649 items found
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Brustadler für Mannschaften Küstenartillerie

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Brustadler für Mannschaften Küstenartillerie

In a very good condition a Kriegsmarine breast eagle for coast artillery troops  read more

Code: 53812

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Portepee für Unteroffiziere

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Portepee für Unteroffiziere

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht Portepee for non-commissioned officers  read more

Code: 53803


3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Mützenband

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Mützenband "Kreuzer Emden"

In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine cap tally "Cruiser Emden"

Rare variant where the text is written in old German Sütterlin schrift. The tally is about 82 cm long. This tally could also be used during the Reichsmarine period. The cruiser Emden was one of the surviving ships from 1925 up to 1945 only to be scuttled by Helmut Kummer on May 3rd 1945 when the war was already lost.  read more

Code: 53802

70.00 EUR

3rd Reich Mützenabzeichen für RAD-Männschaften

3rd Reich Mützenabzeichen für RAD-Männschaften

In a excellent condition a visor cap RAD insignia

Metal painted insignia is marked with RLAD ges. gesch., RLAD stands for Reichsleitung des Reichsarbeitsdienstes. All prongs are present  read more

Code: 53800

45.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Preussen 227. RIR Schulterklappen für einer Leutnant

Kaiserreich Preussen 227. RIR Schulterklappen für einer Leutnant

In an excellent condition a pair of Prussian Kingdom 227th RIR shoulder boards for a lieutenant

The 227th Reserve Infanterie-Regiment was part of the 98. Reserve-Infanterie-Brigade which were created at the beginning of WWI. They fought until 1917 in the east and were then transported to the western front where they stayed until the end of the war. The underside of the shoulder b...  read more

Code: 53797

100.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Bayern Infanterie Schulterklappen für einer Leutnant

Kaiserreich Bayern Infanterie Schulterklappen für einer Leutnant

In a very good condition a pair of Bavarian Kingdom infantry shoulder boards for a lieutenant

Blue wire and undersite with red cloth  read more

Code: 53796

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Eichenlaubkranz für die Schirmmütze

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Eichenlaubkranz für die Schirmmütze

In an excellent condition a visor cap wreath for a Heer

All pins are present  read more

Code: 53785

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schirmmützenadler (Assmann)

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schirmmützenadler (Assmann)

In an excellent condition a Heer visor cap eagle

All prongs are present. Maker marked with logo Assmann & Söhne from Lüdenscheid  read more

Code: 53784

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Mützenband

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Mützenband "Marineflugabwehrschule"

In a very good condition a Kriegsmarine cap tally "Navy anti-aircraft school"

Never been used still full length 1.14 meters long  read more

Code: 53779

55.00 EUR

3rd Reich Brustadler für Mannschaften

3rd Reich Brustadler für Mannschaften

In a very good but used condition a Wehrmacht breast eagle  read more

Code: 53772

55.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel für einer Offiziere der Pioniere

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel für einer Offiziere der Pioniere

In a very good condition a pair of collar tabs for a pioneer officer

Early variant Metallic thread embroidered, black underground.  read more

Code: 53768

80.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel für einer Offiziere der Panzertruppe

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel für einer Offiziere der Panzertruppe

In an excellent condition a pair of Wehrmacht collar tabs for an officer of the panzer troops.

These were also used by Panzerjäger  read more

Code: 53767


3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel für einer Sanitäter/ Arzt

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kragenspiegel für einer Sanitäter/ Arzt

In an excellent condition a pair of Wehrmacht collar tabs for a medic/ doctor  read more

Code: 53766

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen für Bootsmann

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen für Bootsmann

In a good condition a Kriegsmarine Boatswain sleeve insignia

This is a so called a Laufbahnabzeichen (career badge)  read more

Code: 53752

12.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen zur Sonderausbildung Waffenleitvormann

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen zur Sonderausbildung Waffenleitvormann

In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine Sleeve insignia for special training as a weapons leader  read more

