4470 items found
3rd Reich Gebirgsjäger Edelweiss fur die Bergmütze

3rd Reich Gebirgsjäger Edelweiss fur die Bergmütze

In a very good condition a Edelweiss cap insignia for the Gebirgsjäger.

The insignia is made out of two parts. It is nicely maker marked F&B which stands for Funke & Brünninghaus from Lüdenscheid. Mid-war badge from a rare maker.  read more

Code: 52214

75.00 EUR

BRD Feldspange 1957 form 9. medaillen mit auflagen

BRD Feldspange 1957 form 9. medaillen mit auflagen

In an excellent condition a BRD post-war 1957 form field clasp with 9 medals

1. Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 1939
2. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939
3. Verwundetenabzeichen im Silber (Silver is gone)
4. Infanteriesturmabzeichen im Silber
5. Krimschild
6. Kriegsverdienstkreuz 2. Klasse 1939
7. Ostmedaille(Winterschlacht)
8. Treue dienst ...  read more

Code: 52212

90.00 EUR

USSR Red Army star for officer cap M35

USSR Red Army star for officer cap M35

In a very good condition a red army cap badge pattern 1935

On prong is missing  read more

Code: 52211

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kantinen Teller

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kantinen Teller

In an excellent condition a Werhmacht canteen plate dated 1938

Marked with Wehrmacht hoheitsadler and dated 1938 Maker marked Porzellanfabrik Altschönwald fro Schönwald (Bavaria). The factory had merged in 1972 with Hutschenreuther AG.

Width +/- 22.5 cm  read more

Code: 52210


Deutsche Reich Einzelspange Kyffhäuser-Denkmünze für 1914/18

Deutsche Reich Einzelspange Kyffhäuser-Denkmünze für 1914/18

In an excellent condition a single clasp with Kyffhäuser Commemorative medal for 1914-1918


The rim is bounded by a narrow line formed by a closed laurel wreath. In the middle a diagonal waving flag with ribbons. In the upper part the 3-line writing: Blank die Wehr Rein die Ehr.
From bottom left to diagonally right below the flagpole 4 lightning bo...  read more

Code: 52209


Sudetenland Sudetendeutsche Partei Erntedank 1938

Sudetenland Sudetendeutsche Partei Erntedank 1938

In a very good condition a SdP Thanksgiving 1938 stickpin

Frontside: SdP emblem. with two wheat stalks underneath Erntedank 1938

Backside: no maker markings.  read more

Code: 52208

55.00 EUR

3rd Reich Gewerblicher Mittelstand Sei Einig! Leipzig 1933

3rd Reich Gewerblicher Mittelstand Sei Einig! Leipzig 1933

In a very good condition a Small and medium-sized businesses are united! Leipzig 1933

Frontside: Gewerblicher Mittelstand Sei Einig! Leipzig 25.6.1933. A helmet of Thor, with wheel cog and hammer. Eagle with Swastika on top.

Backside: Safety pin. Some minor flashrust, nothing concerning.  read more

Code: 52207

55.00 EUR

3rd Reich KdF Volksfeste im Gau Sachsen

3rd Reich KdF Volksfeste im Gau Sachsen

In an excellent condition a Strengt through joy folks feast in district Sachsen

Frontside: Kraft durch Freude Volksfest im Gau Sachsen. Dancing people in the middle

Backside: Sachsen colored ribbons attached. Safety pin. Maker marked D.R.G.M. E.O. Friedrich from Leipzig  read more

Code: 52206

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber (L/11)

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber (L/11)

In a very good condition a silver wound badge marked L/11

Maker marking L/11 stands for Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid. Parts of the silvering is still in place.  read more

Code: 52205

85.00 EUR

BRD Verdienstmedaille des Verdienstordens mit Tragespange im Etui

BRD Verdienstmedaille des Verdienstordens mit Tragespange im Etui

In an almost mint condition a Medal of Merit of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany with carrying clasp in a case

Maker marked on the case Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid  read more

Code: 52204

85.00 EUR

BRD Silbern Einsatzmedaille der Bundeswehr KFOR mit Bandschnalle im Etui

BRD Silbern Einsatzmedaille der Bundeswehr KFOR mit Bandschnalle im Etui

In a mint condition a silver Bundeswehr Deployment Medal for the KFOR operation

The German Armed Forces Deployment Medal (Einsatzmedaille der Bundeswehr) is a decoration of the Bundeswehr.

The decoration is awarded for military service in a designated military campaign. It is awarded to all German soldiers regardless of rank. It is also the only type of German camp...  read more

Code: 52203

65.00 EUR

Österreich 1. Republik Kriegserinnerungsmedaille 1914-1918

Österreich 1. Republik Kriegserinnerungsmedaille 1914-1918

In an excellent condition an Austrian 1st republic WWI remembrance medal

Frontside: Austrian eagle with crest. Für Österreich

Backside: Oakleave wreath 1914-1918

Medal donated in 1932 by the government of the Republic of Austria for participants in World War I. Because of the inscription on the front, it is also called a medal for Austria. Awarded to...  read more

Code: 51224

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich DAF Mitgliedsabzeichen (Wächtler & Lange)

3rd Reich DAF Mitgliedsabzeichen (Wächtler & Lange)

In an excellent condition a Deutsche Arbeitsfront membershipspin

Maker Maker marked RZM 35, which stands for Wächtler & Lange from Mittweida S (Saksen)  read more

Code: 52202

25.00 EUR

Bayerischer Prinz-Alfons-Erinnerungszeichen im Silber

Bayerischer Prinz-Alfons-Erinnerungszeichen im Silber

In an excellent condition a Prince Alfons remembrance badge in silver

The badge is with blue and white ribbon, this means it is for veterans.

