4470 items found
3rd Reich Feldspange 4 medaillen

3rd Reich Feldspange 4 medaillen

In an excellent condition a 4 piece ribbon bar

1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
3. Schlesische Adler orden 2. klasse
4. Erinnerung an den 1. Oktober 1938 (Anschluss Sudetenland)  read more

Code: 50617


BRD Bronze Einsatzmedaille der Bundeswehr KFOR

BRD Bronze Einsatzmedaille der Bundeswehr KFOR

In a mint condition a Bronze Bundeswehr Deployment Medal for the KFOR operation

The box is marked PS on the back

The German Armed Forces Deployment Medal (Einsatzmedaille der Bundeswehr) is a decoration of the Bundeswehr.

The decoration is awarded for military service in a designated military campaign. It is awarded to all German soldiers regardless ...  read more

Code: 50609


3rd Reich Feldspange 5 medaillen

3rd Reich Feldspange 5 medaillen

In a very good condition a 5 ribbon bar

It has been bleached a little bit by the sun. A rare variant with the Maria-Theresien Orden

- Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
- Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1939 2. Klasse mit Schwertern
- Österreich Militär-Maria-Theresien-Orden
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer mit Schwertern
- Dienstauszeichnung (most likely ...  read more

Code: 50614


Kaiserreich Feldspange 4 medaillen

Kaiserreich Feldspange 4 medaillen

Kaiserreich Field clasp 4 medals

In an excellent condition a ribbon bar with 4 ribbons.

Ribbon bar is made in South German style

1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Lippe Kriegsverdienstkreuz 1914
3. Frontkämpferehrenkreuz mit Schwertern 1914-1918
4. Dienstauszeichnung  read more

Code: 50615

45.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Feldspange 3 medaillen

Kaiserreich Feldspange 3 medaillen

In a very good condition a ribbon bar with 3 ribbons.

Rare variation

- Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914

- Württemberg Militär-Verdienstmedaille

- Oldenburg Friedrich-August-Kreuz für Nichtkampfer  read more

Code: 50612


3rd Reich (DRK) Rotes Kreuzes Armbinde mit stempel

3rd Reich (DRK) Rotes Kreuzes Armbinde mit stempel

In an excellent condition a German Red Cross Armband with stamp

This example is a printed version of a DRK Armband. The Germans also re-used a lot of found stock from other countries, after a usability check they were re-stamped.  read more

Code: 50610

35.00 EUR

NATO Non-Article 5 medal for ISAF

NATO Non-Article 5 medal for ISAF

In a mint condition a US service medal for the ISAF operation in the Balkans

Non-Article 5 Medal in box. Back of the box marked AB

The NATO ISAF medal
For U.S. forces, eligibility for the Non-Article 5 Medal for the Balkans remains the same as those previous NATO medals with the exception of the dates of service. Those members entering the Balkan theatre on ...  read more

Code: 50608

20.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Ehejubiläums-Medaille 50. Jahre Wilhelm I

Kaiserreich Ehejubiläums-Medaille 50. Jahre Wilhelm I

In a very good condition an anniversary medal 50 years of marriage Wilhelm I

Ribbon is new!

King of Prussia Wilhelm Friedrich Ludwig von Preußen married Augusta von Sachsen-Weimar-Eisenach on June 11th 1829. This remembrance coin is to remember their 50 years of marriage. Since 1871 Wilhelm was know as Wilhelm I the first Deutsche Kaiser for the Deutsche Reich  read more

Code: 50607

70.00 EUR

Austria-Hungary Feldspange 3 medaillen

Austria-Hungary Feldspange 3 medaillen

In a very good condition a ribbon bar with 3 ribbons.

Rare variation

- Österreich Ehrenzeichen vom Roten Kreuz 2. Klasse

– Österreich Karl Truppenkreuz.

