4470 items found
3rd reich NSDAP Gautag Mainfranken 1935

3rd reich NSDAP Gautag Mainfranken 1935

In an excellent condition a NSDAP district party rally Mainfranken 1935

Frontside: Würzburg Fortress Marienberg a Large Swastika. Gautage der NSDAP Mainfranken 28.-30. Juni 1935

Backside: Safety pin. Some flashrust but nothing concerning.  read more

Code: 52154

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSG Kraft durch Freude Urlauberfahrten zur Nordsee 1934

3rd Reich NSG Kraft durch Freude Urlauberfahrten zur Nordsee 1934

In an excellent condition a NSG Strength through Joy Holiday trip to the North Sea 1934

Frontside: NSG Kraft durch Freude Urlauberfahrten zur Nordsee 1934. Sailboat with light tower in the back.

Backside: Safety pin  read more

Code: 52153

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber (Meybauer - Seven wheeler)

3rd Reich Panzerkampfabzeichen in Silber (Meybauer - Seven wheeler)

In an excellent condition a silver 1st form Panzer Assault Badge (Meybauer)

A hollow zinc unmarked Panzer assault badge which can be attributed to Paul Meybauer from Berlin. This badge is also known as the Seven Wheeler. Cut out Swastika and wrapped hinge. The hinge and pin are metal and magnetic.  read more

Code: 52145


3rd Reich 800 Jahrfeier Zwickau (Sachsen) 1935

3rd Reich 800 Jahrfeier Zwickau (Sachsen) 1935

In an excellent condition a 800th anniversary of Zwickau (Saxony) 1935

Frontside: 800th anniversary of Zwickau/ Sa 1.-9.6.1935 inside a wreath. City crest of Zwickau

Backside: Safety pin  read more

Code: 52152

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Soldaten treffen am Rhein 1934 Ludwigshaven

3rd Reich Soldaten treffen am Rhein 1934 Ludwigshaven

In an excellent condition a Soldiers meet Ludwigshafen at the Rhine in 1934

Frontside: Soldaten Treffen am Rhein 1.7.1934 Ludwigshaven. Bridge over the Rhine with Stahlhelm below and crest of Ludwigshaven two laurel branches in the back.  read more

Code: 52150

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze (Deumer)

3rd Reich Panzerkampfabzeichen in Bronze (Deumer)

In an almost mint condition a Panzer Assault Badge in bronze (Deumer)

A hollow zinc unmarked Panzer assault badge which can be attributed to Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid.  read more

Code: 52144


3rd Reich Reichsautobahn 2000km

3rd Reich Reichsautobahn 2000km

In an excellent condition a very rare Reichs highway 2000km badge

Frontside: A highway like badge with car tyre with wings. Reichsautobahn 2000km. With eagle and Swastika

Backside: Safety pin  read more

Code: 52151

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Kantinen Teller

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Kantinen Teller

In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe canteen plate dated 1939

Marked with Luftwaffe eagle and dated 1939 fl.u.v. (Flieger Unterkunft Verwaltung) Maker marked Porzellanfabrik Heinrich & Co. from Selb (Bavaria). The factory had merged in 1976 with Villeroy & Boch.

Width +/- 22.5 cm  read more

Code: 52149

45.00 EUR

Bulgarian Kingdom Bronze Medal of Merit Ferdinand I (1913)

Bulgarian Kingdom Bronze Medal of Merit Ferdinand I (1913)

In an excellent condition a МЕДАЛ ЗА ЗАСЛУГА БРОНЗ

5th Type 3rd grade Medal of Merit on a single mounted medal bar with war ribbon

Frontside: ФЕРДИНАНДЪ I ЦАРЬ НА БЪЛГАРИТѢ (Ferdinand I King of Bulgaria) Buste of Ferdinand I

Backside: within a wreath the text ЗА ЗАСЛУГА (For Merit)
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Code: 52148


3rd Reich Ordensspange 4 medaillen (Württemberg) und Feldspange

3rd Reich Ordensspange 4 medaillen (Württemberg) und Feldspange

In an excellent condition a medal bar with 4 medals and equal a ribbonbar

1. Eisernes Kreuz 1914 2. Klasse
2. Württemberg Silberne Militärverdienstmedaille 1892
3. Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer mit Schwertern
4. Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen 2.Stufe für 25 Jahre 1938
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Code: 52147