The Prince Alfons commemorative badge is an unofficial, private award donated by Prince Alfons, Maria, Franz, Clemens, Maximilian von Bayern at the beginning of the Weimar Republic. The prince, as a lover of hunting and patro...  read more

Code: 52201

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSKOV Mitgliedsabzeichen

3rd Reich NSKOV Mitgliedsabzeichen

In a very good condition a NSKOV membership badge

Maker marked on the back RZM M1/52 which stands for Deschler & Sohn from Munich  read more

Code: 52200

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich winterhilfswerk 1933-34 wir haben geholfen

3rd Reich winterhilfswerk 1933-34 wir haben geholfen

In a good but used condition a winters aid work 1933-34 stickpin "we have helped"  read more

Code: 52199

22.50 EUR

Deutsche Reich DSB Silber Ehrennadel 25 Jahre

Deutsche Reich DSB Silber Ehrennadel 25 Jahre

In an excellent condition a silver German Shooting Federation 25 years jubilee stickpin

Frontside: Big oakleave wreath with 25 on top. Deutscher Schützenbund with eagle in the middle and shooting disc in front.

Backside: No maker markings present  read more

Code: 52198

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich RdZ Silbern Ehrennadel

3rd Reich RdZ Silbern Ehrennadel

In an excellent condition a silver honor stickpin from the Reichsbund der Zivildienstberechtigen.

The RdZ (Reich Association of those entitled to civil service) existed from 1933-1945

Frontside: Laurel wreath in the middle in enemal RdZ. Mulitpart construction

Backside: Stickpin. No maker markings  read more

Code: 52197

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Saarkundgebung Karlsruhe 9.6.1934

3rd Reich Saarkundgebung Karlsruhe 9.6.1934

In an excellent condition a NSDAP Saar rally Karlsruhe June 9th 1934

Frontside: Eagle with Swastika. A shield before the Swastika Fidelitas (loyality) Saarkundgebung Karlsruhe 9.6.1934

Backside: Safety pin  read more

Code: 52196

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich DRKB Schießauszeichnung in Bronze 1. form

3rd Reich DRKB Schießauszeichnung in Bronze 1. form

In a very good condition a DRKB bronze shooting award 1st form.

No maker markings presen  read more

Code: 52195

35.00 EUR

Kaiserreich mitgliedsabzeichen VKK für Herren

Kaiserreich mitgliedsabzeichen VKK für Herren

In an excellent condition a membership stickpin for gentlemen of the Association of war invalids and survivors of war

Official name: Verband der Kriegsbeschädigten und Kriegerhinterbliebenen im Deutschen Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser Mitgliedsabzeichen für Herren. Association of war invalids and survivors of war in the German Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser membership badge for men.<...  read more

Code: 52194

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Haus der Deutschen Erziehung 1936 Porezellanabzeichen

3rd Reich Haus der Deutschen Erziehung 1936 Porezellanabzeichen

In an excellent condition a House of German Education 1936 porcelain badge

Frontside: Buste of Hans Schemm. Haus der Deutschen Erziehung 12 juli 1936

Backside: Two maker markings one for the badge the other for the pin. The badge is marked by the porcelain maker Rosenthal with logo. The pin is marked L. Christian Lauer from Nürnberg Berlin  read more

Code: 52193

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich RLB Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form (H. Aurich)

3rd Reich RLB Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form (H. Aurich)

In an excellent condition a RLB membershipspin 1st form

Frontside: Star like badge with blue enamel RLB and Swastika.

Backside: Maker marked. H. Aurich from Dresden. Ges. Gesch. Very rare maker  read more

Code: 52192

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich DRKB Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form

3rd Reich DRKB Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form

In a very good condition a DRKB membership pin 1st form.

DRKB stands for Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser

Marked with Ges. Gesch.  read more

Code: 52191

10.00 EUR

3rd Reich DRL Sportabzeichen Miniatur

3rd Reich DRL Sportabzeichen Miniatur

In an excellent condition a miniature DRL Sports Badge Miniatur

Maker made by Wernstein from Jena.  read more

Code: 52190

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Goldene Eherennadel Sängerbund Westmark

3rd Reich Goldene Eherennadel Sängerbund Westmark

In an excellent condition a gold Singer association Westmark honor pin

Frontside: Sängergau Westmark. A lyre with sword and Swastika in front of it. Marked Bernd  read more

Code: 52189

250.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Gold Miniatur

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Gold Miniatur

In an excellent condition a miniatur gold wound badge 1939

No maker markings  read more

Code: 52188


3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 1.klasse Miniatur (L/16)

3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 1.klasse Miniatur (L/16)

In an excellent condition a miniatur KVK 1st class (L/16)

Maker marked L/16 which stands for Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid.  read more

Code: 52187


3rd Reich Ein Tag von Potsdam 1933-1934 abzeichen

3rd Reich Ein Tag von Potsdam 1933-1934 abzeichen

In an excellent condition a Day of Potsdam 1933-1934 badge

Frontside: The Garnisonkirchein the back with two shaking hands in front. a creast with a Swastika and a crest from Potsdam. 21. März 1933 - 21. März 1934 Large Swastika on top.

Backside: Safety pin

Background information:
The celebrations in Potsdam on March 21, 1933 for the opening ...  read more

Code: 52186

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich NS Wohlfahrtsspende für die Mütter-verschickung

3rd Reich NS Wohlfahrtsspende für die Mütter-verschickung

In a very good condition a National Socialistic Welfare donation for the mothers dispatch

Frontside: NS Wohlfahrtsspende für die Mütter-verschickung. Large eagle with Swastika. A mother with child.

Backside: Safety pin.

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Code: 52185

35.00 EUR