3rd Reich Meinem Führer Unverbrüchliche Treue Gedenkmünze
In an excellent condition a My Führer Unbreakable Loyalty remembrance coin
Frontside: Bust of Hitler in the middle with swastikas on either side. Meinem Führer Unverbrüchliche Treue
Backside: Erinnerungsgedenkmünze Einweihung am 4. November 1934 in Buchholz. On the sides laurel leaves and in the middle the Ehrenhalle der Nationalsozialisten in Buchholz read more
110.00 EUR
3rd Reich Hitler's Dank für den dienst am Volke
In a very good condition a Hitler's thanks for the service to the people badge
Frontside: Buste of HItler. Hitler's Dank für den dienst am Volke. Gau Süd-Hannover, Braunschweig
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Paulmann & Crone from Lüdenscheid. Marked Ges. Gesch. read more
70.00 EUR
3rd Reich Reichsbahn Beamte Schulterklappen für der Besoldungsgruppe 15
In a very good condition a pair of Reichsbahn officials shoulder boards for rank grade 15 read more
25.00 EUR
BRD Bundeswehr Koppelschloss mit Gürtel
In an excellent condition a Bundesrepubliek Deutschland Bundeswehr buckle with belt
Belt marked size 90 cm, 1852 V 06 86 (June 1986) the metal hook is marked OLC which stands for Overhoff & Co. from Lüdenscheid. Most likely the same maker of the buckle read more
15.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Deutsche Kinderheim 1914 Schwestern Broche
In an excellent condition a German Children's home 1914 sister brooch
Frontside: Deutsche Kinderheim 1914 with the iron cross. Depicting a scene where the man of the family leaves his children in the care of the catholic nun. The man most likely had to go to war and the not all mothers were able to take care of the children.
Backside: Safety pin. read more
50.00 EUR
3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 1939 L/11 (Deumer)
In a very good condition an Iron Cross 1st class 1939 L/11 (Deumer)
Three part construction with iron magnetic core.
Marked on the back L/11 which stands for Wilhelm Deumer from Lüdenscheid. read more
3rd Reich Reichsbahn Beamte Schulterklappen für der Besoldungsgruppe 11
In a very good condition a pair of Reichsbahn officials shoulder boards for rank grade 11 read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSRL Silber Halskette mit Turnerkreuz
In an excellent condition a silver NSRL necklace
The necklace has the logo from the Nationalsozialistischer Reichsbund für Leibesübungen and inside a wreath is the Turnerkreuz.
Marked on the back by the owner K.Z. 9.11.40 (November 9th 1940).
The last chain is also Silver proof marked with the number 935 which was in use between 1920 and 1940 in Ger... read more
3rd Reich NSKK 2000 Kilometer durch Deutschland
In a very good condition a NSKK 2000 km through Germany badge
Frontside: NSKK emblem on top. 2000 Kilometer durch Deutschland.
Backside: Missing safety pin, priced accordingly! read more
Deutsche Reich Bayerischen Landesvereins vom Roten Kreuz 2. Klasse Knopfloch orden
In a very good condition a Bavarian State Association of the Red Cross 2nd class buttonhole decoration
Marked on the button Mode de Paris, some flash rust read more
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen Verwaltungsmaat
In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine sleeve patch for an administrative mate
Embroided version. read more
25.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich Orginal Ordensband für die Baltenkreuz am Band
In an excellent condition an original ribbon for the Baltic cross
The ribbon is +/- 11.4 cm long read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich HJ Reichssportwettkampf 1939
In an excellent condition a HJ paper pressed competition badge 1939
Marker M.Q. which is most likely the artist of the medal read more
Kaiserreich Zentenarmedaille - Kaiser Wilhelm I
In an very good condition a comemorative medal for Emperor Wilhelm I.
The "Zentenarmedaille", also known as "Kaiser Wilhelm I. Erinnerungsmedaille 1897", was established by his grandson, Wilhelm II, on March 22, 1897, on the occasion of the 100th birthday of Wilhelm I.
The bronze medal had a diameter of 40 mm and hung from a 36 mm wide ribbon.
The obverse sh... read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1935 abzeichen
In an excelent condition a Deutsche Arbeits Front badge 1935.
