696 items found
3rd Reich Armbinde Deutsches Jungvolk

3rd Reich Armbinde Deutsches Jungvolk

In an excellent condition an Armband German Young folk

These armband were also used by the Flemish Youth  read more

Code: 51080


3rd Reich Wehrmacht Schulterklappen Leutnant der Infanterie

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Schulterklappen Leutnant der Infanterie

In an excellent condition a pair of shoulder boards for a Infantry Lieutenant  read more

Code: 51068


3rd Reich NSRKB Armbinde

3rd Reich NSRKB Armbinde

In an almost mint condition a Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund armband

The NSRKB fabric patch is nicely sown upon the black wool armband in this two parts construction.  read more

Code: 51067

120.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Reichswehr versilberten Eichenlaubkranz

Deutsche Reich Reichswehr versilberten Eichenlaubkranz

In an excellent condition a Reichswehr oak leaf wreath for the visor cap

These were in use shortly after WWI untill 1936.

All sprongs are intact  read more

Code: 51064


3rd Reich Luftwaffe Ärmelabzeichen fliegendes Personal

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Ärmelabzeichen fliegendes Personal

In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe sleeve badge flying personnel

This specific variant is for the Luftwaffe Feldbluse  read more

Code: 51062

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Eichenlaubkranz und Kokarde für die Schirmmütze

3rd Reich Luftwaffe Eichenlaubkranz und Kokarde für die Schirmmütze

In an almost mint condition a Luftwaffe oak leaf wreath and cockade for the visor cap

No maker markings. This was used on the Luftwaffe Schirmmütze für die mannschaften  read more

Code: 51061


Nederland NSB visor cap badge

Nederland NSB visor cap badge

In an excellent condition a Nationaal-Socialistische Beweging cap badge

The National Socialist Movement in the Netherlands was a Dutch fascist and later Nazi political party that called itself a "movement". As a parliamentary party participating in legislative elections, the NSB had some success during the 1930s. Under German occupation, it remained the only legal party in the N...  read more

Code: 51055

165.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ärmelabzeichen der Luftwaffe Feuerwerker

3rd Reich Ärmelabzeichen der Luftwaffe Feuerwerker

In a very good condition a Luftwaffe Sleeve Badge pyrotechnician  read more

Code: 51048

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ärmelabzeichen der Luftwaffe Verwaltungsoffizier.

3rd Reich Ärmelabzeichen der Luftwaffe Verwaltungsoffizier.

In a very good condition a Luftwaffe sleeve insignia for an administrative officer  read more

Code: 51047

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Feuerwehr Ärmeladler

3rd Reich Feuerwehr Ärmeladler "Nürnberg"

In a very good but used condition a firemen sleeve patch Nürnberg  read more

Code: 51046


3rd Reich Ärmelabzeichen für Zahlmeister Anwärter

3rd Reich Ärmelabzeichen für Zahlmeister Anwärter

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht paymaster candidate sleeve patch  read more

Code: 51045

18.50 EUR

3rd Reich DRK gewebte Armbinde für Sanitäter

3rd Reich DRK gewebte Armbinde für Sanitäter

In an excellent condition a woven Deutsches Rotes Kreuz armband  read more

Code: 51043

55.00 EUR

3rd Reich DJ Ärmelabzeichen Oberban 1

3rd Reich DJ Ärmelabzeichen Oberban 1

In an excellent condition a Deutsches Jungvolks sigrune sleeve badge  read more

Code: 51042

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Brustadler für Offiziere

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Brustadler für Offiziere

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht officer brest insignia

The insignia is made with silver wire. The backwrapping is present for the largest part  read more

Code: 51041

80.00 EUR

3rd Reich DJ Ärmelabzeichen Oberhordenführer

3rd Reich DJ Ärmelabzeichen Oberhordenführer

In an excellent condition a Deutsches Jungvolk Supreme Horde Leader sleeve patch

RZM paper on the back  read more

Code: 51040

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich NSKK Armbinde fur Feldschere

3rd Reich NSKK Armbinde fur Feldschere

In an excellent condition a rare NSKK Feldschere armband

The armband is stamped with the Deutsches Frauenwerk kreisstelle schlettstadt. These armbands were in use by someone who could be identified knowadays as a first aid worker.