Code: 53751

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen Marineartilleriemaat

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen Marineartilleriemaat

In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine sleeve patch for an Marine artillery mate

For the white blouse  read more

Code: 53750

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen Verwaltungsobermaat

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen Verwaltungsobermaat

In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine sleeve patch for an administrative first mate

For the white blouse  read more

Code: 53749

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Brustadler für Offiziere

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Brustadler für Offiziere

In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine breast eagle for an officer  read more

Code: 53748

100.00 EUR

3rd Reich Reichsforstdienst Schulterklappen für einen Oberfoerster

3rd Reich Reichsforstdienst Schulterklappen für einen Oberfoerster

In an excellent condition a pair of Reichs forest service shoulder board for an Oberförster  read more

Code: 53741

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schützenschnur der Infanterie Neuer Art 6. Stufe

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schützenschnur der Infanterie Neuer Art 6. Stufe

In a good condition a Wehrmacht Heer Infantry lanyard new style 6th grade

Some wire damage on the top and bottom. The structure is very sound and stable  read more

Code: 53735

225.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schützenschnur der Infanterie 1. Stufe Alter art

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schützenschnur der Infanterie 1. Stufe Alter art

In a good condition a marksmanship lanyard grade 1 old style

Some wire damage on top and bottom.  read more

Code: 53734

125.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kragenspiegel für einen Oberstleutnant der Luftnachrichtendienst

3rd Reich Kragenspiegel für einen Oberstleutnant der Luftnachrichtendienst

In a good condition a pair of collar tabs for a Lieutenant Colonel of the Air Intelligence Service

Some moth damage at the back of the collar tabs. Priced accordingly.  read more

Code: 53733

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Kragenspiegel für ein Assistenzarzt

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Kragenspiegel für ein Assistenzarzt

In a very good condition a pair of Luftwaffe collar tabs for a assistant doctor  read more

Code: 53732

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Armwinkel Matrosenobergefreiter

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Armwinkel Matrosenobergefreiter

In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine Matrosenobergefreiter chevron armpatch

The rank would be equal with Seaman 2nd class  read more

Code: 53730

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schirmmützenadler

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schirmmützenadler

In an excellent condition a Heer visor cap eagle

Both prongs are present  read more

Code: 53722


3rd Reich HJ Führerschnur für der Kameradschaftsführer

3rd Reich HJ Führerschnur für der Kameradschaftsführer

In an excellent condition a Hitlerjugend leader cord for the comradeship leader  read more

Code: 53713

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Schulterklappen für ein Beamte

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Schulterklappen für ein Beamte

In a very good condition a pair of Luftwaffe shoulder boards for an official

The rank of the official is Oberleutnant and with the color orange it means he is a re-called officer. Most likely he was already with pension.  read more

Code: 53710

70.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Eichenlaubkranz für die Schirmmütze

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Eichenlaubkranz für die Schirmmütze

In an excellent condition a visor cap wreath for a Heer

The silvering is for 99% still present. One pin is missing  read more

Code: 53704

22.50 EUR

3rd Reich NSRKB Kyffhäuser Mützenadler

3rd Reich NSRKB Kyffhäuser Mützenadler

In a very good condition an NSRKB Kyffhäuser visor cap eagle.

Maker marked Ges. Gesch. 11

There are 3 variants of this badge:

1. Silver colored eagle with short swords for the veterans (NSRKB)
2. Silver colored eagle with long swords for the Soldatenbund
3, Golden colored eagle with long sword for the NS-Marinebund  read more

Code: 53702

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSRKB Brustadler

3rd Reich NSRKB Brustadler

A very good conditioned alumminium NSRKB eagle badge with short swords. Maker marked Ges. Gesch. 2

There are 3 variants of this badge:

1. Silver colored eagle with short swords for the veterans (NSRKB)
2. Silver colored eagle with long swords for the Soldatenbund
3, Golden colored eagle with long sword for the NS-Marinebund  read more

Code: 53701

45.00 EUR