilungen

In a very good condition a WhW Flags and standard of the Wehrmacht, reconnaissance troops

Frontside: Aufklärungsabteilungen flag from the Wehrmacht

Backside: Safety pin. Aufklärungsabteilungen. Maker marked 1 Sa  read more

Code: 51963


3rd Reich WhW Friedrich der Grosse

3rd Reich WhW Friedrich der Grosse

In an excellent condition a Winterhilfswerk Frederick the Great.

Safety pin, no maker markings.  read more

Code: 51956

7.50 EUR

BRD Rommel Gedenkmarsch Wernfeld

BRD Rommel Gedenkmarsch Wernfeld

In an excellent condition a remembrance march for Field Marshal Erwin Rommel

The march was 80 years after he was born. Wernfeld is a place in Bavaria.

Maker marked Fritz Reu & Co. from Heubach - Württemberg. This maker is presently known as Reu Munz & Medaillenmanufaktur in Heubach.  read more

Code: 50458

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich WhW DLV Spendenabzeichen - drei flugzeugen

3rd Reich WhW DLV Spendenabzeichen - drei flugzeugen

A very nice WHW Deutscher Luftsportverband donation badge - 3 planes

In the DLV as sportclub it was the only way to train for flyers and groundpersonell because of the restrictions of the Versailles treaty Germany was not allowed to have a airforce. The DLV was later disbanded and most members went into the Luftwaffe, NSFK or other flying corps.  read more

Code: 51922

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Infanterie-sturmabzeichen S.H.u.Co design

3rd Reich Infanterie-sturmabzeichen S.H.u.Co design

In an excellent condition an Infantry Assualt Badge in Zink (Shuco design)

This unmarked badge can be assigned to the S.H.u.Co company. With stands for Sohni, Heubach & Co. from Idar-Oberstein. See page 246 reference book "The Infantry Assault badges - Sascha Weber"

The opening of the catch is to the left which is not uncommon for this maker.

This is...  read more

Code: 51945

120.00 EUR

3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (Hersteller 25)

3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (Hersteller 25)

In a very good condition a maker marked 25 Iron cross 1939 2nd class.

Maker marked 25 on the ring is the Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Graveur-, Gold- und Silberschmiedeinnungen from Hanau am Main.

The cross is a three part construction and has a magnetic iron core  read more

Code: 51941

200.00 EUR

3rd Reich HJ mitgliedsabzeichen RZM M1/9

3rd Reich HJ mitgliedsabzeichen RZM M1/9

In an excellent condition a HJ membership badge.

Badge marked RZM M1/9 which stands for Robert Hauschild from Pforzheim.  read more

Code: 51937

90.00 EUR

3rd Reich SA Gruppe Bayerische-Ostmark 1937 Porzellan abzeichen

3rd Reich SA Gruppe Bayerische-Ostmark 1937 Porzellan abzeichen

In an excellent condition a porcelain SA Group Bavaria-Ostmark 1937 badge

Frontside: Large eagle spreading its wings and holding a wreath with Swastika with its claws. A large row of marching SA men. SA Gruppe Bay.Ostmark 1937

Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings.  read more

Code: 51932

50.00 EUR

Italia Facista

Italia Facista "Se Avanzo Seguitemi - Opera Balilla" (Lorioli & Castelli)

In an excellent condition an Italian Fasist badge "If I go, follow me - Opera Balilia"

Frontside: Buste from Mussolini. Se Avanzo Seguitemi - Opera Balilla. Opera Nazionale Balilia is the Fasistic youth organization from the Italy and was active between 1926-1937

Backside: Modello Depositato riproduzione interdetta (Registered model reproduction prohibited) Maker m...  read more

Code: 51912

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Parteiabzeichen Ferdinand Wagner

3rd Reich NSDAP Parteiabzeichen Ferdinand Wagner

In an used condition a membership pin for the NSDAP party.

Enamel damage between the two "i's" in the word Sozialistische. Priced accordingly!

