3rd Reich Luftwaffe Flak papierabzeichen
In an almost mint condtion a Luftwaffe anti-aircraft gun protection paper badge.
No maker markings present. read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich RDKL Silberne Ehrennadel für 15 jährige Mitgliedschaft
In an almost mint condition a rare "silver" honor pin Reichsverband Deutscher Kleintierzüchter 15 years membership
Maker marked Ges. Gesch. C.P. on the medal which stands for Carl Poelath from Schrobenhausen. and also marked on the pin.
The Reichsverband Deutscher Kleintierzüchter were the caretaker of small animals like (hunting)dogs, but also rabbits, pigeons and... read more
75.00 EUR
3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (Attr. Steinhauer & Lück)
In a very good condition an iron cross 1939 2nd class
Unmarked Iron cross attributed to Steinhauer & Lück
On the backside a small spot of paint missing, but overall in excellent condition.
Three piece construction with magnetic iron core read more
170.00 EUR
3rd Reich Anschluss Sudetenland Medaille
In a very good condition an Anschluss Sudetenland medal
Zur Erinnering an den 1. Oktober 1938, Anschluss Sudetenland.
Frontside: Two men of which one has broken his chains and the other is holding the NSDAP flag standing upon a podium with eagle and Swastika in front
Backside: Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Führer 1. Oktober 1938 read more
55.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSRL Mitgliedsabzeichen
In a very good condition a Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen memberships badge
Backside: Safety pin. Marked on the back gesetzlich geschützt. NSRL. a logo from the maker. read more
3rd Reich HJ Sieger abzeichen 1943
In an excellent condition a rare Hitler Jugend Siegernadel 1943
With wearing splint. No maker markings read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich WHW Wir Kämpften gegen Hunger und Kälte
In a very good but used condition a Winterhilfswerk 1933-34 tinnie
Frontside: Wir Kämpften gegen Hunger und Kälte. In the middle an early eagle upon a wreath within a Swastika. Year 1933-34
Backside: Safety pin. No maker marks present read more
17.50 EUR
3rd Reich RLB Luftschutz tut not
In a good condition a Reichsluftschutzbund badge
Frontside Luftschutz tut not (Air protection is necessary) Airplane which is going down. Underneath a RLB insignia
Backside: Safety pin. No maker marks read more
12.50 EUR
3rd Reich SA Landesturnier Heide im Schleswig-Holstein
In an excellent condition a state tournament in Heide (Schleswig-Holstein)
Frontside: a SA drummer on a horse with a large Swastika depicting as the sun. Landesturnier 8.-10. September 1933 Heide im Holstein.
Backside: No maker markings. Safety pin read more
3rd Reich Potenze dell'Asse Roma-Berlino
In an excellent condition a rare Axis stickpin Rome-Berlin.
Frontside: Buste of Hitler and Mussolini. Swastika. Roma-Berlino
Backside: Maker marked S.A. Pagani from Milano read more
3rd Reich Abzeichen für das Wehrmachtsgefolge
In a good condition a Wehrmacht auxiliary helpers pin
Frontside: Wehrmacht eagle with the letters WG (Wehrmachtgefolge) and small Swastika below. Copper painted.
Backside: Maker marked Ausf. (Acronym for made by) c.e. Juncker from Berlin and marked Entw. (acronym for Designed by) Fec. O. (Otto) Placzek from Berlin. The pin has been shortned.
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50.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse (1914) K.A.G.
In an excellent but used condition Iron cross 1914 1st class K.A.G.
Magnetic core. 3 part construction. Black paint is in perfect condition, the frontside is in excellent condition.
Backside: Maker marked K.A.G. The hinge for the pin has been repaired. Priced accordingly read more
3rd Reich Mützenabzeichen für RAD-Männschaften (Adolf Baumeister)
In a good but used condition a very early visor cap RAD insignia
The painted and hollow sheet metal insignia is maker marked Ad.B.L 38 RADJ ges. gesch. , which stands for Adolf Baumeister from Lüdenscheid 38 for the year 1938. It is missing both pins. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich 4. Reichsnährstands-Ausstellung 1937
In an excellent condition a 4th Reichsnährstand München 1937 Badge
Frontside: 4. Reichsnährstands-Ausstellung München 1937. Sword, wheat and Swastika
Backside: Safety pin, maker marked Robert Neff from Berlin W35 read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Sieger abzeichen 1939
In an excellent condition a Hitler Jugend Siegernadel 1939
A Reichssportwettkampf Siegernadel. Maker marked Werner Redo from Saarlautern read more
3rd Reich HJ Siegernadel der Reichssportwettkämpfe 1935
In an excellent condition a Hitler Jugend Reich sports competitions Siegernadel 1935
A Reichssportwettkampf Siegernadel. Maker marked Ferdinand Wagner from Pforzheim 8 read more
3rd Reich RKB Reichskolonialtagung Wien 1939
In a very good condition a Empire Colonial League Vienna 1939 badge
Frontside: Reichskolonialtagung Wien 16.-18. Mai 1939. Emblem of the RKB in front of the sun and with a large eagle holding the colonies with its claws in African continent below. The former colonies have been marked with vertical lines.
Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich RNST Ausstellung Leipzig 1939
In an excellent condition a Reichsnährstand badge Leipzig 1939
Frontside: Reichsnährstand Ausstellung Leipzig 1939. Eagle with sign Blut und Boden under oak leaves and Swastika with sword and cornstalk in front.
Backside: Maker marker Deschler und Söhn from München 9 read more
3rd Reich NSDAP Reichsparteitag 1933 abzeichen
In an excellent condition a NSDAP 1933 party rally badge.
Frontside: Large eagle with Swastika and city view of Nürnberg. NSDAP Reichsparteitag Nürnberg 1933.
Backside: This is the heavy bronze version, hence the heavy duty safety pin. No maker markings read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kampftage der Fränkischen SA 1937
In an excellent condition a battle day of the Franconian SA 1937
Frontside: 1937 SA emblem. Eagle upon a wreath with Swastika. Kampftage der Fränkischen SA
Backside: Safety pin. No maker markings read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Mitgliedsabzeichen (Paul Meybauer)
In a very good condition a Deutsche Arbeitsfront membershipspin
Maker marked RZM 21 which stands for Paul Meybauer from Berlin-Waidmannslust read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSBO Mitgliedsabzeichen 3. Form
In an excellent condition a NSBO member stickpin 3th form.
NSBO stands for the Nationalsozialistische Betriebszellen-Organisation. No maker marks present read more
27.50 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Tag der Jugend in Bayern 1933 anstecknadel
In a very good condition a HJ youth day Bayern 1933 stickpin
Frontside: Tag der Jugend in Bayern 1933. Swastika above the crest of Bayern.
Backside: Stickpin attachment. No maker markings. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich RJA für Jungen 2. Modell
In an excellent condition a Reichsjugendsportabzeichen for boys 2nd form.
Frontside: RJA in de middle of a wreath and swastika
backside: maker marked Wernstein from Jena. read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Mitgliedsabzeichen (Steinhauer & Lück)
In a very good condition a Deutsche Arbeitsfront membershipspin
Maker marked RZM 63 which stands for Steinhauer & Lück from Lüdenscheid read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Reichsarbeitsdienst der Männer Erinnerungsnadel
In an excellent condition a RAD/M commemorative stickpin.
On the back marked RADj and maker marked with A.TH. which stands for August G. Tham from Gablonz an der Neiße (Present day Jablonec nad Nisou) read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Krawattennadel (Assmann & Söhne)
In an excellent condition a very early NSDAP tie pin from Assmann & Söhne
Marked on the back Ges. Gesch. and company logo from Assmann & Söhne from Lüdenscheid
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80.00 EUR
3rd Reich Veranstaltungsabzeichen SA Treffen Stuttgart 1934
In an excellent condition a commemorative SA badge from the Wurttemberg division
Frontside: Blackened badge. Stuttgart 1 VII 34 (1. July 1934) SA emblem. Underneath the coat of arms of Württemberg
Backside: No maker marks. Safety pin. read more
3rd Reich NSG Kraft durch Freude Gau Württemberg-Hohenzollern
In a very good condition a NSG KdF district Württemberg-Hohenzollern badge
Frontside: Emblem KdF. Urlaubsfahrt 1937 N.S.G. Kraft durch freude Gau Wurttemberg-Hohenz.
Backside: Maker marked C. Schlenker from Gmünd, with safety pin. read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich 4. Gautag Wien 15-18. Juni 1939
In a very good condition a district day Vienna June 15-18 1939
Frontside: NSDAP flag man with sword and shield (crest Vienna) 4. Gautag Wien 15-18. Juni 1939
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Christlbauer & Sohn from Wien 107 read more
20.00 EUR