4470 items found
3rd Reich Tag der Deutschen Seefahrt 1935

3rd Reich Tag der Deutschen Seefahrt 1935

In an excellent condition a Deutsche Seefahrt 1935 badge

Frontside: Tag er Deutschen Seefahrt 25-26 May 1935
Seefahrt ist Not. Sailship in the middle. Swastika inside a wreath and eagle on top

Backside: Safety pin and maker marked Fritz Zimmermann from Stuttgart  read more

Code: 51091

25.00 EUR

Italian M91 Carcano cavalry folding bayonet

Italian M91 Carcano cavalry folding bayonet

In an excellent condition a M91 Carcano folding bayonet

The bayonet was used with the Carcano m91 (Model 1891) cavalry carbine rfile but also later with the m38 cavalry carbine Carcano rifle

On one side it is marked R (could be B). The bayonet is made of steel.

Blade size: 31.2 cm
Total size: 37.9 cm  read more

Code: 51090

70.00 EUR

3rd Reich DJ Ärmelabzeichen Jungenschaftsführer

3rd Reich DJ Ärmelabzeichen Jungenschaftsführer

In an excellent condition a Deutsches Jungvolk boyhood Leader sleeve patch

RZM paper on the back  read more

Code: 50476


3rd Reich DRKB Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form

3rd Reich DRKB Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form

In a very good condition a DRKB membership pin 1st form.

DRKB stands for Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser

Marked with Ges. Gesch.  read more

Code: 51089

10.00 EUR

3rd Reich SA Mitgliedsabzeichen

3rd Reich SA Mitgliedsabzeichen

In a very good condition a SA membershipspin

Marked on the back Ges. Gesch. which makes this an early version.  read more

Code: 51088

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939

3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939

In an excellent condition a KVK 1939 2nd class

No maker markings. Buntmetall version. Long ribbon  read more

Code: 51087


3rd Reich 25 jahre Treue Dienste im Silver

3rd Reich 25 jahre Treue Dienste im Silver

3rd Reich 25 years service medal silver plated, with original blue ribbon.

Frontside: Large black swastika
Backside: Fur Treue Dienste  read more

Code: 51086

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939

3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939

In an excellent condition a KVK 1939 2nd class

No maker markings. Fine zinc version  read more

Code: 51085

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Eichenlaubkranz für die Schirmmützen

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Eichenlaubkranz für die Schirmmützen

In a very good condition an embroided Wehrmacht oak leaf wreath and cockade for the visor cap  read more

Code: 51063


3rd Reich frühe Schirmmütze für der Kriegsmarine

3rd Reich frühe Schirmmütze für der Kriegsmarine

In a very good condition a very early visor cap for the Kriegsmarine

Early 1935-1936 Hoheitsadlder above a KM visor cap wreath. The visor cap has only some damage on the sweat band. Size 57  read more

Code: 51084

500.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Funker Pionier ärmelabzeichen

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Funker Pionier ärmelabzeichen

In a very good condition a radio operator pioneer sleeve patch  read more

Code: 51083

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Eichenlaubkranz für die Offiziersschirmmütze

3rd Reich Eichenlaubkranz für die Offiziersschirmmütze

In a very good but used condition a visor cap wreath for a heer

This is hand-stitched variant.  read more

Code: 51081

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Armbinde Deutsches Jungvolk

3rd Reich Armbinde Deutsches Jungvolk

In an excellent condition an Armband German Young folk

These armband were also used by the Flemish Youth  read more

Code: 51080


3rd Reich DRKB mitgliedsabzeichen

3rd Reich DRKB mitgliedsabzeichen

In a very good condition a Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser membership pin

Marked on the back Ges. Gesch,  read more

Code: 51079

25.00 EUR

Kaiserreich mitgliedsabzeichen Militärverein Wilhelmshaven

Kaiserreich mitgliedsabzeichen Militärverein Wilhelmshaven

In a very good condition a member badge Military Association Wilhelmshaven

Wilhelmshaven has been founded in 1869 by Kaiser Wilhelm I. It was an important shipyard the Kaiserliche Werft Wilhelmshaven. The very famous mutiny took place during WWI which meant the end of the Kaiserreich. In the 3rd Reich the Tirpiz was made in Wilhelmshaven.

Frontside: Safety pin with...  read more

Code: 51078

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich WhW Der Führer dankt 1935-36

3rd Reich WhW Der Führer dankt 1935-36

In a very good condition a Winterhelfswerk badge the Führer thanks

Winterhilfswerke Gau Halle-Merseburg

Frontside: Buste of Hitler

Backside: Der Führer dankt. W.H.W. 1935-36 Amtlich genehmigt Ln . LN = Logo from L. Christian Lauer from Nürnberg. The safety pin has some rust but nothing concerning. The badge is from aluminium.  read more

Code: 51077

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich N.S.V. 8.4.1934 abzeichen

3rd Reich N.S.V. 8.4.1934 abzeichen

In an excellent condition a NSV stickpin 8.4.1934

NSV is the Nationalsozialistische Volkswohlfahrt, This was the parties welfare organisation which was founded in 1931.