These armbands were also in use by the Hitler Jugend.  read more

Code: 51039


3rd Reich Deutsche Wehrmacht Ärmelbinde

3rd Reich Deutsche Wehrmacht Ärmelbinde

In a very good condition a Wehrmacht armband

This armband was for non-uniformed from 1937 (and non-combatant from end of 1941) working for the Deutsche Wehrmacht. Nicely stamped  read more

Code: 51038

95.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Ärmelabzeichen Jägertruppe

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Ärmelabzeichen Jägertruppe

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht riflemen sleeve patch  read more

Code: 51037


3rd Reich Wehrmacht Funker Kraftfahrtruppe ärmelabzeichen

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Funker Kraftfahrtruppe ärmelabzeichen

In a very good condition a radio transport troops sleeve patch  read more

Code: 51036

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Funker Artillerie ärmelabzeichen

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Funker Artillerie ärmelabzeichen

In a good but used condition an artillery signal sleeve patch  read more

Code: 51035

17.50 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Waffenmeister Tätigkeitsabzeichen

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Waffenmeister Tätigkeitsabzeichen

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht gunsmith trade badge.  read more

Code: 51034

20.00 EUR

3rd Reich Polizei Ärmeladler für Mannschaften der Gendarmerie

3rd Reich Polizei Ärmeladler für Mannschaften der Gendarmerie

In a very good (but used) condition a sleeve eagle for the gendarmerie

This sleeve eagle is machine embroided. Orange is for the (feld)gendarmerie.  read more

Code: 51027

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich Brustadler für den Waffenrock (BeVo)

3rd Reich Brustadler für den Waffenrock (BeVo)

In a mint condition a breasteagle for the Wehrmacht tunic

This is the woven bevo version.  read more

Code: 50981


3rd Reich Heeres Armwinkel obergefreiter

3rd Reich Heeres Armwinkel obergefreiter

In a good but used condition heer chevron obergefreiter

This chevron is used for an Enlisted Man with lest then 6 years of service.  read more

Code: 50979

15.00 EUR

Insignia Heeres Armwinkel (Chevron) Gefreiter

Insignia Heeres Armwinkel (Chevron) Gefreiter

Darkgreen wool Insignia intended for the usage by an army soldier with the rank of "Gefreiter"  read more

Code: 50132

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich RAD Dienststellenabzeichen Mittelrhein

3rd Reich RAD Dienststellenabzeichen Mittelrhein

In an excellent but used condition a Reichsarbeitsdienst Arbeitsgauleitung XXIV sleeve patch

Frontside: Embroided Shield patch XXIV which stands for Gau Mittelrhein. This specific patch was for the Arbeitsgauleitung, the Mittelrhein Gualeitung worked from their Arbeitsgauleitung HQ in Koblenz-Karthause.

Backside: Marked Ges. Gesch. with RADJ Leitung logo and G&W wh...  read more

Code: 50962


3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schirmmützeneichenlaub

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Schirmmützeneichenlaub

In an excellent condition a visor cap wreath for a Heer

All pins present on the backside.  read more

Code: 50956

30.00 EUR

3rd Reich Brustadler für Mannschaften

3rd Reich Brustadler für Mannschaften

In a good condition a Wehrmacht breast eagle

This an early version on dark green felt  read more

Code: 50940

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ärmelabzeichen Funker Infanterie

3rd Reich Ärmelabzeichen Funker Infanterie

In a mint condition a sleeve badge Radio operator infantry

Machine embroidered design on thin dark green linen cloth.  read more

Code: 50939

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Ärmelabzeichen Funker Artillerie

3rd Reich Ärmelabzeichen Funker Artillerie

In a mint condition a sleeve badge Radio operator artillery

Machine embroidered design on thin dark green linen cloth  read more

Code: 50938

25.00 EUR