Maker marked on the back RZM M1/8 which stands for Ferdinand Wagner from Pforzheim  read more

Code: 51938


3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz ohne Schwertern 2. Klasse 1939 (Katz & Deyhle)

3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz ohne Schwertern 2. Klasse 1939 (Katz & Deyhle)

In an excellent condition a KVK 2nd class without swords from Katz & Deyhle

KVK marked with number 60 on the ring. which is Katz & Deyhle from Pforzheim. With used award bag from the same maker and original ribbon.  read more

Code: 51939

85.00 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Porzellanabzeichen Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer

3rd Reich WhW Porzellanabzeichen Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer

In an excellent condition a Winterhilfswerk One People, One Empire, One Leader badge

Missing safety pin! The badges come in different colors. No maker markings present.  read more

Code: 51940

30.00 EUR

DDR Volkspolizei Oberst Schulterklappen & Kragelspiegel

DDR Volkspolizei Oberst Schulterklappen & Kragelspiegel

In a mint condition a East German People's police pair of shoulder boards and collar tabs for a Colonel  read more

Code: 51942

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich SA Gruppe Bayerische-Ostmark 1939 Porezellan Abzeichen

3rd Reich SA Gruppe Bayerische-Ostmark 1939 Porezellan Abzeichen

In an excellent condition a SA group Bavaria Ostmark 1939 porcelain badge

Frontside: SA Gruppe Bayerische Ostmark Sport und Wehrwettkämpfe 1939. In the middle the SA Sport emblem and underneath the SA emblem.

Backside: Safety needle. No maker markings  read more

Code: 51944

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Treueschwur Gau Mittelfranken 1934

3rd Reich NSDAP Treueschwur Gau Mittelfranken 1934

In an excellent condition a NSDAP oath swearing district Middle Franken Bavaria

Frontside: Gau Mittelfranken Treueschwur 25.2.1934. Large Swastika with handig swearing an oath.

Backside: No safety pin! Maker marked R. Wachtler & Lange from Mittweida SA = Sturm Abteilung  read more

Code: 51933

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1936

3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1936

In an excellent condition a NSDAP party rally 1936 badge.

Frontside: Eagle with Swastika on a pedestal year 1936. Below 3 shielded soldiers with the one in the front with raised sword. Reichsparteitag

Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked L. Christian Lauer from Nürnberg & Berlin  read more

Code: 51924


BRD Deutscher Aero-Club Segelfliegerabzeichen B & C

BRD Deutscher Aero-Club Segelfliegerabzeichen B & C

In an excellent condition a lot of Glider pilot stickpins & buttonhole order

No maker markings present, except on one stickpin a "0" or "o"  read more

Code: 51909

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich Polizei K98 Gewehr Bajonett (E. Pack & Söhne)

3rd Reich Polizei K98 Gewehr Bajonett (E. Pack & Söhne)

In a good condition a k98 rural police bayonet

This is a privately purchased bayonet with complete functionality to be fitted upon a rifle. Oppose to other K98 dress bayonet which cannot be fitted to a rifle.

Stag grips with police emblem eagle with Swastika.

The pommel and guard have some damage. The blade is in a very good condition with fuller a...  read more

Code: 51679

375.00 EUR

3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (Jacob Bengel)

3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (Jacob Bengel)

In a very good condition a maker marked Jacob Bengel (44) Iron cross 1939 2nd class.

Maker marked Iron cross 44 which is Jacob Bengel from Idar-Oberstein.

The cross has a three part construction and a magnetic iron core  read more

Code: 51926

200.00 EUR

3rd Reich Arbeitsschlacht Gau Bayern Ostmark

3rd Reich Arbeitsschlacht Gau Bayern Ostmark

In an excellent condition a badge Labor war Gau Bavaria Ostmark

Frontside Swastika which is partialy in the earth. Arbeitsschlacht Gau Bayern Ostmark

Backside: Safety pin. No makers markings

Background information: The labor war was an effort to battle against mass unemployment and setup big infrastructurial works so people could go back to work and ...  read more

Code: 51916

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ärmelband Division Grossdeutschland

3rd Reich Ärmelband Division Grossdeutschland

In a good but used condition an armband from the Panzer division Grossdeutsland

This a blue woolen cufftitle which was shortened  read more

Code: 51715

150.00 EUR