200.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse (1914) G für Nichtkämpfer

Kaiserreich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse (1914) G für Nichtkämpfer

In an almost mint condition an Iron Cross 2nd class from Godet

The ring is marked G which stands for J. Godet & Sohn from Berlin.Three piece construction with an Iron magnetic core

The nice long ribbon is for a noncombatant, most likely produced in the 30's and has a width of 25 mm which is normally used for a field clasp.  read more

Code: 52146


3rd Reich Gautag Bayerischer Ostmark 1933

3rd Reich Gautag Bayerischer Ostmark 1933

In an excellent condition a NSDAP District party day Bavarian Ostmark. 1933 badge

Frontside: Gautag Bayerischer Ostmark Regensburg Pfingsten 1933. Large eagle on top with spreaded wings and Swastika underneath.

Backside: Safety pin

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Code: 52143

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Volkssozialistische Selbsthilfe Mitgliedsabzeichen

3rd Reich Volkssozialistische Selbsthilfe Mitgliedsabzeichen

In an excellent condition a People's Socialist Self-Help Member Badge

Frontside: Emblem of the VS

Backside: Maker marked F.M.K. which stands for F.Mannheim from Kaiserslautern

Background information:

People's Socialist Self-Help Rheinpfalz, 1933/34

The most important socio-political project of the Palatinate Gauleiter Jo...  read more

Code: 52142

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Schulterklappen für ein Hauptmann der Verwaltung/Truppensonderdienst

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Schulterklappen für ein Hauptmann der Verwaltung/Truppensonderdienst

In an excellent condition a pair of shoulder boards for a captain of the Administration/Special Troops Service  read more

Code: 52141

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Porzellan Kaffeeuntertasse  (Rosenthal)

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Porzellan Kaffeeuntertasse (Rosenthal)

In a very good condition a Wehrmacht porcelain coffee saucer (Rosenthal)

Marked on the back Wehrmacht hoheitsadler dated 1939. Maker marked Rosenthale with logo from Selb in Germany. The company Rosenthal still makes porcelain and has the same logo, although it is now part of the Arcturus Group.  read more

Code: 52140


3rd Reich Luftwaffe Einzelspange mit Dienstauszeichnung für 4. Jahre

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Einzelspange mit Dienstauszeichnung für 4. Jahre

In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe single medal bar with service award for 4 years  read more

Code: 52139


3rd Reich NSKOV Ehrenzeichen mit Eichenlaubkranz für Ortsverbände

3rd Reich NSKOV Ehrenzeichen mit Eichenlaubkranz für Ortsverbände

In an excellent condition a National Sozialistische Kriegsopferversorgung badge of honor with oak leaf wreath for local associations

Frontside: Diamant formed NSKOV badge with oak leaves and white enamel.

Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings.  read more

Code: 52032

200.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Dienstnadel der Luftnachrichtenhelferin

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Dienstnadel der Luftnachrichtenhelferin

In an excellent condition a silver plated Luftwaffe service needle for the air bulletin female helper

No maker markings present.  read more

Code: 52033

60.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Deutschnationaler Handlungsgehilfen-Verband Mitgliedsabzeichen

Deutsche Reich Deutschnationaler Handlungsgehilfen-Verband Mitgliedsabzeichen

In an excellent condition a German National Clerks Association memberships pin

Frontside: Two crests one with the national three colors and the other blue with oakleave. In the middle the caduceus. Underneath the DHV logo

Backside: No maker markings

Background information:

On September 2, 1893, the "German Commercial Assistants' Associ...  read more

Code: 52138

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Porzellan Kantinen Suppenteller (Felda Rhön)

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Porzellan Kantinen Suppenteller (Felda Rhön)

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht Heer Porcelain Deep (soupe) plate (Felda Rhön)

Marked Wehrmacht Hoheitsadler. Maker marked Felda Rhön from Porzellanmanufaktur Stadtlengsfeld in Thüringen. Dated 1940. The company was nationalized by the Russian after the war and this maker mark existed until 1949.

Width = +/- 24cm
Hight = +/- 3 cm  read more

Code: 52136

50.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich DRA Sportabzeichen Bronze (1913-1934) L. Chr. Lauer

Deutsche Reich DRA Sportabzeichen Bronze (1913-1934) L. Chr. Lauer

In an excellent condition an Deutscher Reichsausschuss für Leibesübungen in bronze.