- Österreich Verwundetenmedaille  read more

Code: 50611

37.50 EUR

Austria-Hungary Feldspange 4 medaillen

Austria-Hungary Feldspange 4 medaillen

In an excellent condition a 4 ribbon bar

- Österreich Tapferkeitsmedaille
- Österreich Marianerkreuz des deutschen Ritterordens
- Österreich Franz-Joseph-Orden
- Österreich Verdienstkreuz  read more

Code: 50616


Kaiserreich Feldspange 1 medaille

Kaiserreich Feldspange 1 medaille

In an excellent condition a one piece ribbon bar

- Anhalt Hausorden Albrecht des Bären Kommandeurzeichen  read more

Code: 50613

15.00 EUR

3rd Reich (DRK) Rotes Kreuzes Armbindes mit stempel

3rd Reich (DRK) Rotes Kreuzes Armbindes mit stempel

In an excellent condition a German Red Cross Armband with stamp

This example is a printed version of a DRK Armband. The Germans also re-used a lot of found stock from other countries, after a usability check they were re-stamped.  read more

Code: 50303

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich K98 Koppelschuh

3rd Reich K98 Koppelschuh

In a used but good condition a K98 frog

The frog is marked with RB.Nr. '0/0676/0039' and most likely the year number 43 (1943).

See photo's for condition. Priced accordingly  read more

Code: 50606

65.00 EUR

3rd Reich Verleihungsurkunde Kriegsmarine Eiserne Kreuz 1. Klasse

3rd Reich Verleihungsurkunde Kriegsmarine Eiserne Kreuz 1. Klasse

In an excellent condition a Kriegsmarine award certificate iron cross 1st class.

Awarded to Maschinenmaat Gerd. v.d. Emde and Signed by the kapitän zur see in service of the Führer der Unterseeboote West.  read more

Code: 50605


BRD Polizei Offizier Schirmmütze Niedersachsen

BRD Polizei Offizier Schirmmütze Niedersachsen

In an excellent condition a Visor Cap from a police officer from Niedersachsen

The time period of this visor cap is from around 1960. The emblem of the jumping horse is typical for Niedersachsen. Maker markings Albert Kempf Mützenfabrik. Wuppertal-Vohwinkel. Size 57

It belonged to Herr Hülsmeier. Apparently a known father and son were important figures in the Niede...  read more

Code: 50604

30.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Ordensspange 3 medaillen (Baden)

Kaiserreich Ordensspange 3 medaillen (Baden)

In an excellent condition a medal bar 3 positions (Baden)

1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914 (Hersteller M) B.H. Mayer, Pforzheim
2. Badische Silberne Verdienstmedaille Friedrich II. 1908 (Kriegsmetall versilbert)
3. Badische Dienstauszeichnung 2.Klasse 12 Jahre 1913  read more

Code: 53795

200.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Feldspange 3 medaillen

Kaiserreich Feldspange 3 medaillen

In an excellent condition a ribbon bar with 3 ribbons.

Ribbon bar is made in South German style

1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Badische Silberne Verdienstmedaille Friedrich II. 1908
3. Frontkämpferehrenkreuz mit Schwertern  read more

Code: 50598

37.50 EUR

Kaiserreich Feldspange 4 medaillen

Kaiserreich Feldspange 4 medaillen

In an excellent condition a ribbon bar with 4 ribbons.

1. Eisernes Kreuz 2.Klasse 1914
2. Bayern Militär-Verdienstkreuz, 2. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern, am Kämpferband, 3. Ausgabe
3. Frontkämpferehrenkreuz mit Schwertern
4. Ungarn Kriegsdenkmünze 1914-1918  read more

Code: 50596

45.00 EUR

Swiss Armee Patronentasche Vetterli M1891

Swiss Armee Patronentasche Vetterli M1891

In an excellent condition a Swiss army Vetterli ammunition bag.

In a rare complete condition together with the leather belt.

The bag is marked on the back with maker markings
G. Chatton and A Romont. This specific variant is not dated. It has however some scratches leather marking of its previous owner. H. I. which is scratched in small and large letters.read more

Code: 50603

95.00 EUR

3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 1939 (Rudolf Souval)

3rd Reich Eisernes Kreuz 1. Klasse 1939 (Rudolf Souval)

In an very good condition an original EK1 Souval with box.

This Eisernes Kreuz 1939 1. Klasse is an original 1st pattern wartime period medal. The medal is a 3-part construction and has en iron core inside a silver construction. WIth a very nice catch. The original box in a very good state and belongs to this medal. The bottom of the box misses a part of the paper, but nothing c...  read more

Code: 50600


3rd Reich Feldspange 2 medaillen

3rd Reich Feldspange 2 medaillen

In an excellent condition a ribbon bar with 2 ribbons.