Frontside: Tag der Arbeit with bust eagle. under the wings the year 1935 and in a wreath the swastika. Three men above, with hammer, law and wheat. Above Tag der Arbeit. in the left initials RK
Backside: Safety pin, maker Paul Merkens from Düsseldorf read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich NSDAP Lackierte Parteiabzeichen (Hermann Aurich)
In a very good condition a NSDAP painted party badge (Hermann Aurich)
Maker marked on the back RZM M1/105 which stands for Hermann Aurich from Dresden read more
75.00 EUR
3rd Reich DRKB mitgliedsabzeichen
In a very good condition a Deutscher Reichskriegerbund Kyffhäuser membership pin
Marked on the back Ges. Gesch, and maker marked 11 which stands for Liefergemeinschaft Schmuckhandwerker from Pforzheim read more
25.00 EUR
3rd Reich Infanterie-sturmabzeichen Miniatur in Silber
In an excellent condition a miniatur silver Infantry Assualt Badge read more
3rd Reich Luftwaffe Supenteller (Kästner Saxonia)
In an excellent condition a Luftwaffe soup plate (Kästner Saxonia)
Marked with Luftwaffe eagle and dated 1937 fl.u.v. (Flieger Unterkunft Verwaltung). Maker marked Kaestner Saxonia together with logo from Kästner-Porzellanfabrik GmbH from Zwickau
After 1945, the company became part of East Germany and with state participation delivered Porzellan to the Soviet Union... read more
45.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kriegsmarine Ärmelabzeichen für Funker
In a very good condition a Kriegsmarine sleeve badge for a radio operator
Fur the blue blouse, machine embroided. read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kennkarte Deutsches Reich (1942-1947)
In a very good condition a Identification card of the German Empire (1942-1947)
The ID card has been Denazified, this was a very normal practice because this specific ID Card was valid until 1947 and swastikas were forbidden after WWII. The card was made out in Duisburg read more
20.00 EUR
3rd Reich Kragenspiegel für einen Führer der Freiwillige Feuerwehr
In a very good condition a pair of collar tabs for a leader of the voluntary fire department
Both have been used and both have some moth damage. These specific collar tabs were worn by the following ranks:
- Provinzialfeuerwehrführer,
- Kreisfeuerwehrführer
- Wehrführer read more
25.00 EUR
Spanish CETME model L Bayonet
In a very condition a Spanish CETME-L bayonet with frog and belt hook.
These bayonets are for the CETME model C rifle (1986) and have seen action during the 1990-91 Persian Gulf war. The rifle and bayonet were replaced in 1999.
Very nice phosphorized blade with long false edge. Markings on both sides of the ricasso. Numbered ET85859A. Maker marked I.N.I with crest ... read more
65.00 EUR
Russian Mosin Nagant M1891/30 bayonet
In an excellent condition a 2nd model/ version of the Mosin Nagant bayonet, otherwise called the M1891/30 bayonet.
These specific type bayonets were used by the Russians during WWII and were crudely made (in haste). In 1930 the old style M1891 bayonet was re-designed by E.K. Kabakow and J.A. Komaricki with a new socket and press stud, hence the addition of the name /30.
35.00 EUR
Deutsche Reich NSDAP antisemitische Werbepropaganda
In an almost mint condition a NSDAP anti-Semitic propaganda advert
These banknotes of a 1000 Mark were worth nothing when the back were used for propagande means by the NSDAP. The bank notes were from 1923 and were used for the 1924 elections by the NSDAP. In May 1924 they received 6.5% of the votes and in December 1924 only 3%.
Frontside: Reichsbanknote Tausend Ma... read more
85.00 EUR
Kaiserreich Hamburg einzelspange für medaillen und Kriegervereinsabzeichen
In an excellen condition a a medal bar for the Hamburg medals and warrior union badges
This is also called a Trapez-Bandtragespange read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich Feldspange 6 medaillen mit auflagen
In an excellent condition a field clasp with 6 positions
1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Kriegsverdienstkreuze 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
3. Bayerischer Militärverdienstkreuz 3.Klasse mit Schwertern
4. Frontkämpferkreuz mit Schwertern
5. Treuedienst-Ehrenzeichen (25 jahre)
6. Luftschutz-Ehrenzeichen read more
60.00 EUR
3rd Reich WhW Spendenabzeichen Adolf Hitler
In an excellent condition a Winterhilfswerk donation pendant Adolf Hitler
Glas pendant with buste of Adolf Hitler. read more
3rd Reich DAF Tag der Arbeit 1937 abzeichen
In an excellent condition a DAF Labour day 1937 tinnie
Frontside: Eagle with swastika inside a wreath. A boy with oakleaves inside his hand standing on the wings of the eagle. 1 Mai 1937
Backside: Safety pin. Maker marked Robinson from Oberstein an die Nahe read more
15.00 EUR
3rd Reich SA sportabzeichen in Bronze (Bonner)
In a very good condition a bronze SA Sport badge (Bonner)
Backside: safety pin. Maker marked Bonner Kunstabzeichen Bedarf (Bonner Art badge supplies) from Bonn an der Rhein and Eigentum der Chefs der Ausbildungswesens. It also has an inventory number 85133.
The SA Sportabeichen in bronze were awarded to those who had successfully passed an educational and physical ... read more
90.00 EUR