Frontside: N.S.V. 8.4.34. (April 8th 1934) SS (Schutzstaffel)

Backside: no maker markings  read more

Code: 51076

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich SA Reserve II Silver Stickpin Hermann Bauer

3rd Reich SA Reserve II Silver Stickpin Hermann Bauer

In an excellent condition a SA Reserve 2 Silver stickpin

Nicely marked at the back with Ges. Gesch. and the maker mark HB inside a shield with crown on top, which stands for the Silver Smith Hermann Bauer from Gmünd. The company still exists as Hermann Bauer silverware GmbH & Co. KG  read more

Code: 51075

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine U-boot Kriegsabzeichen miniatur

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine U-boot Kriegsabzeichen miniatur

In a very good condition an U-boot war badge miniatur stickpin

No maker markings present  read more

Code: 51074

120.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen in schwarz

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen in schwarz

In a good but used condition a wound badge in black

No Maker marks present. Material Bronze  read more

Code: 51073


Schweizer Säbelbajonett model 1879/81 für Unteroffiziere

Schweizer Säbelbajonett model 1879/81 für Unteroffiziere

In an excellent condition a rare Swiss sword bayonet 1879/81 for NCO's

This type of sword bayonet is for the Feldweibel which is freely translated in "field usher". According to the Federal Council decision of March 7, 1879, infantry sergeants were equipped with a saber bayonet without a saw. The handles of the bayonet are attached with five rivets. The sawteeth have been filed o...  read more

Code: 51071

450.00 EUR

France Glaive d'Infanterie, modèle 1831

France Glaive d'Infanterie, modèle 1831

In an excellent condition a French m1831 short sword

The ‎‎model 1831‎‎ sword is a French infantry ‎‎sword‎‎. It was adopted in 1831 to replace the old ‎‎lighter sword‎‎, and quickly gained its name of "cabbage cutter" (Coupe-Choux)

A full brass grip with 26 ribs and on the quillon 5 circles on either side

The sword has a two-sided cutting blade and ...  read more

Code: 51072

400.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Miniatur Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz

Kaiserreich Miniatur Verwundetenabzeichen in Schwarz

In a very good condition a miniature black wound badge

No maker markings. Long needle.  read more

Code: 51069


3rd Reich Wehrmacht Schulterklappen Leutnant der Infanterie

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Schulterklappen Leutnant der Infanterie

In an excellent condition a pair of shoulder boards for a Infantry Lieutenant  read more

Code: 51068


3rd Reich NSRKB Armbinde

3rd Reich NSRKB Armbinde

In an almost mint condition a Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund armband

The NSRKB fabric patch is nicely sown upon the black wool armband in this two parts construction.  read more

Code: 51067

120.00 EUR

3rd Reich DRKB Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form

3rd Reich DRKB Mitgliedsabzeichen 1. Form

In an excellent condition a DRKB membership pin 1st form.

DRKB stands for Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser

Marked with Ges. Gesch.  read more

Code: 51066

10.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Rotes Kreuz Spendenkreuz um 1915

Kaiserreich Rotes Kreuz Spendenkreuz um 1915

In an excellent condition a red cross donation hanger from around 1915

Frontside: Ribbon of national flag colors and the Bayern colors, Liebes goldnes Münchnerherz - Lindre weiter Sorg` u. Schmerz!

Backside: Safety pin attached to the ribbons. Maker marked Deschler und Sohn from München  read more

Code: 51065

85.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Reichswehr versilberten Eichenlaubkranz

Deutsche Reich Reichswehr versilberten Eichenlaubkranz

In an excellent condition a Reichswehr oak leaf wreath for the visor cap

These were in use shortly after WWI untill 1936.

All sprongs are intact  read more

Code: 51064


3rd Reich Luftwaffe Ärmelabzeichen fliegendes Personal

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Ärmelabzeichen fliegendes Personal

In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe sleeve badge flying personnel

This specific variant is for the Luftwaffe Feldbluse  read more

Code: 51062

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Eichenlaubkranz und Kokarde für die Schirmmütze

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Eichenlaubkranz und Kokarde für die Schirmmütze

In an almost mint condition a Luftwaffe oak leaf wreath and cockade for the visor cap

No maker markings. This was used on the Luftwaffe Schirmmütze für die mannschaften  read more

Code: 51061
