649 items found
3rd Reich Polizei Schulterklappen für ein Oberwachtmeister der Schutzpolizei

3rd Reich Polizei Schulterklappen für ein Oberwachtmeister der Schutzpolizei

In an excellent condition a pair of shoulder boards for a police oberwachtmeister of the protection police  read more

Code: 54129

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Schulterklappen für ein Wachtmeister der Polizei

3rd Reich Schulterklappen für ein Wachtmeister der Polizei

In an excellent condition a pair of shoulder board for a wachtmeister of the police

These were worn between 1936-1941 and were used by police men with less then 4 years of experience. These were used by various police departments.  read more

Code: 54130


3rd Reich SA Koppelschloss mit auf der Spitze stehenden Hakenkreuz

3rd Reich SA Koppelschloss mit auf der Spitze stehenden Hakenkreuz

In a very good condition a SA belt buckle with standing HK 3rd form  read more

Code: 51871

130.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Gekörnte Knöpfen 8 Stück 20 mm (Assmann)

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Gekörnte Knöpfen 8 Stück 20 mm (Assmann)

In an excellent condition 8 grained Wehrmacht buttons 20mm (Assmann)

Maker marked with logo and in name, Assmann & Söhne from Lüdenscheid  read more

Code: 54002

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Deutsche Werhmacht Armband

3rd Reich Deutsche Werhmacht Armband

In an excellent condition a Deutsche Wehrmacht armband

This is an authentic printed German Wehrmacht armband. These were given to German civilians or personnel who were in service of the German Wehrmacht.  read more

Code: 54036

150.00 EUR

3rd Reich RAD Feldmütze M43 für Offiziere

3rd Reich RAD Feldmütze M43 für Offiziere

In an excellent condition a Reichsarbeitsdienst field cap M43 for officers.

Made of brown cloth, silver braid all around, with RAD cap emblem for officers on the front.
Marked size 57 and maker marked Schlesische Mützenfabrik Frankenstein and dated 1943  read more

Code: 54031

725.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Koppelschloss mit Gürtel (0/0676/0039)

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Koppelschloss mit Gürtel (0/0676/0039)

In a very good condition a Wehrmacht belt with buckle (0/0676/0039)

The buckle is unmarked but still with 70% of its original field grey paint. The belt is 100 cm long and marked with the RBNr. 0/0676/0039, which stands, Industry/ Stadt- u. Landkreis Offenbach am Main/ Ludwig Krumm A.G. maker of Täschnerwaren. This profession is a bagmaker which make suitcases, bags and other con...  read more

Code: 54026

230.00 EUR

3rd Reich Deutscher Volkssturm Wehrmacht Armband

3rd Reich Deutscher Volkssturm Wehrmacht Armband

In an excellent condition a German People's Militia Wehrmacht armband

An authentic printed armband which were made late war and started to be worn from around september 1944 by the mobilized Volkssturm. The Volkssturm consisted of all abled men between 16 and 60 years of age, who not already asigned to the military.  read more

Code: 54025

175.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kragenspiegel für einen Offizier der Infanterie

3rd Reich Kragenspiegel für einen Offizier der Infanterie

In a very good condition a pair of collar tabs for an infantry officer

Very nice example with silver wire bars  read more

Code: 54020

75.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Preussen Feldbinde fur Einer Offizier

Kaiserreich Preussen Feldbinde fur Einer Offizier

In a very good but used condition a Prussian Field belt for officers

The buckle is in excellent condition. Normal wear on the inside of the belt.  read more

Code: 54015

325.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kragenspiegel für einen Offizier der Artillerie

3rd Reich Kragenspiegel für einen Offizier der Artillerie

In a very good condition a pair of collar tabs for an artillery officer  read more

Code: 54014

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSDAP Armbinde

3rd Reich NSDAP Armbinde

In an excellent condition a NSDAP armband

With sewn-on Swastika  read more

Code: 54013

185.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehmacht Schulterklappen Sanitätstruppe fur ein Oberfeldsarzt

3rd Reich Wehmacht Schulterklappen Sanitätstruppe fur ein Oberfeldsarzt

In a very good but used condition a pair of shoulder boards medical troops for a senior field doctor

Top side is in exellent condition a bottom side has various moth damage. Structural the shoulder boards are in very good condition. Priced accordingly!  read more

Code: 54010

120.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Eichenlaubkranz mit Kokarde

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Eichenlaubkranz mit Kokarde

In an excellent condition a visor cap wreath with cockade for a Heer

Marked on the back 2 Ges. Gesch. All splints present  read more

Code: 54008

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Schützenschnur 2. Stufe 2. form

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Schützenschnur 2. Stufe 2. form

In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe marksmanship lanyard grade 2. 2nd form  read more

Code: 54006

250.00 EUR

3rd Reich Im Dienst der Deutschen Wehrmacht Armbinde

3rd Reich Im Dienst der Deutschen Wehrmacht Armbinde

In an excellent condition an In service of the German Wehrmacht armband

This armband was introduced on October 1st 1941 for wear by non-German civilians serving in the Wehrmacht and Russian Auxiliaries when not in their military uniform.  read more

Code: 54000

110.00 EUR

Nederland WO2 Landmacht knopen (6 stuks)

Nederland WO2 Landmacht knopen (6 stuks)

In an excellent condition a set of 6 Dutch WWII army button

Frontside: The royal lion crest.