These medal were made between 1913 and 1934, after the NSDAP became the leading party the DRA changed into the DRL.

Maker marked by L. Chr. Lauer from Nürnberg, and M. Sch. No 33918  read more

Code: 52131

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Reichsbahn/ Reichspost Grosse Mützenadler (Assmann)

3rd Reich Reichsbahn/ Reichspost Grosse Mützenadler (Assmann)

In an excellent condition a large Reichs railway & Postal service visor cap eagle.

Maker marked Assmann & Söhne from Lüdenscheid  read more

Code: 52130

85.00 EUR

Bayerischer Militärverdienstkreuz 3.Klasse mit Schwertern und Etui

Bayerischer Militärverdienstkreuz 3.Klasse mit Schwertern und Etui

In a excellentt condition a Bayern military merit cross 3rd class with swords 3rd form 1913 with award box

Awardl Box. Maker marked L. Christian Lauer GmbH Münprägant Nürnberg-Berlin

The Military Merit Crosses were donated by King Ludwig II together with the Military Merit Order on July 19, 1866. The Military Merit Order was established in 5 classes: Grand Cross, C...  read more

Code: 52128

100.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Gautag Westmark 1939 Trier

3rd Reich NSDAP Gautag Westmark 1939 Trier

In a very good condition a NSDAP district party day Westmark Trier 1939

Frontside: Large eagle with Swastika. The west-wall anti-tank concrete blocks. Westmark Gautag 1939 9.-11. Juni in Trier

Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings  read more

Code: 52108

45.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Der Stahlhelm Bund der Frontsoldaten

Deutsche Reich Der Stahlhelm Bund der Frontsoldaten

In an excellent condition a union of front soldiers badge

Maker marked on the bottom G.D. Ges. Gesch. GD stands for Gustav Danner from Mühlhausen  read more

Code: 52107

45.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Wiedersehensfeier Kgl. Bayer. 23. Infanterie-Regiment 1930

Deutsche Reich Wiedersehensfeier Kgl. Bayer. 23. Infanterie-Regiment 1930

In an excellent condition a reunion celebration royal Bayer. 23rd Reserve Infantry Regiment 1930

Frontside: Soldier shaking hands. Wiedersehensfeier Ehemalige Königlich Bayerisches 23. Infanterie Regiment Reserve Infanterie Regiment 8. Kaiserslautern 5,6,7 Juli 1930. City crest of Kaiserslautern.

Backside: Safety pin.  read more

Code: 52117

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich SA Reserve II Silber mitgliedsnadel

3rd Reich SA Reserve II Silber mitgliedsnadel

In an excellent condition a silver SA Reserve II Stickpin

Silver maker mark FB or PB and marked Ges. Gesch.

Awarded to members of the Kyffhauserbund who joined the SA in 1933.  read more

Code: 52106

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Braunschweiger Heimatfest 1937

3rd Reich Braunschweiger Heimatfest 1937

In an excellent condition a Braunschweiger festival 1937.

Frontside: Braunschweiger crest with oakleaves in front. Braunschweiger Heimatsfest 1937

Backside: Safety pin.

These festivals can be carnivals, markets, fairs or townparades. A folklore festival celibrating the history of the town.  read more

Code: 52105

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Frankentag Hesselberg 1937

3rd Reich Frankentag Hesselberg 1937

In a very good condition a NSDAP rally badge on the Hesselberg in Franken.

Zink/ Aluminium badge. Some zink corrosion but nothing concerning.

Frontside: Frankentag Hesselberg. Eagle flying with Swastika over a rising sun coming up in the back of the Hesselberg with the townside in front. Oakleave wreath and ribbon. Dated 1937

Backside: Maker marked C...  read more

Code: 52112

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Anschluss österreich Medaille mit Etui

3rd Reich Anschluss österreich Medaille mit Etui

In a very good condition an Anschluss Austria medal in award box

Zur Erinnering an den 13. März 1938, Anschluss österreich.

Frontside: Two men of which one has broken his chains and the other is holding the NSDAP flag standing upon a podium with eagle and Swastika in front

Backside: Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Führer 13. März 1938  read more

Code: 52126

170.00 EUR