3rd Reich Kochgeschirre M42 (0/0571/0116)
In a good condition a mess kit M42 (0/0571/0116)
Maker marked 0/0571/0116 which stands for Aluminiumwerk Otto Honsel from Werdohl (Westfalen) read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich K98 Patronentaschen (Gustav Reinhardt 1940)
In an excellent condition a K98 Ammopouch (Gustav Reinhardt 1940)
Marked Gustav Reinhardt from Berlin. Dated 1940 read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Reinigungsgerät RG34 (CMR 43)
In a very good condition a K98 cleaning kit RG34 (CMR 34)
Maker marked and dated CMR 1943 which stands for Hawig, Hauswirtschafts-Maschinen-GmbH from Berlin, also marked with a Waffenamt eagle and number
The kit has the following items:
- Case (Behälter) field grey painted
- Phenolic oiler (Öltropfer)
- Cleaning chain (Reinigungskette)... read more
75.00 EUR
3rd Reich Tragetasche Kopffernhörer 33
In an excellent condition a carrying case for the Headphones 33
The Kopffernhörer 33 was used in combination with the Feldfernsprecher 33
Maker marked Carl Kuntze from Penig (Sachsen) and dated 1942. Still a Waffenamt eagle and stamp is visible, most likely stamped WaA170. read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Kavallerie Sporen für Reiter
In an unissues condition a pair of Wehrmacht cavalry troops spurs
The Deutsche Reichs Patent seal is still attached to the spurs. The companies logo is not known to me. These kind of spurs were nailed into the boots for permanent attachment. read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Etui für Dienst-Brille der Wehrmach
In a very good condition a container for the service glasses of the werhmacht read more
30.00 EUR
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Armband Kompaß (AK39) Kadlec
In a very good condition a Luftwaffe wrist compass Kadlec AK39
Completely in working order, with a war-time replacement strap in white.
AK is the acronym for Armband Kompaß and were made from 1939 (Czechoslovakia) by the firm Kadlec. The wrist compass is marked with maker and serial numbers. Here below they are explained.
Markings on the back:
... read more
195.00 EUR
DDR Pistolentasche für die Makarov
In a very good condition a East German holster for the Makarov pistol.
These holster were used by the NVA but also by the East German police or border partrol. Russian markings 03 OTK-4 III 78, which would mean Otdyel Tekhnicheskovo Kontrolya March 1978. A users name is written as wel. The holster also has the pistol rod included. read more
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Heer Sporen für Reiter
In a very good condition a pair of spurs used by the Wehrmacht cavalry troops
Two identical spurs read more
3rd Reich Allg.SS/ SS/ HJ Kochgeschirre M1910 im Schwarz (RZM Markiert)
In an excellent condition a Model 1910 messkit used by organization like (general) SS and Hilterjugend (RZM Marked)
It has been period overpainted the field grey color by black. The RZM marking used is RZM 19/38 which is the same RZM marking seen on SS dagger hangers. So it could be safely assumed that this canteen was used by the SS. read more
185.00 EUR
3rd Reich Erkennungsmarke landesschützen ersatz bataillon 4/ 1. stabskompanie
In an excellent condition a dog tag of the State rifle replacement battalion 4/1st staff company
The staff member had number 6901 and blood type B. He also had attached a catholic coin with Maria with child.
In Italian "Santa monica, protector of Christian wives and mothers" and other side "pious union of Christian mothers" read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich Erkennungsmarke 2. Kompanie Maschinengewehr Ersatz Bataillon 14
In an excellent condition a dog tag of the 2nd company machine gun replacement battalion 14
The soldier number is 866 and his blood type A
The 14th Machine Gun Battalion was formed on November 10, 1938 at the peacetime base in Saarbrücken, in Military District XII, from the II./Infantry Regiment 70. The battalion was setup as an army force under the S... read more
USSR RPG-7 Ammunition backpack
In a very good condition a CCCP Rocket Propelled Grenade backpack
This is a carrying case for RPG-7 Russian Anti-tank Grenade Launcher.
Marked with unreadable marking for the inspection With sovjet era button.
Somedamage to one flap read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich SA-Gruppenschule Hochland Packbeutel
In an excellent condition a SA Group School Highland packing bag
Stamped "Eigentum der NSDAP SA-Gruppenschule Hochland".
Normal usage and wear but still in excellent condition. Hole on the frontside and yellow fabric on the corner sides have been worn.
Also know as a Packbeutel für den Gebirgsjägerrucksack (Packing bag for the mountaineer backpack) ... read more
80.00 EUR
3rd Reich Erkennungsmarke 6. Batterie/ Artillerie-Regiment 263.
In an excellent condition a dog tag of the 6th Battery/ 263rd artillery regiment
The 6th Artillery Battery, Artillery-Regiment 263. Soldier number 132 and blood typ A.
Background info:
The 263rd Artillery regiment was part of the 263rd infantry division which was set up in Idar-Oberstein in the military district XII in August 1939
Western camp... read more
3rd Reich Volksgasmaske VM40 mit filter (WaA104)
In an excellent condition a people's gasmask VM40 with filter (WaA104)
Filter and gasmask are marked with the same maker WaA104 which stands for Auer and is dated 40 (1940) read more
40.00 EUR
3rd Reich Winterhilfswerk Sammelbüchse "Gau Wien"
In an excellent condition a WhW collection box "District Vienna"
Marked "Gau Wien" a hole for Papiergeld (Paper money), Numbered 837.
