4470 items found
3rd Reich Anschlussmedaille Österreich

3rd Reich Anschlussmedaille Österreich

In an excellent condition an Anschluss Austria medal

Zur Erinnering an den 13. März 1938, Anschluss österreich.

Frontside: Two men of which one has broken his chains and the other is holding the NSDAP flag standing upon a podium with eagle and Swastika in front

Backside: Ein Volk Ein Reich Ein Führer 13. März 1938  read more

Code: 53224

80.00 EUR

3rd Reich Bronze DRL Sportabzeichen

3rd Reich Bronze DRL Sportabzeichen

In an excellent condition a DRL sport badge

Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen (DRL).

Frontside: An oval wreath of overlapping oak leaves surrounding the pierced and intertwined letters "DRL".

Backside: Makers mark Wernstein from Jena DRGM 35269  read more

Code: 53223

55.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz ohne Schwerter 2. Klasse, 1939

3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz ohne Schwerter 2. Klasse, 1939

In an excellent condition a KVK 2nd class without swords 1939

No maker markings  read more

Code: 53222

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen

3rd Reich Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen

In an excellent condition a honor medal for build on the West-Wall

Frontside: Inside a wreath Für Arbeit zum Schutze Deutschlands

Backside: Eagle with swastika, sword and shuffle (building and protection) and underneath a bunker  read more

Code: 53221

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich (DFrO) Deutscher Frauenorden Rotes Hakenkreuz

3rd Reich (DFrO) Deutscher Frauenorden Rotes Hakenkreuz

In an excellent but used condition a rare DFrO red swastika badge.

Safety pin is broken and priced accordingly!

Frontside: In excellent condition! D. FR. O in golden enamel on white. Red swastika. GHL (in Gothic letters) which stand for "Glaube, Hoffnung, Liebe" (Faith, Hope, Love) which was their motto. In the middle a red Swastika upon a white cross

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Code: 53219

250.00 EUR

3rd Reich DAF Mitgliedsabzeichen

3rd Reich DAF Mitgliedsabzeichen

In an excellent condition a Deutsche Arbeitsfront membership pin

Only RZM remains on the back the number is unreadable  read more

Code: 53218

22.50 EUR

3rd Reich Stuttgart „Stadt der Auslandsdeutschen“ abzeichen

3rd Reich Stuttgart „Stadt der Auslandsdeutschen“ abzeichen

In an excellent condition a rare Stuttgart "City of the German expatriates" badge

The city got this honorary title from Hitler on September 11th 1936. Karl Strölin who was chairman of the DAI (Deutschen Ausland-Institutes) which had its seat in Stuttgart. Ströling was also (Oberbürgermeister) Lord Mayor of the city Stuttgart so he also tried to get Stuttgart recognized for this t...  read more

Code: 53217


3rd Reich RNST Landmachinenkurzus für Landwirte Zeugnis

3rd Reich RNST Landmachinenkurzus für Landwirte Zeugnis

In an excellent condition a RNST Agricultural machinery course for farmers certificate

The certificate document is made out by the company Deula Kraft which still excists to this day. At the end of 1935, the Deula Kraft moves from Zee sen to Berlin-Wartenberg and begins in 1936 with 15 employees two weeks Tractor and agricultural machinery courses. This town doesn't exist anymore...  read more

Code: 53216

25.00 EUR

3rd Reich Urkunde für ein Beamter auf Lebenszeit und Kraftwagenführer

3rd Reich Urkunde für ein Beamter auf Lebenszeit und Kraftwagenführer

In an excellent condition a award document grouping for a civil servant and driver

1. Urkunde signed by the der Präsident der Reichsbahndirektion Nürnberg to promote Georg Nuss to civil servant for life.

2. Recognition document to promote Georg Nuss as candidate toward driver (Kraftwagenführer) signed by the der Präsident der Reichsbahndirektion Nürnberg  read more

Code: 53215

75.00 EUR

3rd Reich DRL Goldene medaille Schwerathletik Meisterschaften Fellbach

3rd Reich DRL Goldene medaille Schwerathletik Meisterschaften Fellbach

In an excellent condition a large DRL gold medal Weightlifting championships Fellbach

The photo dulls the golden look, it very shiny golden.