Backside: 4 pieces are maker marked Jan Parree from Utrecht. 2 pieced are unmarked but attached smaller buttons.

Price is for all 6!  read more

Code: 53997


3rd Reich Luftwaffe Tätigkeitsabzeichen für Horchfunker

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Tätigkeitsabzeichen für Horchfunker

In an excellent condition an Air Signals Telephone Operators Badge  read more

Code: 53983

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Schulterklappen für ein Verwaltungsoffizier

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Schulterklappen für ein Verwaltungsoffizier

In an excellent condition a pair of shoulder boards for an administrative officer

The administrative officer has the rank of a Staboffizier Korvettenkapitän (senior officer Corvette captain). These specific pair is used for the white summer tunic. Complete with two screw-on Kriegsmarine buttons. One small moth hole on the back but nothing concerning.  read more

Code: 53979

120.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSKK Schulterklappe für Mannschaften Berlin-Brandenburg

3rd Reich NSKK Schulterklappe für Mannschaften Berlin-Brandenburg

In a very good but used condition a NSKK should board for troops Berlin-Brandenburg

The black piping assigns this shoulder board to the Ortsgruppe Berlin-Brandenburg. This is a piece taken from a NSKK uniform.  read more

Code: 53970


3rd Reich Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst Mützenabzeichen

3rd Reich Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst Mützenabzeichen

In an excellent condition a volunteer labor service cap badge

Both splints are present and marked Ges. Gesch.

The Freiwilliger Arbeitsdienst or FAD was a publicly funded employment program of the Reichsanstalt for Employment and unemployment insurance from the Weimar Republic in 1931. Later after the NSDAP take over it was gradually incorporated into the NSDAP way ...  read more

Code: 53968

50.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Adler für Schirmmütze

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Adler für Schirmmütze

In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe eagle for the visor cap

Both splints are present and made from aluminium.  read more

Code: 53966

85.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSRKB Brustadler

3rd Reich NSRKB Brustadler

In a very good conditioned alumminium NSRKB eagle badge with short swords.

Maker marked Ges. Gesch. 18

There are 3 variants of this badge:

1. Silver colored eagle with short swords for the veterans (NSRKB)
2. Silver colored eagle with long swords for the Soldatenbund
3, Golden colored eagle with long sword for the NS-Marinebund  read more

Code: 53957

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich BDM Gebietsdreieck

3rd Reich BDM Gebietsdreieck "Ost Sudetenland"

In an excellent condition a Bund Deutscher Mädel district triangle patch "Ost Sudetenland"

Unused condition. Silver colored woven.

Marked with a RZM etiket RZM Hersteller U4/ 213 Reichsjugendmeisterei der NSDAP No. 109492

The district triangle is gold-colored for HJ/DJ and silver-colored for BDM/JM.  read more

Code: 53956

160.00 EUR

3rd Reich HJ/ BDM Lederknoten für das Halstuch

3rd Reich HJ/ BDM Lederknoten für das Halstuch

In a very good condition a HJ/ BDM leather woggle for the neckerchief

These were used by the Hilterjugend and the Bund Deutscher Mädel  read more

Code: 53945

45.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Koppelschloss Stahlhelmbund

Deutsche Reich Koppelschloss Stahlhelmbund "Front Heil"

In an excellent condition a belt buckle of the Steel helm association "Front Heil"

No maker markings present.  read more

Code: 53937

200.00 EUR

3rd Reich Modell 1927 NSDAP/ SA adler für die Schirmmütze (RZM M1/45)

3rd Reich Modell 1927 NSDAP/ SA adler für die Schirmmütze (RZM M1/45)

In an excellent condition a pattern 1927 eagle variant for the visor cap. (RZM M1/45)

These eagles were used by the SA/ SS and NSDAP. Unused example, Maker marked RZM M1/45 which stands for Friedrich Linden from Lüdenscheid. Both splints present  read more

Code: 53936


3rd Reich Luftwaffe Tätigkeitsabzeichen Kraftfahrer

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Tätigkeitsabzeichen Kraftfahrer

In an excellent but used condition a Luftwaffe Driver badge.  read more

Code: 53934

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Fliegerschützenabzeichen Mit Blitzbündel Stoffausführung

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Fliegerschützenabzeichen Mit Blitzbündel Stoffausführung

In a very good condition a Luftwaffe Air Gunner Badge with Lightning flash, fabric version

On small moth hole above the wings! Grey Luftwaffe fabric  read more

Code: 53933


3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen für Vermessungssteuermann

3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen für Vermessungssteuermann

In a very good condition a Kriegsmarine survey helmsman sleeve insignia

This is a so called a Laufbahnabzeichen (career badge)  read more

Code: 53918

20.00 EUR