Maker marked M. Westermann & Co. GmbH (Wesco) from Nehim-Ruhr. The company still exists.
In 1938 the company moved to the former Beumewerk in the Hüsten district of Arnsberg, where the company headquarters are now located.
200.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kochgeschirre M31 Besitzer markiert 1945
In a good but used condition a M31 messkit by owner marked 1945
Most likely this messkit was from a prisoner of war. The lid is marked W1945M and the bottom side is marked W. Michels. Both the lid and bottomside are of the same maker and year G&CL 41 (1941) which stands for Gehardi & Co from Lüdenscheid. read more
110.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Kochgeschirre M1915 (WMF 1916)
In a very good condition a Model 1915 mess kit (WMF 1916)
These mess kits were used up to WWII and also used by the Wehrmacht. It is a high aluminium model and painted grey-green. Maker marked on the lid and canteen bottom. WMF 16 and Württembergische Metallwarenfabrik 1916. This company still exist today in the same location, Geislingen an der Steige. read more
125.00 EUR
3rd Reich K98 patronentaschen (0/50/0112)
In an excellent condition a K98 Ammopouch
Reichsbetrieb nr marked 0/50/0112
Industrie/Preußisch-Holland/Unknown maker read more
85.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Gasmaskenbüchse 1. Modell 1935
In a good but used condition a Wehrmacht gasmask cannister 1st model 1935
The closing hatch is specific for the 1935 model oppose to the 1934 model of the similar cannister. These cannisters were used for the gasmask GM30
The cannister has been repainted in the past, no visible markings present. Some dents and a few small rust holes in the bottom. Priced accordingl... read more
60.00 EUR
BRD Bundeswehr Büchse für die GM-54 Gasmaske
In an excellent condition a cannister for the GM-54 Gasmask
This specific canister could also have been used by the Austrian Bundesheer with a GM-54 gasmask.
Marked on the inside lid 12-121-8965. PLS 60 29 (the last numbers mean the creation date 1960 week 29)
These gasmasks were made from 1954 until 1960.
Hight about 33 cm read more
35.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Erkennungsmarke Thorner Feld-Artillerie-Regiment Nr.81
In a good condition a dog tag of the 81st field artillery regiment Thorn
The dog tag is marked as followed:
Nr. 257 Wilhelm Fischer, Brilon, Lindenweg 6, 10.3.99 (March 10 1899)
F. (Feld) A.R. (Artillerie-Regiment) 81. 7. Battr (Batterie) II. Ers. (Ersatz) ABT. (Abteilung) Thorn.
The regiment was created on October 10th 1912 and was based in ... read more
35.00 EUR
3rd Reich Wehrmacht Kartentasche mit Inhalt (1937)
In a very good condition a Wehrmacht map case with content (1937)
Maker marked (difficult reading) Karl Seeger A. G. from Offenbach (Seeger-Offenbach) with logo, dated 1937. Underneath marked E37.
The content:
- Pencil
- Ruler (broken only two pieces left)
- Various maps from before WWII, but the one from Berlin is post war and shows t... read more
200.00 EUR
BRD Bundeswehr Marine Matrosenmeer
In a very good condition a Bundesrepubliek Bundeswehr navy sailors knife
This is an original sailors knife marked BW on the handle for Bundeswehr. Maker marked IROKA and Rostfrei. The scabbard is marked 5110-12-12672476
Total length: 23.5 cm
Blade length: 12.7 cm read more
3rd Reich Erkennungsmarke 3. Kompanie Flugabwehr Ersatz Bataillon Motorisiert 66
In a very good condition a dog tag of the 3rd company, 66th motorized Flak Replacement Battalion
A is the bood type of the soldier, his number is 43
The Flak Replacement Battalion (motorized) 66 was set up on May 2, 1941 in Wackernheim near Mainz, Wehrkreis XII. The battalion emerged from the anti-aircraft replacement company 66, which was set up on August 26, 1939... read more
45.00 EUR
DDR Pistolentasche für die Makarov
In a very good condition a East German holster for the Makarov pistol.
These holster were used by the NVA but also by the East German police or border partrol. Russian markings 03 OTK-4 VIII 79, which would mean Otdyel Tekhnicheskovo Kontrolya august 1979. A users name is written as wel. The holster also has the pistol rod included. read more
17.50 EUR
USSR RPG-7 Ammunition backpack
In a very good condition a CCCP Rocket Propelled Grenade backpack
This is a carrying case for RPG-7 Russian Anti-tank Grenade Launcher.
Marked K for the inspection and what looks to be 81, most likely the year 1981. With sovjet era button.
Small damage to one front pocket. read more
60.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Kochgeschirre M1910
In a very good condition a Model 1910 messkit.
These messkit were used up to WWII and also used by the Wehrmacht. It is a high aluminium model and painted black. No maker markings present. read more
Schweizer Patronentasche Modell 1911 (Bühlmann 1951)
In an excellent condition a magazine pouche M1911 (Bühlmann 1951)
This pouch is also known as the Schweizer Armee K11 / K31 Patronentasche. It was used for the rifle Schmidt-Rubin Modell 96/11 and the Karabiner Modell 31.
Nicely marked with the Swiss control stamp and data 1951. Maker marked Sattlerei A. Bühlmann from Thun read more
20.00 EUR