Serbia Споменица Српско-Турског рата 1912 Serbia Споменица Српско-Турског рата 1912

Serbia Споменица Српско-Турског рата 1912

In a good condition a Serbian-Turkish war medal of 1912

Remnants of the triangle shaped ribbon present

Frontside: Освећено Косово (Sanctified Kosovo) and in the sun 1912, underneath war cannon, on the sides laurel wreath. Signed by the maker.

Backside:Tthe Serbian royal coat of arms, a double-headed eagle with a Serbian shield on the chest, surrounded by a laurel wreath. In each leaf of the wreath is written the name of the main places where the battles of the war were fought. On the left side, starting from the top, the names are written: КУМАНОВО, СКОПЉЕ, ПРИЛЕП, ЈЕДРЕНЕ, ВЕЛЕС, Н. ПАЗАР, ДЕБАР, ШТИП, ПРИЗРЕН, МРДАРЕ, БИТОЉ, СКАДАР, ОХРИД, СЈЕНИЦА, ДОЈРАН, ЉЕШ, ТЕТОВО, ДРАЧ, ЕЛБАСАН, ПРИШТИНА (Kumanovo, Skopje, Prilep, Edirne, Veles, Novi Pazar, Debar, Štip, Prizren, Merdare, Bitola, Shkodër, Ohrid, Sjenica, Dojran, Lezhë, Tetovo, Durrës, Elbasan, Priština).

Background info:
The medal was established on October 31, 1913 in memory of the first Balkan war in which Serbia won. The medal was awarded to all those who participated and contributed to the war effort with their actions. After its establishment, slightly more than 400 thousand copies of this award were awarded

Code: 53777

40.00 EUR