Frontside: Large oakleave wreath with the DRL emblem in the middle.

Backside: Deutscher Reichsbund für Leibesübungen für Schwerathletik Württemberg Meisterschaften Fellbach 3.-4. Juli 1937 Gau XV

...  read more

Code: 53214


3rd Reich 4. Gautagung Deutsche Christen Schorndorf 1937

3rd Reich 4. Gautagung Deutsche Christen Schorndorf 1937

In a good condition a 4th District Conference of German Christians Schorndorf 1937

Frontside: 4. Gautagung Deutsche Christen Schorndorf 17 October 1937. City view of Schorndorf. Underneath a Swastika Sonnenkreuz (Sun wheel) with christian cross on top.

Backside: Safety pin.  read more

Code: 53213

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich 25. Verbandstag der Glasermeister 1934

3rd Reich 25. Verbandstag der Glasermeister 1934

In a very good condition a 25th Association day of master glaziers 1933

Frontside: 25. Verbandstag der Glasermeister Württemberg und Hohenzollern 19.-21. Augusts 1933 Stuttgart. In the middle a holy person holding two shields, one with the emblem of the glasermeister and the other the crest of Stuttgart. Underneath a Swastika

BBackside: Safety pin  read more

Code: 53212


Deutsche Reich Bund Deutscher Marinevereine Mützenabzeichen

Deutsche Reich Bund Deutscher Marinevereine Mützenabzeichen

In an excellent condition a German union navy association cap badge.

From around 1925  read more

Code: 53211

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (137)

3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939 (137)

In an excellent condition a Iron Cross 2nd class 1939 (137)

Maker marked 137 which stands for J.H.Werner from Berlin

Three-part construction with magnetic iron core  read more

Code: 53210

275.00 EUR

Spanish CETME model L Bayonet

Spanish CETME model L Bayonet

In a very condition a Spanish CETME-L bayonet with frog and belt hook.

These bayonets are for the CETME model C rifle (1986) and have seen action during the 1990-91 Persian Gulf war. The rifle and bayonet were replaced in 1999.

Very nice phosphorized blade with long false edge. Markings on both sides of the ricasso. Numbered ET74317A. Maker marked I.N.I with crest ...  read more

Code: 53209

75.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Reichskriegerbund „Kyffhäuser“ Schirmmütze

Deutsche Reich Reichskriegerbund „Kyffhäuser“ Schirmmütze

In an excellent condition a Reichskriegerbund "Kyffhäuser" peaked cap

Maker marked Handwerkliche Qualitäts Arbeit and logo with a hand taking an oath. Difficult too read but it is a known maker logo which was also used during the thrid reich. A small paper label with the owners name and size 60.

This specific cap withouth the Swastikas and with this specific cap wr...  read more

Code: 53208

120.00 EUR

Persian M1898/ 29 Sword bayonet (Czech VZ-23 Export)

Persian M1898/ 29 Sword bayonet (Czech VZ-23 Export)

In an excellent condition a Persian M1898/ 29 Sword bayonet (Czech VZ-23 Export)

These czechoslovakia manufactured bayonets were made for the Persian Military and for the 8mm Mauser M1898/29 rifles in the early 1930's. The scabbard is of blued sheet-rolled-steel with a French-style frog loop. The pommel end has a Persian crown with Farsi numbers 81279 (if I read it correctly) Thi...  read more

Code: 53207

125.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Der Stahlhelm Bund der Frontsoldaten

Deutsche Reich Der Stahlhelm Bund der Frontsoldaten

In an excellent condition a union of front soldiers badge

No maker markings present  read more

Code: 53206

40.00 EUR

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Erinnerungen an meine Dienstzeit

3rd Reich Wehrmacht Erinnerungen an meine Dienstzeit

In an excellent condition a Wehrmacht remembrances of my service time album

The service time of the soldier starts in the 5th Prussian infantry regiment 9th company. But continues as a veteran paramedic in the Landwehr batallion 1st company 2nd zug 1937.