1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1939
2. Wehrmachtdienstauszeichnung 4 jahre  read more

Code: 50595


Kaiserreich Feldspange 3 medaillen

Kaiserreich Feldspange 3 medaillen

In an excellent condition a ribbon bar with 3 ribbons.

Ribbon bar is made in South German style

1. Bayern Militär-Verdienstkreuz, 2. Klasse mit Krone und Schwertern, am Kämpferband, 3. Ausgabe
2. Frontkämpferehrenkreuz mit Schwertern
3. Ungarn Kriegsdenkmünze 1914-1918  read more

Code: 50597

37.50 EUR

Swiss Armee Brotsack aus Leder 19. Jahrhundert

Swiss Armee Brotsack aus Leder 19. Jahrhundert

In a very good condition a Swiss Breadbag from the 19th century

The breadbag has a shield marking on the leather holding strap. with 13 5 pointed dots.

The breadbag is a canvas bag which is hold in place with rings and hooks and in the middle with a button to the leather frame. The leather is still flexible. the back of the leather has various cracks but it is stab...  read more

Code: 50602

55.00 EUR

Kaiserreich Feldspange 4 medaillen

Kaiserreich Feldspange 4 medaillen

In an very good condition a ribbon bar with 4 ribbons.

Ribbon bar is made in South German style

1. Eisernes Kreuz 2. Klasse 1914
2. Württemberg Silberne Militärverdienstmedaille 1892
3. Frontkämpferehrenkreuz mit Schwertern
4. Oldenburg Kriegsverdienstmedaille 1916–1918  read more

Code: 50599

45.00 EUR

3rd Reich Feldflasche Rot Ersatz M31

3rd Reich Feldflasche Rot Ersatz M31

In an used condition a M31 Red Enamel Ersatz Canteen

These canteens are made from steel and are enamelled. This specific version comes with an aluminium cap from an older canteen and is marked HRE38.

The canteen has no visible maker marks and has dents. The enamel is intact  read more

Code: 50601

35.00 EUR

3rd Reich Feldspange 3 medaillen

3rd Reich Feldspange 3 medaillen

In an excellent condition a ribbon bar with 3 ribbons.

1. Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2.Klasse 1939
2. Medaille Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/42
3. Deutsches Schutzwall-Ehrenzeichen  read more

Code: 50594

37.50 EUR

3rd Reich Feldspange 3 medaillen

3rd Reich Feldspange 3 medaillen

In an excellent condition a ribbon bar with 3 ribbons.

1. Kriegsverdienstkreuz mit Schwertern 2.Klasse 1939
2. Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht für 12 Jahre
3. Dienstauszeichnung der Wehrmacht für 4 Jahre  read more

Code: 50593

37.50 EUR

Switzerland Cavalerie feldflasche 1888-1898

Switzerland Cavalerie feldflasche 1888-1898

In an excellent condition a Swiss army Cavalry canteen 1888-1898

These canteens were made out of thick glass and surrounded by a leather sown jacket. A long leather belt was used because this was necessary for the cavalry men, Under the metal cap was a cork to close the bottle.

As can be seen on the photo's, the leather is in excellent condition and flexible. The...  read more

Code: 50592

60.00 EUR

3rd Reich Die Olympischen Winterspiele vorschau auf Berlin 1936

3rd Reich Die Olympischen Winterspiele vorschau auf Berlin 1936

In an excellent condition Part 1 of the Olympic 1936 album set. Winter games

This book is complete with all photo's and pictures that had to be collected. It was from Cigaretten-Bilderdienst Altona-Bahrenfeld.  read more

Code: 50591

40.00 EUR

Deutsche Reich Unsere Marine im Weltkrieg 1914-1918

Deutsche Reich Unsere Marine im Weltkrieg 1914-1918

In an excellent condition Unsere Marine im Weltkrieg 1914-1918

Written by Vizeadmiral a.D. Dr. Eberhard von Mantey a +/- 5 kilogram weighing large book 35,5cm x 28cm with 490 pages. With dozens of pictures, drawnings, battle maps, photo's and other illustrations from the German Marine during the WWI. The book is complete and in excellent condition

For any Marine en...  read more

Code: 50590

90.00 EUR