He was stationed in a bunker from the Westwall and entered France during the 1940 campaign after the truce they ...  read more

Code: 53205

250.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in schwarz (EH 126)

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in schwarz (EH 126)

In a very good condition a rare Wound badge 1939 in black (EH 126)

Maker marked EH 126 which stands for Eduard Hahn from Oberstein an der Nahe  read more

Code: 53204

80.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber (65)

3rd Reich Verwundetenabzeichen 1939 in Silber (65)

In a very good condition a silver wound badge marked 65

Maker marking 65 stands for Klein & Qeenzer A.G. from Idar-Oberstein  read more

Code: 53203

85.00 EUR

3rd Reich Deutsche Reichspost Schmuckblatt-Telegramm

3rd Reich Deutsche Reichspost Schmuckblatt-Telegramm

In an excellent condition a Deutsche Reichspost celebration telegram card

The text reads:

Telegramm aus Bremen Flughaven, nr. 0693, 11 W. vom December 11th 1937, 19:21 uhr. To Sophie Hillebrand, Bremen. To congratulate her for her marriage from the Firma Karstadt Warenhaus GmbH.  read more

Code: 53202

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Buch Durch die Weite Welt Band XX

3rd Reich Buch Durch die Weite Welt Band XX

In good but used condition a book Through the whole world part 20.

A boys book of over 300 pages with used covers. A lot of information for the boys of the Hitlerjugend.

A large complete explanation about how to read the time and position based on the stars, moon and the sun. Too lot to mention but the books explains about animals and animal tracking. Medals, cars...  read more

Code: 53201


3rd Reich VDA Fest der Detuschen Schule

3rd Reich VDA Fest der Detuschen Schule

In an excellent condition a VDA Festival of the German School

VDA = Volksbund für das Deutschtum im Ausland

Stylized carnation on the upper half; underneath a banner: "Festival of the German School"; below this, in turn, in a circle, the abbreviation: "VDA" (for the People's union for Germans abroad)

Backside: Safety pin. Some small...  read more

Code: 53200

12.50 EUR

3rd Reich NSRKB Goldene Ehrennadel für 40 jährige Mitgliedschaft

3rd Reich NSRKB Goldene Ehrennadel für 40 jährige Mitgliedschaft

In an excellent condition a Nationalsozialistischer Reichskriegerbund 40 years jubilee pin

Maker marked Ges. Gesch. 5  read more

Code: 53199

55.00 EUR

3rd Reich Gehänge zum Heeresoffiziersdolch

3rd Reich Gehänge zum Heeresoffiziersdolch

In an a very good but used condition a hanger for the army officer's dagger  read more

Code: 53198

150.00 EUR

3rd Reich Johann Sebastian Bach Reichs-Fest Leipzig 1935

3rd Reich Johann Sebastian Bach Reichs-Fest Leipzig 1935

In a very good condition a Johann Sebastian Bach Reich's feast Leipzig 1935

Jubilee badge for Bach's 250th birth year celebration.

J.S.Bach 1685 Reichs-Fest Leipzig 16-24 Juni 1935 and the buste of Bach above.

Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Wilhelm Helbing Leipzig WZ3 Birkenstr.  read more

Code: 53197

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939 (107)

3rd Reich Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2. Klasse, 1939 (107)

In a very good condition a KVK 1939 with swords 2nd class (107)

Maker marked 107 which stands for Carl Wild from Hamburg.  read more

Code: 53196

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Pressefoto Haas Propagandakompanie XI Fliegerkorps

3rd Reich Pressefoto Haas Propagandakompanie XI Fliegerkorps

In an excellent condition a press photo from Haas, propaganda company XI Air Corps

Dated June 13th 1943 and maker marked Sipho S.A. on the back.

Propaganda paper for the news attached:

Attack repelled

There is no rest for him either after the attack. The paratrooper searches the horizon for enemy low-flying aircraft. PK Haas A. 119 o...  read more

Code: 53195

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich miniatur Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen

3rd Reich miniatur Allgemeines Sturmabzeichen

In an excellent condition an General Assault badge miniature stickpin

Frontside: Eagle over swastika an above a grenade and bayonet. Inside a wreath

Backside: stick pin attachment. No maker marks.  read more

Code: 53154
